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OMEGA Guardian

Page 4

by Stephen Arseneault

  Garrett replied, "You certainly don’t waste time, do you."

  I smiled. "I can only effect my release from this place if I have champions here who will back me. The Saltons have little influence in Omega because they have largely abandoned it. The colonies are poor by Alpha standards, and there are far fewer of them. It doesn’t appear to be rich in minerals either, much of those having been mined during the earlier AMP years. It truly is a place where you can be put and then forgotten about."

  Garrett said, "So, is there a place where I can safely crash? Are there rooms for rent?"

  I replied, "I am certain there are indeed rooms to rent. Safety, however, is another matter. Until you get settled, if you would like, the bunk on the Mabel is available. It is currently too small for me. I have an assigned apartment, but it is not ready for occupation."

  Garrett furrowed his brow. "Where do you sleep in the meantime?"

  I laughed. "I don’t. I get rest where I can. It's not ideal for a Grunta to stay awake for long periods, but it's not impossible to do, either."

  Garrett looked at the box in my hands. "What’s in the package?"

  I set the steel container down and entered the cipher code, the latch flipped open. "It's from Ogu. I have three arm pads and a separate package."

  My eyes grew big as I smiled. "Oh, and a package of coffee!"

  Garrett laughed. "I didn’t think Gruntas got that emotional. So, coffee is the trigger, huh?"

  I began to open the package. "It’s impossible to come by out here. If a person was to farm it in this sector, they could make a fortune. They would, however, likely be taken over by those in power. Control is not something the individual has much of out here. What the—"

  Garrett replied, "What?"

  I scowled. "It isn’t coffee. It’s a device used to scan for bugs. Ogu must have thought I could make use of it."

  Garrett shook his head. "That’s a letdown. On a different subject, from what I hear on those colonies that joined the Orwallians, their freedoms are being stripped away as well. All in the name of cleansing the colonies of people with sympathies for the New Alliance, of course. It seems those who are now in charge are not that different from those they took control from."

  I replied, "We all want to believe that we could do better ourselves. Great temptation comes with power and control. Many are then blinded to what they thought they believed. This is why very few Gruntas make it as politicians: most have principles that they will not compromise."

  Garrett nodded. "I try to avoid politics, as almost everyone involved has an agenda that they are not up-front with. Anyway, I appreciate the offer of the bunk. I think I will take you up on it for a few days at least."

  Malcom Barber walked up behind us. "Where did you get the arm pads?"

  I replied, "I have my sources."

  Malcom held out his credit store. "I’ll give you five hundred credits for one right now."

  I laughed. "They aren't for sale."

  Malcom again gestured. "OK, how about one thousand? Fifteen hundred?"

  I shook my head. "They are not for sale."

  Go joined the conversation. "You have an arm pad? Nice!"

  I turned. "You want one?"

  Go nodded. "What? Are you kidding? I've always wanted one! I've only seen a few of them in this sector, and they are always on the very wealthy or powerful."

  I pulled a second arm pad out of the container and handed it to Go. "I'll show you how to use it. These should speed things up for us."

  Malcom scowled. "You won’t sell me one, but you will give one to that moron?"

  I leaned in close to Malcom and whispered, "Perhaps it’s best that you leave."

  Malcom turned and quietly walked back to his ship.

  Garrett spoke. "Who was that clown?"

  Go replied, "Malcom Barber. He’s an evil man. I think he had my last partner killed for spite."

  I said, "He is not a concern. Store your gear in the Mabel. Perhaps you can assist me for a few hours."

  I reached into the container and retrieved the third arm pad.

  Garrett replied, "Whatever you need."

  I took Go by the shoulder. "You stay here with the ship. We have some business to take care of down on level 99."

  Go nodded as we turned to walk toward the bay doors.

  "Mr. Rourke. Can I assume that you have a blaster concealed on you somewhere?", I said.

  Garrett replied, "I do."

