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The Haunted Chest

Page 6

by Henry Prince Chilonga, Jr


  Newton opened his eyes to an introduction of an early morning; 04:00 A.M. Unable to sleep, he swung his glance in the dark room; close to him and he could feel Jessica presence. He lifted both his hands and pressed them on his face tight in attempt to overcome the remnant stress of yesterday. He yawned out loud and woke pass a tiny percent of the sleep which had waited for him right behind his eyes.

  Damn! His thoughts snapped, he puffed between the spaces his fingers had formed in front of his mouth. He gently slid his hands down until he had touched the sheet on top of him. His mouth was clamped tight, he bit on his lips tight and tried hard to overcome the stress he had been feeling and an awakened anxiety from the fact that he had put his hopes high in an empty chest. But his tries to overcome any weren’t paying off even a bit; he tried every trick in the book to forget all that had happened, but it seemed like he reminded himself even more of what had happened hours ago. He bit on his teeth as painful thoughts rose in his chest. And burnt each and every comforting sensation which he had tried to employ. The thin line on his eyebrows deepened when his thoughts rose yet again with sarcasm. An inward sensation which cringed each moment he remembered of the empty chest. Little did he know that the chest wasn’t empty at all, but had five angry demons. Little did he know then. And less did he care of just how the chest’s weight dropped over a sudden upon divided open. And more did he care; considering the fact that he had made lifetime plans of luxury and wealth.

  Newton dropped his arms and searched for comforting thoughts, thoughts that which could comfort him and help him overcome and surpass that hard episode. He gently lifted one arm, he stretched it and reached for the lamp that sat on a table, on the other side of the bed. His arm, passed above Jessica’s head, he stretched it even further towards the other side until he met the lamp, he slid his hand desperately until he touched the switch. He switched the lamp on and pushed himself back to the way he had been ling until then.

  The lamp lit, its light which shown right above Jessica’s forehead, and forced Jessica to open her eyes. She did, and glanced at Newton who looked depressed.

  “Newt--” Jessica said in a low recovering voice.

  Newton gently swung his glance and received Jessica’s glance. He couldn’t even form a fake smile. His mouth was stiff and his eyes had become dark. He at least softened his mouth to a response which proved to Jessica just how stressed he had been-- “What?”

  Jessica fixed properly her head on the pillow beneath and flushed a smile which amused Newton no bit. She shifted her glance to stare at Newton and hoped that him too would return the cordial look.

  “What--” Newton snapped yet again and slowly shifted his glance to face the dark parts of the room.

  “Why don’t you cheer up?” Jessica suggested.

  “Why should I?”

  “Why shouldn’t you?” Jessica continued “that is the question you should be asking yourself right now, Newt, we have plenty of reasons to be happy, to get all excited. But I just can’t seem to understand why you got annoyed over a it because of the chest?”

  “Please don’t mention it.”

  “Then why do you trouble yourself with such thoughts?”

  For seconds, Newton sat silent, considering that he had until then reminded himself of the fact that he did not find as he had expected from the chest.

  Newton glanced at Jessica with his mouth clamped tight, his lips which had become stiff and unable to part even into a single wry smile. Why? I know I should have not got all excited before I opened the chest. But I was certain that it did contain gold. Its weight being an addition to the thoughts I had over that chest. Newton thought. Thoughts that whirled in his mind as he stared at Jessica. He opened his mouth to give a sharp response but held it back and slid his unripe words back through his throat and waited until he had thought of a better response. After all, it wasn’t Jessica’s fault that he had found nothing in the chest. But whose? It’s neither my fault. Newton shifted his glance around the room-- He faced at the far ends which were dark ’cause because of the golden light which the lamp had produced barely touched the far ends. He sharpened his glance and hoped to escape Jessica’s interrogation.

  Newton knew that Jessica was only trying to calm him down, but little did Jessica know that Newton was not only worried about the issue of the empty chest, but his work as well.

  Newton slept silent in an addition of seconds. He tried to sort out his thoughts which were at that time troubled him, he swallowed through his throat the minute his glance had swung back at Jessica.

  Jessica lifted her hand and rested it on Newton’s cheek, she stared at him and received his troubled glance before she could open her mouth into something comforting or all the same; a question to why Newton acted cold.

  “Why, Newt?” Jessica asked.

  She kept her hand rested on Newton’s cheek and pushed herself even closer towards Newton who sat silent and tried to reason with what Jessica did say a while ago. And just how he was to respond to Jessica’s pending questions. His cheeks had begun to burn, and Newton knew that by then, Jessica too felt the warmness; Jessica had rested her hand on Newton’s cheek.

  “I’m trying, Jessie.” Newton said after seconds of silence.

  Finally he had opened his mouth after seconds of muteness. He paused and glance at Jessica. Jessica’s warm breath which kept hitting his face, Newton liked it, but cared more about the current breakdown which he had begun to face at the moment and other problems he was sure to face.

  “What are you trying?” Jessica lifted her eyebrows in mute supplication.

  “I’m really.” Newton’s voice muffled with a sound of sincerity.

  “What?” Jessica snapped.

  “To get over this suspense thought of having lost quite a lot.”

  Jessica gently slid her hand and touched Newton’s lower chin. “What is it that you lost, Newt? I remember you saying to me...just before you had opened the had said to me that it was a fifty-fifty game, either you find treasure or not, and the fact still remains; and that nothing will change, where has the life coaching gone to?”

