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Page 10

by Alexa Riley

He goes over to the keypad and enters the code, and we wait for the beep. Once the red light flashes, we’ve got ten seconds to exit before the motion alarm is back in place.

  I scan my pass on the inside panel and use the key to unlock the door. I count before opening it, making sure the camera is facing away.

  Once we’re in the clear, we exit, and I seal the door behind me before making a run to get around the corner in time.

  When we reach the other side of the wall, we walk away like nothing happened. We’re both cool and collected as we make it to my car and get in.

  Pulling away from the curb, I look over to see Nick looking at me.

  “Easy peasy, Sparrow. Now let’s see how well you do tomorrow.”

  I don’t like the darkness I see in his eyes. Not one bit.

  Chapter 17


  “You look…” Harper pauses as she runs her eyes over me, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know how she thinks I look. She never fails to take a jab at me. Besides, she looks like hell herself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this out of sorts. It looks like she went on an all-night bender and has yet to wash off her make-up from the day before.

  Her shirt is covered in what I can only guess is food. She can get a little sloppy sometimes, but this is past that for her.

  “This place is a mess.” I cut her off. One weekend away and the whole apartment looks to have fallen apart. The coffee table is littered with soda cans and a variety of junk food. There are even chips smashed into the rug. I have to clench my jaw to stop me from saying something.

  “I’ll get to it later.” Harper waves her hand at the mess like it’s no big deal, but for some reason that just pisses me off more. Maybe because I don’t want to be here. I want to be back in Sean’s apartment, lying in his bed.

  “Where have you been?” I can tell she’s prying for information about Sean. She had her eyes all over him when she opened the door, but he paid her no mind, his eyes never leaving me. I’d noticed that a lot about him.

  Even when we’d gone out on Saturday, women always seemed to be looking at him. Not that I can blame them. He stands out in a room. Hell, I think a waitress even tried to hit on him when we were having lunch, but he didn’t seem to notice. His full attention was always on me, like no one else was around, and I found myself not caring that they looked at him, because it didn’t matter.

  “With Sean.”

  “All weekend?” Her tone carries a sneer of disbelief. She did just see him in our doorway dropping me off, it can’t be that hard to believe. I mean, really.

  “Yeah, he kinda didn’t want me to leave.” I can’t help but take a little jab myself. I want her to know to keep her eyes off him because Sean is mine, and he’s made it clear I’m his. I won’t have him coming over and her pulling some shit or trying to put me down in front of him. I’ve put up with a lot from Harper but now I seem to give a shit.

  “Well, you’re here now,” she smirks, and her words burn. Point Harper.

  “Some people do have to work, Harper.” I push past her, not wanting to have this verbal jab fest. I may be over her shit right now, but I also don’t want to hurt her with the things that are suddenly on the tip of my tongue. I want to let all the hateful comments fly and give her a nice dose of her own medicine.

  Not right now, though. Right now, all I want is a hot shower and to go to bed. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough. I’ll be back with Sean and out of this apartment that I suddenly hate.

  “Are you cooking dinner?” I hear her call out behind me, making me roll my eyes.

  “No,” I say, before shutting my bedroom door and dropping my bag on the floor. I pull my phone out and scan for any messages. It’s been maybe three minutes since he left and I’m already checking them. This is going to be a long night.

  * * *

  It is. I toss and turn all night until my alarm finally goes off. I drag myself from the bed and slowly get ready, taking a little extra time to do my hair and apply some light make-up.

  I pull out my favorite work dress, hoping it’ll give me some confidence. It’s violet and hugs my body, but it looks professional and comes down to my knees. I pair it with some caramel kitten heels. I smile as I look at myself in the mirror. I wonder if Sean will like it.

  I check my phone again and see no messages. Maybe he’s just crazy busy.

  Me: Miss you <3

  I put the phone back in my purse, making sure the sound is on so I can hear it when he does respond.

  When I finally leave my room, I see Harper sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal.

  “We’re going to be late,” she warns, shoving a spoonful into her mouth.

  “We’re fine. I’m just going to grab a muffin.” I go to the pantry, grab two, and toss them into my purse. I’ll eat them when I get to my desk. I reach for the coffee pot but see none has been made. I bite my tongue.

  I make it every morning. She couldn’t do it this once.

  When I hear my phone beep, I hurriedly grab it, but the message is just from the bank manager.

  Steve: I need you to close today.

  “Guessing lover boy isn’t texting you.”

  “What?” I look over at her as she gets up to put her bowl in the sink.

  “The look on your face when you got that text. Guessing it wasn’t him.”

  She’s right, but I play it off. “No, just Steve telling me I need to close today.” I hate opening and closing, plus it’s going to cut into when Sean is picking me up. I should probably let him know.

  Me: I have to work late. Pick me up at 7?

  I stare down at the phone, willing him to text me back. Just a simple ‘okay’ would work.

  “We gotta go.”

  Giving up, I drop the phone back into my purse again.

  “Let me grab something and I’ll be ready.” I dart to my room, snatch a bag and put a few items in it. I might need to stay at Sean’s tonight and tomorrow. I dig through my drawer but can’t find any sexy underwear.

