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The Merger

Page 17

by Bernadette Marie

  Spencer turned toward Tiffany and he could feel the angry heat ball in his gut. “He what?”

  “Shhh,” Tiffany said pressing her finger to her lips. “Let’s talk in the kitchen.”

  She stood from the couch and walked toward the kitchen and he followed.

  “He was here? You saw him?”

  “He signed over the house to her.”

  Spencer wanted to feel relieved by that, so why didn’t he? “That’s all? He found her and signed over the house?”

  Tiffany shrugged. “She said he did. I don’t even know if she looked. He met her at Village Inn, they were there maybe ten minutes, and then he looked as though he got scared and left.”

  Spencer eased his hip against the counter. “The Grayson family asked him to leave PLL.”

  Tiffany moved toward him. “He left?”

  Spencer nodded. “I don’t know what’s going on there, but I think it’s time to ask the Graysons to move on. Perhaps easing them out isn’t necessary.”

  “Do you think it has anything to do with Libby?”

  Spencer nodded as he rubbed his hand over his unshaven cheek. “She came on to me this morning.”

  Tiffany’s eyes grew wide. “You didn’t…”

  “Don’t even go there,” he threatened. “You of all people know me better than that.”

  “I know.” She sipped her wine. “That woman is trouble.”

  “Something tells me she’s going to cause more if I don’t get her family out of there.” He held out his hand for Tiffany to hand him her wine. When she did, he took a long sip and handed it back. “I need to talk to my father.”

  He looked down at his watch and realized it was too late to call him. Nothing would happen overnight. He’d talk to him in the morning. For now, he wanted to carry Julie into his bed and wrap his arms around her.

  When Tiffany laughed behind her glass, he looked up.

  “Give me your keys. I left my car at the site. I need to get home,” she said.

  “You’re okay to drive?”

  “I’m okay.” She moved in and kissed him on the cheek as he pulled his keys from his pocket. “You’ve been my best friend most of my life. I finally feel as though you’ll be taken care of now.”

  Those words hit Spencer straight in the chest. “You think so?”

  Tiffany nodded. “She’s the one, Spence. Who would know that better than me?”

  He looked out into the living room and his entire body warmed as she stirred on the couch.

  “Make me something.”

  Tiffany’s eyebrows rose. “Make you what?”

  “Design me something special for her. I want to give her something special.”

  The smile that formed on Tiffany’s mouth was wide and as glorious as the sparkle in her eyes.

  “How much do you want to spend?”

  He looked back at Julie and then at Tiffany. “No price is too steep.”

  She touched his cheek, flipped his keys on her finger, and left without another word.

  Spencer stood in his kitchen and smiled. There had been a day, many years ago, when he couldn’t imagine not marrying that woman with the long red hair. Now when she kissed him he thought it felt sisterly. The thought struck him that if they had made it to bed the other night things might have been awkward.

  Tiffany would always have his back and he’d have hers. He’d love her for the rest of his life, but it was a love just as he had for Darcy.

  When he looked at Julie, on the other hand, his heart quickened and his body temperature rose significantly. If she’d have him, he was hers. And to think he’d wasted so much time convincing himself he hated her.

  As he moved through the kitchen toward her, he stopped when he saw the manila envelope on the counter. Reaching his hand out, he touched it as if all the answers to the universe’s unsolved questions might instantly come to him. It would be wrong to look inside, but he wasn’t sure he was strong enough not to.

  He lifted it from the counter as Julie stirred on the couch again. Watching her, wanting her, he pinched open the silver clasp at the back of the envelope. He hesitated, took a deep breath, and laid it back down.

  When she was ready, she’d show him what was inside.

  Spencer moved toward the couch. Kneeling down beside her, he gently moved a strand of hair from her face and brushed it aside with his finger.

  She stirred and then her eyes batted open and looked up at him.

  “You’re sleeping on my couch,” he said softly as he traced a finger over the curve of her cheek.

  “Why are you home?” Her voice was soft with sleep.

  “Couldn’t stay away,” he said on an almost truth. “Julie, I want to carry you to my bed.”

  Her eyes came open fully and he saw in them something he’d seen before—that night in the elevator. Need. Desire. Wanting.

  Julie pushed up on her elbow and reached her hand out to his cheek. The touch of her soft fingertips on his skin made something inside of him burst and he knew she wouldn’t only sleep in his arms tonight.

  He moved in and without softness, without finesse, he took her mouth with his as her arms encircled his neck.

  Tucking his arm up under her legs, he lifted her from the couch as their tongues met in maddening pace with his heartbeat.

  The thought that he should have kept her on the couch crossed his mind as he tried to remember the path to his room with his eyes shut and this woman—whom he couldn’t wait to touch and taste—in his arms making mush of his brain.

  As if they’d made that walk a million times, he made it to his bedroom, and eased Julie and himself down on the bed. Her mouth was still on his—heated and devouring everything he had to offer.

  Her fingers moved up his neck and into his hair as he pressed his body to hers.

