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A New Day

Page 20

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘The navy’s after it,’ someone shouted.

  An hour later they were still watching the navy ship searching, searching. Then depth charges began to explode in the water. ‘They might have found it!’

  ‘It must be hell down there.’ Bill arrived to get a better view of the battle area. ‘I’d rather be up here.’

  The explosions continued one after another. ‘They’re determined to get her . . . And I think they have!’ Jack pointed excitedly. ‘Look, is that debris out there?’

  ‘Yes,’ the officer remarked. ‘And more than debris . . . it looks as if they’ve blown her to bits. There won’t be any survivors from that.’

  ‘Poor devils,’ Bill said quietly. ‘I know they’ve been sinking our ships in large numbers, and we’ve got to get them, but when you think about it, they’re just men like us.’

  Jack had to agree. War, and the killing that went with it, was cruel and senseless, but there would be a lot more of it before the end finally came.


  The view of New York as they approached never ceased to thrill Jack. He had travelled quite a lot now and this city was unlike any other place in the world.

  ‘Looks like we’ll be spending a while here this time, lad, so you’ll have time to go and see the family you told us about. There’s some delay in assembling the return convoy.’

  Jack nodded, never taking his eyes off the scene. ‘Good, that means I can go and see Bob and Greg’s parents as soon as we get ashore – just in case we are recalled suddenly.’

  ‘Best to, as you never can be sure about these things. Let’s hope they don’t get that convoy assembled for a few days.’

  It was another twenty-four hours before they had permission to leave the ship and they made their way ashore as soon as they could.

  ‘The best way to find this place will be to take a cab.’ Frank pointed to a line of them waiting outside the docks. They had been to the city several times, and it hadn’t taken them long to start calling them cabs instead of taxis.

  When they reached one, Jack showed the driver the address. ‘Can you take us to this place?’

  ‘Sure, buddy, hop in.’

  The cab roared off as soon as they were in, and Bill grimaced. ‘Hey, mate, we’ve been dodging torpedoes on the way here, and we’d like to reach our destination unhurt.’

  ‘No worries,’ the driver laughed, taking the next corner at high speed. ‘I’m the safest driver in New York.’

  ‘Ah, thanks for telling us that.’ Bill grabbed the handle on the door to steady himself as they swung on to a main road. ‘That’s comforting to know.’

  Something suddenly occurred to Jack. ‘Do you think I should take a present with me? Perhaps some flowers and say they are from their sons?’

  ‘Good idea.’ Bill tapped the driver on the shoulder. ‘Could you stop at a florist’s if you see one?’

  ‘Know just the place.’

  The cab took another sudden swerve and then screeched to a halt in front of a shop. Jack jumped out at once and ran into the shop. The assistant smiled at him and he smiled back, noting how pretty she was. ‘I’d like some flowers, please, done up really nice and a card to go with them.’

  ‘You English?’

  ‘How did you guess?’ he laughed. ‘I came in on the last convoy.’

  ‘And you want flowers for your girl?’

  ‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘I met two Americans when I was last home, and they’ve asked me to visit their parents. I want these for the mother.’

  ‘That’s lovely. I’m sure they’ll be very pleased. What would you like?’

  ‘I’ll leave that to you.’ He watched her as she prepared a large arrangement of roses and other flowers he didn’t know the names of. She really was very pretty. He hadn’t had much time to think about girlfriends, as the only thing on his mind was getting through the war in one piece. This was a difficult time for relationships, and being a merchant seaman made it even more difficult when they were home for a few days, and then off again. Bill and Frank seemed to manage it all right though, so it must be possible, but the girl would have to be very understanding.

  After writing the card, he paid for the flowers and dashed back to the cab.

  ‘Took you long enough. Pretty, was she?’

  ‘Very.’ Jack held firmly on to the flowers as the cab shot forward once again.

  ‘Do you want me to wait?’ the driver asked, pulling up outside a pleasant-looking house.

  ‘No, thanks,’ Bill said as he paid him.

  ‘OK, enjoy your visit.’ Then he was tearing up the street.

