Book Read Free

Lightning Strikes Twice

Page 7

by Erik Schubach

  With one last look at the mess on the ground, I pulled away and got us back on the road again. Continually glancing into my rear view mirror at the trash can until it was out of sight. Victoria squeezed my hand gently and I forgot all about the mess. Well, mostly. Maybe I can sneak out later to go clean it up. I could… I forgot what I was obsessing about when I glanced over to a smiling blonde and those crystal blues were all I could think about suddenly.

  I blushed and pulled into the gallery lot. It was Christmas, everyone should be in their homes with their families, celebrating, not looking at my memories on canvas. The lot was packed! I circled and was about to head toward a pay lot down the street when Vicky pointed with her free hand. I grinned and pulled into the slot that had a big signpost with a brass plaque that read, “Reserved for Galley Owner” The silly look on her face was priceless, classic Vickster.

  We all hopped out and the anxiety started hitting me. I was fidgeting with my hands and wringing my fingers as we approached the door. I hate crowds. Oh, and being out in the world. And noodles… noodles are so random and hard to organize, they are the bane of my existence. A moment later I had something else to fixate on as warmth started spreading through my body from the contact as my blonde companion grabbed my hand and laced our fingers.

  But a moment later she pulled me to a halt when she froze on the sidewalk. I glanced at her then followed her gaze to the door. Standing there was a short woman in her early sixties that I recognized right away. Maira Davenport, Vicky’s mom. I felt excitement mixed with shame, looking at the smiling woman who had her hands pressed together in front of her lips. I hadn’t visited the Davenport’s since Victoria left after Valla’s funeral service. Maybe I’m a bad person, but I didn’t want to be reminded of the loss of my best friend after the loss of my wife. I’m a coward and I am weak.

  Vicky let go of me and took two steps forward as Maira, who took two of her own up to her and the women hugged desperately. When they pulled apart, Vicky looked embarrassed and looked down, she spread her arms slightly to her sides. “Ummm… surprise mom? I’m home?”

  Maira just shook her head at her daughter with a crooked smile until she glanced over at me. She covered her mouth, then grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. “Mia! It has been too long!” Then she looked over my shoulder and her smile bloomed even more as she released me. “Baby Abbey is all grown up.”

  Now my daughter was blushing. I smiled and said, “Maira, you changed Abbey’s diapers, and the lovely woman with her there is her wonderful fiance, Samantha. Girls, this is Victoria’s mother, Maira Davenport.” Maira shook each of their hands and then gushed over how grown up Abbey was. I came to the rescue by saying, “They are expecting me inside, I wouldn’t want to upset the new gallery owner.”

  I grinned at Vicky, who blushed cutely. Her mother looked between us and connected the dots. Again Vicky said, “Ummm… surprise?”

  Maira rolled her eyes and looped her arm in mine and pulled me away from Vic and toward the door, saying comically, “That girl.” God help me, but I giggled.

  When we got inside Vicky reclaimed my hand. There were… there were so many people. I… Abbey was suddenly by my side but before she could find me a private place to compose myself before they announced my exhibit, Vicky was already on the move, pulling me up the stairs and into an office. I grinned at Frank Davenport, Vicky’s dad, as I was pulled past him. The girls and the Davenports followed.

  I was still in a happy fog that Vicky was protecting me like she always had. Abbey seemed pleased, she is always the one to protect me when she is home, now I had two protectors. After introductions were made to Frank and he gave me a fatherly bear hug, the girls excused themselves to go down to the gallery proper to look at the art.

  After a few explanations to her parents, the Davenports left to join the girls and allow me to compose myself. Vicky’s words echoed through me and set off a tuning fork inside, “You’re going to be great Mi-Mi.” I haven’t heard that nickname in forever. I was stuck in smile mode.

  A knock at the door prompted Vic to say, “Come in.”

  I grinned at Missy Hannigan when she walked in. She nodded acknowledgment to each of us as she greeted us, “Spaz, hyper-bitch.”

  I gave her a quick hug saying, “Skank.” Missy was my most unorthodox friend. She was the bane of my existence in school. It took me years to realize her abrasive personality and crude verbal insults were a coping mechanism for her. She kept people away on purpose, like she was afraid to let anyone in, to see her for who she was.

