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The Haunted Chest

Page 3

by Henry Prince Chilonga, Jr


  “Newt, wake up--” Jessica continued. “It’s seven in the morning.”

  “Quit shaking me.” Newton’s voice muffled through the pillow, he kept his mouth planted between the soft parts of the pillow.

  “We have to get ready--”

  A quick snap and Newton lifted his head from the pillow-- And directed his faded glance towards Jessica who at the moment had her glance fastened at him, Jessica who was still sleeping in length and to her part felt excited to the fact that she was going to prove Newton wrong. But Newton was over the issue, his motive...impress Jessica...he pushed himself up until he rested his back at the wall behind the bed, he had his face fixed into a smile as he glanced at Jessica.

  “How was the night dear? Did you like it?”

  “Stop with the teasing already. I did like it, but remember, it’s morning, we have to get prepared for the trip to New York City to meet Mama Lina.”

  “You know I hate traveling by bus.”

  “I know-- That is why I took the privilege and contacted the Fix The Day motor company to be quick with whatever you had told them to do to the car-- I did that a couple of minutes ago, they delivered it in time. It’s outside.”

  “Did you talk to my boss as well?”

  “No--” Jessica continued. “Why should I?”

  “To excuse me so that I can take a day off.”

  “You can miss a day, what will your boss do?”

  “He will deduct from my paycheck...I’m already finding it difficult to set all my bills with the little that I earn, remember?”

  “I get it--” Jessica snapped.

  Newton stood up from the bed, still in his late night boxer...foot by foot, he walked to the closet. And flushed a smile above his shoulder as he looked back at Jessica, he shot a penetrating glance right at the corners of his eyes. And brought back his glance and gently opened the doors of the closet where he got from there, a pair of jean trousers, a gray shirt and a pair of socks.

  He tossed his trousers on the bed and his shirt as well. He wore his socks and walked back towards the bed to grab again the pair of trousers. Quickly wearing, and sliding himself into the jean until he met the bottom with his feet. And went for the shirt. Jessica was still on the bed, still necked, she covered her breasts with a white sheet on the bed-- The edges of the sheet passed beneath her armpits and above her breasts. Jessica flushed a smile as she glanced at Newton. But her not willing to get out of bed. And informing Newton that she will be sleeping until she is sure that Newton makes a certainty that he decides to go to New York City with her. she lain in length, in a prostrate position and slept on her buttocks and back, her hands still held on to the sheet. And her head which had just landed above the soft pillow and slowly sank as she glanced at Newton. She tilted her neck and glanced more at Newton, and flushed again a smile.

  “I’m leaving, Jessica, let me inform my boss first, I have to inform the big man before leaving for New York City.” Newton said and kissed her on her forehead “and by the way, I will be taking the car with me, you wouldn’t want me to be late.”

  He took from a table at the far end of the bed side: a phone, a bunch of keys, and walked towards the door. Steps away from the door, he heard Jessica shout out to him “I love you!”

  Outside the house, he found the car packed right next to their fence. He twisted his mouth into a smile and begun to walk forward. Tossing the keys in the air and catching them again. He proceeded to the small gate of the short plank fence. And gently opened the door of the car, and jumped into the car.

  He rested his hands on the steering wheel and begun to drive, he drove out of the neighborhood.

  He slid open the glass of the car and sent outside his glance and begun to stare at the running poles at roadside. And ahead, he saw Mr Boxer walk slowly to where Newton thought to had been the supermarket. Newton shouted “Morning neighbor!” to him, but all he got in return was a glare which proved to Newton that the old man wasn’t going to reply. Reason? Newton lifted his shoulders. He shrugged as he stared at the old man again. And slowly drove pass him.

  Then proceeded to the harbour of Transtevator--

  Meters away from the boats and huge ships at his side, he stopped the engine of the car and walked ahead. He slid the car keys into his pockets and gave a majestic walk down the path as if he owned one of the big ships at his left. And a smile which he flushed at everyone who walked pass him, like he sure owned some kind of an expensive yacht.

  OK...OK...enough with the false gestures. Newton glanced at the ship were he was working as part of the rest who did quite a number of work: cleaning, fixing and as well attending to the guest as waiters...and some other less paying works when the ship sailed. Newton had worked for the ship owner for over years then-- Sometimes got in wrong terms with the boss-- But never did Newton cross any job risking boundary.

  “Newton! What’s up, hommie?” Raymond rushed towards Newton the moment Newton walked on deck. Raymond covered his face with a smile-- In Raymond’s hands, he held a tray which made Newton pause to the glimpse. What is happening here? Newton lifted his eyebrows as he watched Raymond walk close upon dropping the metal tray on the ship’s floor, a meter apart.

  “What’s up, Ray?” Newton said. Still having that curious thought.

  “Dude, everything is up! We are right now above the ground, remember? And did you manage to convince Jessica in allowing you to go out with me and some hommies?”

  “Remind me, Ray--”

  “The bachelor party we are having this next evening.”

  “Should I remind you that I’m no longer a bachelor, Ray, I have a wife. Did you forget this too? Like you forgot to tell your sister to stop annoying me with love text messages she sends to me every single night?” Newton asked, and kept his glance fastened at Raymond.

  “Wait a minute, what text messages? What sister?” Raymond lifted both his eyebrows in mute supplication.

  “Gat ya--” Newton chuckled and walked away, “see you later, Ray.”