  ‘Nice place.’ Frank was gazing around the quiet, tree-lined street. ‘We’ll wait here for you and make our way back if they ask you to stay awhile.’

  Feeling very awkward holding an enormous bunch of flowers, Jack walked up to the front door, knocked, and when a woman answered, he said, ‘Mrs Lucknor?’

  ‘That’s me.’ She glanced from Jack to the flowers, looking slightly puzzled.

  ‘I met your sons, Bob and Greg, in England, and they asked me to call.’ He held out the flowers. ‘These are for you.’

  ‘Oh, my.’ Tears filled her eyes when she took the bouquet and read the card. ‘Warren! Warren! Come here!’

  A man came rushing to the door. ‘What’s the matter, Babs?’

  ‘Look!’ She held out the flowers. ‘This young man has brought me these from Bob and Greg. He met them in England.’

  ‘That’s good of you.’ He pumped Jack’s hand. ‘Come in, and tell us how they are.’

  ‘Are those your friends?’ Mrs Lucknor asked, seeing Bill and Frank standing by the road.

  ‘Yes, we’re on the same ship. We’re British merchant seamen and arrived recently.’

  ‘Bring them in, Warren.’ She gave her husband a push. ‘It’s cold out there.’

  They were soon sitting in a comfortable lounge, in front of a brightly burning log fire, drinking coffee and being plied with things to eat.

  Mrs Lucknor had arranged the flowers in a vase and placed them on a small table by the window. Then she sat down, her hands clasped tightly together. ‘Are our boys all right?’ There was a slight tremble in her voice. ‘From what we’ve heard, England’s a dangerous place to be.’

  ‘They are fine, and Bob is quite safe where he is. I met Greg when he was visiting Bob. It’s a quiet village, and my sister is there, having moved out of London with her employer. Hanna is looking after two young boys, twins, and they moved to the farm to get away from the bombing.’

  Warren Lucknor leant forward. ‘We’ve got no idea what conditions are like over there, or exactly where Bob is stationed. Tell us all about it.’

  For the next hour Jack told them about the farm and the people living there, and described the pretty little village for them in detail. He explained how he had met their sons, and had them roaring with laughter about the party the Americans had given for the local children. The Lucknors were smiling happily by the time he finished.

  ‘Thank you, Jack,’ Warren said. ‘You’ve put our mind at rest about Bob, at least. I’m afraid Greg is in the same dangerous business as you. Did you have much trouble coming over?’

  ‘No more than usual,’ Jack said dismissively.

  Knowing that was all he was going to get, Warren smiled at them. ‘Do you know how long you’ll be here?’

  ‘We’re not sure,’ Bill told him, ‘but it might be for a while.’

  ‘Wonderful! You must all stay with us until your ship leaves, and we’ll show you the sights.’

  ‘Oh, but we couldn’t put you to all that trouble,’ Jack protested. ‘We can sleep on the ship, but we’ll come and see you again before we leave.’

  ‘Jack’s right.’ Bill shook his head. ‘You can’t put us all up. We only came with Jack to help him find your house. You’ve been very kind inviting us in, but we mustn’t impose on your hospitality.’

  ‘You would be doing us a very big favour by staying,’ Ba
bs Lucknor told them earnestly. ‘This is a big house and far too empty since our boys left.’

  ‘But we haven’t got any overnight clothes with us, and we would have to let the ship know if we’re not going back there every night.’

  ‘I’ll drive you back to your ship so you can collect your gear, and let them know where you’ll be.’ Warren stood up, clearly determined not to let them refuse. ‘By the time we get back, Babs will have dinner ready.’

  ‘Warren, we’ve got room for two more as well.’ Babs’ smile was excited. ‘Might as well fill the house up. These poor boys deserve a little comfort.’

  ‘They sure do.’ Warren looked at Jack. ‘You’ll find two more of your pals for us?’

  Jack glanced quickly at Bill, who shrugged. Frank was grinning and said, ‘We’ll see what we can do for you, Mrs Lucknor.’

  While Warren went to get the car out of the garage and his wife had already disappeared upstairs to see about the arrangements, Jack asked his friends, ‘What are we going to do? We can’t let them feed and house all of us, but they’re determined.’

