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Triple Shot

Page 8

by Ava Riley

  Chapter 14

  Josiah sat on Rowan's sofa flipping through the hundreds of channels the cable box offered and couldn't find one thing worthy of watching. He'd stopped at the Military channel out of habit. That channel had been one of his favorites when he roomed with a couple buddies near the base in Georgia when he was stationed there for a short time. One would think it would be the last thing they watched having lived the life, but it had become an almost daily ritual for them to sit and watch it. He flipped past it now, not finding any interest in it. Or maybe it was that he couldn’t pull his mind from the past few times he’d been around Susan.

  The first memory to fill his thoughts had been when he’d taken her home from the hospital. Although she’d been adamant about things being fine, he knew something was bothering her, but didn’t feel the need to push it when she’d not wanted to talk about it. But when he'd gone back to take her purse to her, he'd not expected to see her crying. His first thought, of course, was that he'd said something in the car to upset her, but as he played over in his mind their conversation, there wasn't anything that warranted tears. When he’d offered to talk things out with her, she’d thrown him the old worn out line that she was fine. He knew she wasn’t fine. People didn’t cry just to cry. Something always set them off and he knew she wasn’t being honest with him. She wasn’t obligated, though, so he didn’t push the issue. He’d contemplated telling Tessa, but figured since they were such close friends she’d already know what was going on with her and it really was none of his concern.

  The second memory was fresh in his mind. The short interlude of a botched surf lesson, courtesy of his mouth, had him rethinking his approach with Susan, but she’d shut him down after dinner also. The sweet little fireball grabbed his attentions and then squashed any hopes that they might spend time together when she declined his invitation for a night out.

  Josiah continued to peruse through the channel guide one more time then decided to give up on finding anything to watch. His mind just wasn't in it. He was itching to get out and do something, but everyone was tied up with their own lives. Cade had appointments at the office and Rowan had spent the last few days with Madison's nursing her back to health. Although no one really knew what was going on with her yet. Josiah had called Tessa to see about hitting Joe's Crab Shack earlier in the afternoon, but she was working on a freelance assignment for some local surfing magazine. When she turned down his offer, she'd suggested that he call Susan to get her out of the office. He'd told Tessa that from the track record he had with Susan, he knew she'd turn him down. Of course, Tessa had been quick to tell him that he was being ridiculous. She told him that Susan would be more than willing and that he should call her. Apparently Susan hadn’t shared the tidbit of information with Tessa that he’d already asked and she refused. Josiah knew it was a losing battle to try to argue with Tessa, though, she always found a way to win, and so he just told her that he would and dropped it.

  He pushed himself from the sofa and paced around the living room, trying to figure out what to do with himself. Waiting on others to finish up their daily routines would be how he spent his time while in California if he didn't make a decision soon about his immediate future. Cade and Rowan were hounding him to stay and go into practice with them, but he wasn't sure if that was really what he wanted. He loved California, had been missing it since he left, but being here now, he wasn't sure if it was where he belonged. So much had changed, not just the surroundings, but the people he'd been so close to, had gone on with their lives without him. Cade and Tessa were married now, Rowan's life was consumed with Madison and all Josiah had was a head full of memories from a war he’d never believed in and an ache in the center of his chest he wasn’t accustomed to experiencing. He knew his feelings of being misplaced were nothing more than his feelings of being replaced, but he couldn’t relinquish the emotions no matter how much he struggled with them.

  Josiah had never been in any real relationship that held any kind of significant meaning; he never wanted the hassle of it. During medical school, he'd been consumed with school work, during his time in the military he'd been a Marine with no time for anything else. The military had been his everything; he committed his entire life to it for the time he allotted to them. Oh there’d been women whose company he enjoyed, but they were all just for the physical pleasure of it. He’d even had a couple nurses in Afghanistan who’d been nothing more than friends with benefits. It had worked out fine for him, no strings, no attachments, and all the bullshit that came with a serious relationship had been left on the floor in the midst of the pile of clothes they’d shed. Now, he felt like he was just floating through life. He wanted to keep practicing medicine, but he wasn't sure he wanted it to be here. He could do all that in Texas where he'd be close to his family, but Cade, Tessa, and Rowan were family, also. So the battle within him ensued.

  Josiah grabbed his cell from the coffee table and the keys to the rental car he’d picked up yesterday and decided a trip to The Launchpad was just what he needed. Throwing down a few beers and taking in some eye candy would do him good. Descending the front steps of Rowan’s place, he watched as Madison and Rowan took the short walk from her place over to where he stood.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked Madison, noticing that her skin had finally regained its natural color.

  “Much better. Thank you for asking.”

  “Where are you off to?” Rowan asked.

  “Thought I’d go grab a couple beers at The Launchpad. Y’all aren’t up to it, are you?”

  Rowan shook his head. “Not tonight. I don’t want Madison to overdo it.”

  “Rowan, I told you I’m fine. Why don’t you just go out with Josiah?”