  Newton chuckled a little.

  “Where, Newt?” Jessica lifted one eyebrow.

  “Listen, Jessie--”

  “ more lecturing if you can’t conquer your own woe. You should be coaching yourself right now, not me.” Jessica said.

  “It’s not a lecture, Jessie,” Newton finally placed a smile on his face as he glanced at Jessica.

  “OK. Then, come on, talk to me, Newt, I’m pretty sure you have a better way out of the depressed zone I saw you mingling a couple of seconds ago.” Jessica said. She said, half teasing and hoped that Newton had to snap out of the current grief he was passing through. She slid away her hand from Newton’s chin, he pulled her hand back under the sheet; and formed an expression which showed Newton as it proved to him just how eager she was to listen to how he was going to overcome the stress which until then seemed to had consumed him.

  “Jessie, both you and I know that I love money.”

  “More than I?”


  “More than you care about the baby?”

  “No way!”

  “OK. Then try to get over the silly sad episode. The baby wouldn’t want to see papa sad over some mystery money.”

  “And the baby wouldn’t want to come in a world were poverty has found its stay either. How will we afford to manage the expense for three people if I hardly manage to cover only for your expenses, Jessie?”

  “But we have been stocking money in the account.”

  “That money will finish-- And where will we get more of it to support a growing family, huh, where?”

  Jessica slept still and silent, she stretched her legs, but again considered Newton’s question.

  “What do you suppose we do then, Newt, now that we have little money?”

  “That is why I’m silent and trying to think, finding a so
lution out of this mess. I know that it’s difficult, and it will be. And that my health is on the line, blah, blah, blah, but I would do more than just kill myself to insure and see my child brought up in a world of luxury.” Newton said.

  He paused and lifted his hand, he rested it on Jessica’s hip which had rose the sheet up. He sent his glance and stared into her eyes. Newton became silent and waited for Jessica’s query or better; a way out of the mess he been facing. His mouth was shut sealed, and Jessica could barely see the thin line on Newton’s mouth. Newton made certain to close his mouth and only speak after Jessica did so.

  He dropped his arm slid his hand on top of Jessica’s hip, as he shaped her body and headed to touch her cheek. On her cheek, Newton rested his hand and shot a glance which told Jessica that he waited for her to speak. A glance which Jessica had spotted could not ignore, she opened her mouth slowly to a gentle response.

  “There is always a solution to that, right?” Jessica said.

  “Yes, there is” Newton continued. “And that very solution is what I need right now.”

  Jessica fastened her glance at Newton, her mouth had clamped tight, and obviously she sorted through her thoughts. Her eyes had slowly fade to a view of Newton who had slept in length. And in anguish too-- In anguish to had expected more than the chest could offer. In which to him, the chest had brought him nothing. The chest which had later turned to be a mock of his interest, and a share waste of time and stress to had brought it home.

  Newton slept still and did not even shake a muscle. He slowly lifted his glance and fastened it on the sealing of the roof which he could barely see properly having to depended on the faint light the lamp had produced-- Which sat on the table at the other side of the bed, right next to Jessica. He placed his hands on his face, and again tried to sort through bizarre thoughts. Little did Jessica know of what had happened at Newton’s place of work. And Newton was not willing to start the topic then that he was mourning over something he thought could have shaped his and Jessica’s future. He closed his eyes behind his hands which had rested on his face and tried to figure out what it was that came over him.

  Why did I even think that the chest had treasure. I think I’m just too much contained with the idea of making money. His thoughts continued to surge in his mind. And blamed nobody but himself to had lifted the chest out of the water; from the sea’s floor; and worse, to had believed that it contained gold. He slowly gripped on the sides of his face with anger. Rage crawled in him like he had been cheated. Yet again. And first being that Raymond had told on him to Lordwell King to had dodged from work.

  But Jessica didn’t stop thinking about what was happening, she pulled herself up and rested her back on a wall behind--the wall that stood behind the bed. She sorted through her thoughts until she felt she had come up with something that could help cheer up Newton.

  “Newt,” Jessica said.

  “What?” Newton snapped, and slowly slid his hands off his face. He tilted to glance at Jessica whom in his glance, he could see that she had then leaned to the wall behind her.

  “I think I have come up with something great.”

  “Something like?” Newton lifted one eyebrow as he looked entirely at Jessica.

  “Something that I believe you would like.” Jessica twisted her mouth into a smile and hoped that her facial expression would employ calmness on Newton’s face too; which was until then masked with anguish.

  “I’m waiting.” Newton said.

  “I’ll be glad to limit my demands from you. No more going for shopping--and our diet will meet up with a quarter percent of what you will be earning from your work.” Jessica continued. “At least then, you can work and stop worrying about me, I can survive eating only twice a day. And I’m sure that the baby will too.”

  “Great--” Newton snapped.

  “What do you mean by great? Newton, do you like my suggestion? Or you have something better as to guarantee us saving a large sum of money before the baby is born?”

  “Your suggestion is perfect.” Newton added.

  “Now cheer up...take a sleep...I wouldn’t want you to go to work exhausted. This is the time to prove to your boss that you really deserve a raise.” Jessica continued. “What do you think?”

  Newton lifted his hands and placed them back on his face after he had puffed out loud. He quickly tilted and faced the other side of the room, and gave Jessica his back.