  Newton walked away from Raymond...he still couldn’t put his mind unto it. His brains were mute, he walked on his glance, he could see his fellow workmates decorate the boat. Is this ship taking off today? This can’t be it, it’s a Monday, we are just coming from a weekend. Newton’s eyes darkened to the view. And him only looking forward to talk to his boss. Newton walked into the ship’s control room, but neither there could he find his boss, but outside the morning which was slowly fading. No breaks for the workers--it seemed as if the boat was to take off fast. And him going along on the ship would only make Jessica upset. It was early that Newton and Jessica started getting along again--and spoiling that chance, a chance which sure would make a peaceful relationship was the least that Newton wanted then. I need to go to New York City with Jessica today. He swung his glance while back on deck-- Shifting his glance to get a glimpse of his boss; Lordwell King (a rich business man).

  Just anyone; be it Captain Boston or Lordwell King himself, I just need someone to tell of my trip to New York City. Newton thought continuously as he stood firmly upright, and only tilted his neck in eagerness to get a glimpse of those important men he thought about. Newton’s eyebrows begun to ache as he thought. And his eyes insisted to look at the watch which then showed him that it was 10:00 A.M. he fastened his glance on his wrist watch as thoughts scampered in his mind. His glance which slowly faded and only got it back when he heard a shout from behind.

  “Hey, Newton, I don’t pay you to supervise!” Lordwell King’s voice thundered, with his finger pointing at Newton. Although at a distance, Newton could see how much rage Lordwell King had consumed, and most of it which covered Lordwell King’s face.

  Newton kept his glance at Lordwell King as Lordwell King walked forward, Newton swallowed through his throat, and thought of how he was going to ask for a day leave if his boss was at that time annoyed with him. Newton met Lordwell king up-close, then receiving Lordwell King’s glance and giving a silent puff
which Lordwell King did not notice. But Lordwell King could at least noticed that Newton wasn’t working.

  For seconds, Newton and Lordwell King stared at each other. Newton expected scolds from Lordwell King before he could state his reasons for not doing what was expected to do, and before Newton voiced out his today schedule. Lordwell King was waited for an excuse from Newton to why Newton was standing right in the middle of his friend’s working space, and only staring at his wrist watch-- And probably counting the number of minutes his workmates spent on lifting up tables and scrubbing of the wooden floor.

  And when Newton wanted to voice out a sorry excuse to only start a conversation, he saw Lordwell King’s mouth open. And rather, Newton had to let Lordwell King speak first. Lordwell King who was up-close when he begun to speak to him, his rough voice which rushed in Newton’s heart, but the hot air which came out of Lordwell King’s mouth steamed Newton’s face.

  “How do you explain that, Newton!? Lordwell king spoke in anger.

  “What--?” Newton lifted one eyebrow.

  “Didn’t you get anything from what I had just said?”

  Blah. Blah. Blah...Newton’s thoughts snapped as he stared at Lordwell King. “Sir, I understand. But I would like you too to understand me...I have a wife...”

  “I have wives, what are you trying to say to me?”

  “That’s the point, sir, I came to ask for a day off.”


  “I and my wife are traveling to New York City. And I needed your permission, sir. I have a relationship to hold.”

  “And I have a reputation to hold, kid, this ship has been hired. And its service too-- Senator Jombosque’s grandson is cerebrating his fourth birthday, today, and on this ship. That’s the reason you see everyone busy--why would you know? You are hardly here on time--this ship has to go to the south port of Transtevator. And I need everyone on board!”

  “But, sir--”

  “Make yourself useful, Newton! The tables over there won’t arrange themselves you know.”


  “Who is the boss around here? Do you want me deducting from your paycheck!?”


  “For wasting my valuable time.”

  “No, sir.” Newton responded.

  “Now get to work!”

  Newton ducked his head. That was after he gave Lordwell King his last glance of disappointment. And then walked towards the strewn tables that laid on the ship’s floor. Newton’s head was heavy with thoughts that surged in his mind, what was he to say to Jessica? Newton knew that Jessica cared little about money, finding it, nor spending it, after the death of her mother...taking money to had been the reason to had forced her into acting for an adult film company. Upon resigning-- Jessica never liked the sound of somebody yearning lustfully for money. But it just happened that she got married to Newton.

  And by hearing the sound, words of deduction of his paycheck. It barely covering for all the expenses of my wife. What will be left of my income if Lordwell King deducts from the little that I earn?

  Upon arranging all the tables on deck, Newton glanced on his watch for the last time. And Newton could see how time had escaped his favor, two hours passed twelve. Newton lifted his hand and begun to stroke his chin, and stared at Lordwell King who sat on a king sized laid flat chair. He wants to play dirty huh!? Then it’s dirty we shall play. I can’t risk Jessica being hurt because of my actions again. I will find a way out of this hell hall without Lordwell noticing my absence. He continued to stoke his chin as thoughts whirled in his mind.

  Minutes after, Newton could see Lordwell King dozing off--still on the chair, Lordwell King’s eyes slightly closing as he fell into a deep sleep. And it then being Newton’s only opportunity to escape form the ship without Lordwell King noticing...nor Newton himself risking his paycheck into losing valuable digits. He walked on his toes and proceeded towards Raymond. Raymond was Newton’s only chance of escaping then...a help from his fellow worker.