  Rowan looked to Josiah. “No offense, but I’d much rather keep her company,” he said gently stroking Madison’s shoulders.

  “None taken. I’m outta here then. Glad you’re feeling better, Madison.”

  “Thanks, Josiah.”

  Without another word, Josiah slipped into the driver’s seat of the green Honda Accord he rented and watched as Rowan and Madison disappeared into the house. He shook his head then pulled out of the driveway and headed to The Launchpad. He didn’t suspect that it would be very busy with it being a Tuesday night, which would be fine with him. He just wanted to have a few drinks, enjoy the scenery, and relax.

  When Josiah arrived at the club, there were actually more people there than he anticipated for a week night. Some in groups, their business attire revealing they had come for happy hour after a day in the office. Others were single men and women at the bar and a few couples out on the dance floor or at the surrounding tables. Josiah slipped past the bouncer once he showed his ID and took a seat at the front bar. He ordered a Corona with a shot then swung his legs around with the middle of his back pressed to the edge of the bar as he waited for his drinks. The song coming through the overhead speakers seemed louder than usual, but then again when he’d frequented The Launchpad it normally had been filled to almost overflowing with bodies. Tonight there weren’t enough people to deaden the sound much.

  “Do you want me to start you a tab?” the bartender asked, placing the drinks on the bar in front of him.

  Josiah swung around to face the bartender and pulled his credit card from his wallet, sliding it across the smooth surface. “Sure. Thanks.”

  He tipped the shot back, the warm liquid almost scalding his throat as it slid past his lips and made its journey downward, then chased it with a quick swig of the ice cold beer.

  “Kind of quiet tonight,” Josiah stated when the bartender returned to retrieve the shot glass.

  “Hmm, it’s pretty normal for a Tuesday. Wednesdays are our busiest during the week. If you’re looking for some action, that’s the best night. Other than the weekend, of course.”

  Josiah shook his head. “Just looking to relax with a few drinks, that’s all.”

  The bartender walked off to help another customer who’d just arrived on
the other side of the bar. Josiah thought he might have recognized the woman, but couldn’t remember where he’d seen her. She had her blond hair pulled up into a ponytail and what he could make out from where he sat, she wore a white button up shirt that clung to her thin body. Typical California girl, he thought to himself. Josiah tipped his beer to her when she glanced over at him, then pressed the opening of the bottle to his lips. As he finished off the last of his beer, the bartender returned with another shot and Corona.

  “Just the beer, no more shots for me tonight,” he said pushing the glass away from him.

  “That one is from the lady,” the bartender nodded in the direction of the blond.

  Josiah lifted the glass, and downed the drink, never taking his eyes from the woman as she sauntered over in his direction.

  Chapter 15

  Just one night, Josiah thought to himself, setting the glass on the bar, his eyes taking in the beauty of the blond approaching him. He could have her for one night and be done with it. Slake his thirst, relieve the pent up frustration he’d felt for the past few weeks and move on. Hell, most single women who came into a bar in the middle of the week were looking for the same thing, weren’t they? The blond slid into the seat next to him, grabbed the shot glass and held it up to the bartender.

  “Oh, not another for me. I’ve had my limit,” he said to the woman.

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” she asked.

  Josiah shook his head as he tried to place her. He had seen her before, but couldn’t remember where. Remembering a beautiful woman like her should be an easy task, but for some reason he couldn’t find her in his memory. He had always been bad with names, but never with a pretty face or a smoking hot body, both of which she possessed.

  “Erin,” she said sticking her hand out to his. “Your little friend, Susan, is the one who assaulted me not so long ago.”

  Josiah waved to the bartender for another shot of whiskey. He’d need it, he was certain of that. The last time he’d seen Erin, her hair had been down and her ass had been planted on the floor of this very bar. And Susan had been the one to put her there. Rowan had filled him in, after Susan had fled the bar, on all the horror stories about Erin. She’d tried to cheat on Rowan with Cade the night before she and Rowan were to be married, so Rowan had called it off, yet because she still worked for Cade, the woman still had a foot planted in their lives.

  “Ah yes, I do remember that vaguely,” he said. “Put both the shots on my tab,” he told the bartender when his third shot appeared before him.

  “You have a problem with a woman buying you a drink?” Erin asked.

  “Not at all. I’m all for feminism and all that equal rights bullshit. I just have an issue with you buying me a drink.”

  Erin let out a laugh. “So Susan’s told you the lies about me then?”

  “Honestly, she didn’t tell me anything, but I’m certain Rowan’s version is a little more accurate than anyone else’s.”

  “Not everything you hear, even from friends, is true. I’m just throwing that out to you.”