  “What does that suppose to mean, Newt?” Jessica asked.

  Newton was silent as he recollected his thoughts. What should I tell her? She doesn’t know yet that the chest had put my hopes high and my job on risk. His thoughts surged in his mind--not entirely able to find a way to respond to Jessica. I just can’t tell her I had put my hopes high in a chest I did not open, and put my job on the line. This will only prove one thing; and that is I’m just as clumsy as Raymond. And she sees Raymond to be psychic. I just can’t speak out the truth.

  His mouth was clamped tight, and his hands had then pressed had on his face. He puffed softly to the warmth of his mouth and nose. Still not being able to speak to Jessica of what did happen at the harbour of Transtevator. He took a desperate breath.

  “Don’t tell me you messed up with your boss--” Jessica said.

  She kept her glance at Newton and hoped that he could tilt to face her with an explanation to why he had gave her his back when she asked him a question.

  Newton tried to find a way to escape the conversation. He lowered his hands from his face and took a deep steady breath and hoped that it could calm his temper and a rising tense he felt burning inside him. He swallowed through his throat and slept in length and continued to wait for a perfect moment to glance back at Jessica, but before he had ignored Jessica’s queries no minute further--he felt her touch on his shoulder which griped gently and begun to pull him back in his before position. Newton couldn’t resist, he rather let himself roll back to the way he had slep seconds ago; he rested properly, his back on the bed and his head which he had planted between the soft parts of the pillow. His eyes had become dark like before as he opened them and caught Jessica’s glance up-close, and until then expected some explanation for his cold behavior. Newton’s dry throat bobbed the moment again he swallowed to the fear of a scolding from Jessica. He received Jessica’s glance and searched her face and could see that she wasn’t happy at all about all that had happened a few seconds ago. A single blink and he heard Jessica speak again. And this time expected an explanation to why he did not liked the fact that she had mentioned his boss. And him going back to his place of work.

  Jessica tempered her voice as she begun to speak. “I’m waiting, Newton, for an explanation. Why do you hide stuff from me anyway? Why?”

  “Jessie--” Newton said.

  “Don’t Jessie me, what I want right now is an explanation. Anything apart from that, better keep it to yourself.” Jessica’s voice sounded with anger.

  “Fine!” Newton continued, “I got into a fight with Lordwell King! Are you satisfied!?”

  “I’m now--but why did you?” Jessica asked.

  Newton too pushed himself up and met the wall behind the bed. He leaned his back there and swallowed through his throat before he had begun to speak.

  “I was by Lordwell King that I clean three ships, and six of his boats.” Newton said.

  “But why?” Jessica asked.

  Newton tilted and met Jessica’s glance, “because I dodged from work the day I escorted you to New York City.”

  “Didn’t you make sure that your boss wouldn’t notice you missing?”

  “I did,” Newton confirmed. “I asked Raymond, remember?”

  “What happened, did you two fight?”

  “No--” Newton continued. “By the time Lordwell explained why he was making me do all the work, Raymond and the rest had already left. I managed to clean one ship and one boat. It was a tiring punishment and I don’t think I can manage to do the rest two ships and f
ive boats.”

  “Wait a minute, Newt--” Jessica continued. “Then what makes you think you got into a fight with your boss? You did not quarrel with him, right? You did as told, right? Then what gives you that thought that you might loose your job?”

  Newton leaned on the wall behind him and silently thought. Should I tell her? His thoughts surged in his mind as he glanced at Jessica. She will understand. I had reasons in doing that. I was angry. I did all that out of rage. Newton fastened his glance at Jessica as he searched for words in his mind that could respond to Jessica’s questions, at least not form a misunderstanding of any sort between him and Jessica. He rubbed his face with his hand and met again her glance. He puffed between his teeth and took a deep breath before he could begin to speak.

  “I kind of broke Lordwell King’s fishing stick.” Newton snapped.

  “Fishing stick? How can a stick tense you up, Newt?” Jessica chuckled and beamed forward to catch a clear glimpse of Newton “I thought it was something valuable. And I felt your cheeks burn at the time when we begun this conversation. Is that why you are having a sleepless night?”

  “His lucky fishing stick--” Newton’s voice muffled to the hearing of Jessica who sat silent and now considered the words that Newton had said to her.

  “What do you suppose you do?” Jessica continued in a silky tone. “I hear that Lordwell King is quite an influential person in these parts of Transtevator, and he wouldn’t just let you go so easily. What is on your mind right now, Newt, don’t put our baby in danger. As far as I heard of Lordwell King, People say that he gets mad over trivial things, and can make his enemy pay dearly...”

  “Jessie, you are not helping.” Newton snapped after he had cut off Jessica. He sat silent and gnashed his teeth.

  Both sat silent, Jessica sent to Newton a surreptitious glance which Newton noticed at the corner of her eyes. He sat quiet and reminded himself of the words that Lordwell King gave him as souvenir; right after Lordwell King had learned of him dodging from work the day before he had realized just much danger he was in, having to had disrespect Lordwell King’s prized possession. Which just brought me problems. If it wasn’t for the fishing stick, I wouldn’t have found the chest, and I wouldn’t have got so excited as to destroy the fishing stick. Newton thought. The thin line on his mouth disappeared with whirling thoughts that kept spinning in his mind. And a rising exasperation due to an anger he felt to had put himself between rocks-- Which he knew that there was no way out of it. He glanced at Jessica with his mouth still closed, and his arms now dropped to touch the sheet on top of his legs. He received Jessica’s surreptitious glance and hoped that she too could think of a better way out of the mess he had just put the whole family into.