  And behind Raymond, Newton rested his hand on top Raymond’s shoulder--a scare he gave him-- Newton gave a quick sharsh as he begun to explain that he wanted to leave the ship without Lordwell King noticing his absence.

  “But how will you pull that off?” Raymond asked.

  “Can’t you cover for your good buddy?”

  “I would. If you gave me some kind of a laid down plan. You know better than anyone that my brains haven’t worked since ages.”

  “I should have thought about that, “ Newton continued after a quick sort in his thoughts, “I think I have an Idea...why don’t I escape and you make sure that the boss doesn’t luck anything for him to look for me...and tell him I’m in the kitchen when ever he asks you on deck. Tell him I’m on deck and attending to the guests whenever he asks for me in the kitchen. Will that be difficult?”

  “Easy peezy, bro...just like having carnal knowledge.”

  Newton lifted both his eyebrows in mute supplication as he stared at Raymond. His thoughts snapping in bewilderment. How does that match with any of what I’m from saying?

  “OK, now I will be leaving. Make sure he doesn’t notice me missing...”

  “Don’t you on it, bro...remember, I’m good at keeping secrets, did I tell of you having to had stolen the missing gallons of the boss’ fresh squeezed satsuma juice.”

  “Don’t remind me of what you did...why am I even trusting you?”

  “I only told thirteen of our workmates...what’s the big deal?”

  “Out off?”

  “Fifteen,” Raymond snapped. “But that was long before. I am new, bro.”

  “Prove that, Ray, am off...”

  Focus, Newt, don’t look behind. Newton begun to walk. He walked silently as if nothing of any sort he had planned. Everyone on deck just stared at him and ignored. Lots of work had to be done. But Lordwell King who was deep asleep couldn’t notice Newton leaving the ship...and with a little help from Raymond, everyone, his workmates did not have a tiny thought that maybe Newton had escaped the ship. Everyone of the workers did go on free will. No one could have a thought that their fellow worker was escaping, but Newton was for sure. He wanted to hit two birds with one stone. His relationship with Jessica, as well as to receive a normal fixed paycheck at the end of the day. Could that be difficult?

  Away from the ship, he walked on the side ways of the harbour as he proceeded towards his car. Meters away-- he slid his hand into his pocket and pulled from there the car keys. He walked into the car, and quickly stepped on the gas pedal--Newton was in no time close to home.

  He gripped on the steering wheel as he sent his penetrating glance at the road ahead.

  “4:00 P.M.” Newton puffed between his teeth as he opened the door of the car and begun to walk towards his house.

  The neighborhood was silent. Everyone had left for work...except Mr and Mrs Boxer who had retired, but their presence was silent too; when not in glance. Newton strode into the house, his glance forward and not willing to bump or be stopped by any of the two, either Mr or Mrs Boxer.

  A quick jog up the stairs and Newton was a foot away from the bedroom door. He gripped on the door handle and made a silent entry into the room. Newton forwarded his glance.

  “Jessie--” Newton called out, and swung his glance towards the bed. Seeing as if there was a pile of clothes right under the sheet, Newton shook his head upon noticing that it was Jessica still in her slumber. He walked towards Jessica and silently pulled the sheet.

  “What’s the matter with you, Newt!?” Jessica shouted and reached up for the sheet.

  “I’m the only one here, can’t I see the nude of my own wife? Do you have to act timid?” Newton said upon letting go of the sheet.

  Jessica was still in bed from the time Newton had gone out to the harbour of Transtevator...and she did not bother clothing herself.

  Newton sat beside her, he flushed a glance at her as he waited for her to get up from bed.

  “Go back, New
t--” Jessica’s voice sounded faint as she kept stiffened on the bed and until then had gripped on the sheet.

  “What does that suppose to mean? I came all the way here as quick as possible just to make it up to you, so that our journey to New York City be a success.”

  “Really, Newt?” Jessica pushed herself up and sat on the bed, and kept her hands gripped on the sheet as she continued. “You would do that for me?”

  “Don’t be a drama queen, just get up from bed. And dress up. I just learnt that it will be a three hour drive...if we make it in time there...we may as well return home in no time,” Newton continued. “Be quick, I will be outside...let me try to fix the wind shields of the car. You will find me outside.”

  “I will take a quick shower.”

  “If that doesn’t delay us returning home in time...I’m fine with that.” Newton continued, half teasing-- “ But first, let me bit those lips.”

  “Not now, Newt, this body will be all yours tonight. Right now, let us focus on one thing.”

  “Alright, babe--” Newton said in a thick tone.

  “Babe?” Jessica continued. “That sounds chintzy. But I like it.”

  Newton covered his face with an exceptional smile as he walked away from the room, he turned around and twisted his mouth again into a smile which sure amused Jessica. Gently, he opened the door and begun to climb down the stairs--down to the living room where he could see all the residues of the yesterday party, down on the floor--balloons still hang on the sealing and a piece of cake which stood on the table, and open. He walked towards it and grabbed the tray, he gently lifted it up and headed for the refrigerator. This is money, I wouldn’t want this to go to waist because of my and Jessica’s yesterday’s fight. Newton thought as he closed the refrigerator. And scanned the room again to check if there was any yesterday remainders.

  OK. Am done here.

  He walked out of the door and glanced at his car which had parked, inches away from the fence. He covered his face with a smile again as he walked towards the car. With the car keys already in his hands, and ready to pierce open the car door.

  He gently inserted the keys and walked half way in...and left outside his right leg.

