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Jen's Journey

Page 10

by Avery Gale

  The car stopped close to the private jet and Jen stirred as the cool night air moved over her sleep warmed face when the door opened. As he maneuvered her to the door he heard her speak softly, “Please set me down. I need to walk a bit or I’m going to be stiff after the flight.” They slipped her shoes back on her dainty feet before setting her down. Sam didn’t let go until he was sure she was steady. How the hell women walked in stilettos was baffling to him. They’d wanted to find something more comfortable for her to wear, but all of her clothing had been destroyed save the one outfit in her go bag and she’d said she wanted to save that until they were closer to home. The damned spikes on her feet had given him the perfect excuse to carry her in his arms so he hadn’t argued.

  The Gulfstream was ready to go within minutes and as soon as the captain gave them the all clear, he and Sage moved Jen into the large bathroom. Sam cupped the sides of her heart-shaped face with his large hands and brushed his thumbs over her flushed cheeks. “Do you trust us to know what you need, pet?”

  “Y-yes, S-sir.” Sam knew she’d stumbled over the words because his direct question had surprised her, not because of hesitance, and that pleased him. Sage was already naked and had started the shower, but Sam couldn’t wait any longer to kiss her. Tilting her face to just the right angle, he pressed his lips to hers and the sweet taste of her changed the chaste kiss he’d planned into a full-fledged plundering in less than a heartbeat. The woman simply unraveled his control on so many levels his mind could barely process them all. Her soft moans of pleasure as she gave as good as she got caused his desire to shoot off into space.

  Reluctantly, Sam pulled back from sweet lips and smiled at her lust fogged expression. “Let Sage undress you, pet. And then we’re going to enjoy a shower before we take you to bed and fuck you into oblivion. My brother and I both need to feel your body wrapping itself around ours.” He brushed his lips softly over hers, and watched her eyes dilate even further. “And I think you need that connection as well. Tonight isn’t going to be about elaborate bits of D/s protocol. Tonight is going to be about two Masters reading your body’s signals and providing exactly what is needed.”

  Turning Jen into his brother’s care while he stripped gave Sam a chance to regain some control over the urge pounding deep within him to conquer and plunder. He’d never experienced such a primal response to a woman and there were parts of his mind that were having trouble comprehending all the implications. Deciding to set those concerns aside and enjoy the very naked woman his brother was leading into the jet’s surprisingly large shower, Sam stepped in behind Jen and pressed his throbbing cock against her lower back. “Feel what you do to me, pet? I want you with an urgency that humbles me.”

  “Baby, everything about you makes me want you. You are smart, beautiful, and we could spend the rest of our lives learning about you and never unravel all of your mysteries.” Sage’s voice was raspy and Sam knew his younger brother was already falling in love with Jen and he could only hope she didn’t end up breaking both of their hearts. “Lean your head back, baby, and let Sam wash your hair. You’re going to love it. His fingers are going to massage your scalp as mine massage and wash the rest of you.”

  Jen leaned her head back and Sam’s cock hardened even more as he watched the graceful arch of her back that displayed her ass in all its perfection. He hoped he’d managed to hold back the groan he’d felt rumbling up from his soul as he took in the wonder of Jennifer Keating but knew it wasn’t likely. Everything about her appealed to him. Sage had been right when he’d mentioned her intelligence first, because the light of brilliance shining bright in her eyes was a major turn on. But there was so much more to her than that. The way people responded to her, as if they were magnetically drawn into her personal space, fascinated him.

  Watching her interact with her elderly neighbor had been like looking into a window of her soul. She’d waited as the elderly woman had taken several rather significant narrated mental road trips during their discussion, but Jen had never tried to bring her back to the topic and had never shown the slightest bit of impatience. Those were the kinds of people skills that are rarely learned, they are innate—just a basic part of a person’s personality. Anyone who talked to Jen had every bit of her attention and they knew it. That focus was flattering to even the most hardened skeptic.