  When we reached the stairwell and began to proceed down, I spoke. "You will want to keep it accessible. The place we are going is not safe. Bleurgh is plentiful, and those who sell it are in control."

  Garrett nodded. "And just what are we going to be doing down there?"

  I smiled. "We are going to clean it up. It’s time this station had some order returned."

  Garrett gestured toward the extra arm pad. "Who's that for?"

  I replied, "The super on my floor is going to be my eyes and ears down here. When we have this level cleaned up, we are going to work our way up, floor by floor. Those who are currently in control will not be happy, so we should expect resistance."

  Garrett glanced farther down the stairs. "I have to wonder why you are taking this on. I would think you are just going to be making enemies."

  I stopped. "For my entire life I have had order. AMP brought order. Even the New Alliance, in my immediate surroundings, had order. My family farm has order. This place has none. I do not function well without it."

  Garrett laughed. "I think you function just fine without it. You just don’t like it. But I have no issue with helping you. I need you to be on top of your game in order for me to accomplish what I need to do. If we have to crack a few bleurgh heads to do it, then I am with you."

  Chapter 4

  We stepped out into the main corridor on level 99. Several minutes later, we were standing in front of Cal Hoog’s door. I knocked.

  Cal answered through the door. "Who is there?"

  I replied, "Knog Beutcher. I have something for you."

  The door opened, and Cal pointed towards Garrett. "Who is that?"

  I smiled. "This is my associate, Mr. Rourke. He will be helping us today."

  Cal invited us in. Cal’s brothers and cousins were again sitting inside the Feldon’s apartment.

  I held out the arm pad. "Here. Put this on. Are you familiar with arm pads?"

  Cal took the device and looked it over. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

  I replied, "It's an interface to the station’s assets."

  I held up my arm and flipped on the holo-display. An image floated above my arm.

  I continued, "With this device we are able to access the station security assets. We have cameras on every level and every hall. We have the number of citizens who are present on a level at any given time. We have access to hall lighting, temperature control, oxygen levels, and even gravity disbursement. The main gravity generators work from below, but each level has microgenerators that give a standard, planet-like feel to its pull. When turned off on a level, it can be quite disorienting."

  Cal slipped the device over his forearm. "OK, what do I do with it now?"

  I pointed towards a single button. "This is on-off. Think of this as a home button that will bring you to a main screen. From there you can access the station’s systems. You will be asked for a security protocol, which I can provide. When turned on, the arm pad will lightly bond to your skin. Once I set the protocol, it won’t be usable by anyone else. It will know who you are."

  Cal pushed the On button and was startled as the device cinched tight onto his arm. "Hey! This thing is pricking me!"

  I replied, "Give it a moment; I assure you it will be comfortable once the bonding is complete. In a day or two, you won’t even realize its there. Now, while the bonding is taking place, press the home button."

  A holo-display came to life above Cal’s forearm. "Whoa, that is kind of freaky."

  I spoke. "Poke your finger at the gear sym
bol. There will be an access code to enter. That's the protocol setting I have."

  Cal brought up the secondary screen.

  I continued, "Before we do this, I want you to be fully aware of what we are going to be doing here. We are taking back this level. It will not be an easy task, and those in control will be unhappy with us. Your life and the life of your family here—the people we are taking control from, they probably won’t hesitate to kill you all. Before I enter this protocol, are you sure you want this responsibility? There won’t be any going back from this once we start."

  Cal looked at the arm pad and nodded. "I am ready, Mr. Beutcher. We have been living in the shadows for too long. It has been a struggle since our parents were taken away. We would very much like it to be as it was when we were young."

  I looked at Cal. "Your parents were taken away?"

  Cal nodded. "Six years ago. All the older generation were rounded up and taken away. We don’t know where or why. My father was the super on this level before. We do what we can. Since the bleurgh sellers moved in, we have kept a low profile. They have a Gammatin that they bring around with them as an enforcer."

