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Jen's Journey

Page 13

by Avery Gale

  “Eyes on me, pet.” When she looked up at him, he continued, “Finish what you were saying. And remember, partial answers are not acceptable.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m sorry….Sir. I was just thinking the Dom over there is exactly the physical type I was always attracted to…well, before. And it surprises me a little that my tastes have changed since meeting you and your brother.” Sam’s eyes softened and his smile was bright enough to have powered every light in the room.

  “That pleases us more than you can imagine, love.” Anywhere else the scorching kiss he’d given her would have seemed completely inappropriate, but considering where they were it was easy for her to just relax into the moment and enjoy the passion that was practically pulsing around both men. When his lips pressed against hers, their warmth felt as if it was spreading and the burn was from the sexual tension alone. As his tongue slid along hers, Jen felt her knees start to shake and she was grateful he’d wrapped one arm around her back while his other hand was cupping the back of her head. She wasn’t sure whether it was the ambiance of the club, the small bit of Dominance he was showing her, or the satisfaction she felt at having pleased him, but Jen felt the thong she was wearing dampen. She hoped it wouldn’t be noticeable under the obscenely short skirt they’d given her to wear, but given the way Sam’s hand was sliding down her ass, it was doubtful her arousal would be a secret much longer.

  “Are you wet for us, pet? If I slide my hand under your skirt will I feel your heat before I even move my fingers under the edge of your dainty panties?” Jen wanted to answer, but when his fingers made their way into her folds, every thought fled from her mind.

  Sage pressed close and moved his hand under her skirt, pressing under the front edge of her panties to draw lazy circles around her clit. “Oh, baby, you are so close. Do you want to come? If you do, you need to ask nicely because those orgasms now belong to your Masters.” Masters? My orgasms belong to them? I don’t think I want them to have that much…Oh my stars and garters... It was the last thought she had before Sam’s lips pressed against hers catching her cry and the world around her exploded in a release so powerful her knees folded just as white light lit the inside of her eyelids.


  Sage knew Sam hadn’t wanted to give her the release, but she’d likely be getting several swats for not waiting their permission. Sage knew full well he’d pushed her over the edge just because he’s wanted to feel her come apart in their arms, and come apart she had. And even though it made him an ass, he didn’t regret it because feeling her buck in their arms as her warm syrup slid over his fingers in the middle of the club’s main lounge was just about the hottest fucking thing he’s ever experienced. Sage felt Sam’s hand moving against his own as he pulled his fingers from her channel, so it seemed Mr. Always in Control hadn’t been able to resist Jen either.

  “Master Sam, I do believe our sweet sub just came without permission.” He wasn’t going to tell her that they had technically just violated the club’s rules against playing with a visitor.

  “You know, I was just thinking the same thing. But since we can’t punish her here, I guess we’ll have to wait until we get back home to administer the swats she’s just earned.” Sage had been able to hear the amusement in Sam’s voice and wondered if Jen had as well.

  Just then he heard Tobi’s voice beside him, “Master Kyle, isn’t it against the rules for Doms to play with visitors?” Damn, wouldn’t it just figure they’d get busted by the club’s owners? The little vixen knew full well it was against the rules, but she was going to make sure Jen knew it as well. “I know I still have a lot to learn so I am just checking, Sir.”

  Sage heard Kyle’s snort of laughter before he answered, “Kitten, you are skating on extremely thin ice, best tread very carefully. But in answer to your question, yes, you are correct. And since I’m sure these two Doms wouldn’t punish a visiting sub for a rule violation if they were also guilty, I think we should just move along. I see my brother has things set up on the stage for us. I’d like to get this announcement made so we can go upstairs and celebrate.”