  And at his side mirrors--Newton saw Mrs Boxer walk towards the car, with a walking stick, and balanced on it, Mrs Boxer who slid her feet slowly on the ground, her back curved but she still kept pushing forward. She looked exhausted by the time she reached Newton’s car. And furious when she stared at the car which stood right at her front.

  “Get out of there young man!” Mrs Boxer voice rattled like an unoiled door being pushed by a burglar.

  Newton chuckled while still inside the car, as that sound reminded him a lot of one time when he was pulled over by a road patrol vehicle, for speeding. It was like ‘get out of the vehicle with your hands above your head!’ the difference being that the voice he was right now hearing sounded like a rattle. Newton removed his head from the car, and glanced at Mrs Boxer when he heard another furious command. And then out of the car he stared at the old lady, his head partially ducked down and staring at that old lady’s upper head. Newton’s mind was mute and just waited to hear what the old lady wanted that time.

  “Get off my property!” Mrs Boxer snapped angrily.

  “Say what?” Newton lifted an eyebrow as he stared at the old lady.

  “You head me right, curled brains...I said get off my property. Why did you choose to park your vehicle right in front of my house?”

  Newton opened his mouth wide as thoughts scampered in his mind. And just to be certain before uttering a word, he tilted his neck to glance at his house. What is wrong with this lady. OK...all is well. Newton thought and glanced again at Mrs boxer. “Ma’am, your house is over there. This is my property.”

  Mrs Boxer followed Newton’s pointing finger “Oh! Boy...clumsy me.” Mrs Boxer continued, she pushed herself forward and tried to get into Newton’s car. “Come on, drop me off.”

  What is wrong with this lady? Her house is right in front of her...about twenty feet sliding for someone her age. Why need a lift? Newton thought after blocking Mrs Boxer’s path when she tried to force herself into the car.

  “Sorry ma’am...the car is broken.”

  “Alright, alright. I was walking anyway.”

  And before Mrs Boxer signed out, Jessica came out of the house. She walked towards the car, towards Newton and Mrs Boxer-- she had wore a red dress which suited her high shoes and the fake diamond chain she had wore. Wow! She walked step by step and covered her face with a smile. When close, Jessica injected a smile in her voice, as she asked how pretty she looked in the dress.

  Mrs boxer stared at Newton who had been daydreaming at the moment, and made Newton snap out when she hit him with her walking stick.

  Jessica snapped a quick “Hi!” at Mrs Boxer and walked into the car. But Newton who stood and then stared at Mrs Boxer hoped to find an excuse to all that he said a while ago, but no thought had seemed beneficial.

  “So you rather drive your Kardashian wife, right?” Mrs Boxer asked, she sent towards Newton a glare of annoyance.

  “Ah, Yah!” Newton snapped, and quickly jumped into the car before he could receive another hit, again, from Mrs Boxer. “See you later!” Newton added and drove out of the neighborhood.

  Miles away and Jessica asked. “What was that all about, Newt?”

  “What?” Newton lifted both his eyebrows as he kept fixed his hands on the steering wheel, and a glance which he shifted back to face the road ahead.

  “I mean Mrs Boxer, who else?” Jessica said.

  “Just some jealous old freak. Don’t mind her...I myself have learnt how to bear her presence.”

  “I wouldn’t stand a minute talking to her.”

  “You don’t say--”

  “The only bother I’m trying to get rid of, is Mr Boxer, “ Jessica continued. “Just imagine, the old man was flirting with me the other day.”

  “Tell me more about it.”

  A great thing that they had chosen Mama Lina among the fortune tellers they found online. New York City is right next to Transtevator, and them being located at the boarders of Transtevator-- they were definitely going to reach New York City in no time.

  That only requested for Newton’s focus in reaching there fast, and keeping his hands griped on the steering wheel.

  Newton swung his glance at Jessica when driving on an open road. Jessica flushed a smile right above her shoulder. Newton flushed back, and swung back his attention on the road ahead.

  “How much longer, darling?” Jessica asked while kept herself stiffened in her seat belt. Jessica’s voice sounded exhausted and her face which looked pale as she reached for the window, and slowly sliding the glass open to a cool running breeze into the car.

  “The map says...we are a lot closer.”

  “Closer to where, Newt?” Jessica continued. “New York city? Or Mama Lina’s apartment?”

  “We are already out of Transtevator...we are close to Mama Lina’s apartment.” Newton sounded while kept his hands gripped on the steering wheel.

  “Great--” Jessica snapped and rested her head behind.

  Driving in the streets of New York...and both could notice a change of infrastructure, and an introduction of new faces as well lots of black Americans-- Newton stared at a man who was biting on a hot-dog. Newton flushed a smile the moment he noticed ketchup spill on the man’s t-shirt. And give a thumbs up when he noticed the man stare back at him. But what Newton received in return was something cold. A middle finger which forced Newton to get a deep sounding breath and stare back in the car, until he met Jessica’s grin, her face which flushed a broad smile at Newton.

  “Told you--” Jessica chuckled.

  “That dude is mean! I work with a black guy, but I have never received such responses even if I offended him.”

  “You should hear yourself, Newt...there is a difference. This is New York, and that guy you just provoked is a black American. A
nd your workmate is...African American.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “You will soon, if you try to act smart with anyone around these parts.”

  Newton shook his head and puffed out softly. And gently, he swung his glance outside the window and stretched it as he begun to stare at the residents of New York City. This is different with how I see New York City on television, or maybe I’m on the other side.