  Feeling the wet, silken strands of her hair slide between his fingers was one of the most erotic experiences of his life and he’d been involved in scenes that would have singed the hair of most of the Bible thumpers he knew. Seeing the shampoo’s bubbles cascading through her long locks before dropping like a plunging waterfall onto the top curve of her ass was sending all his blood south in a big hurry. Watching the suds wash over those perfect curves before streaming down her muscled legs was hypnotizing and Sam had to make a concerted effort to refocus his attention on his task. Hell, if I’m not careful I’m going to use up the entire three hour flight just watching fucking soap bubbles run off her.

  Once they’d finished their shower, he and Sage had patted her skin dry and then led her back into the jet’s bedroom. Settling her in the middle of the bed, Sage moved along her right side and Sam took the left. Circling her peaked nipples with their fingers, both he and his brother just watched her for several long seconds. Seeing her pulse speed up at the base of her neck and watching as her chest heaved with sharp intakes of breath, Sam observed, “You are so responsive. Your body craves our touch and that pleases us both very much, pet.” Leaning forward, he licked a circle around her nipple and then blew a puff of air over the damp flesh watching as it drew even tighter. “Have you ever used nipple clamps, sweetheart?”

  “No. And I’m not sure I’d like them because my nipples are very sensitive.” He appreciated the fact that she hadn’t just given him a one word answer his question had actually invited.

  “And that, my pet, is exactly why you should try them. We’ll save that for another day, but keep in mind there are a lot of different kinds of clamps. And seeing jewels the color of your eyes dangling from delicate gold chains swinging free as my brother fucks you from behind is something I’m looking forward to very much. Hearing your soft sighs become ragged pleas for release as their gentle tugging ramps up your arousal to the point you don’t think there is any way you can take another moment of the torment will be music to my ears, love.” He saw Sage’s smile when she instinctively arched her back as if seeking the stimulation he’d just described.

  “I’m a breast man, pet. I promise you that very soon I’ll be able to make you orgasm just from my very intimate knowledge of your breasts. I’ll take great pride in knowing just where to touch them to bring about the response I’m seeking.” Tracing his fingers over the gentle outside curve, Sam watched as goose flesh moved over her skin in a wave. He chuckled, “See, pet? Your body just told me now much you enjoyed that particular caress.”

  Sage scooted down the bed and positioned himself between her thighs. Pushing her legs far enough apart to accommodate his broad shoulders, Sam watched Sage wrap his hands around her delicate ankles and fold her legs up until her the bottoms of her small feet were flat on the mattress. “Guess what my specialty is, baby.” When she groaned and tilted her pelvis up ever so slightly Sam knew the move hadn’t been deliberate, but it did tell them she was going to be a wiggly one so he sure hoped she enjoyed bondage. Sage must have had the same thought because he’d moved his hands under her bent knees and was holding her in a firm, but not a punishing grip. “Your pussy is swollen and a lovely dark pink, baby. It’s dripping with your sweet syrup and I can smell your arousal.”

  “Oh God. Please.” Sam grinned at his brother and placed his open palm over her lower abdomen so he’d be ready to hold her because he knew she was going to come clear off the bed when she felt Sage’s tongue slide between her sex’s tender folds.

  “Such sweet begging. I really do love the sound of that, don’t you?” Sam watched as Jen’s eyelids drifted to the perfect half-lidded

  “Oh, indeed I do. Let’s see what other wonderful responses we can illicit.” Sam knew the instant Sage put his tongue against her sex because she’d attempted to arch up with surprising strength just as he’d known she would. And her response to being held against the bed was perfect. Sam felt her stomach muscles quiver just beneath her ivory skin and her blue eyes had nearly rolled to the back of her head. Sam returned his mouth to her nipple, orally seducing the sensitive tip until she was panting from their combined ministrations.

  Sam moved up so his lips were near the shell of her ear and ran the tip of his tongue along the outer rim and felt her begin to shake as her body rocketed toward release. “You are getting close, aren’t you, pet?” He hadn’t expected her to answer, hell she was so deep in her arousal he seriously doubted she’d be able to. Since Jen didn’t have any experience in holding back her orgasm, he wouldn’t require it tonight. After the adrenaline crest her body had dealt with today, pushing her right now would simply be setting her up for failure and that wasn’t the way he and Sage preferred to deal with subs. Punishing a submissive for rules they didn’t know or couldn’t possibly follow was a sure way to destroy any trust a Dom had built.