  Garrett spoke. "A Gammatin?"

  Cal walked over to the comm device on the wall by his door and pulled up an image. "Here, this is him. He’s almost Mr. Beutcher’s height, but he easily outweighs him. He carries a club and doesn’t hesitate to use it. When he viciously killed the first two complainers, everyone else disappeared into their apartments. That was two years ago."

  I spoke. "Did you make up the list of tenants? Who should be here and who should not?"

  Cal nodded. "Can I upload to this device from my wall comm?"

  I replied, "Yes. Select here and then here. You can then connect to the file system on the comm unit."

  Cal uploaded the file and then smiled. "Where do we want to start?"

  I opened the door. "Have you identified any living on your hallway that should not be here?"

  Cal pointed. "Five doors down, apartment 9. Four young Feldons moved in when the couple that lived there were taken away. They have threatened us more than I would care to mention. If we can kick them out, it would improve this hall immensely."

  We proceeded down the hall and knocked on the door to apartment 9. Garrett and I stood to the side as Cal and his brothers waited for a response.

  The door opened and a middle-aged Feldon stepped out. "What do you want? I told you never to bother us."

  Cal smiled. "It’s time for you to leave, Concat! I have been waiting for this day to come, and today is my day. You and your friends have to go find somewhere else to squat."

  The Feldon stepped farther into the hall with an angry expression on his face and a clenched fist. "You must be crazy. You are the one who—"

  I stepped up beside Cal. "Call your friends out. It’s time for you to go. Only those with qualified leases will be staying. None of you have a lease for this level. It’s time for you to leave."

  The angry Feldon turned to go back inside the apartment. I reached out, grabbing him by his neck. My fingers easily reached around to touch my thumb.

  I spoke. "You will be leaving now, Mr. Concat. YOU IN THERE! Come out. If I have to come in there, it will be unpleasant!"

  Three Feldons came out with scowls on their faces. I pushed Concat into the hallway by his neck and then let go. "Level 99 is off limits to the four of you. If I see you here again, I will take each of you by the neck and squeeze hard."

  Concat began to walk down the hall as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That apartment was given to us by Victor! We will be getting it back when he hears about this!"

  I growled and stomped my foot in their direction. The four Feldon squatters began to run.

  I looked over to Cal. "Who's next?"

  Cal grinned. "Apartment 3!"

  The next five hours were spent expelling those who did not belong. Out of almost four hundred apartments, sixty-six had just become available. When the last of the miscreants had been evicted, the other residents began to emerge from their hovels.

  Cal pulled up the holo-display over his arm pad. With a few swipes of his fingers he had a list of the comms for all current residents of level 99.

  Cal spoke over the comm. "This is Cal Hoog, your super. If you have followed the commotion in the hallways today, you would know that level 99 is now once again under the control of valid leaseholders. Make a list of repairs that each of your apartments is in need of, and we will begin the process of making things right. At this time, come out into the hallways for a celebration. I will be coming around to greet everyone as I can."

  Only minutes had passed before the hallways began to fill with residents. Most were apprehensive, but loosened up once Cal, his brothers, and their cousins had come around. There were obvious no-shows for those who were at work somewhere on the station, and for those who remained scared because it had been the way of life for them for so long. Garrett and I spent several hours at the main stairwell, turning back everyone coming down who did not belong.

  On more than one occasion the situation turned violent.

  As four Feldons approached with clubs and knives, Garrett spoke. "Sorry, fellas, this level is closed to all but residents."

  One of the Feldons spoke. "Out of our way, Human. We have business with the super."

  I stepped from around the corner. "As of now, you no longer have business on this level. Go back where you came from, or I will show you what an angry Grunta looks like."

  The Feldon laughed. "You won’t be so cocky when the Gammatin gets here!"

  The other Feldons laughed.

  Garrett said, "Well, perhaps you will want to go until the Gammatin arrives. My friend here, he likes to play with knives and clubs."