  Sam had been completely shocked at his and Sage’s lack of control. Making Jen come in the middle of the club’s main room had been a completely selfish act as well as a very clear violation of the rules. Hell, their friends would be well within their rights to fire them before they ever started. He knew they wouldn’t, but Sam wasn’t the sort of man who usually just blew off rules, particularly when they were in place to protect the woman in his care. Jesus, what a Charlie Foxtrot. He’d known both he and Sage were on edge before they ever left their cabin, but he was also certain that would be the case every time they walked into the club. The cluster fuck they’d created wasn’t going to be easy to fix. If they abruptly changed tactics—which was what they should do, then Jen was going to feel as if she’d done something wrong and they were pulling back. But if they didn’t, he knew they’d probably have her pinned against the wall and their dicks buried in her within an hour.

  Her reaction to the first scene had been so pure in its sexuality, the eroticism of the moment had completely bowled him over. He’d been a sexual Dominant for so long he couldn’t remember having sex that didn’t involve dominance of some kind. Straight vanilla sex held no appeal for him. Jennifer’s reactions to what she’d seen and even the smallest hints of bondage had sent his libido into launch mode and he hadn’t even tried to pull it back. Despite the fact they’d been standing in the middle of a room filled with people, Jen hadn’t even noticed them. Her attention had been completely focused exactly where it was supposed to be—on her two Masters.

  There wasn’t any question that Jen was a sexual submissive, but her surrender would have to be earned every single day and that lit a fire in his gut he hadn’t even realized could exist. Sam and Sage had known for years they wanted to share a wife. But the most he’d ever hoped for was that Sage would find a woman to love and Sam would feel enough attraction to her that his life would be filled with the joys of family and a sexual relationship that was satisfactory. However, with Jen he knew everything would be different.

  They continued walking through the club and the various scenes they watched elicited different responses from Jen. She’d literally hidden her face in Sage’s chest anytime they’d been near a scene involving real pain. That wouldn’t be an issue, because even though they were considered strict, neither he nor Sage was a sadist. She had been interested in the wax play scene and the ultraviolet light wand, but had turned sheet white when they’d mentioned the piercing room that had recently been setup on the club’s second floor. “I’d rather not see that, if you don’t mind. I passed out when I had my ears pierced and they didn’t even bleed.” He and Sage had both burst out laughing and he’d felt bad when he saw how pale she’d turned.

  “Doll, we aren’t in to those types of play either. I’m relieved to know they don’t hold any appeal for you, but I did feel obligated to let you know it’s available. From what I’ve heard Kyle and Kent have serious reservations about it and only recently began offering it. Anyone who wants to schedule the room has to provide proof they have the proper training and certifications in advance.” Sage had massaged her shoulders for a few minutes and then given him a quick signal letting Sam know she’d finally relaxed.

  Meeting the Wests in the main lounge later in the evening, they congratulated them on their announcement and moved closer to the women’s lounge when Tobi requested a restroom break. Sam suspected she was playing the ‘pregnant and have to pee all the time card’ he’s seen his sisters use, but if her Masters weren’t calling her on it, then he wasn’t going to point it out. Watching Tobi pull Jen along, Sam had to suppress his smile because she’d just confirmed his suspicions.


  Jen laughed as Tobi tugged her into the beautiful lounge as all four men stood guard just outside the door. Tobi turned to her as soon as they were out of earshot, “I just wanted to check on you. That was a
super-hot scene we walked up on. Fuck me, I almost came just watching you guys.” Jen felt her cheeks heat and knew her damned fair complexion was giving away her embarrassment. “Well pogo-shit, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I forget that not everybody is ready for my blunt way of saying things. Crap, I wasn’t this open sexually before meeting Kyle and Kent either. Geez…I’m rattling on and I can see that dazed look in your eyes…actually people get that a lot when I talk to them. Hmmm. You’d think I’d get a clue, huh? But it doesn’t seem to be working out that way.” Her giggle seemed to break the spell Jen had been locked in and they both dissolved into a fit of laughter and before Jen knew it they were both wiping away tears.