  Josiah knew he should grab his beer and find another seat, but that ache in his body urged him to stay. That need for release told him that Erin could give it to him and that no one would need to know. One night, he silently told himself. Rowan wouldn’t even need to know. Josiah had been with women before that Rowan knew, but he’d not once told him about any of their escapades. He could keep this one a secret, as well. One night, he repeated to himself again. But it was Erin. The woman who hurt Rowan, the one who almost drove a wedge between his two best friends and who Susan had had an adverse reaction to. If any of them found out, they’d never forgive him. He’d definitely find himself on a train, making his way to Texas and who knows if he’d ever speak to them again. And what would Susan think of him if he found the physical pleasure with Erin that he so wanted with her? And why did he care? She didn’t show any signs of wanting him. Just the opposite had occurred. She’d made it perfectly clear to him that she had no interest in it at all. Hell, he was a grown man and could have sex with anyone he wanted. He didn’t need permission or approval from any of them. Erin hadn’t done anything to him, except buy him a drink. Just walk away, he told himself nonetheless. And although he knew he should, his ass stayed in the seat and his third shot found its way to his mouth. As he finished off the shot, Erin’s fingers caressed his inner thigh, her long fingernails scraping against the Wranglers that clung to him like a second skin. Her fingers inching up his thigh caused his cock to twitch and he slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her touch for a moment.

  “How about a dance?” he asked as he slammed his shot glass down and finished off his beer.

  “Sure,” she said as she released his thigh.

  They made the rounds on the dance floor, Josiah unable to stop himself from comparing Erin to Susan. Erin was much more graceful when it came to dancing, but the feel of her body next to his felt wrong. Susan’s had caused heat to run through his veins, and although his body had a reaction to Erin, it had been minimal to the way he was affected by Susan. With Susan, it had taken every ounce of energy he had to keep his hands to himself. However, with Erin he knew he’d have to touch her if he wanted to find the physical release he was looking for, so he pushed the vision of Susan from his mind and placed his hands on the firmness of Erin’s ass. There were only a few other couples in the bar so the two of them had the floor pretty much to themselves. As they slow danced, he cupped the back of her head, lowering his mouth to hers. He didn’t even have to make a request with his tongue for entrance as Erin had opened her mouth to him immediately, lashing out her tongue eagerly. He felt disappoint rise at once, wanting there to be some kind of battle of wills, but she proved that he’d get no fight from her. One night. Get her out of here, find your release, and be done with it.

  “How about you take me back to your place?” Erin asked as she slid her arms around his neck, her body pressed tightly to his.

  Josiah shook his head, his mind clouding as his cock began to harden while Erin’s fingertips gently scraped the nape of his neck. That part of his body, as well as his throat, had always been erogenous zones for him. Touch him there with fingernails or lips and his cock would respond.

  “I’m staying at Rowan’s, that wouldn’t be a good idea. We can go to your place or get a hotel.”

  “My place is good,” she responded.

  Josiah placed his hand on the small of Erin’s back and led her to the bar. He couldn’t help but notice how differently it felt, his fingertips not traveling the length of her spine as he had with Susan, the desire to do so absent. He shook his head to push the woman out of his mind. He came here tonight to relax, to find some action, and to forget about Susan. Waving over the bartender so that he could close out his tab, his cock pressed against the denim he wore as Erin’s hand slid down over his ass while he signed off on the bill. They quickly navigated their way out to the parking lot, Josiah informing Erin he didn’t want to drive after having the number of drinks he’d had. She offered to drive, vowing to bring him to his car once he sobered up. A quickie to release the ache in his crotch and he’d be done with her, he thought. Just one night, became his mantra. He wasn’t sure if it was to get him through what he knew he shouldn’t be doing or to remind himself that he wasn’t looking for something long term just this one night. When they reached Erin’s car, he walked her to the driver’s side ready to open the door for her. She leaned her ass against the car, the buzz of the parking lot lights the only sound as she pulled him into her. Lowering his head to hers, he pressed his lips to her mouth. His left hand found the nape of her neck as he kissed her with a bruising force. All the pent up frustration and need he had coursing through his body came out in that kiss. Erin mistook it for passion, but in his heart he knew there wouldn’t be the true passion he was sure he could have with Susan. This night would be only about slaking his need to bury himself deep within a woman. Pushing Susan from his thoughts, he
ground his hips into Erin’s as the kiss deepened. She moaned into his mouth then pressed the palm of her hand into the bulge in his pants. God, it had been too long since someone other than himself touched him there. He pressed himself into her hand harder, wanting desperately to release himself here and now. As she rubbed at his thickening cock, he pulled the hem of her shirt up, his hand sliding underneath and finding her bare breast. Of course, she didn’t wear a bra. A woman like Erin wouldn’t and at the moment he was more than thankful for it. Exploring her mouth with his tongue, his fingers pinched her nipple then kneaded her breast as she continued to stroke him through his jeans. He needed to find himself buried deep within her core and he needed to do it quickly. Releasing her breast and breaking the kiss, he quickly pushed her hand aside and pulled open the door, ushering her in.

  “In a hurry, are we?” Erin laughed.

  Josiah didn’t answer. A conversation with her wasn’t what he was looking for or intending to have during the night. All he wanted was to bury his cock deep within the heat of a woman and Erin just happened to be readily available.


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