  Maybe I could run out at lunch and get something. I wonder what Sean’s face would look like if I walked out of his bathroom in nothing but lingerie. Yeah, definitely going at lunch to find something.

  It still blows my mind how last week I couldn’t even think about walking around naked in front of anyone, and now here I am, openly baiting Sean with my body.

  It’s him. How he treated me all weekend. I feel sexy and needed. He kissed every inch of my body like he couldn’t get enough of every part of me.

  I close the drawer, grab my bag, and meet an inpatient Harper at the door.

  We walk to the train in silence, and it isn’t until we board does she start in.

  “Are you going to be checking your phone all day? It looks a little sad.” Her tone is mocking. Like I’m a poor little puppy that she wants to pat on the head.

  “Why do you care?” Looking over at her, I raise my eyebrow. I don’t get what her problem is.

  “I’m just saying. You had a weekend fling. Don’t count on it being more.”

  “You know nothing about what Sean and I did this weekend. Or what it means.”

  She looks at me like she feels sad for me, and it pisses me off. “Tessa, this is how men work. They fuck you all weekend, tell you how wonderful you are, how much they want you. Then bam, they’re gone. Weekend of fun over, and they’re on to the next.”

  I’m guessing that’s what Nick did to her, because she seems bitter. I don’t get why. If I were her, I’d be happy if Nick never called me again. Especially after how he treated her at the bar. No way.

  “It’s not like that,” I say defensively, hating that anyone would think Sean would be like that. He may look tough and a little scary, but he’s sweet. He’d never do anything to hurt me. He did what he told me he would do. Made me fall for him before the weekend was over.

  “Yeah, he’s blowing up your phone, isn’t he?”

  “He’s working.”

  “Takes two se
conds to send a text.”

  She’s right. It only takes a second to respond. Maybe he’s in a meeting. That doesn’t count for last night, though. I kept thinking I’d get a good night text or something, but all I got was radio silence. Until this morning when I had to send him one.

  “I’m not trying to be a bitch,” she adds, and I almost want to laugh. No, she doesn’t have to try to be a bitch, it’s always there. “Just enjoy it for what it was, a weekend of fun, and let it go. I bet he gave you some great orgasms. You could have one just looking at him.”

  I glare at her, thankful that the train has stopped and it’s our turn to get off. I don’t wait for her as I make my way off the train and towards the bank.

  When I get there, I quickly open the doors to the bank and turn off the alarms. “Get the front ready. I’m dropping stuff in my office, and then we need to get the quarterly shipment ready. The armored truck will be here soon.”

  I don’t wait for her to respond.

  When I get to my desk, I pull my phone out. There’s still nothing from Sean, and I’ve had enough. I’ve got nothing to lose, so fuck it.

  Me: I love you.

  Chapter 18


  Our van pulls up to the back of the bank, and we park. We’ve got about ten minutes before the truck pulls up to go into the bank and take the shipment.

  “I want everybody calm. We’ve got this all planned out. We stick exactly to the plan, no matter what happens. If the cops show up, you guys know the exit strategy. We all clear?”

  I’m in the back of the van with seven guys. One of them is the driver, and another is staying with him to guard the van. Five of us are going into the bank, and it’s going to be tight as we’re down one person. The guy who got himself shot in the club was supposed to be another lookout, we’ll just have to be extra careful.

  “Everybody check your weapons and make sure they’re good to go. Remember, nobody shoots. I don’t want any gunfire inside. Clear?”

  I pass out the guns, making sure everyone is armed. I don’t like going in guns blazing, and the quieter we keep this, the easier our getaway. But we’ll need them inside to get everyone’s attention.

  “Masks,” I say, checking my watch. It’s almost showtime.

  The crew pull down their ski masks and do as they’re told. I reach up to pull mine down, but as I do, I catch Nick’s eyes. He’s giving me a cold stare as he pulls his down, and seeing him with only his eyes showing is menacing. Something is coming, I can feel it. Instinct has kept me alive all these years, and I need to watch my back today.

  As I finish pulling my mask down, I see the armored car pull up. Just a few more moments and we’re in.

  The guards are the same ones that come each quarter, and I know their routine. The staff inside is at a minimum, and this is the best time to do this to limit casualties.


  I stop that thought before it starts. I can’t go there yet. Not yet. I have to get through this and then make her forgive me. I can do it. I can be strong enough to get us through this.

  “Everybody on my mark. Silent, and follow the plan.”

  I wait just a beat, watching from a few yards away as the guards exit the truck and put in the dual codes. Once the bay is all the way open, it begins.

  I take a deep breath. “Now.”

  The five of us exit the back of the van, guns held up and trained on the guards.

  “Drop your weapons. Step away from the door.” The codes have been entered, and the alarms have been turned off. So far, so good.

  The two guards do as we say. Two of my men approach them, take their weapons, and secure them.

  One of my men goes to the armored truck and takes the driver out from behind the wheel. He secures him, taking his weapon and zip-tying him up.

  When we have the three guards bound and gagged, we pull them into the bay door and off to the side. One of my men stays with them to keep guard while four of us proceed inside.