  Newton glanced on the map on his phone, and could see that the trial he took headed to Mama Lina’s apartment. He stopped the car and stepped out. Kind of partial debris houses in his glace. He swallowed in his throat as he watched black Americans walk pass him. And a scarcity of white guys. He stared again on his phone and saw where just the trail had ended. He glanced at Jessica and cleaned his throat before he begun to speak. “I see why people call this place the project.”

  Jessica chuckled.

  “Here we go, Jessica, there is the house--as shown on the map--let up just hope that it doesn’t fall on us when we get in there. “Here we go--” Newton rephrased.

  In front of them was a house made of wood, literally made of wood. It wasn’t shined, nor painted to beautify it. In Newton and Jessica’s glance was a creepy old house. And Newton could then compare it to the house Mr and Mrs Boxer lived in back in Transtevator. But this is just way too creepy. Newton’s eyes darkened as he tried too get a proper glimpse of the house. It was 5:00 P.M. And the sun had slowly begun to the house a way much disturbing look. What now? Newton thought, and daresaying that he said that out loud...he begun to glance at Jessica expected her to respond.

  “Jessie, there is still enough time to head back home. What do you say? Jessie, are you with me?” Newton said.

  “Oh...yes, Newt, it’s just that this isn’t how I pictured Mama Lina’s house would look like. I know that she is a fortune teller, and that something has to be creepy about her-- But this? I just didn’t think of this...” Jessica said.

  “Should we head back?”

  “We have come a long way, Newt.”

  Better not annoy her right now. Newton’s thoughts snapped as he swung his glance back at the house at his front. And the internet said that the lady lives in an apartment, but this aren’t an apartment. It’s a freaking ghost house.

  The building seemed abandoned, dark planks with a little colour of white faded paint on the edges of each plank. Newton stretched his penetrating glance as thoughts kept on scampering, frantically in his mind. Bewilderment thoughts which surged as he glanced more at the creepy house. Projects. He puffed out silently.

  Newton shifted his glance and begun to stare at Jessica. He had noticed that Jessica was equally twisted at the glimpse, but because of him, Jessica was ready to move forward despite her knowing how creepy the house was...and only yearned to meet up with Mam Lina. Newton fastened his glance at Jessica. And watched each puff she released and just how tight Jessica had sealed her mouth afterwards.

  Jessica lifted her glance and saw just how concerned Newton had been. Newton who was certain that Jessica was not going back home without meeting the fortune teller, and hence, prove to him just how loyal she was.

  The house seemed empty, no window curtains--broken window panes, some windows that hanged in their view. And no one of that neighborhood dared to walk five meters close to the house.

  Newton scanned the house...creepy like before-- But he did not want to take any chances. Newton had dealt with situations like these before. Staff like haunted houses, but all that was in his scary nightmares. And this is reality. This calls for what? Panic? Or maybe a helper? OK, a helper will do.

  Newton shifted his glance towards the other side of the road. He stared at blank Americans who walked at the other side of the road, he glanced back to make sure his car was still there. I don’t trust these black Americans one bit. He held Jessica by her hand and begun to walk to the other side of the road. And a great thing that a white guy moved along that path. And in Newton’s mind, he thought that was his perfect opportunity to get some information about Mama Lina, and if really they were at the right place.

  “Hey, may I borrow a minute of your time?” Newton said upon blocking the man’s path.

  “Sure--” The man snapped, and fixed his face with a wry smile.

  “I was wondering if you could know anything. Just anything, that will help us find Mama Lina...we know that she lives in these parts, but where exactly?” Newton received the man’s glance.

  A glance which the man loosened by the sound of Newton mentioning the fortune teller’s name. And both Newton and Jessica saw just how frightened the man was. The man trembled by the name, and shouted, with sweat dropping to the ground after sliding down the man’s face. He screamed and shouted loud and clear that he knew nothing about Mama Lina-- The man strode away--giving Newton and Jessica a strange look on his face when he strode. Newton could tell that something was wrong...the man’s tone had proven that, but Newton thought that something was act wrong with the man’s brains. He stared at Jessica after he had watched the white man walk away, who strode in terror like he had seen a ghost.

  Jessica lifted her shoulders upon receiving Newton’s glance.

  “Jessie, what do you think?”

  And still Newton could get a shrug as response.

  But Newton was not ready stop yet, he took a deep breath and released it slowly when he saw two teenage black American boys walk towards him and Jessica. One boy who had a basket ball cupped under his armpit. Newton wanted to ask the teenagers instead--who else--the place was full of black dudes walking around.

  Let’s hope I don’t get a middle finger from these young-stars as well. Newton thought as he watched the boys approach.

  Like before, he as well stopped the boys with the same phrase he had used to stop the white guy earlier. And Newton could see terror in the eyes of the boys the minute he mentioned the fortune teller’s name. The boys scuttled back to where they had come from, leaving behind their basket ball. This is odd.

  Newton glanced forward as he watched the boys run in terror.

  Newton tilted his neck and glanced at Jessica, he clamped his mouth tight and after a minute of thought, he opened it again-- “Is it in the way I’m talking to them or what?” Newton rose his eyebrows, and kept Jessica in his glance. “Wait a minute!” He rested both his hands on Jessica’s shoulders as he bore a glance into Jessica’s eyes “do you know how the fortune teller looks like?”