  The Feldon leader offered a half scowl and then jumped down the steps, swinging his club with both hands. I blocked with my right forearm and then caught the Feldon flat in the ribs with my left fist. He went sprawling to the floor, gasping for breath with his now-damaged right lung. The other Feldons hesitated to follow his lead.

  Garrett grinned. "OK, two of you come down here and collect your friend. And tell your boss, whoever that is, that level 99 is now closed. If they have a problem with that, they need to come see us."

  As two of the Feldons stepped down to gather the leader of their group, I grabbed one of them by the neck. "You, tell me who you work for."

  The Feldon pointed toward his friend on the floor.

  I shook my head. "Who does he work for?"

  The Feldon was silent until I began tightening my grip.

  "We work for Casinas."

  I continued, "And this Casinas, who does he work for?"

  The Feldon looked at his friends with a terrified expression. They both nodded their approval of his giving the information.

  The Feldon stuttered a response. "Casinas works for Ko... Kominga. Kominga runs everything from level 84 down."

  I smiled and spoke to Garrett as I released the Feldon. "As soon as we take care of this Gammatin, I think we pay a visit to Casinas and then Kominga."

  A voice could be heard coming down the stairs. Casinas was a Human. "Well, I don’t think I have seen a live Grunta before. Impressive."

  I replied, "Your business is finished here on this station, Mr. Casinas. You have the opportunity to turn and leave now before things spiral out of control."

  Casinas smiled. "I have to say that I like your boldness. And you are?"

  Garrett spoke. "He is an agent working directly for the Saltons. They are reclaiming this station in the name of the New Alliance. It would be best for you if you left immediately."

  Casinas laughed. "The alliance has no authority out here. Now, I will give your Grunta friend one more opportunity to join me, before very bad things happen to him, and to you."

  Garrett smirked. "If you are talking about your Gammatin—"

  I held out my hand. "You may leave now, Mr. Casinas, or I will be forced to drag you back up those stairs by your

  Casinas nodded. "I believe you would if you could. However, you will have to get past my friend first. Harga! Could you come down here, please. I have a Grunta that is being difficult. I believe he may need to get acquainted with your club!"

  The Gammatin slowly came down the stairs. His big torso swayed from side to side with each step. The club in his right hand was just over a meter in length. At its thickest point it matched the diameter of one of Garrett Rourke’s legs. Garrett began to reach inside his tunic.

  I again held up my hand. "No need, Mr. Rourke. I’ve got this."

  I looked up at the grinning Gammatin standing at the turn of the stairwell. Although slightly shorter than my height, he easily outweighed me by more than two hundred kilograms.

  I spoke. "Harga. You do not have to do this. In a few short minutes, Casinas will no longer be employed. He will not be able to pay your salary."

  Casinas laughed. "Pay his salary! Hahaha! Harga does this because he likes to bash heads! I am certain he cannot wait to add a Grunta to his list of smashed skulls!"

  I looked up to the Gammatin, who now had an even bigger grin. Garrett stepped back. I raised my hand and signaled for the Gammatin to begin. He brought the club up over his head and let out a thunderous yell. Garrett took another step back.

  The Gammatin then lurched forward, charging down the steps as he swung his club. I stepped just to the right, the club grazing my left shoulder as it fell. The heavy iron club impacted the thick steel decking just to my left, forcing a deep depression into the floor. I swung my balled right fist, catching the Gammatin in the top left forehead by surprise. He stumbled backward, bumping into the wall at the base of the stairwell with a confused look on his face.

  As the heavy club began to be lifted into the air, I stepped hard in the Gammatin’s direction, bringing my solid left fist up under his jaw. The Gammatin’s swing was weak, his head snapping back as the club came forward without conviction. I spun to my right, knocking the wooden-and-steel instrument of death from Harga’s hand. As I completed the spin, my right elbow caught the Gammatin square in the right jaw, knocking him to his left and down onto the floor.


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