  And if not sorted the issue now, Newton knew of the outcomes, he knew that Lordwell King was going to make his life hell, and the life of Jessica and their unborn baby as well. Newton shot a glance at Jessica which spoke just how blunt he was right then, and how shallow he thought at the moment.

  “I hear Lordwell King deals with guns.” Jessica said. “Is it true?”

  “That isn’t helping either, Jessie, yes he does--what did you gain by knowing that?” Newton said.

  “It isn’t my fault that you have put yourself and I in this mess.”

  “Whose fault is it?”

  “Yours, Newt--” Jessica snapped.

  Newton shook his head as mixed feeling surged through him, he glanced back at Jessica and said: “Yes it is my fault, I won’t deny that fact.”

  “What’s your best way to sort out this dilemma?”

  “I have an idea.” Newton continued. “I will pretend that this never happened.”

  “What?” Jessica lifted her eyebrows in mute supplication. Probably surprised.

  “I will go to work first thing this morning. And I will toss the fishing stick in the water were it should be...and pretend like I never saw the fishing stick, simple as that. What could be difficult than this...I will get rid of the evidence. Easy.”

  Newton twisted his mouth into a smile and gently he begun to slid himself on the bed until lain in length.

  “Take a sleep, Jessie, the problem is solved.” Newton said.

  “Do you think it will work?”



  “This will be the simplest task I will ever do while still working for Lordwell. I will toss his lucky fishing stick into the waters, and there will not be such thing as a lucky fishing stick to tense me up.”

  Jessica lifted her shoulders and preferred not to talk, and not to stop Newton from doing what his heart said to be correct.

  But so far, Newton’s thoughts had not brought anything good to their family. Newton was equally aware of that but did not want to show that to Jessica; hence only proved that he had bright ideas. First, bringing a ‘useless’ chest; as pictured by Jessica, and now confessing to had done something ridiculous at his work place.

  Still, until then; Jessica was to abide to Newton’s ideas. Ideas that which before never brought them both anything good but torment. She just hoped that Newton’s plans would work this time around, he, pushed herself in the sheet and stretched. She switched off the lamp beside her and gently closed her eyes.

  Newton too closed his right after he puffed between his teeth and took another mouth full of the room’s remnant air which roomed about.


  In the morning, mid morning around 06:00 A.M. Bright light had shown in the City of Transtevator, which penetrated through the curtains of Newton’s and Jessica’s bedroom window. Entering halfway inside the room and touched half of the room’s floor and resting furniture.

  Newton had already woken and came from the bathroom. He stretched his glance towards Jessica who was right then struggling to catch a proper glance pass the light which had touched her face. She opened her eyes wide and got a glance of Newton who zipped closed his trousers and jumped into his shoes and glanced back at Jessica. Newton received Jessica’s glance and smiled to a morning greeting.

  She pushed herself up and jumped on her feet. In her white silky night gown, she walked towards Newton and wrapped her arms around him as she tried to convince him not to pursue his plans.

  “Please!” Jessica pleaded.

  Newton unwrapped Jessica’s arms and walked towards the closet.

  “I have to get to work, Jessica, I have too.”

  “I need you with me, Newt,” Jessica insisted.

  “We will have the whole night to ourselves,” Newton walked towards Jessica and kissed her. “I will be fine I promise...I know Lordwell well than you could imagine. There is nothing that old man can do to me.”

  Newton begun to walk away; and towards the door. He flushed a smile right at the corner of his mouth before he was stopped by Jessica, again. She ran towards him and held his hands to inform him of her schedule.

  “I will be out, and will only return in the evening--I feel bored staying in this big house all by myself.” Jessica snapped.

  “Where will you go?” Newton asked.

  “Norah’s place.” Jessica continued. “You know, your sister is the only friend I have in these parts of Transtevator.”

  “I don’t mind you visiting my sister.”

  “Thank you, darling--”

  “But make sure you don’t do martial arts when you get there. Don’t forget, you’re pregnant.” Newton said. Half teasing.

  Jessica chuckled.

  And slowly, Newton walked out of the house, he had his glance fixed at his car; his ride, and a thought rushed in his mind, reminding himself of how he had to destroy Lordwell King’s fishing stick once and for all.


  Newton rested a hand into his pocket and glanced at the boats at his left while he stood on the path made with joined planks (wood) at the harbour of Transtevator. He sent a sharp glance which he narrowed to a clear view of the boat
which he had worked on; on the day of punishment. And still rested his hand in his pocket--and as well employed bizarre, evil thoughts as to get rid of Lordwell King’s lucky fishing stick.

  07:00 A.M. And the morning was carrying a breeze, cooler than that away from the harbour. Still waters had beautified the place and the boats that floated on the water. A breeze rushed towards Newton and slapped gently his face. He inhaled quarter of the air and swung his glance at the other side of the path where he met in his glance, Lordwell King’s favorite ship. The one ship among the three--where Lordwell King would love to spend his valuable and leisure time. And where he did most of his slumber.