  Every curve of her beneath him fit as if they were always supposed to. Spencer ran his hand up her side, carrying the fabric of his old T-shirt with it. Her skin beneath his hands made parts of him ache and forced him to control everything.

  He pulled back to look down at her.

  Her cheeks were pink and her lips swollen from being pressed so hard to his.

  “Julie, I can’t stop this if I start. I already think it might kill me.”

  She smiled and looked up at him. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  “You’re mine?”

  “I’m yours,” she said as she pulled him back down to her and took control of his mouth again.

  It had been nearly a year since Julie had been under a man—her husband. And it certainly had never felt like this, she thought as Spencer pulled the T-shirt over her head and looked down at her.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She sucked in a breath and moistened her lips with her tongue. “I want this, Spencer.”

  His eyes were dark now and she could feel that he wanted it too. “I’ll make it worth it. I promise.”

  And so he did. Touching her in every intimate place that longed to be touched. Kissing and tasting her skin. Every movement was made with a passionate and loving touch. Every gasp had been worth the wait.

  When she lay there spent, naked in his arms with his heartbeat hammering next to hers, she knew for sure she had tumbled into that place you don’t come out of unscathed. She’d fallen in love with him lock, stock, and barrel. Suddenly she couldn’t wait to go to that dinner she’d been invited to and meet the people he came from. If this man could be so passionate about so many things what did he offer for the long haul?

  He might give up on her and she’d head back to Oregon, but for this moment, naked in his arms while he stroked her hair and caught his breath, she wanted to dream about the what ifs. She was finding she liked the possibilities.


  Spencer wasn’t sure how much sleep he’d gotten last night. The sun was streaming in through the blinds of his bedroom and Julie was still wrapped in his arms and in his sheets.

  Nothing—nothing had ever made him feel so al
ive as last night had. It wasn’t all the lovemaking, though they’d done that enough times in the bed, shower, couch, and kitchen to satisfy any man for a long time. It was the passion between them. The soft kisses and words. The shared moments and even the tears she’d spilled on his shoulder when she told him how happy she was.

  That part still pulled at him.

  She deserved happiness. She deserved to be on a pedestal and looked upon as the work of beauty she was. Why did his soft words and kisses make her cry?

  She stirred against him and he pressed a kiss to her head.

  Looking up at him through sleep-hazed eyes, she smiled. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said. “I was going to make coffee, but didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “Coffee. I’d like coffee.”

  He kissed her head again. “I’ll make some.”

  She rolled from him and let out a sigh. “I’ll freshen up. Any chance you have a guest set of toothbrushes?”

  He chuckled. “It might come as a bad time to bring it up, but Tiffany keeps some travel ones in the bathroom. Right hand drawer. She brings the free one from the dentist each time.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I don’t mind that you used to sleep with her.”

  Spencer pulled on a pair of sweat pants he pulled from a drawer and looked down at her.

  “I’ll never sleep with her again. Not anyone.”

  Her eyes filled with worry and he could see the gentle change on her face. Spencer moved back to the bed and sat down.

  “You said it. You’re mine. And if you’re mine then I’m yours, Julie. I take that very seriously.”

  She nodded and a faintly smiled. “I know. It’ll take some getting used to.”

  He brushed back her hair with his fingers. “I’ll give you as much time as you need. I’m never going anywhere.” He chuckled. “Except to make coffee. I’m going to make coffee.”

  Julie nodded. He left her there in his bed and thought it had to be the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

  Julie rolled from the bed, put on the borrowed clothes, which were on the floor, and walked toward his bathroom. In the drawer, just as he’d said, were at least six toothbrushes in wrappers with a dentist’s name on them. The fact that there were six, and most people went to the dentist twice a year, made her think that Tiffany was either sleeping with the dentist or she and Spencer hadn’t spent as much time together as Julie had thought.

  She’d go with the latter because it calmed her nerves.

  The smell of coffee filled the penthouse as she looked into the mirror. Her hair was tousled and her makeup smeared, but aside from that she saw someone there she’d long ago forgotten. A woman with love in her heart.

  “I haven’t decided if I like you better in an uptight lawyer’s suit or in my clothes,” Spencer said from the doorway holding two mugs of coffee. “I’m actually thinking my favorite is you out of both.”

  He moved into the bathroom and pressed a kiss to her neck as he held out both mugs on either side of her.

  “You don’t regret last night do you?” she asked and he pulled back from her.

  Spencer handed her a mug and looked at her. “What have I done that would give you that thought?”

  “You haven’t done anything. I’m just too happy and that worries me.”

  He stepped closer to her and cupped her chin in his hand. “Julie, you deserve to always be happy.”

  How had she fallen into this she wondered as he gave her a wink and backed away.

  “I’m out of eggs, bacon, hash browns and most everything else. Interested in taking a shower with me and going to breakfast?”

  “I’d love that.”

  “I have to go down to the site. Tiffany took my car, would you mind giving me a ride?”

  She smiled until her cheeks nearly hurt. “I could do that.”

  “Maybe you can walk me through that corporate build. They said they started framing.”