  “NO--” Jessica continued. “The internet only had information of her location. And her names of course.”

  “Damn! You should have mentioned this earlier--no wonder everyone is running away if they hear the sound of me mentioning the fortune teller’s name.”

  “Who would run away from a fortune teller?”

  “ do you explain that?” Newton continued. “We hurry back home before things turn ugly.”

  “No, Newt, I’m not leaving until I see Mama Lina.” Jessica refused.


  “Yes, Newt, I have made up my mind.” Jessica said, and begun to tread to the other side of the road where the house stood unstable.

  Newton was silent and hoped to reason with what his wife had put her mind unto. And at least he considered the fear he saw in the eyes of the three people he had asked about Mama Lina. Newton glanced back and could then see Jessica cross the road to the other side. He had doubts with the decision Jessica had made, but it was his duty, always to stand by Jessica’s side. He swallowed in his throat and begun to stride towards Jessica. “Jessica, wait for me!” He shouted, his voice jumping to the other side of the road and give Jessica a quick halt.

  The house looked much creepier up close. Newton and Jessica were staring at the door of the house. Their eyes darkened as they tried to figure out how they were going to open the door. Only pieces of planks joined together and set as a door. Shutting tight the planks together, and sealed any hole between that no one could send a peep through the planks.
No holes of any sort to help Jessica and Newton peep inside he house. Newton glanced at Jessica as he held her hand and hoped that she kept close to him no matter what-- How they were to open the door was then their puzzle to fix-- in order For them to get in the house.

  Jessica shot a glance of ignorance at Newton, and then left the thinking and the ‘figure out how,’ to Newton. The door had no handle nor any sort of anything to prove that someone had locked it. At least that could have given them a hint on how to open the door.

  The house was a piece of junk-- Newton glanced at the other side of the floor which held two greasy planks which had kept the entry roofing intact. But not as quite when he decided to stare at the roofing above-- Newton’s glance gently shifting to meet other planks which he had thought to be on the other side. But the roofing was hanging on one plank on the other side. Newton stamped his feet on the floor below as thoughts begun to whirl in his mind, he wondered more what person would have a concrete floor for a wood made house.

  Newton stared at Jessica, and slowly shifted his glance to face the roofing above. Again. As he felt his heart beat rampant, and considering that the house and the neighborhood looked creepy, he griped on Jessica’s hand and insisted that they make their way back to their ride.

  Jessica had then reasoned with Newton, she turned around--taking a foot away from the door. Until the door suddenly swung open.

  “Newt, wait! The door has opened.”

  “Are you sure you want to get in?” Newton’s voice rattled as he spoke. And kept his hand still held on to Jessica’s.

  “Yes--” Jessica responded, and reversed her step.

  “Just take a look, Jessie, it’s getting way darker than before. We have spend an hour just trying to figure out a way in this house. We are late, we will try another day, like in the morning.”

  “Precisely, that’s my point, Newt, we have spent an hour trying to find our way in...and the door is open, why leave then?” Jessica continued. “Let us get into the house and meet Mama Lina.”

  “Aren’t you scared of any of this?”

  “My marriage is way too scary, Newton.”

  “I really wasn’t expecting that for a response.” Newton continued, “if you insist to know who this Mama Lina everyone in the neighborhood is scared of, be my guest. Let us move in, but make sure you watch your step.”

  Jessica twisted her mouth into a wry smile as she walked through the door after Newton. And the door swung back locked. Newton turned behind with a sudden thump of his heart-- He quickly stretched his hand to touch Jessica, his heart still beating rampantly he took desperate breaths, he was much concerned about Jessica who stood behind him. Jessica too stood scared, but the question then was who had shut the door back locked?

  Newton’s heart was beating rampantly as he stared at a fading glimpse of a dark room. Behind Jessica, Newton reached for the door, he slid his hands over the joined planks, and tried to find a handle on the door hoping to run out-- Newton was freaking out way more than Jessica as he continuously felt the rough texture of the wooden door.

  I can’t believe it, we are trapped! Newton’s heart thumped--a sudden ripples which touched his toes-- And quick knocks on the bars of his chest. Which Beat hard, and Newton could feel that he and Jessica were in danger.

  “I’m sorry, Newt--” Jessica’s voice sounded faint.

  “We don’t have time for all that right now. We have to...” Newton continued in an impatient tone. After swallowing through his throat, “ah...I just can’t seem to think straight.”

  Jessica griped on Newton’s shirt. A grip which was shaky. “Am scared, Newton.”

  “Let us look for this Mama Lina lady.”

  “Don’t you think we have seen enough?”

  “Not until I see the fortune teller.” Newton continued. “Are you having your phone?”

  “I have left it back in the car--” Jessica snapped.

  “OK...let us use the back-light of my phone...although it’s quite faint.”


  “Just hold on to me, Jessie.” Newton said.

  Newton removed his phone from his pocket and again reminded Jessica to keep holding onto him.

  The house was dark. So was the outside. But Newton was then determined to meet Mama Lina. His eyes darkened even more as he stretched forward his hand which kept hold of the phone. And tried to find a way to the rooms upstairs. If there is any. Down stairs seemed empty--silence which scared Newton and Jessica even more. There foot steps that kept beating on the concrete floor below their feet.

  “There--” Newton whispered.