  Their goal tonight was for Jen to once again associate their touches and attention with mind-blowing pleasure, so pushing her slowly toward orgasm and then making sure it was triggered specifically by their actions was their goal. “Just a few more seconds and we’ll send you over into a pleasure so deep you’ll scream out our names, pet. But first we both want just a few more seconds to enjoy the gifts you’ve given so beautifully.” Rolling her tight nipple between his fingers, Sam saw Sage’s barely perceptible nod and knew he was going to send her over. Sam moved to her shoulder and bit down lightly at the sensitive spot where her slender shoulders joined her neck, and growled against her satiny skin, “Come for us, pet.”

  Jen’s scream was a lusty cry that went straight to his cock and Sam worried for the first time since he was fifteen he was going to shoot his load without ever getting inside the woman he was pleasuring. Every gasp and every cry of their names pushed him closer and closer to the edge of his control. Sage rolled on a condom and was positioned over her before she’d even fully recovered, and from the look of ecstasy on his brother’s face as he thrust into her heat, Sam knew her vaginal walls were still pulsing around him.

  “Oh fuck, baby. You are so tight. Your pussy is still rippling from your release, but I’m going to take you straight up the mountain again.” Sam watched as Sage set a slow pace, thrusting in and then pulling back without hurrying despite her pleas.

  Sam maneuvered himself so he was brushing the end of his throbbing cock against her cheek. She turned and pushed the tip of her tongue into the slit and scooped out the pre-cum that was glistening there. “Suck me, pet. I want to see my dick sliding in and out of your sweet mouth. When I come, I want you to take every drop.” She’d nodded and hummed her assent. The vibrations of her humming and the soft groans of her arousal were going to send him into space quickly. “Brother, you better be close because our woman’s mouth is going to be my undoing in record time.”

  “Fuck! Already there. Oh, shit.” Sage thrust twice more and then went completely rigid. Jen’s entire body responded and she screamed around his cock as she came again. The sound waves were just enough to kick him into a white hot release that stole his breath as well as his ability to think. Sam felt as if his head was about to explode as his cock throbbed sending jets of cum splashing against the back of Jen’s throat. She swallowed greedily and Sam fell to the side grateful his arms weren’t responsible for holding his weight off the woman who had just turned him inside out.

  Sam could see the muscles in Sage’s arms quivering and knew the monumental effort it was taking for him to hold himself up so he didn’t flatten her into the mattress. Glad it’s you and not me, brother, because there isn’t a chance in hell I’d be able to do that right now. Hell, I’m lucky I am still able to breath.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tobi stood in front of the windows watching as the last car made its way up the driveway. It was the darkest hour of the night and she sent up a quick prayer that each of the club’s staff and members made the drive to their homes safely. She always worried about those who had to drive any distance, and appreciated that her husbands requested any of their staff that they felt were particularly tired stay in one of the guest cabins. The Prairie Winds property had originally been a guest ranch with accommodations for up to a hundred of people in small cabins and bunkhouses. Some of those had been converted to other uses, but many were still available.

  The economic downturn had forced the owners to sell, but when Kent and Kyle bought it, the former owners had stayed on as caretakers. Thinking about Don and Patty Reynolds made Tobi smile and glancing over at wooden chest Don had restored for her, she felt her eyes fill with tears. The chest had been a gift from her grandmother and was filled with the very few family keepsakes she had. The fire in her apartment had singed one side of the box, but Micah Drake had recognized its importance and brought it to Prairie Winds after the fire. The damage to her apartment had been extensive and Tobi was still grateful that Micah had looked beyond the obvious and seen the beauty of the small wooden chest. Micah had also met Gracie that night, and recognized her beauty and the potential there as well. Gracie had been mad as a wet hen and had gotten right up in Micah’s business when she found out he’d been asking questions about her friend among their neighbors.