  ‘They’ll be upset if we refuse, Jack. Didn’t you see their faces when you told them about their sons? You’ve made them very happy, lad, so let’s accept gratefully, and just make sure we don’t overstay our welcome.’

  Warren tooted the car horn to let them know he was ready, and they all filed out of the house and got in the very large car. After a much smoother journey than the one they’d had coming, Warren waited outside the dock gates for them.

  ‘Who else are we going to ask?’ Frank pursed his lips. ‘The first two we see?’

  ‘Might as well, but most of them will be ashore already.’ Bill strode on to the ship. ‘What about those two over there? They look as if they don’t know what to do with themselves.’

  ‘Harry and Jim?’ Jack laughed. ‘They’ll jump at the chance.’

  And they did.

  ‘Right, that’s settled. You go and get your gear while I tell them where they can find us, and see if they know how long it will be before we sail.’ Bill strode away, and the rest of them made for the crew’s quarters.

  Bill soon joined them. ‘We’ve got permission to stay ashore. It seems there’s little chance of the convoy assembling within the next few days, but if it does then they’ll send someone for us.’

  They were all in high spirits when they met Warren at the gates, and looking forward to a few days in the comfort of a real home. When they reached the house it was full of friends and neighbours, all anxious to meet the British sailors.

  ‘This is Jack.’ Babs dragged him forward as soon as he stepped inside the house, and he was immediately surrounded by smiling people wanting to talk to him. He found the situation hard to cope with, for although he had left the orphanage some time ago now, life had not equipped him for anything like this. While he tried to answer their questions, he thought how fortunate Bob and Greg had been to grow up in a family like this. He really hoped they both came through the war and returned safely to their home.

  Feeling quite overwhelmed by the eagerness of the people around him to make them feel welcome, he was relieved when he sensed Bill come and stand beside him, resting his hand on Jack’s shoulder, and joining in with the conversation. He took a deep breath and gave his friend a grateful glance.

  Babs clapped her hands for silence. ‘OK everyone, the food is ready, so let the boys eat in peace. They’ll be here for a while so you’ll have time to talk to them later.’

  Amid much laughter, they all began to file out, and Jack took another deep breath.

  ‘All right, lad?’

  He shook his head and grimaced. ‘I’m not used to anything like that, and it was hard. I felt quite overwhelmed by the people crowding around me. Most of them have sons or husbands away, many in England, and they naturally want news of what it’s like for them.’

  ‘Something smells good, Mrs Lucknor.’ Frank was drawn towards the food. ‘Can I help you serve? I’m the cook on our ship.’

  ‘Why, thank you, Frank.’ Babs beamed, clearly happy to have young men filling the house again. ‘It’s lovely to be cooking for a crowd again. Our boys were always bringing friends home.’

  They spent a quiet evening sitting around the fire and talking, and the next day Jack and Bill went with Warren to get a Christmas tree for the house. The festive season was only two days away, and the Lucknors were clearly delighted that they could all stay. And so were they. It was going to be a lavish Christmas by the look of things, and it would be a real treat for all of them.

  There was a constant stream of people in and out of the house, and the neighbours in the street quickly adopted one of the sailors each, and everyone was going out of their way to see that they all had a good time.

  Harry came back late from his adopted house, grinning. ‘This is great, a real family Christmas. That convoy can take its time.’

  Much to everyone’s relief, by Boxing Day no one had come for them, and the house was full again. They were all sitting around with drinks in their hands, talking, when the front door opened, making Babs and Warren jump to their feet, yelling with delight. They threw their arms around the tall man standing in the doorway.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Bill asked Jack.

  ‘It’s Greg!’ Jack was also on his feet. ‘You’ll like him.’

  Disentangling himself from his parents, Greg’s eyes immediately rested on Jack, laughing as he gave him a great bear hug. ‘Jack! It’s great to see you. I saw the British ships and wondered if you were here. What luck!’

  ‘We arrived some days ago and can’t leave yet. Your parents have kindly taken a crowd of us in. I’m glad you could get home.’