  Once they’d finally regained their composure, Jen answered, “Yes, I’m fine although I do feel bad about what happened earlier because I felt like Sam and Sage were just giving me what they knew I needed. I hate that they regret it and I get the sense they feel like they let your husbands down.” What she’d failed to mention was that she’d be leaving as soon as it was safe and hopefully before she would jeopardize the life the McCall brothers had chosen. Ruining their reputation as Doms and trustworthy men wasn’t a risk she was willing to take. Her lack of control had put them in an untenable position and she wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Tobi had stepped back and seemed to be studying her closely. “You aren’t taking on the responsibility for that, are you? Because I have to tell you, sister, pregnant or not I will seriously kick your ass if you are owning that. Hell’s bells and hand grenades, I know it wasn’t supposed to happen, but damn, girl, it was so hot to watch. Mercy! And those guys won’t be in trouble for it, they will probably get trash talked forever, but hey, if it wasn’t that it would be any one of a zillion other things. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is Doms and former soldiers give each other shit like no other men I know. If women talked to each other like that all hell would break loose.” They settled on the small sofa and completely forgot about the men waiting for them until the unmistakable sounds of boot steps filtered into their awareness.

  Looking up, Jen was shocked to see all four men standing in nearly identical poses. With their feet shoulder width apart and their muscular arms crossed over ripped chests, she fought off the hot flash of lust that threatened to propel her straight into Sam and Sage McCall’s arms. Oh they are way too much for you, girl…time to back off…fast. Kyle was the one who finally broke the silence, “Kitten, do you realize that you have been in here for a little more than half an hour?”

  Jen saw Tobi flinch, “Really? Wow, I’m sorry. We got caught up talking and I didn’t pay any attention to the time. I’ve been missing ‘girl time’ with Gracie being so sick and Lilly gone, and Jen is so fun to talk to that I lost track of time…Sir.”

  Kyle’s eyes looked like they were searching for patience in the space above Tobi’s head and the other three all rolled their eyes at her last minute add on. “You are really pushing it this evening, kitten. Now, we’d like to get you upstairs and I know Jen’s men are anxious to get back to the cabin as well.”

  Kyle held out his hand to Tobi, but she pulled Jen into a quick hug before placing her hand in his. Tobi squeezed her tightly and whispered, “Give them a chance, don’t be afraid to reach out and grab ahold of what you want in life. You deserve it even if you don’t believe it right now, it’s still true.” Jen was shocked at how well Tobi had read her. Still reeling from Tobi’s words, Jen just sat on the sofa for several seconds in stunned silence until she realized Sam and Sage were still standing directly in front of her. When she looked up at them she could see their desire, but there was something deeper there too…a connection that she’d seen so often in their eyes. But this time there was also something deeper. She’d seen it briefly before, but it was either more blatant now or she was finally willing to acknowledge it for what it was…a promise of what could be…if she was brave enough to embrace it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Something had shifted in Jen, and Sam wasn’t sure exactly what it was but the change was impossible to miss. There seemed to be a new air of determination surrounding her, as if she’d made an important decision about her future. He could only hope those plans included him and Sage, because they’d known months ago she was the woman they wanted to plan a lifetime around. When she laid her small hand in his the familiar zing of electricity raced up his arm. He felt the same charge each time their hands connected and he knew from the way her eyes went wide, she’d felt it as well. Good to know I’m not the only one who feels it. “Come on, pet. We want to get you home and naked.”

  Sage stepped up beside them and pushed the curtain of blonde silk hair over her shoulder letting his fingers trail through the tresses. “And then we’re going to fuck you into oblivion, baby. We’ll both be in your body at the same time, taking our own pleasure as we give you yours. There won’t be an inch of you that we aren’t going to know, to touch, and to own.” Sam saw her eyes dilate and heard the small gasp leave her lips before they led her quickly out of the club. Sam was grateful they’d used one of the Wests’ side-by-side ATVs because it had made their return trip to the cabin much faster. If they’d had to walk, he was certain they’d wouldn’t have made it through the gardens without taking her at least once, and that wasn’t what they had planned for this evening. They would all three be meeting with the entire Prairie Winds team tomorrow morning and Sam knew that meeting had the potential to change everything so he intended to stay in this moment, because tonight she was theirs—to cherish and command. And he could only hope the bond they’d build tonight would be enough to weather the challenges he was certain were headed their way.