  And begun to move forward, towards the stairs that sat motionless at the last far end left of the large living room. Around the room, Newton could see nothing but crap lying on the floor. Couches turned upside down, broken lamps on the floor-- Furniture on the floor, making Newton and Jessica wonder even more on what type of person would stay in such an environment.

  Newton tempered his voice as he held Jessica and asked her to watch her step when stepping on the stairs.

  He swung his glance behind as he climbed the first stair. His heart still beating, and a breath which sounded in the silent environment. Newton directed his torch back, and tried to see if anything had been following them. Just anything was to be feared in times like those. Newton directed his penetrating glance, and back towards the front, where he then moved slowly his stretched arm.

  And ahead were long unsteady stairs that clenched as both trod on them. Newton held Jessica by her hand. And cautioned again to Jessica so that she walk with much care...prudent enough, it was clear in Newton’s glance when he swung the torch down the stairs, he could see empty spaces below the planks of the stairs and as well the shaking legs of Jessica that were on top of her red high-hill shoes.

  Before Jessica stamped, she gripped on Newton’s shirt to balance.

  “Careful--” Newton cautioned. Yet again. As he stared at Jessica’s feet that had been shaking to the silence and creepy clenching sounds in the house.

  “Newton, what was that?”

  “What was what, dear?” Newton stretched his hand forward and tried to check what Jessica talked about.

  “Not there, Newt, I’m talking about the noises.” Jessica added.

  “What noises, Jessie, you must be hearing things.” Newton denied hearing anything strange. Apart from the clenching sounds which came from the stairs they had stood on.

  “Keep quiet and listen, Newt--” Jessica whispered.

  Faint voices came from up above the stairs. Newton was beginning to freak out. Jessica too. Newton’s legs begun to shake, his cheeks burnt with fear, but his heart twisted with curiosity in wanting to find out what it was that made those sounds. Where did the murmuring sounds come from?

  Newton and Jessica both stood silent as voices came rushing in their ears. Murmuring voices that both couldn’t interpret. But both knew that someone was definitely in the house. But who would leave in a piece of a junk like this house. Newton thought as he kept his ears open and trapped every single murmur he heard-- as he hoped that he could interpret any of what he had been listening to.

  “This sounds different--” Newton said and stretched his hand forward to see what it was that he heard.

  Jessica knew that whatever it was, it sure was scary. Murmuring sound had stopped and only loud squeaky sounds came from up the stairs. Newton kept his hands stretched with his glance fastened at the spot light ahead.

  A large swam of bats came rushing towards them.

  “Jessie, get down!” Newton screamed upon glance. He pulled Jessica by her hand and forced her to duck down.

  Bats flew right above their heads, and touching the above curled hairs of Newton. Newton who kept himself ducked, and kept firm on a stair he had squat on as he held tight Jessica’s hand.

  “What was that?” Jessica asked in an impatient tone upon getting up by Newton’s request.

  “Bats--” Newton whispered.


  “Ya, and lots of them. Let us move forward. I’m sure there has to be something in this house that made those bats flee in terror.”

  “Were they running in terror? Or they were trying to terrorize us?” Jessica whispered a question, and paused to temper her voice.

  “Either way, Jessie. Terror--that’s the main word here. Right now, it doesn’t matter much who was in terror.” Newton continued. “Let us keep going.”

  Jessica gripped on Newton’s shit. She too climbed up the stairs. Crazy sounds could be heard, but both chose not to respond to any.

  Clenching sounds were heard as both stepped on each plank of the stair--ten more stairs, when Newton missed a step and fell on the step ahead, his head hit on one of the above steps. The phone still in his hand, but dead after a stiff hit on a plank. Jessica held Newton up. Darkness had surrounded them. Newton got his glance back. A glance which swung in the dark.

  “What just happened?” Newton asked, with a leg stepping on a stair below. His hand holding on to his head as he felt a sharp stab of pain in his head.

  And upon noticing that his phone was dead, he held Jessica’s hand and begun to walk up the stairs. His heart raced as he glanced forward. Darkness everywhere. His hopes of meeting the fortune teller had begun to fade until a foot away from the stairs him and Jessica noticed light ahead. Light which squeezed through the tiny spaces of a door afar.

  Step by step, Jessica and Newton begun to walk towards the room. And ignored the clenching sounds of the wooden floor above the living room. Both had to stick together. Newton held Jessica’s hand, tight and swung his glance in the darkness as he hoped to have a glimpse of Jessica, but with darkness surrounding them, he couldn’t see her, but only felt her closeness. And had at least kept hold of her hand.

  “This is it, Jessie--” Newton said. And pushed the door where the light had come from. The room sounded silent.

  Newton swung the door open. Gently. And pulled Jessica in as well. He directed his glance ahead, and right in the middle of the room, he could see a lady seated on a chair, with a table at her front and a round glass ball which was glowing, producing the light which Newton and Jessica had spotted penetrating the spaced door. The other side of the table were two empty seats. Newton and Jessica walked forward and offered themselves a sit opposite the fortune teller. And glanced at the lady who had covered her head with a veil. The lady who had her head ducked down and kept her hands below the table.

  Newton stared at Jessica and smiled, still held on to Jessica’s hand. And him being excited of the fact that they had made it to meet the fortune teller.

  That fall was worth it, I sure cracked a skull, but I’m fine thanks to my determination. Newton thought as he stared at Jessica, him and Jessica slowly swung their glances and stared at the fortune teller whom both had longed to meet. The room was silent, Newton had wore a glance of curiosity as he stared at the lady in front of him and just wondered of who could be behind the blue veil.

