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Own Her

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Moving toward the cliff, she made sure to keep a safe distance still, but looked over the edge. A grand ocean of flames and lava was a hundred feet below, the bubbling and popping of the creatures moving beneath it evident even from her height. Lifting her gaze she stared at the sharp and jagged black mountains that were in the distance beside them, and on the other side of the fiery ocean was the forest of flames the brothers had talked about. She didn’t recall each name of these parts of their world, but it was all very fantastical.

  “Ready, mate?” Savastian said and moved toward her. Fillip and Viktor were finishing with closing off the ship. They turned and faced her, and images of what they had all shared passed through her mind. The three marks on her neck burned with passion. She placed a hand on her throat, felt the first two marks from the brothers, and then lifted her other hand and touched the third one. Savastian was right in front of her, removed her hands, and placed his mouth over his mark.

  “You make me crazy with lust, my female.”

  A shiver worked its way through her body after Savastian spoke. “The three of you make my thoughts go all jumbled.” She laughed at her juvenile words, but the heat in their gazes had her amusement at her response drying up. Viktor and Fillip moved closer, their erections clearly pushing against their leathers and these low growls of desire leaving them. They were insatiable for her, but then again she felt the same way for them. It was all very strange to feel this way, to have these strange emotions for men she just met. But then again this was not a normal situation or claiming, and she hadn’t led a normal life.

  Savastian wrapped his arms around her, lifted her in his arms so she was now being cradled, and smiled down at her. It was unusual to feel this sensation inside of her when she looked at each of them. She felt this connection, this need that moved through her and stole her sanity and thoughts on what was the right and wrong way to go about living her new life. Maybe it was because they had saved her from a life that had been a fate worse than hell, a life that was demeaning and hurtful and filled with no love whatsoever?

  They had taken her away from a life that was slowly killing her.

  The sound of Savastian’s wings emerging surrounded her. The feel of the wind increasing as he flapped them had her glancing at the other two brothers. Fillip and Viktor were also letting their wings come out, and the impressive sight of them stunned her. Their wings were tipped with claws, dark and sharp, deadly, and she knew they were used as weapons. The wingspan itself was monstrously huge, at least double the size of their seven feet height. And then Viktor and Fillip were airborne. The wind picked up, hot and dry, and she stared at the two males that were like demons … her demons. Their big red bodies, their black claws that tipped their massive, strong hands, and the black wings that curled and unfurled as they kept airborne, was like a violent, frightening, arousing vision.

  “Are you ready to see your new home, my female?” Savastian asked.

  She stared at him, got lost in the dark gaze as he held her, and knew she had never been more ready for something in her life than she was right now. “I’ve never been more ready than I am for this.”

  Savastian grinned, his fangs flashing at her. And then he was in the air, too, and flying behind his brothers. She closed her eyes, excited and anticipating the flight.

  “You don’t want to miss this, Mekenna,” he said in a deep voice.

  She looked at everything, trying to take in as much as she could. They were high enough that the tops of the jagged mountains were feet below them. He curled his claws deeper into her skin, not breaking the flesh, but making sure to keep her close. The heat of his body and the warmth of the air had beads of sweat lining the area between her breasts. But the heat didn’t bother her, and in fact the wind on her face and the open air had her lifting her arms out and closing her eyes again. She laughed, feeling like she was the one flying on her own, nothing stopping her. There was the idea that if he dropped her she could fall to her death, but not even that could sway her happiness.

  “These are the Tartanaian Mountains,” Savastian said, and she opened her eyes to see what he referred to. “Many Hades warriors make their home in the mountains.” The moved toward the furthest part of the ocean, and she stared at the horrendous, scary creatures that broke through the fiery liquid. They were scaly, flames coming from their bodies, their eyes this glowing yellow color, and their fangs like massive swords. She held onto Savastian harder, and he chuckled.

  “I’ll never let you go, female.” He leaned in close and inhaled deeply from her hair. He turned right and headed toward the forest of fire. “And that is our home, deep within the Goomata forest of flames. There are caves buried in the ground. It’s safe and will be all ours, dimina.” He dipped low, and she noticed the way he curled his wings further into his body and turned to clear the narrow opening. He soared lower to clear the mountains, and then he was landing on the dark, rocky ground of the entrance at the forest opening.

  Sebastian took her hand, and Fillip and Viktor stepped beside her and behind her. They then walked into the forest. She tilted her head back, looking at the fires that topped these majestic looking trees with the black and white trunks. She moved past one of the trunks and saw the smooth, almost glassy looking texture, but didn’t dare touch anything. The further they went into the forest, the more the heat surrounded them. Pieces of fire seemed to fall from the sky, landing in odd places around them. She pressed closer to Savastian, feeling the other two brothers move closer to her as well, and didn’t know how she could survive a world so destructive.