  As they neared the small cart, Sage turned to her, “Raise your skirt for me, baby.” Sam saw her eyes widen, but she did as she’d been told. The outside lights sparkled off her dewy skin and Sam heard her gasp when Sage reached forward and snapped the elastic on both sides of her thong before sliding it from between her thighs, pressing his fingers against the silk as it slid over her sex. “You’ll be sitting on my lap, baby, and I don’t want anything between your slick pussy and my fingers. Now let’s go before I do something foolish like bend you over the seat and slam into you rather than settling you on my lap for what I hope is a very quick ride down the hill.” Sam fully intended to make sure their ride was quick indeed.

  Driving fast enough that his full attention was required was the only thing that kept Sam from driving right off the path leading to their cabin. When Sage had settled Jen straddled over his lap facing him so he could use his fingers to begin stretching her ass, Sam had been forced to completely tune them out or they’d have never made it down the small incline. He pulled around to park near the back door and noticed how the night’s full moon reflected off the river’s calm water. The moonlight’s soft hue was almost luminescent and if it had been warmer he would have considered beginning their activities outside. He listened as Jen’s breathing became more and more frantic and her soft pleas begging Sage to let her come had his cock rock hard—and they hadn’t even gotten her inside the cabin yet.

  “Do you like that, baby? Do you like having my fingers stretching out that pretty rear hole?” Sage’s voice was raspy and Sam knew his brother was skating along a fine edge too. “By the time we get you inside, you’re going to be primed for us. Let’s go.” Sam heard her groan of frustration when Sage pulled his fingers out of her and lifted her to her feet.

  Sam stepped up next to her, untied both knots of the halter they’d given her to wear, and then leaned down to draw one of her tightly puckered nipples into his mouth. She arched her back pushing more of her flesh against his mouth and he smiled, “You have the most amazing breasts, pet. They are the perfect size and so responsive.” He rolled the other nipple between his fingers while Sage stripped her from the micro-mini leather skirt that had barely covered her ass cheeks. He loved seeing the brief glimpses of the very bottom curve of the globes of her ass as they’d made their way around the cabin. He
’d always believed the teasing hints of what was beneath the clothing was far more erotic than full nudity in the club settings. But right now, seeing Jen’s ivory skin bathed in moonlight was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  Stepping back from her so he could take in everything about her, he was just overwhelmed at the sight in front of him. The woman was simply too beautiful for words and for several seconds all he could do was look at her. “You take my breath away, love. The moonlight washes over you creating light and shadows that showcase every curve. You are simply stunning.” Sage stepped up beside her and Sam saw him go on point just before his eyes darted to the trees off to his left. Sam didn’t ask any questions, he just scooped her up and ran up the steps and in the back door as Sage took off toward the trees.

  Sam didn’t stop until he’d gotten to the smaller of the two bathrooms in the cabin. Since the small space didn’t have any windows, it was the safest place for her until they’d secured the perimeter. He quickly wrapped her in a towel and then instructed her to lock the door behind him. “Don’t open the door until either Sage or I return for you. We won’t be long.”

  “What happened? Did you see someone?” Sam hated the concern he heard in her voice but he was grateful that she was taking the situation seriously.

  “I don’t know what Sage saw that set off his alarms, but I trust his instincts. We won’t be long, I promise you.” He kissed her quickly and then waited outside the door until he heard her press the small lock. As safe rooms went, it was a damned poor excuse, but right now it was all they had.

  Making his way toward the back door, Sam heard his brother talking on the back deck and knew he was giving whoever was on the other end of the call the all-clear. “We’ll need to check the area tomorrow in the daylight, but it’s clear right now. I don’t know whether it was a scope or a camera, but whoever it was is a fast mother I’ll say that for him.” Sage was a hell of a sprinter, so whoever had out run him must have had a healthy head start. Sage finished his conversation and then turned to Sam. “Since you heard my end of it, let’s get back to Jen. We’ll cover it all in the meeting tomorrow, but for now the rest of the team is patrolling and our focus needs to be on the woman I’m sure we have managed to terrify. Goddamn it to hell, I wanted to get my hands on whoever that was.”


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