  We make our way silently down the hallway to the front of the bank. It’s still just under an hour before the first customer arrives, but the vault has been opened, and the money inside is ready for shipment.

  As we continue to the end of the hall, Paul, one of Heavy’s men, moves up to lead the group.

  We reach the end of the hall, and he looks back to give us the signal. He holds up three fingers counting down to one, and we all rush forward.

  “Hands up where we can see them. Everybody out here on the ground.”

  My eyes immediately look for Tessa, and I see her in the doorway of her office. Harper lets out a scream, but other than that, it’s silent.

  Tessa stands there, frozen, but after blinking a few times, she holds up her hands and lies on the ground. Harper sees her and starts crying, then follows suit. Another teller stands in shock, and one of my men goes over, pulling her out from behind the teller line and making her lie face down with the others.

  Paul turns and points to me, Nick, and the other guy, Brian. He nods towards the vault, keeping his weapon trained on the three women as we carry out the rest of the plan.

  So far, so good.

  I take the keys to the vault door out of my pocket and let the three of us in. Brian and Nick go to the inner vault to take the cash while I stand guard and cut the lines for the alarms inside the main vault.

  Or so they think.

  I wait until I hear them in the back, bagging up the cash and loading it onto the dolly in the vault. We’re planning on taking this out the same way the guards were, keeping it as easy as possible.

  Once I know they’re in the back, I reach over to the desk where Tessa pulled out the safety deposit box keys. I pull key number 425 out of my pocket and use it and the deposit keys to open the dual lock.

  Opening the box, I don’t take a second to look at the contents. I take out the single small yellow envelope and silently close the box again.

  It takes me thirty seconds, tops, and I’ve got the keys back inside the drawer, with no one the wiser. Just as the drawer rolls shut, I turn to see Nick standing there with Brian.

  For a second, I see something flash in Nick’s eyes, and I think I’m busted.

  “We good?” I ask, nodding at the bags of money on the dolly behind them.

  “Yeah. Piece of cake,” Brian says, pushing the dolly out of the vault.

  Nick grips his gun tighter, and my fingers start to tingle.

  “Less than two minutes,” I say, reminding him we’re running out of time. Nick nods in acknowledgement and makes his way out of the vault behind Brian.

  Just as I exit the vault, I lean over and hit the button for the police. Remember when I said criminals always play up to the job, never after? This is where my plan begins.

  Brian wheels the cash out of the lobby and down the small hallway. Nick and I walk over to Paul, letting him know it’s done, so we can get the fuck out of here.

  Just as I walk over, I can feel the shift in Nick. He’s just fucked up both of our plans.

  Before I can blink, he’s over by Tessa and pulling her up by her hair off the floor.

  “Put her down!” I shout through the room, my voice echoing off the marble. I raise my gun pointing it as his head, but he pulls Tessa closer, putting his own gun to her head.

  “What do you say you tell me what was in that box, Sparrow.”

  I finally make myself look at Tessa, her gold eyes terrified. I see the look on her face as she realizes who we are.

  “Nick, what the fuck are you doing! Let’s go, man!” Paul shouts, clearly wanting to get the fuck out of here like Nick should, too.

  “Not until pretty boy gives up what he’s really after. Because it wasn’t this piece of ass. Was it?”

  He’s got his gun pressed against her head, and tears are streaming down her face. She’s terrified, and she hasn’t spoken a word. My heart is nearly beating out of my chest, but my gun is straight and my aim unwavering.

  “Don’t make me do it, Nick.
Let her go. Now.” I don’t want to have to kill him like this, but I will.

  “Nick?” Harper says from the floor, but he doesn’t turn to acknowledge her. He shoves his gun harder against Tessa’s temple.

  “You tell me what was in that box, or she’s dead. I don’t give two shits about killing this bitch.”

  Rage boils inside me, but I take a breath and calm myself.

  “Close your eyes, little fox.” She looks at me for a half second before doing as I ask. In that quick look, I see that the trust is still there. She may not know what’s going on, but she trusts me.

  “Maybe you should close yours,” Nick says, pulling his trigger.

  There’s a moment of complete silence after the sound rings out, before all the women start screaming.

  The sound of a second bullet reverberates around us as I pull my trigger and land a shot right between Nick’s eyes.

  Before a heartbeat has passed, I’m there in front of him, catching Tessa and holding her face to get her to look at me.

  “Look at me, baby. Tessa! Open your eyes.”

  She opens them, looking at me and blinking rapidly. Her ears are probably ringing from the blank going off, and I’m sure she can’t hear what I’m saying. I replaced everyone’s gun but mine with blanks, knowing some stupid shit might happen.

  I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. I turn back to look at Paul.

  “Stick to the plan!” I shout at him, and he bolts out the door.

  Running behind him with Tessa over my shoulder, I make my way out of the bay door in time to see three of my guys loading up the cash as the other two wait with the van.

  I slip off to the right and out the side door of the bay before they spot me. Once I’m outside, I see an unmarked car waiting for me. The guys have their money, so they won’t wait around, and I hear the sirens already on their way.

  I open the driver side door and help Tessa in and over to the passenger seat. When she’s there and finally looks at me, I take off my mask and reach for her.


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