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Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “What do you have for me, Tessa?” I press against her, feeling her heat through my clothes. I want to grab her arms and grind my aching cock against her, but people could walk by and see. Her pleasure is for my eyes only, and I won’t have her wanton and willing in public. But I will let her know that I want her, and I’m not taking no for an answer. One way or another, she will be mine; she’ll know how much I want her.

  “Umm.” She looks up at the boxes in front of her, the keys jingling in her shaking hand. “I…have several, um, spaces available.”

  “I bet you do, beautiful girl. Have dinner with me.” She turns around suddenly, backing up against the boxes. I take a step forward, following her retreat, not wanting that space between us. This is the first time I’ve been this close to her, and I don’t want to break that contact so soon.

  “I can’t.” She looks around, her golden eyes searching for an excuse, but I’m not having it. I know she’s shy and I’ll have to push a little.

  “And why is that?” I’m within a half an inch of her body, looking down on her as she tries to think of a lie.

  “We aren’t allowed to do that with customers.” She says it like it’s the lifeline she’s been seeking. But I can see a little disappointment in her eyes, too.

  “Good thing I’m not a customer. Give me your number.” I pull out my phone and wait as she looks up at me with her liquid-gold eyes. They shoot through me and straight down to my cock. I’m having a hard time containing it, being this close to her, but I keep telling it to be patient.

  After another minute of hesitation, she takes a breath and rattles off her number. I have it programmed already, but I make a show of entering it in anyway.

  “So, dinner?” I lean in, close enough feel her breath against my mouth as her chest rises and falls rapidly. Being this close, I can see the freckles across her nose even better, despite her trying to hide them with make-up. I want to wipe it off her face so that I can see every single one of them.

  “Tessa, we need you for a change order!” Harper shouts across the lobby, once again breaking our spell.

  “Coming.” The word is breathy as it escapes her mouth, and I wonder how true that is.

  “Not yet. But soon,” I whisper, and reluctantly move out of her way.

  She walks on shaky legs, putting the box keys back in the drawer and unlocking the gate. I hold it open as I exit, and she follows me, closing and locking the gate behind her.

  I can tell she’s frazzled by our encounter, and it makes me smile. I can only imagine what she’s going to be like after I fuck her for the first time.

  “Thank you, Tessa.”

  She blushes brightly again, looking down at her boots.

  “You’re welcome, Sean.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  She nods and scurries away from me as if she’s running for her life. Maybe she should, but I won’t let her.

  Walking out of the bank, I get behind the wheel of my Chevelle and send her a text. No need to play hard to get. I want her, and I want her now.

  Me: So, where am I picking you up?

  Chapter 6


  I can’t believe that just happened. I can still feel the burn on my cheeks from the blush I sported the entire time I was talking to him. I’m sure it’s still there for everyone to see. My heart’s beating so loudly, I’m sure Harper can hear it.

  “What was that?” she asks, her eyes on Sean’s back as he exits the bank. I can’t seem to pull my eyes away either.

  “I…” I’m not sure what to tell her. It’s against the rules to date someone who banks with us, but he doesn’t. Not yet, anyways.

  “Total player written all over him.” She says it like she’s disgusted. At least he doesn’t look like he might randomly stab someone like her new guy, Nick, and he also didn’t give me the creeps, that’s for sure. He gave me a feeling I’ve never felt before. Something I’ve only read about in books.


  It rushed through my body like nothing I’d ever felt before. I could barely speak with all of the heat boiling up inside me.

  But sadly, I had the same feelings about him being a player. He came on so strong, but still I relished in it. No one ever hits on me. They always go straight for Harper. He might be a player, but I still liked the attention, and I’m not sure what that says about me.

  “Why do you say that?” I want to know why she got that vibe, too. He was just so freaking perfect. When I first saw him, I could hardly even look at him. He has this whole mix of sweet guy/bad boy going on, and I’m not sure if those two things can mix together. Either way, he pulled it off.

  His tattoos ran up both arms in a mix of dark blues, reds, and black. Some were even poking out of the top of the white T-shirt he was wearing. The material stretched tight across his broad chest, making him look like the epitome of a bad boy, but his face was far from that. When my eyes finally took in his features, he looked kind. His dark beard was just long enough to make me want to feel how soft it was. His brown eyes were swirled with dark green, and the way they looked at me was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. His hair was a little long on top, and he looked like he just rolled out of bed, but in a sexy-as-hell kind of way. There was just something about him, even with his hulk-like size. I felt the need to snuggle into him. It was as if everything I felt was in contrast to what I should be feeling. Instead of his size and forward behavior intimidating me, I felt as if I would be safe with him.

  When he pressed into my back, he made me feel feminine against him. His big body engulfed mine, making me feel small—something I didn’t feel very often. It was intoxicating. During the whole experience, I felt like I was under some kind of spell, and I want that feeling again.

  “I don’t mean to sound like a bitch…but…” She bites her lip, like she never says bitchy stuff, which is laughable. “He kind of targeted you. Like you were easy pickings.” She looks almost sorry that she had to deliver the news, but I can see the jealousy in her eyes. She’s pissed he didn’t go for her.