  She was a constant in my life, and once I broke through that armor, I saw her as a fierce friend. I wish I knew what had caused her to be so afraid of letting people get close. I pity the person who hurts one of the few people she has let in. I witnessed what would happen first hand when she came close to beating a girl to death that was involved in an attack that almost killed me in my freshman year.

  Vicky gave her a hug and I snorted when Vic said, “Whore,” to her with a grin. Missy smiled at that and then she looked at me. “I’m going to go down and introduce you now Mia. I’ll run interference after you unveil the work, keep people away from you. You may have to speak with some patrons that are interested in purchasing the art, but I’ll make sure to keep it short. We just need you to fake mingling for about a half hour after the unveiling and then get you spirited away.”

  I smiled fondly at the tall blonde, even now she was protecting me and anticipating the buffer zone I’d need to stop from panicking too badly. I have gotten much better about meeting people over the years and can control my phobia over touching pretty well so long as I can wash my hands soon after. She was a good curator to watch out for the eccentricities of the artists she presented at the gallery.

  Vicky was nodding appreciatively at Missy’s thoroughness. Then Missy rolled her eyes playfully. “The things I do for freaks like you.”

  I giggled. “I love you too Missy.” She smiled fondly then left the room.

  I took a deep breath and Vicky grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s wait at the top of the stairs.” I nodded. I’d let her lead me anywhere as long as she didn’t let go of my hands. She caught my eyes with hers and a lot of anxiety bled off.

  I was about to say something to her when someone behind me cleared their throat. I turned and my smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger. Skylar and Kimi Roth were here! I have been friends off and on with them over the years. They were probably my most famous fans, they were friggin Satin Thunder! They have even commissioned small works from me for friends and family. But then when their daughter, Sammie, started courting my daughter, they have become my extended family.

  I hugged Skylar as my eyes locked on the colorful tattoos covering the burn scars down the right side of her body. They were so beautiful and I could see the organic flow of the artwork as it conformed to the twists of her skin. Whoever came up with the idea to trace the scars like that to bring out the hidden beauty within them was a genius.

  She blushed like she always did at the amazement in my eyes. I said, “S-s-skylar. W-what are you doing here? It’s Christmas.”

  She said in her smooth British accent, “What are we doing here? You think Flower would bloody miss it? Besides, Sammie won’t shut up about it.” I looked up at the stoic Native American beauty standing behind her. If her eyes didn’t give everything away, you would probably believe that she was an emotionless statue. I knew better, I waited for it then her face suddenly broke into a soft smile. She bent down and collected me into a bear hug that had my feet dangling off the ground.

  She said in her musical soprano, “How’s it goin Mia?”

  She set me down and I grinned up at her. “Well, n-nervous as hell but happy to see you two, Kim.”

  Then I grabbed Vicky’s hand and pulled her next to me as I laced our fingers. “Vicky, this is Skylar and Kimi Roth, Sammie’s parents. Ladies, this is my…” What was she to me? “my ummm…” Oh! “This is my Vicky. Victoria Davenport.”r />
  Skylar took her hand in both of hers. “I have actually met her before Mia, in London. She’s the bird who pressed me into competing in that bloody Karaoke Queen competition all those years ago. Where I met my Flower.” Gawd the look of love she shot Kimi was almost tangible.

  Kim took Vic’s hand and shook it and said in a toneless voice, “Then I’m in your debt.” Her stoic look broke again as she gave her a genuine Kim smile.

  Chapter 8 – Settling In

  My heart stopped beating and I felt the burn of a blush on my cheeks and heading down my neck as Mia called me her Vicky. I seriously wanted to run super-fast in tiny circles in excitement until I bored a hole into the center of the Earth. I had to calm myself but couldn’t lose the permanent smile.

  This was surreal, meeting Satin Thunder, probably the most-successful band of all time. I know it shouldn’t feel that way, I met Skylar back in my junior year in Oxford before she became uber famous. She seemed just as down to earth now as she was back then. She projected such unbending strength and confidence now that she didn’t have back then. It looked good on her. And those tattoos! I managed to say, “Samantha certainly turned out well, you did good ladies.”