  ‘Me too.’ He glanced around. ‘Hey, Mom, have you taken in the entire crew?’

  ‘No,’ she laughed, wiping away a tear. ‘Only five, and the neighbours have adopted most of them, but we’ve managed to hang on to Jack and Bill – just about.’

  Harry looked concerned. ‘Mrs Lucknor, I believe I’m in Greg’s room.’

  The next-door neighbours who had taken a liking to Harry jumped to their feet. ‘Don’t worry about that, Harry; you can sleep at our house. We’ve got plenty of room.’

  ‘Oh, thanks. I’ll move my gear now.’ Harry smiled at Greg. ‘Can’t have you sleeping on the floor in your own home.’

  ‘Good, that’s settled then. You’ll be very comfortable there, Harry.’ Warren smiled and then turned to his son. ‘How long are you here for?’

  ‘Don’t know. The weather was foul and we were late arriving, so it might be a quick turnaround. The convoy is already gathering, but let’s forget about that for the time being. Jack, his sister, and everyone at the farm made us real welcome, and Bob can go there anytime he wants, so I’d like to show him and his friends some of the countryside around here. Now, introduce me to your shipmates, Jack. And I’m starving, Mom.’

  Fortunately they had three more days for Greg to drive Jack and Bill around, showing them places of interest away from the city. The others were with their adopted families being royally entertained. When the recall came it was for Greg as well. After tearful goodbyes, Babs made Jack promise that he would ask Hanna to write to them regularly. They all arrived back at the docks after having had a marvellous Christmas.

  ‘Looks like we’re on the same convoy.’ Greg clasped Jack’s hand. ‘See you back in Liverpool.’

  They boarded their ships, knowing that they would be seeing in 1944 at sea.


  The New Year had arrived during a violent storm, and with the ship pitching and rolling so badly, a celebration of any kind had been impossible. But by some miracle they didn’t lose one ship on the return journey, and were jubilant as the entire convoy approached England.

  Jack scanned the sea filled with ships and grinned at Bill. ‘What a lovely sight. Do you think the bad weather kept the subs away?’

  ‘Might have helped.’ Bill pursed his lips thoughtfully. ‘But the air cove
r we’re now getting for part of the way is also helping. Those planes can see the subs better than we can, and they’re sinking a few.’

  Nodding in agreement, Jack said, ‘I wonder if we’ll have enough time to get home?’

  ‘Won’t know until we dock. If we can, and Greg’s free, will you take him home with you?’

  ‘Oh, yes. His brother would be pleased to see him, and I’m sure Greg could stay at the farm with us. Mrs Harcourt’s good like that.’

  ‘That would be nice, because his family were certainly kind to us. It made being away from home at that time easier to take. They’re good people.’

  With so many ships arriving it was some time before they were docked and unloaded. Then they heard the good news that they had five days’ leave before sailing again.

  ‘Terrific!’ Jack was pleased. ‘That means three days at home. Now I must see if I can find Greg. Hope they haven’t been sent somewhere else to unload.’

  ‘Off you go then, lad.’ Bill slapped him on the shoulder. ‘We’ll see you in five days. Have a good leave.’

  ‘And you.’ Jack grabbed his bag and practically ran off the ship. ‘Do you know if there are any American ships here?’ he called to a group of dock workers.

  ‘Think there’s a couple further down,’ one man pointed.

  ‘Thanks.’ Jack was off running. If he couldn’t find Greg he would have to go without him, but he didn’t want to do that. He had really enjoyed spending time with Greg and his parents in America, and he wanted to repay that kindness in some way, if he could. He stopped for a moment to look around him, and then through the milling crowd of activity he caught sight of a tall figure striding towards him. He waved, breaking into a broad smile. There he was.

  ‘Hi, Jack, I’ve been looking for you. I’ve got five days before I sail again. How much time have you got?’

  ‘The same. That’s marvellous; you can come home with me and stay at the farm. Bob and everyone will be so pleased to see you.’

  ‘That would be great. Thanks, Jack.’

  It was eight o’clock in the evening when they reached the farm. And when Jack opened the kitchen door and looked in, everyone was there, including the boys, who launched themselves at him.


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