  I feel my nose burn at her words. Maybe I looked like I was an easy target, but why did I find that I was still happy that he picked me over her? Even if he was just looking for sex.

  “Sorry, but it’s the truth.” She squeezes my shoulder, like she is trying to reassure me, before she walks back to her spot at the front counter.

  I’m standing back at my computer when I look down and see my phone light up. My heart actually jumps. He wouldn’t be texting me already, would he? I thought you were supposed to wait, like, a day or two. It’s a written dating rule or something, right? When I see it’s from an unknown number, I bite my lip to stop from smiling. Looking over, I make sure Harper isn’t watching at me, because I don’t want her to know what I’m doing. She already gave me her two cents, and I don’t think I could take another two.

  I pick up my phone, secretly checking it so no one can see. I don’t know why but I’m so nervous yet excited at the same time.

  Sean: So, where am I picking you up?

  Me: I’m not sure this is a good idea.

  Sean: Am I going to have to come back in there and prove to you otherwise?

  Me: I don’t even know you. I can’t just go out with you.

  Sean: Isn’t that what dating is for?

  He’s right, but I’ve never done this before, and I don’t want him to know that. I probably already seem like a freaking prude. I mull over my response, but he comes back faster.

  Sean: Give me one dinner.

  Maybe I should just give it to him straight. If it scares him away, then it’s for the best.

  Me: I’ve never done this before.

  I hold my breath, waiting for his response.

  Sean: Had dinner? I find that hard to believe.

  I put the phone back down on the counter. I know he probably didn’t mean it the way I’m thinking. Had dinner? I find that hard to believe. I’m undoubtedly being sensitive, but it still burns. I’
m clearly not up for dating if something so simple can make me feel like shit. This man has barely said three words to me and I’m already feeling heartbreak.

  He could shatter me.

  Me: I can’t do this.

  I send the text and just stare at my phone. Minutes tick by, each one seeming heavier than the last, with no response.

  I guess that was that. No fight to make me change my mind. I need to get some air.

  “I’m going to lunch,” I mutter to Harper, who’s playing on the computer. The bank has been pretty dead today. Maybe when I get back I can get caught up on some paperwork and get my mind off this Sean guy. How I got so wrapped up so fast, I’ll never understand.

  I try to tell myself it’s better this way. I just dodged a major bullet.

  “K. I’ll go when you get back.”

  I go into my office, grabbing my purse from the drawer inside my desk before checking in with a few other people. I slip out the door. I don’t make it two blocks in the direction of my favorite bakery, Muffin Tops, before I’m pushed up against the side of a building.


  His mouth is on mine before I can even take in what’s happening. His hands grip my hips in a firm hold, making me gasp, and he steals the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. I thought the kiss would be rough and fast with the way he pressed me against the wall, but it’s sweet and soft.

  He’s taking his time, giving me slow lazy strokes of his tongue. It’s as if he’s savoring my taste, and I let him. I don’t feel as if I’m really kissing him back. I’m just enjoying the warmth of his lips on mine as I come alive inside. I've never felt such need in my life.

  When he nibbles my bottom lip, desire shoots through my whole body, making me want more. I press myself into him, wanting to make the kiss deeper, but just as I do, he pulls away, resting his forehead against mine. His chest rises and falls, and I feel his warm breath against my lips.

  “Tell me what I did that scared you off so I don’t do it again.” His eyes are squeezed shut, like he’s trying to get himself under control. His words catch me off guard because I’m still riding the high of my first kiss, and I can barely make out what he’s asking.

  “What?” I gasp breathlessly. His eyes pop open, looking into mine. This time they seem more green than brown.

  “Fuck. You look good like this.” He moves his body, shielding me more, like he doesn’t want anyone to see me. I have to strain to look up at him. It’s easy for him to cover me with his broad body. I totally forgot we’re on a busy Chicago street in the middle of the day. “Why’d you back off from me?”

  “I didn’t. I’m against a wall. I can’t move.” Wait. Did he say I looked good?

  “I mean when I was texting you. My little fox is already trying to give me the slip? You’ll have to be quicker than that.” He smirks at me, showing me his perfectly white teeth. How does he do that? Look all badass with his tattooed arms and big freaking body caging me in, but then his eyes go all soft and he flashes that smile, making him look so…I don’t even have a word for it.

  “You going to answer me, babe, or you going to keep staring at my mouth? Because if it’s the mouth, we’ve got to get out of here. I’m not having everyone look at you when I get my hands back on you.”

  Jesus. I don’t know what to say to that. I’m in way over my head, and I know it. I’m not sure how I’ve not melted into a pile of goo at this point, but I know my face is cherry red.

  “I’m not little.” He looks at me like he doesn’t get what I’m saying. “You called me a little fox. I’m not little, and of course I’ve had dinner before.” I indicate to my body, letting him get my meaning.

  One of his hands comes up to my cheek, his thumb brushing along my skin. “You look little to me.”