  Newton shifted his glance again and convinced himself success on his mission. He lifted his leg and begun to tread on the wooden path. His mouth which he had slightly closed, and his cheeks which had been burning out of fear to what he was about to do. He was nervous and did not want anybody, any of his colleagues to spot him. And much worse, Lordwell King whom at the moment Newton convinced himself to had not been present at the harbour.

  He strode and spotted the boats at his left, right at the start of the now paraded and floating boats on the harbour--that’s the one. He sorted in his thoughts and made a gentle walk towards the boat. He stopped right at the edges of the wooden path and shifted his glance behind and could only spot people who were at a far other end of the path. Far away, who as well headed towards the harbour, and probably had business on other boats; two ladies who scuttled in their tight miniskirts and a man who walked right behind the ladies and walked prudently along the wooden path; at least buying Newton enough time to get rid of the fishing stick without them noticing his act.

  Shortly after studying the environment, Newton lifted a leg to reach for the floating boat. He jumped on it and glanced again his behind.

  The harbour of Transtevator; were silence imprisoned the place, and only a cool silent breeze which kept hitting Newton’s face to an introduction of a cordial morning; at least to those people who are sensible enough as to not hurt others--and cordial wouldn’t be the right word for Newton to embrace at that morning.

  The two ladies and the man had vanished from behind. Newton shrugged and walked prudently on the floating unsteady boat. He fixed his glance ahead--and only kept the control room of the boat in his glance. He moved forward. And slowly he lifted his hand which he had just warmed way too long in his pocket from the time he had reached the harbour. The thin line on his mouth faded immediately had he got a glimpse of the smashed fishing stick.

  He walked forward and reached for the fishing stick with his hand. He stretched his hand down until he got a hold of the stick which until then stayed motionless on the floor from the time he had kicked it at the corner of the boat’s small control room.

  A gentle last glance which studied the stick, he tilted his neck the minute he felt the boat shake to a current which he had mistaken to had been someone jumping on the boat, he swung back his glance and swallowed through his throat; clearing every little bit of the remnant stress from yesterday’s work.

  He slowly begun to walk out of the control room with his hand wrapped around the mid of the fishing stick as he gripped on it. He saw nothing at his front. Only waters that surrounded his boat and other boats when he walked out of the control room.

  He swung his glance around the place and caught no one’s glance; only then did Newton kiss the fishing stick goodbye.

  And tossed it into the waters.

  Newton stood and watched as the fishing stick slowly sank and waited patiently until he had no glimpse of it.

  Goodbye lucky fishing stick. Newton’s thoughts snapped as he got no more glimpse of the stick which had now disappeared to its landing on the sea’s bed. Newton had nothing to worry about then that he had destroyed the evidence; something which had made him have a sleepless night. And which had made him tense up until then. And saying his goodbye was far the best part he felt to had ever enjoyed on his work at the harbour.

  It wasn’t long, and Newton decided to resume the pending work which he had not completed. The work which Lordwell King had told him to do. At his left stood the mop and an empty bucket.

  He fastened his glance on the bucket as thoughts whirled in his mind. He tried to make up his mind whether he had to continue working. The remaining, pending work was quite a lot to imagine himself completing all the work in a single day.

  He stood silent as he sorted in his thoughts. I can’t finish the work today. I just can’t; with two ships that which I need to clean, and five more boat. Not even a team of pirates would do such work in a week. He thought and tried to reason with the current situation right then. He glanced at the mop and bucket, until a thought came in his mind. A thought which he had decided to follow and pursue. Let me go and talk to Lordwell, I’m sure he will be generous as to reduce the punishment. Newton puffed between his teeth. After a second, he gnashed his teeth and hoped that his plans to convince Lordwell King to adjust the punishment worked. Just as his plans, which he had made at home worked; of destroying Lordwell King’s lucky fishing stick. And putting an end to the tension he felt.

  Newton shaped his jaw into a square and bit on his teeth the minute he felt that his brains had made up a sudden snap from the stress he was sure to endure after cleaning the remaining boats and ships.

  He jumped out of the boat and begun to walk to the other side of the path and kept in his glance the ship where he was sure to find Lordwell King. He climbed aboard and headed for the upper deck of the ship. With his hands both hanging and brushing his jeans as they swung back and forth following his stride up the ship’s stairs. His mouth was clamped tight until then, and only hoping to meet Lordwell King on the ship. He lifted his legs one at a time as he pushed forward--his head floating in the cool breeze of the morning, and only inhaled through his nostrils.

  The morning was still and silent. Newton climbed up the ship’s stairs. His brains had shut down to a thought which he wasn’t able to interpret. And moving forward was the only remaining thing he had planned minutes ago. He glanced around and behind and got a glimpse of boats and ships at his side. He swung back his glance and walked forward. He took a deep breath, and released it slowly immediately he was sure that Lordwell King was actually on the ship. This was when he found the doors open. And this couldn’t be anyone but Lordwell King himself, all his workmates had been asked not to come to work. It’s definitely Lordwell. Newton’s eyes grew wide the minute he got a glimpse of Lordwell King who stood at the far end of the ship--having his face glancing the other side and and only gave Newton his back.

  “What?” Newton continued in a faint tone. “This is new.”

  He narrowed his glance as he glanced ahead.