  I could see their pride sparkling around in their eyes. It struck me just how much pride in Kimi, since Samantha was not her biological daughter. But that look told me just how fiercely she loved the girl. I couldn’t get a good read on Kimi, she seemed so emotionless, but this was one thing I knew for sure.

  The ladies chatted with us for a minute then went downstairs to await the unveiling.

  I checked the time and I whispered to the ebony haired beauty next to me, “Ok, you got this Mia, I’ll be downstairs with the girls.” She smiled and nodded nervously and I let go of her hand and made my way quickly downstairs and found Abbey and Sam. We exchanged grins and Missy started speaking.

  She was in full professional mode now. “Ladies, gentlemen, esteemed guests… welcome to the Downtown Seattle Gallery. My name is Missy Hannigan, the curator here. Let me first wish those of you who celebrate it, the happiest of Christmases. Continuing in our tradition of excellence in our endeavor to bring you some of the most tantalizing flavors for your artistic tastes, we have a special treat for our annual Christmas Showing.”

  She looked around at the crowd and tilted her head slightly toward the stairs and couldn’t stop a slight grin from appearing on her face. “We are honored to be the one gallery chosen in a no holds barred battle to get this exclusive artwork from one of the most intriguing artists of our time… ladies and gentlemen, I give you the incomparable Mia Jacobs.”

  She held out a hand toward the stairs as people started applauding like they were at a rock concert. Mia came down the sweeping staircase with a confidence I haven’t seen from her. I didn’t miss Little Vee clenched tight in a fist. The crowd parted and let her through to the exhibit.

  She looked around with a smile then said, “Th-th-thank you all for coming today. I know y-you have better things to be doing on Christmas so I’ll just make this short and sweet.” She motioned at the two canvases covered in red satin. “I’d like to share a dear memory with you all through these works. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘Prose.’”

  She tugged a little string and the sheets fell away from the art. Missy was quick to collect the sheets as the crowd applauded. Then all of Mia’s confidence started crumbling as Abbey and I rushed to her side and brought her off to the side.

  I noted Tracy turning a reporter away over at the door, good girl. Missy was fielding most of the questions as potential buyers and art patrons took turns standing on the mark on the floor, twelve feet away from the canvases to get the optimum experience of the Jacobs Effect. I couldn’t wait to see them. I loved all of Mia’s work.

  I had to smile at my goddaughter as she deftly kept people from mobbing Mia. She allowed certain people a short time to speak with her. Mia wouldn’t let go of my hand through the whole thing. Then Missy introduced a couple potential buyers.

  Later, I pulled Mia with me through the people when there was finally nobody standing on the marks on the floor. I stood there with her and looked at the canvases. Two of Vee’s most-famous poems, Counting, and A Deafening Whisper were superimposed on photo-realistic pictures of Vee and Abbey. Oh god. This was the moment Mia had described to me long ago. Her most precious memory. Vee holding baby Abbey in the delivery room with a look of love and amazement on her face. The emotion of the moment rolled off the canvas.

  Tears were welling up in my eyes. I whispered to her, “They are beautiful.”

  My heart was aching… then Missy broke me out of creating more white noise in my head than I ever had. “Okay, you’ve been here long enough to be polite. Ladies, get the spaz out of here before she dies of embarrassment.” I just nodded, not being able to speak still.

  I was again so proud of Abbey as she and Sammie skillfully plowed the road for Mia and I, connected at our clasped hands. I could feel her tension and anxiety. It was like a huge pressure vanished as we exited to the relative silence outside.

  Mia relaxed and grinned at me as she let go of my hand and dug out a wet wipe from her purse and went about wiping every bit of her hands. She really hated touching people, she had a mild germ phobia. I just waited until she had wiped away the touches and handshakes from the people inside. She folded the wet wipe and put it in a little baggie. I had to grin. Then I was in heaven again as she reclaimed my hand.

  Before we could bolt, Skylar and Kimi joined us outside. We all said our goodbyes and Sky and Kim hugged Sammie. As Kimi dangled Sam off the ground in a hug, she said, “Still coming to Bobbie’s tonight?” She tilted her head toward Abbey and added, “Both of you?” The little blonde just answered with a smile and a nod.