  “Everything is probably little to you,” I snap, something I don’t normally do. I don’t lash out at people, and I immediately feel like a jerkface for saying it.

  “Even when you’re feisty, you’re still cute as a fucking button.” He lets out a chuckle. “You’ve even got me saying shit like ‘cute as a button.’” He seems to like that, because he’s full-on smiling now, and I can’t help but return one.

  “Tell me you’ll go to dinner with me, or I’ll drop down to my knees right here on the busy street and beg. You’ve already got me wrapped around your finger. No need to rub it in my face.”

  “You wouldn’t!” No way he would. I can’t see a man like him on his knees.

  “You fail to see what I wouldn’t do for you, little fox. Might as well show you.” He goes to drop to his knees, but I grab him to stop his movements. My face is already flushed, and I would probably burst with embarrassment if he really did it.

  “Okay. I’ll go.”

  Chapter 7


  I ended up walking with Tessa to the place she was headed to for lunch. She could hardly look at me the whole way, but I did make her hold my hand. I could feel her nervous twitches as we walked, but I didn’t let go. I wanted anyone watching to know she was mine. I’m sure we looked a little odd together. Me with my tattoos and rough facial hair and her looking like a prim and proper angel. I didn’t want anyone thinking she isn’t taken. Because she is.

  When we went to order at the counter I could see her blush again but I didn’t understand why. I ordered four times what she did. I even made sure she got a chocolate chip cookie when she said she didn’t want it. Who doesn’t want a chocolate chip cookie?

  After we got our orders, I walked her back to work. She said she needed to get some work done and would just eat there. I made sure to tell her that our quick lunch didn’t count as a date, and that got me a genuine smile from her, which went all the way to her eyes.

  Standing just inches from her, I touched her bottom lip with my thumb, thinking about how sweet her kiss was and what it did to me.

  I’ve never been so consumed by someone before. I don’t even know the last time I looked at a woman. That’s how I knew she was different. She called to me from the very beginning. She was meant to be mine. I’d been waiting for her. Like a little gift for the hell I had to work my way through growing up. Now I got this angel and she and I will make a family together, like I’ve always desired. We just have to make it through one last hell.

  She’s so ingrained inside my mind that she’s my only memory of anything good and perfect. My need is so far beyond comprehension, I don’t think I could describe to her exactly why it is I crave her, even if she asked me to. I just need to make her crave me, too. Dig myself deep into her, so when all the truths come to light, I’ll be in too deep for her to try and push me away.

  I kiss her lips lightly, and her blush returns to her cheeks. I’m ripped in two as I watch her walk back inside the bank. Not having her within reach is starting to become a problem. Now that I know what she tastes like, feels like. The reality was tenfold what my fantasies were.

  When I get back in my Chevelle, I try to take a few deep breaths to keep from rushing back into the bank and carrying her out. I’m inches away from calling this whole thing off, but I keep cool, knowing that if I stick to the plan, everything will work out.

  It’s too late now. She would probably go run to the police, and I could never have her. She wouldn't believe a word of what I would tell her. And I can’t just walk away, because Heavy would send in someone else.

  The plan is in motion, and it will be perfect. It has to be or I’ll lose everything.

  Leaving the bank, I head over to Heavy’s strip club. It shouldn’t be too bad on a Friday during the day, but with the way he runs his shit, I’m sure it will be just as gross.

  Heavy texted me this morning after my incident with Nick. No doubt he wants to talk about it. He says this meeting is for everyone to finalize plans for Monday morning, but it’s directed at me. He wants to make sure I’ve secured Tessa, while making sure I’m not a threat.

  Heavy isn’t dumb; he knows something is going on, but I don’t think he’s fi
gured out what my real goal is for this job.

  I send a text to Tessa as I pull up to the front of the club.

  Me: My cookie wasn’t half as sweet as your lips.

  Tessa: Thank you for getting me one, but I’ll have to take your word for it.

  Me: Trust me, little fox.

  Tessa: Stop making me blush!

  Me: Never. Get back to work, and think about where I’m taking you tonight.

  I slip my phone into my jeans and try to wipe the smile off my face as I get out of the car and head into the club.

  I walk through the double doors and make my way past the front bar and beyond the stage. There are a few girls dancing for a couple of guys. The loud music thumping through the room makes a knot form in my stomach, and I just keep reminding myself, only a few more days.

  As I open the door to the private room, I see Heavy sitting in one of the armchairs, getting sucked off by one of the strippers. Jesus, can I walk in here once without someone’s dick out?

  Two of his men are tag-teaming another dancer in the back corner, while two more play cards off to the side like nothing is happening.

  I stand there and cross my arms, waiting for this to end so we can get to business. At least this made the hard-on I’d had in my jeans since being with Tessa finally go away.

  As I scan the room, I see the bathroom door is open. Nick walks out, rubbing his nose, trying to wipe away the white powder. He looks at me and leers. He’s jealous of me and the fact that I don’t have to do any of this shit to do what I do. I may be a criminal, but I don’t have to be a piece of shit. Somehow the concept of breaking the law and still being somewhat a decent human being is incomprehensible to him.


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