  In his glance, he saw two huge buffoon men who stood right next to Lordwell King and dressed in black with their muscles appearing right at the edges of their short sleeves. Their t-shirts found it difficult to be shaken by the wind. Their chests were huge; and one chest of the buffoon matching the size Newton’s head. Their fist spotted right in front of his eyes, Newton was tensed having the buffoons glancing right at him. Both bald and with faces that looked angry the moment Newton walked front.

  The two buffoons stood right behind Lordwell King, and Lordwell King who was in between them and had faced the other side. Newton was not yet certain it was Lordwell who stood behind the two buffoons. Because having bodyguards wasn’t Lordwell King’s style; it being the reason why Newton felt not secure, and everything being strange the moment he got both glances from the buffoons.

  Newton took a deep steady breath before he could bob in his dry and closing throat. He glanced at the buffoons, his eyebrow had begun to aching mischievously. And felt his stomach act strange to a thought he had after minutes he had stared at the buffoons and the man who had faced the other side, who Newton had then doubted to had been Lordwell King.

  “Sir--” Newton’s voice tattered.

  He sent his penetrating glance; ignoring the two buffo
ons that stood in his glance too. And slowly the man behind the two buffoons begun to turn around and to see who it was that reached out to him. To Newton’s liking, it was Lordwell King. Lordwell King who had a pair of binoculars in his hand.

  This is strange. Newton thought, he shrugged and walked forward.

  “Sir--I’m here to see you--I need to talk to you right away.” Newton said.

  He begun to tread forward towards Lordwell King, but was blocked by the buffoons who looked two feet taller than him. Newton lifted his glance and faced at the two buffoons. His glance which stopped at the buffoons’ chests. He bobbed in his throat again and hoped that the shaking in his feet stops before noticed.

  “Let him pass...” Lordwell king ordered.

  Newton twisted his mouth into a smile as he glanced at the buffoons. He slowly walked forward and fastened his glance at Lordwell King who until then wore the same attire as the one he had wore yesterday.

  “Morning, sir--” Newton said.

  Lordwell king shook his head to a shocking and painful morning, which Lordwell King was sure never should have happened. At least not to a person with power and wealth like him.

  “What bring you here, Newton?” Lordwell King asked.

  “Sir, it’s the work.”

  “And what about the work?” Lordwell King continued. “Did you you manage to cover half of what I had assigned you to do?”

  “That is the reason I’m here, sir,” Newton received Lordwell King’s narrowed glance.

  “Yes...come on, talk to me.” Lordwell King continued, still holding on to the binoculars. “My ears are all yours, Newton, what excuse do you have to not want to finish the work which I gave you yesterday?”

  “Sir, I have tried my very best, as to impress you since day one when I begun working for you. Until now, I can stand to say that I’m far the best employee you’ve ever had, sir, I deserve some understanding, sir, I know you would,” Newton continued. “But you are not trying to understand my ways.”


  “Yes, sir...” Newton snapped.

  “Alright then, make me.” Lordwell King lifted his eyebrows as he faced Newton.

  “I will start this from day one, the day I had asked you for for a day leave. I told you, sir, that I have a wife to please. And a single day without one of your employees wouldn’t change a thing. Already, you have given my colleagues two days off; and you believe that the work won’t be jeopardized. Why couldn’t you give a single one of your workers a day off.” Newton said, he paused and reminded himself of what could happen if he took things in his own liking. He swung his glance to face the buffoon at his left. He bobbed in his throat and continued in a silky tone. “I don’t mean to brag, sir, and I’m not judging your actions. No am not. I’m only a man who has harsh slides of life--and depend on the salary that you pay me.”

  “Alright--” Lordwell King snapped. As he tried to act all cordial in Newton’s presence when on the contrary felt irritated to had stood being lectured by his employee. He griped on the binoculars hard which he had in his hand and fastened his glance at newton.

  “I worked on this ship yesterday, and a boat at the other side. I worked tirelessly yesterday and I did not manage to cover half of what you had assigned me to do.”


  “Reduce the punishment, sir.” Newton continued “please, sir, I have learnt my lesson.”

  Lordwell King shifted his glance and faced the surrounding waters; gently, he returned his glance and fastened it back at Newton.

  “And what explains you destroying my fishing stick?” Lordwell King asked after a minute of gnashing his teeth. And a clench of his fingers.

  “What--” Newton’s voice muffled as fear rose in his chest. And his glance had then slowly begun to fade as he glanced at Lordwell King. How did he find out?

  Lordwell King rested his hand on Newton’s shoulder. He covered his glance with rage and despise as he glance into Newton’s eyes.

  Newton’s glance which slowly faded upon realizing that he was in a wrong place at a wrong time. His cheeks had begun to burn with fear, considering that he was in Lordwell King’s territory. He ducked his head as thoughts begun to scamper frantically in his mind. He swallowed through his throat; a single blink of his eyes as he thought that maybe perhaps he had been dreaming. The worst dream there is. And by the time he swung open his eyes; he had Lordwell King in his glance.

  “You thought I wouldn’t get to know of what you had been doing to my lucky fishing stick, huh?” Lordwell King continued “that fishing stick isn’t lucky at you know why I call it lucky? Because it was passed to me by my late grandfather; Lucky King. The stick was the only thing I got as inheritance when he had passed away. He was quite a rich man, but since I was the youngest in a family of twenty-two of his grandchildren...all my grandfather’s wealth was shared among my fourteen brothers and my seven sisters. I managed to steal that stick, and I cherished it until you came along...”