  Then we were in Mia’s car. She wiped down the steering wheel then added that wipe to the little baggie. I almost exploded when Mia leaned over and kissed my cheek and whispered hotly in my ear, “Thank you for being there Vicky, you kept me calm.” Her hot breath caused goosebumps to travel down my neck and I curled my toes.

  I nodded stupidly because, for all my intelligence, I couldn’t figure out how that talking thing worked. I mean, was there a crank or a handle you had to pull to make the words come out? Oh, I’d so make an awesome mechanical girl! Wait! I still know how to do something! I smiled at her as she pulled away.

  She claimed my hand after she backed us out of the parking spot and we were on the way. My blood ran cold and my anxiety started building as I remembered where we were going next as Mia turned toward my parent’s house.

  I swore under my breath in Japanese, “Chikusho.”

  I was taken off guard when Abbey responded, “Obasan vu~ikki! Sore wa daijobudeshou.”

  I had to smile, my goddaughter knew Japanese! I grinned sheepishly back at her and apologized for my outburst, “Gomen’nasai”

  She just grinned back like the cat who ate the canary. Sammie was giggling and shaking her head. “Hey, now you two, no secret communication.”

  Abbey comically put on a super innocent face with big eyes. Sammi just rolled her eyes and said, “Fine, if you’re gonna be all cute about it.” Mia snickered at all of our antics and I just gave her hand a little squeeze.

  The sly look she shot me… 9-9-3-7-5-1. Gwendolyn T. Harris, Mortimer S. Heinz, Pierce Malfoy. Butterflies taste with their feet. Sea otters hold hands to prevent from floating apart when they sleep. To hell with it, I scrunched up my nose and smiled back at her and let my thoughts of her flood in.

  Before long we were pulling up to my old house. Funny when I think about it. This was my first home. I have only ever thought of this place and Mia’s house as my homes. London will always be a second home for me, but when you look at your heart and ask yourself, “Where is home?” Your own answer may surprise you. Home is a concept not a place. It is where your heart lives. It can be a house, a city, a person. Like now, even with all of this rolling around in my head, I knew where my home really was. I looked
down at our hands laced together and my heart ached for the impossibility of it.

  We got out of the car up to the door again. As I tentatively reached for the door knob I was hit by the indecision, the feeling of not quite belonging, like when I went to Mia’s last night. I hesitated then instead knocked lightly. Mia tilted her head and furrowed her brow at my indecision. Before I could say anything, the door swung open and I thank I said something like “Gack” as my mom pulled me into a crushing hug.

  She chuckled and released me and admonished me, “Why are you knocking? This is still your home woman.” I blushed as everyone greeted mom and she pulled us all inside almost bodily. I haven’t seen her so happy in years.

  Dad joined us and we sat and visited. I gave them the gifts I had for them and they surprised us all and exchanged gifts they had for the four of us. Mom always was a sneaky one. I loved her so much, she had quit her job as a physician to take care of me when I was really young, after they had realized I had sort of special needs as I grew up. I still remember the look of shame, guilt, and the pain in her eyes the day they had me committed. I knew she loved me more than anything, and it wasn’t her fault. It was my stupid brain. I never blamed her though I can always see the specter of it haunting her eyes.

  Mom asked if we would be staying for Christmas dinner. Abbey spoke up quickly in apology, “I’m sorry Mrs. Davenport. But Samantha and I have promised her parents we would spend the evening with them.”

  Mom just smiled at her and said, “Maira, please. I always look around for Frank’s mother when people say Mrs. Davenport. And you don’t have to apologize. Family is important, and as we grow, so do our families. It is important to share our lives with family. But alas, we can’t be everywhere at once.” Hmmm… was that pointed at me? I needed to find my mother decoder ring.

  Mia answered for me, “And we…” she squeezed my hand, “would be delighted to stay for dinner.” I looked at everyone’s grinning faces and followed their gaze to our hands. What the hell was everyone’s fascination with our hands? Friends can hold hands! It’s in the handbook somewhere, like right after the holding your friend’s hair back while they puke in the toilet, and before a friend will eat ice cream with them after a breakup, clause. I mean that is… what? Oh, yeah, the story.


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