  Having her best friend as part of the Prairie Winds family was a huge blessing. Since Gracie, Jax, and Micah lived next door and they all worked together, the bonds between them had only strengthened. Watching her feisty friend be completely leveled by nausea was heartbreaking. Wrapping her arms around herself, Tobi shuddered and muttered softly to herself, “I swear she’s gonna throw that baby up if somebody doesn’t do something soon.” Strong arms came around her and pulled her back against a rock hard chest. Kent. Even though her husbands were identical twins, Tobi could tell them apart by their touch alone.

  “What was that, sweetness?” His question was more of a distraction than a real inquiry because Tobi knew full well he’d heard her. I swear he and Kyle both have dog ears. But his lips pressing against the column of her neck in a string of kisses from just under her ear to the tender spot where her neck and shoulder merged sent a spark of electric need straight to her girly parts and the only response she could manage was a moan of pure need. “Well, now I do love that sound. Did you hear that, brother? I think our wife has been lonely this evening.” Yes, lonely…very lonely…and horny…don’t forget horny. It hadn’t mattered that she’d tended to her sick friend, she’d still missed her husbands’ touch.

  Over the past few months, Kent and Kyle had made a dedicated effort to make sure one of them was with her for at least part of each evening, even when the club was open. Tonight had been a rare exception because of all the special arrangements they’d all been making to get Jen and the McCall brothers back home as quickly as possible. Tobi was looking forward to getting to spend more time with Jen, and since she’d be living on-site in one of the cabins, it would be a lot easier. With Gracie out of commission until she felt better, Tobi had been at odds for girl talk. Her mother-in-law, who was also one of her closest confidantes, was on an extended business trip with her husbands and Tobi had been surprised at how much she’d missed having Lilly close every day. Her own mother had died when she was young, but it hadn’t taken Tobi long to jump into the deep end of the “I love having a mom” pool. A stinging swat brought her back to the moment.

  “I swear, sweetness, you are something else. Where on earth did you go?”

  “Wow, it was kind of a crazy mental road trip that started out with Gracie then went to Jen and finally how much I miss your mom.” She giggled and turned in his arms so she could press her cheek against his chest. Tobi loved hearing his heart beating deep in his chest, there was something about the s
ound that grounded her and she let that peaceful feeling wash over her. “I missed you tonight. I understood why you couldn’t get away, but I still missed you.”

  She felt Kyle press up against her back, “We missed you too, kitten. I hear you did an amazing job of taking care of Gracie. She is lucky to have you for a friend.” Tobi leaned back and turned her face so she could look into his eyes. The love that she saw reflected in their depths brought tears to her eyes. Damned hormones. Lifting a finger to capture a tear, Kyle cocked his head to the side, “What’s this, love? Are you alright?”

  Tobi grinned, “Yes, just emotional.” There was so much more she wanted to say, but she also knew she’d just shed more tears and right now that wasn’t what she wanted.

  As if he was reading her mind, Kyle looked down and smiled, “I think our wife is in need of a little playtime, brother.”

  “I agree, but I need a quick shower, first. Sweetness, I’m going to start a fire in the fireplace upstairs. You are to head up there in five minutes. Lose the robe and lay back on the lounger. Make sure your bare pussy is the first thing we’ll see when we come through the door. Do you have any questions?”

  Kent hadn’t really waited for her answer before he turned her into Kyle’s embrace and walked away, so he hadn’t heard the airy quality of her, “No, Sir, I understand,” but Kyle had smoothed his finger over her cheek and smiled.

  “You take my breath away, kitten. Each and every time I look at you I am bowled over with the wonder of it all.” He pressed his lips against hers and proceeded to make love to her lips with a kiss that stoked the fires of need in her until she felt like her whole body was burning up. “The fire is lit, so you’ll be warm enough until we get upstairs. Head on up, kitten, and be ready for us. We’ve got some catching up to do with you, love.” After another scorching kiss he left her panting and needy as he walked away with a cocky grin that told her he knew exactly how he’d left her, the louse. Watching him walk away, her gaze locked on to how yummy his ass looked in the black Wranglers he wore. The soft fabric molded itself perfectly to his cheeks and thighs and she felt another rush of wetness soak her pussy.


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