  “They did. I hope you like what I’ve done for them.”

  “I can’t imagine I wouldn’t.”

  She shrugged. “Nicest lot on the site. It’s a little sad that a family won’t always live there.”

  “Corporate houses sometimes sell in a few years. You never know who might move in then.”

  That did give her some peace. “Why don’t you start that shower,” she said setting her coffee on the counter. “I’m going to brush my teeth and then,” she stopped, pulled the T-shirt off and dropped it to the floor. “I’ll join you.”

  She watched his eyes glaze over before he moved toward the shower. He was putty in her hands. It might be fun to enjoy a man of power who could melt just by looking at her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Julie woke in her own bed in Spencer’s arms Sunday morning. She was afraid to breathe or move. She was so content being right where she was.

  They had spent every moment of Saturday together and it had oozed into Sunday morning. He’d been pleased with her work on the corporate house. He’d complimented her numerous times on her organization skills in keeping the other builds in order.

  They’d walked to the property just behind where they were building and met with the man whom Spencer was negotiating with. There was no talk of business and Julie had seen how that eased the man who was sure Spencer had come to rattle him. But that wasn’t how he worked. If the man decided to live there forever, Spencer would make sure his build didn’t bother him.

  It was his thoughtful manner that had her easing more in love with him. And it was her luck with everything that kept her from telling him.

  After a quiet dinner, they’d gone back to her place and there they’d made love and fallen asleep in each other’s arms. She thought if she was quiet long enough the fairy tale she was living could go on just a bit longer.

  A few minutes later the tranquil calm of the quiet house was disrupted by the loud beat of music from upstairs and Spencer sat straight up in bed nearly rolling Julie from it.

  “What in the hell…” He winced at the sound.

  “I think she’s home,” Julie smiled.

  “Jesus, she’s crazy.” Spencer fell back on the bed. “You’re moving out.”

  Julie snuggled back against him and nuzzled her face against his neck. “Am I?”

  “How could you possibly live with that? She’s absolutely inconsiderate.”

  “I’ve yet to meet anyone related to you that is inconsiderate.”

  Spencer kissed the top of her head. “You’re going to meet them all tonight. Are you ready for that?”

  She let out a satisfied sigh. “I think I am. Although I’m worried what your parents are going to think.”

  “Need I remind you again that my father married his assistant?”

  “Right.” She ran her fingers through the small tuft of hair on his chest. “And everything was fine for them after they started seeing each other?”

  Spencer shifted to look down at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Rumors fly. People get nasty when intraoffice relationships start. How did they handle it?”

  “Like professionals. Julie, are you worried they won’t like you?”

  She shrugged. “I know it looks sketchy. I make you miserable, get fired, show up here and beg for a job. Now here you are wrapped up in my sheets…”

  “Right where I want to be.”

  “But it’s sketchy and I see that. And now my ex has been let go.”

  “I didn’t do that either.”

  Julie looked up at him and narrowed her gaze. “I’m an older woman,” she said grinning.

  “Right. That might be the deal breaker. But as of next Sunday you’ll only be a year older,” he said on a laugh.

  “Your birthday, that’s right. Big party.”

  “Actually there won’t be too many more than you’ll meet tonight.”

  She bit down on her lip and listened to Metallica blare through the vents. “I’ve never been around family. It w
as always just my parents and I. I had one grandmother who died when I was seven. I don’t know how to handle family.”

  Spencer rolled on his side to face her. He lifted his hand to her cheek and held it there. “What’s to handle? You’ve met most of my cousins and you did just fine.”

  “I want them all to like me.”

  “I adore you, that should satisfy them.”

  “But you didn’t always.”

  That made him sit up and drag her with him. “Julie, I can’t apologize for that enough. I just couldn’t wrap my head around what I felt for you. I…”

  She pressed her fingers to his lips. “Tiffany told me.”

  His shoulders dropped. “Meet them. Then decide if I’m wrong about how you’ll feel around them. If you want to know what family is then you’re about to get a crash course. If you want to be accepted at first sight, this is the family that will do that. I promise you, you will belong.”

  She could feel the tears well in her eyes. “What if things don’t work out between us?”

  “Don’t say what if. I don’t live on what ifs. I’m not going anywhere, Julie. I meant it when I said I was yours.”

  He pulled her into his arms and held her there. In that moment, she believed it. Forever she was Spencer Benson’s.

  Spencer moved back and looked at the ceiling. “I’m going to go shoot that stereo.”

  Julie laughed. “In her defense, she hasn’t had a housemate for a long time.”

  “She’s spoiled.” He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and slid on his jeans. “Hell, I’ll invite her to breakfast.”

  “That would be nice of you.”

  He gave her a grunt and headed for the inside stairs.

  There was a moment when Spencer thanked God for his cousin’s thoughtfulness to at least be dressed. He wasn’t sure how he would handle finding her dancing in her living room naked.

  When she saw him, she didn’t even seem startled that there was someone there.

  “Ah, I thought you were down there,” she said grinning. “Sleeping with my neighbor are you?”


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