  The fortune teller slowly lifted her head and threw the veil behind her as she sent a glance towards Newton and Jessica in front of her.

  “Greetings! I’m Mama Lina-- A medium of the present, past and the future. How may I help you?” The fortune teller said in a voice of steel.

  What? Another black American? This day just keeps on getting’s the least that I expected.

  “Newton, I forgot to mention that I could as well read minds. Let us begin, shall we…” Mama Lina said, and beamed forward. She laid her hands on the table, her glance fastened upon Newton and Jessica at her opposite.

  Newton sat quiet as Mama Lina’s words rushed in his ears. But on a second thought, Newton wanted to stand up from the seat and leave the room, but an inch above the chair, Jessica pulled him down. He sent a glance at Jessica and hoped that she too had the same impression he had over Mama Lina.

  Jessica cleaned her throat, “something is wrong in our...”

  And before she could finish her statement, Mam Lina stopped her with an uplifted hand. “I know what brings you here.” Mama Lina continued after she took a short meditate. “I would like you both to hold on to the ball you see in front of you. I will try to connect to both your pasts, present and your future life together.”

  Jessica reached for the ball, but Newton did not like that one bit, the fact that it was a black American lady who had made him freak out a while ago, and that it was her to teleport in his and Jessica’s life. Newton kept his hands below the table.

  Jessica shot a glance at Newton hoped that he did as asked-- Seconds later, Jessica whispered to Newton, as she reminded him how important that was in their relationship. Newton clamped his mouth tight as he heard Jessica whisper to him. And slowly, Newton reached for the glowing ball upon lifting and stretching both of his hands.

  “Now, try to think of your past.” Mama Lina said--her glance fastened at Newton and Jessica.

  Newton puffed out silently as he received the Mama Lina’s glance. And then fought his thoughts so that he doesn’t think of anything to mock Mama Lina. He did not want to upset Mama Lina, being aware of Mama Lina’s gift to read minds. And worse...the creepy house being Mama Lina’s territory.

  “OK. may both let go of the ball.” Mama Lina said in a voice of steel as she glanced directly at Newton and Jessica. And quickly, Newton and Jessica had let go of the glowing ball and flopped back in their seats, then sent curious glances at the fortune teller.

  Mama Lina who fastened her glance at Newton and Jessica as she begun to speak. She kept her arms laid on the table. The light produced from the glowing ball on the table touching her face as she spoke, “I can get the impregnables. After taking a look at both pasts...and I can tell that both were awful...abominable…Jessica once worked for an adult firm company, right? And newton was involved in many fraud cases and had to set foot in prison sells once every year, that was before you two got married.”

  Newton’s mouth was sealed tight when Mama Lina spoke, one hand brushed his thigh below the table while his other hand kept hold on Jessica’s hand.

  “The love that you two share has made you overcome all such hardships that used to torment you. You shouldn’t take that for granted...Newton Shetani...your wife has been faithful to you since day one of you relationship...” Mama Lina snapped at Newton, and to Jessica’s satisfaction.

  “Great! We will be leaving now. I think we heard what we needed to.” Newton stood up from his seat and turned around, but Mama Lina stopped him.

  “Wait young man...I wouldn’t leave so soon if I were you...let me finish first...I have only talked of your past and present life, let me tell you what the future holds for you. It’s important that you know.”

  “We will discover that on our own, thanks, ma’am.” Newton said. But Jessica was eagerly wanting to hear what was to happen in the future. Jessica sat back on her seat and glanced back at Mama Lina. “Please tell us, ma’am.”

  Why? Newton’s thoughts snapped as he tilted to face again at Mama Lina.

  “I can see a third person in your life, who will make you both happy, and make the bond of your marriage even stronger...very soon you will have a baby. A fruit of the love you two share.” Mama Lina announced.

  Jessica chuckled, and flushed a smile above her shoulder to face Newton, and quickly she shifted to glance back at Mama Lina-- Jessica’s mouth twisted into a smile again, “is it a girl or boy? Please tell me it’s a girl--”

  “I can’t be sure, but I see a girl. If you two are fortunate enough, it could be twins.”

  Jessica passed a soft laugh as she fastened her glance at Mama Lina.

  “But the problem...I can see danger at the ship your husband works...fight between him and the spirits, if he dares to go back to work...rift between him and his boss. He should quit his job and stay home until the end of this month...only then will he find peace. If not, he will not only risk his life, but yours as well.” Mama Lina said to Jessica.

  Newton’s face grew
pale as he stared at Mama Lina, he rubbed his face as a thought of unbelief reached his mind. “ What shit is this woman trying to say? Huh!?”

  Jessica stood up and held Newton by his hand, and tried to calm him down knowing that Newton was short-tempered. And at least she tried to calm the rising temper in Newton’s throat.

  “Listen young man, it’s for your own welfare. If you go against the prophecy. You will only perish in the hands of the demons.” Mama Lina said.


  Newton clapped his hands and gave a loud laugh which echoed in the room, “Now we are talking about demons, right? You are kidding me...Jessica, I told you that coming here wasn’t a good idea. This lady is insane. She says that I stay home for a month without work. Who will pay our water bills, electricity bills...will she help?” Newton held Jessica by hand and gave Mama Lina a glare which he shifted to face Jessica. “Let us get out of this piece of junk!”


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