  Lordwell king walked away from Newton and shook his head as mixed feelings surged inside him.

  “I will fix it, sir,” Newton’s voice tattered.

  Lordwell King turned around and walked back at Newton. He rested his hand again on Newton’s shoulder--his eyes had become wet when he glanced at Newton. “You don’t get, do you-- The damage is done. See this?” Lordwell King handed to Newton the binoculars he had been holding in his hand. “Here, take a look. And try to glance through if you can get a clear glimpse of the boats ling over there, especially the one you had worked on yesterday.”

  Newton held the binoculars and pressed it tight on his face and glanced at the boats. He had a 3-D view of the boat and everything that stood on the boat’s floor. He could get a clear glimpse of the mop and bucket he had placed on the boat’s floor.

  Gently, Newton lowered the binoculars from his face and glanced at Lordwell King who had his face covered with grief and his eyes wet to a painful reality. A tear nearly dropping. Lordwell King turned around and rubbed his face with his hack before he could glance again at Newton. And slowly he returned his glance to face Newton.

  “Do you realize now that there is no fixing; I watched you destroy the fishing stick yesterday. And I’m right now from watching you throw my lucky fishing stick in the sea.” Lordwell King’s voice deepened. Inwardly the old man cringed as he glanced at Newton.

  “Please, sir, forgive me,” Newton continued “I should not have done all those things. I really don’t know what came over me.”

  Lordwell King beckoned at one of the buffoons that stood behind Newton. The buffoon walked forward and handed to Lordwell King a silenced pistol. Lordwell King checked for bullets and found that it had been loaded.

  I’m doomed. Newton’s thoughts snapped.

  Newton dropped on his knees and ducked his head and begun to beg out loud, for forgiveness. He lifted his hands and placed them behind his head. Tears had begun to stream down his cheeks the moment he heard Lordwell King slide his feet backwards and prepare the pistol for a shooting.

  “Please!” Newton bellowed. Soaked in tears and hoped that Lordwell King doesn’t pull the trigger.

  “I forgive you, get up--” Lordwell King said and walked away to a chair at the far end on deck.

  Newton stood up and cleaned his face and rushed towards Lordwell King who had himself flopped onto a chair. Newton thanked him, excited that he wasn’t going to die. He knelt in front of Lordwell King’s feet and hugged Lordwell King’s legs to a joy of survival.

  “Don’t thank me, Newton, not now.” Lordwell King continued, “you can do that when we meet again…in hell.”

  Newton stood up and tried to connect what Lordwell King had said, in his thoughts. What does he mean by saying that...? I don’t get it. Newton thought as he glanced at Lordwell King.

  “I did not want to get my hands dirty.” Lordwell King continued, “what’s the use of having bodyguards?”

  Now clear in Newton’s thoughts and glance w
hen he turned around and saw the two buffoons who stood close to him, and scowling at him. Shock shifted from his heart until touching the tips of his toes when the two buffoons griped on his arms.

  “What do we do with him, boss?” One of the buffoon’s voice thundered. His voice which shook Newton’s heart with a fear of death.

  “Please!” Newton screamed. “Somebody help!”

  “Kill the bastard...” Lordwell King continued “make it quick--no gunshots, I don’t want to get involved with the police again.”

  “Sir--” Newton paused upon chocked by one of the buffoon’s muscly hand.

  “Goodbye, Newton, tell Satan I pass my greeting...hope we meet one day,” Lordwell King swung his glance to face one of his buffoon bodyguards, and spoke in a harsh commanding tone. “Make it quick!”

  Newton found it hard to breath through his throat which had at that moment begun to crack to the hard pin from the buffoon’s hand. Newton’s head became pale as he tried hard to inhale a little of the surrounding oxygen to guarantee him life. His glance faded. And lifted by one of the buffoon, he could then get partial glances of the buffoons’ faces, which looked angry. The buffoon bit on his teeth as he strangled Newton. A single bone on Newton’s neck sounded to the sudden awake of Newton’s thoughts, reminding him that he was soon to die. Newton received the buffoon’s glance. His eyes had slowly begun to close, he bit on his teeth and gnashed hard while kept his mouth open to the pain he had got from his soon to crack neck. A sudden sound of another bone on his neck and Newton swung his eyes back open. He lifted his hands and tried to make the buffoon’s hand lets go of his neck. He gripped on it had. Newton was up from the floor, his legs which had been dangling back and forth with a hope to meet the floor. Veins had started to appear on his forehead like huge green worms that go stuck on a traffic jam. He kicked back and forth until hit the mid of the buffoon.

  He dropped on the floor and reached his neck with his hands and gently stroked it as he felt the pains of a tight pin that he got from the buffoon. He opened his mouth wide and gasped for air while still on the floor. He tried to catch a breath, he shifted his glance and faced the buffoon who he had just hit at his mid. The buffoon had still gripped on his mid and tried hard to get over the pain. But Newton had seemed to forget that he was still on the ship, and with one healthy and fresh buffoon coming up.

  He received a kick in his stomach. The buffoon hit him again, while Lordwell King just sat silent and stiffened on the chair; and enjoyed the show.