  An outcropping of caves could be seen up ahead, but before they even made it another foot all three males stopped. They caged her in, reached for their weapons, and became deathly still and silent. Was a predator close by? Was danger too great for them to handle about to attack them? Gods, she hated not knowing, and she couldn’t even see anything aside from their firm, red backs as they kept her blocked in with the protection of their bodies. Mekenna closed her eyes, slowly counted to regain her thoughts, and when she got to ten she opened them once more, ready to face whatever had altered the men. She heard the hissing and growling sound coming closer and closer. Twigs snapped, echoing off the fire trees, and when Fillip shifted on his feet she could see through the gap between the brothers’ bodies this horrendous beast moving toward them. The males positioned her behind them, their backs now this wall of flesh, protecting her from this monstrous creature slowly crawling toward them.

  “She needs to get to the caves,” Viktor said, and he took a step closer. He had a sword in one hand, and his wings slightly unfurled, the tips pointed toward the front of his body as weapons. The other two brothers glanced at him, and then Fillip backed up, grabbed her around the waist and pressed her back to his chest. He was ten feet off the ground only seconds later, and although there were trees surrounding them, their branches were so high in the air that they were not an obstruction if he needed to fly. He wouldn’t be able to go very fast, but unless that creature could fly as well it wouldn’t be able to get them.

  Fillip stayed airborne for a few moments, and she watched in horror as the beast charged forward. It didn’t have wings, but its body was close to the ground, long and scaly, and the tongue that came out of its mouth was tipped with flame. It slithered like a snake, but so much faster that her heart was in her throat. Everything seemed to happen so quickly, and although she was not in danger being in the air like this, she felt like she was in the thick of the fight.

  This disgusting black substance dripped out of its gaping mouth, and when it hissed the onyx colored goo sprayed from it. It stopped a few feet from the brothers on the ground, but they had their weapons drawn, their wings out, and didn’t look afraid at all. More hissing and screeching came from the creature, and it was loud and ear-piercing.

  “Everything will be okay, Mekenna,” Fillip said close to her ear. “As soon as the beast is not in that direction I will take you to the cave.”

  She n

  “It can jump and spray poisonous venom that is toxic, and I won’t risk even a drop getting on you.”

  The creature hissed, and more goo came out of its mouth to land on the rock beneath it, causing a sizzling effect. It was toxic and could eat right through stone. She didn’t breathe, couldn’t for that matter. But when the creature lunged forward and swiped out at one of the warriors she made a little involuntary cry. She’d just met them, just gotten them in her lives. She did not want to lose them now.

  Savastian slashed out with his blade, cutting the beast on the side of the face. The creature made this loud, blood-curdling cry, and tried to get the brothers with its long claws. With the light from the fires above flickering over his massive body, she could see the creature’s blood splashed on Viktor’s and Savastian’s bodies.

  Watching then fight, cut into the animal’s scaly and black oily flesh, and hearing the roars come from the beast as it was slowly dying, had relief and fear moving through her. It was strange to have this danger right in front of her, because all her life she had been sheltered.

  She watched the horror play out, saw the men fighting like it wasn’t anything frightening or dangerous, and then finally exhaled when Viktor sliced his blade through the creature’s head. The beast fell to its side, the head right beside the body, and its now lifeless eyes staring right at her.

  Fillip kissed her on the back of the head, and murmured in his native language, “You’re safe.”

  She closed her eyes, felt her body start to tremble with the aftereffects of what had just happened, and realized that her life could have changed once again drastically in the blink of her eye.

  Chapter Ten

  Fillip held Mekenna tighter as he flew over to the opening of the cave. All Hades males lived within the safety of the mountains, all but him and his brothers. Although the mountains offered protection against predators, it also gave them the necessary strength and rejuvenating properties to keep them at the top of the food chain. But the caves they called home were deep within the ground, still having the mineral properties to aid in their strength and wellness, and they preferred to be more isolated from others.

  He lowered her to the ground, but kept a hold on her, and pulled her closer to him. Grabbing the back of her head, he slipped his fingers through her hair, and tilted her head back. Staring down at his mate he took in the green of her eyes, the gentle slope of her face and the delicate features of her cheeks and nose. She was a gorgeous creature, and her light blue skin almost seemed luminescent as it glowed under the flames of the trees.

  The scent of fear came from her, but the more powerful aroma was her pleasure of her freedom and her males safe. Yes, they were hers, and she was theirs. Fillip looked at her once more, and then leaned down and kissed her softly. He pulled away from her when he heard his brothers approach. Turning and looking at them over his shoulder, he saw the black blood of the Garangerick beast on their chests.

  He didn’t need to ask if his brothers were okay, because they were warriors, alive, and that was confirmation enough for all of them. But Mekenna moved away from Fillip and rushed over to Viktor and Savastian. She started running her hands over their chests, murmuring that she was just making sure they were okay, and Fillip started laughing for the first time in a long time. Yes, it had been years, decades even since he had felt such amusement. But the looks on his brothers’ faces seemed almost like they were shocked that this female, whom they had just met, was so worried about their safety.

  “Mate, we’re fine,” Savastian said and smiled.