  Newton received hits from the buffoon, and worse, torture when the other came to him. Both kicked him hard as they possibly could. Newton slept helplessly on the floor; his lips had begun to bleed to hard unnoticed kicks. He placed his hands on the floor. He could lift his glance gently as he ignored the kicks he got from the two buffoons, and slowly lifted his head to glance at Lordwell King who had his lips parting into a mocking smile.

  Newton stood up from the floor but again kicked back to length on the floor by the angry buffoons, he slept helplessly and hoped that the beating stopped. But he was wrong, Lordwell King only wanted to see him dead. Is it about the fishing stick? Or Lordwell holds some grudge against me? Newton thought as he slept in length. And shortly after he thought that his hopes had faded, he heard Lordwell King call up to one of his bodyguards and asked them to finish up with what they had started, and not waste any more of his time. Lordwell King tossed the silenced pistol to one of the buffoons and asked them to complete the task.

  In Newton’s glance as Lordwell King shouted to one of the buffoons, he saw the gun drop to the floor and the buffoon reach out to it. Newton stood up and gnashed on his teeth each moment he felt pains from his upper ribs. And worse when he heard a gun shot which went and sunk on his hip.

  Newton glanced behind, he saw it in the buffoon’s eyes that he only shot to kill, another gunshot on Newton’s thigh, and Newton jumped into the waters to escape from the wrath of Lordwell King. Newton was bleeding at the time when he pushed himself beneath the planks of the path leading away from the harbour--meters away from the ship--and Newton heard the buffoon shoot six times into the water and shout to confirm to Lordwell King of Newton’s death.

  Blood diluting off his body; he begun to crawl away from the boats and then headed towards the start of the harbour of Transtevator. His heart bet rampant as he felt the bullet on his thigh move even deep when he pulled forward towards his car.

  Right next to his car, he paused and gnashed his teeth and slowly tilted his neck to face his behind to check if the buffoons and Lordwell King weren’t following him. He placed his hand beneath his thigh and lifted up his leg until he met the ground with his feet. He glanced around. An afternoon sun had hit his forehead. Unable to get a clear glimpse of what it was that he saw cover his glance, he blinked thrice to get a hold of his glance, but got a sudden blackout to his fall on the ground. He landed head first on the ground which made him snap unconscious.

  Hours had passed by when he woke up in Raymond’s apartment. Newton lifted his head from a sofa he had been ling on--he swung his glance until it met Raymond who walked forward towards him. Newton felt a sharp stab of pain on his thigh and hip the second he decided to get up. And he could see by the bandages that his wounds had been treated.

  “The Doc said you should take a week off--” Raymond bellowed from the kitchen.

  “Like you care,” Newton pushed himself on the sofa and narrowed his glance to face Raymond. “This is all because of you, Ray, I wouldn’t have been in this mess if you hadn’t told on me.”

  “Ya, ya, you’re trying to find someone to blame right?” Raymond chuckled “you go on a gun fight with Lordwell, and you’re here blaming me?”

  “Why am I even here?”

  “You had died and I brought you back to life.” Raymond continued, “you owe me.”

  “I don’t have time for shit.” Newton continued, “bring me my car keys.”

  “Here--” Raymond snapped.

  “Good-day--” Newton said upon dropping on his feet from the sofa. And he could gnash hard on his teeth when he glanced again at Raymond. “traitor...”



  Six in the evening, Newton limped on his feet, he placed his hand beneath his thigh as he walked away from the car and then in his fence--his head slightly ducked and a glance he narrowed to face his house.

  He puffed between his teeth and flushed a surreptitious glance behind and got a glimpse of the lighted neighborhood. The lamp posts which lit the entire neighborhood. He shifted his glance and faced the door ahead. And gently dropped his leg to a smooth land on the floor as he reached for the keys in his pocket. He inserted a key into the padlock-- His glance had begun to fade until then--his mouth was until then clamped tight. And behind his lips he could bite hard on his teeth.

  He opened the door and slid his feet into the house. And the door shut slum behind him without him closing it. That’s odd. Newton’s thoughts snapped as he glanced again at the door behind him. He shrugged and walked forward until he had met the center of the living room. The house was still, silence had occupied most of the house’s space.

  “I’m sure Jessica must have returned home from Norah’s house by now...” Newton said.

  He took a deep steady breath. He shifted his glance towards the stairs where he found his and Jessica’s clothes strewn about on the stairs in a trail-- Until up.

  And found the bedroom too in a mess, their bed-sheets, strew in the room, his clothes torn to a force grip at the far ends, only the closet seemed closed and in perfect shape. At first, Newton thought that the chaos in his room was all Lordwell King’s doing.

  Newton had some of his clothes in his hands when he decided to walk forward; he slid his feet on the floor until he met the closet. He hanged the clothes on his arm and opened the closet with both his hands.

  And a rich harsh wind rushed out with the opening of the doors of the clos
et. He sent his glance inside the closet and could see an ugly lady demon, and in flesh too-- Which glanced briefly at him.

  A glance which both had to share-- Newton swallowed in his throat as fear toed in his legs, and crawled in his chest.

  A tremble to the glimpse; a sudden thump of his heart and Newton dropped the clothes down on the floor. He could still keep his glance fastened at the demon as he slid his feet two steps backward. But the demon wasn’t just ready to let go of its prey--it jumped on Newton and made him fall on his back. It wrapped its hands around Newton’s already swollen neck. And planted both its knees on Newton’s stomach. And watched as Newton perished to catch a breath.


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