  “Are you sure?” she asked and scanned them over again. “There is so much blood, and that … thing looked like it had gotten you a few times.”

  “We’re sure,” Viktor said and sheathed his sword. He grabbed Mekenna and pulled her in for a long kiss. She didn’t protest though, and the fact she kissed Viktor once more, and then moved toward Savastian to kiss him as well despite all the gore on them, told Fillip she was their mate irrevocably. It didn’t matter that they had just met, that she was abused and a slave to a motherfucker they should have killed. She was here, theirs, and happy.

  Fillip led the way into the cave, his brothers and Mekenna following behind. He moved down the long, winding tunnels that led deeper into the ground, the scent of earth, musk, and dampness filling his nose. The air would become clearer when they were past the earth and deep in the rock that was part of the mountains. It made up their living quarters, and was crisp and had a natural filtration system that allowed fresh, clean air to circulate. The temperature started to decrease, and the further they descended the cooler it became as the heat of their world couldn’t fully penetrate the rock. The sound of his brothers breathing evenly, and of Mekenna breathing at a harsher pace, came through loud in the small confines. The darkness was hard to penetrate, even with the natural gem lighting in the rock walls. It would become brighter once they reached their dwelling, but he knew that for her this had to be difficult and frightening. She had lived in a world where it was above the land, and only knew darkness when the moons rose. Fillip was not used to the feeling of wanting to make sure someone was comfortable and protected. Aside from his brothers and himself he had never worried about another being as much as he did for Mekenna. But it wasn’t just the breeding need that had opened up these emotions, but that the female had so openly and willingly given herself to them. These feelings were rare and precious, and he didn’t take them for granted.

  They moved deeper into the ground, taking lefts and rights, moving through a few hidden passages to further help in protecting their home. The cavern opened up into their living quarters, and he turned and faced Mekenna. The cavern had three main housing units, and then another four sleeping chambers. On the right was the sitting area, with the hide benches, a fire in the center of the floor that took the natural lava from the ground and heated the interior. Metal shields lined parts of the wall to help disperse the heat, as well as for reflection purposes. There were tables and chairs in the sitting area made from the bones, teeth, and claws of the beasts on their planet, the ones they had killed with their bare hands.

  They let her take everything in, and when Savastian stood right behind her, taking in the glorious shape of her rounded, full ass, Fillip knew that the brothers would have her again. She was too much of a temptation, and they’d never get enough of her. Her body was all curves, delicious and theirs. She moved around to the main room, looked at the cooking area, moved her hands over the smoothed stone of the countertops, and then she turned and faced them.

  “How about we let you bathe, relax and wash the trip and trek through the forest off of your body?”

  She nodded at them, and the scent of her acceptance and her feeling of fear left her. The room Fillip led her into was a bathing chamber, large with a natural hot spring in the center of the room, and a small waterfall that fed and circulated the pool. He placed his hand under the spray of the waterfall and looked over at her. She looked from the water to him and smiled.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Steam started to accumulate in the chamber, and the scent of the natural minerals had the aroma of the Vexxa flowers filling the room. He grabbed cleansing beads and a hide for her to dry off with when she was finished. When he faced her again he handed her the items.

  “When you’re finished we can get some food, and relax.”

  She reached out for them, and when they were clutched to her chest she looked back into his face, and then glanced at Savastian and Viktor.

  “Thank you.” The smile she gave them was a little bit coy and seductive. Without speaking she set the items down and slipped her clothes off. The gown slid to the ground, and then there she stood, her blue body so curvy and glorious that his cock hardened. His brothers groaned, and the aroma of their combined arousal for this female intensified the scent in the room.

  “How about you three join me?”

  They moved closer to her, and in a matter of seconds they w
ere all nude, and running their hands over her body. There wasn’t one inch of her that they were not touching, that they weren’t claiming as theirs. This was their female, and there wasn’t anything on this planet, in this fucking galaxy, that would take her away from them.


  Six months later

  Viktor and Fillip came in carrying a month’s worth of meat. It was late, the suns having set an hour before, and Mekenna sat on the chair in front of the fire in the sitting area of their underground home. In just six months so much had changed. It was just so strange to still think about where she had been just a short time ago. Being a slave to a man that was her father and Master had been the only thing she had known, thinking that her future held her dying as a slave, alone and unloved.

  Viktor and Fillip brought the carcasses in and set them on the ground in the cooking area. Savastian was beside her, his hand on her protruding belly, and the strong, warm presence of all of the males filled every part of her.

  The baby she carried kicked in her belly, and Savastian looked over at her and grinned. He rubbed her stomach again, lifted her shirt up, and stared at her with an almost wonder-filled expression as her belly moved because of her little one. It was wild to actually see the movements of her baby through her skin, the little jabs and kicks of him moving around. She knew she carried a son, because the Hades males only created male offspring. But she didn’t care what gender her child was. Mekenna had never even envisioned that she would ever be a mother. Covering her belly, and brushing her fingers along Savastian’s, she stared at him and smiled.


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