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SASSY IN STILETTOS ARe version Page 14

by Nana Malone

  The light in Micha’s bedroom went on, and Caleb’s whole body tensed. After what had already happened today, he knew he shouldn’t be watching for her. It felt wrong somehow, but still he sat sentry.

  His phone buzzed beside him. You probably already know, but I’m home, safe and sound.

  Micha. His body’s semi-aroused response was getting to be annoying. Good. How are you doing?

  Her text came a few seconds later. Fine. A little raw. And tired.

  All because he’d been careless and too busy thinking with his dick and not his brain. He texted her back. I have my best guys tracking the video’s origin. I don’t want you to worry about it.

  His phone buzzed in his hand as she responded. Thanks. Not sure how I’m going to get to sleep. Maybe I should have stayed with Jaya after all.

  Caleb frowned. He didn’t want her at Jaya and Alec’s. He wanted her much closer than that. But he knew better than to text her that. It’s not too late. I can take you over there if you want.

  It took a moment, but she texted back. No. I really want to be in my own bed.

  He really wanted to be in her bed too. Smirking, he texted back. You need a tea or bedtime story? What he wanted to ask her was if she needed sex, because he could help her out if she was so inclined. But he didn’t.

  Her response left him an opening though. No. Thx. I... I don’t know what I need.

  Caleb told himself that calling her was a bad idea. He still had hours of work to catch up on. But he wanted to hear her voice. Soothe her. Comfort her.

  She answered on the first ring. Her voice was a little hoarse and husky, like she was lying down or she’d recently woken up. “Is this when you tell me my bedtime story?”

  Why the hell did she have to sound so sexy? “I’m fresh out of stories. Are you in bed? I see your light’s still on.”

  “Yeah, I was trying, unsuccessfully, to read.”

  “Must be riveting.”

  “Yeah, well, it might have been the wrong choice of book. It’s that new erotica one everyone’s been talking about. I have an interview with the author.”

  Caleb’s heart stuttered at the mention of the word erotica. “I hardly think that’s going to help you sleep.”

  “Well, if it’s good enough to get me an orgasm, then I’ll sleep just fine.”

  Oh, hell. The mental imagery of her coming as she rode him charged to center stage in his mind. “Is that what you need? Another orgasm?” He was more than willing to oblige.

  Her voice was soft, even huskier. “Caleb.”

  His hands shook as he held the phone to his ear. “Micha, are you in bed with a toy?”

  “What? No.”

  “Don’t lie to me, I heard you turn it on last night. It made me jealous. And hard.”

  She let out a breathy sigh. And was silent for several beats. “I wasn’t sure if you could hear it.”

  “Oh, I heard it. I was so busy concentrating on your movements, I heard everything.”

  “Oh, fantastic.”



  “Are you wearing another camisole and panties?” He didn’t know why he asked. It was just another way to torture himself.

  Her voice was breathy. “Yes.”

  He didn’t expect her to answer, but then she did, and he knew where they were taking this. “Is it the same thin fabric like the one last night?”


  “Micha, are you touching yourself through the camisole?”


  “I want you to run you hand over your breasts.” Caleb held his breath. She would either comply or tell him to go fuck himself.

  Her moan was soft, but unmistakable. He shifted the laptop off his lap and reclined against the pillows on his couch. “Are your nipples tight?”


  “With your thumb and forefinger, I want you to roll that tight little milk chocolate bud. Pinch it a little.”

  He could hear her soft pants. “Imagine I’m sucking on the tip of that magnificent breast, imagine I’m plucking your other nipple to readiness. Show me what you like. Guide my hands.”

  She whispered his name.

  “Are you plucking your nipples like I told you?”

  Micha moaned, and Caleb bit his lip. She was so fucking hot. Everything about her. How uninhibited she was, the way she moved, the way she spoke.

  “Can you part your lips for me, Micha? How do you feel?”

  “Wet, slick. I need, need—”

  “Tell me what you need, Micha, I can give it to you. All you have to do is tell me.” Caleb unfastened his jeans to give himself a little room. He ached and throbbed, but this wasn’t about him. This was all about her. He’d take a nice icy shower. Later—much later.

  “I remember how much you liked me stroking your clit with my tongue. Do you remember.”


  “Imagine I’m licking you now. Along that sweet and spicy length of you. Can you feel me stroking? Is that what you want?”

  “God, Caleb, yes.”

  “Don’t touch your clit yet, sweetheart, let me tease you, let me lap at your sweet skin. Maybe dip lower and let my tongue slip into your sweet center.”

  “Oh, God. Caleb, I...”

  “Maybe even lower, stroking and licking. Has anyone ever touched you there? Licked you there? Tell me, sweetheart, would you like to try that with me? Something new?”

  Her soft moans filled his ears, and by her reactions the other night, he knew she was close. She made the sweetest little mewling sound when she was about to come.

  “Go ahead, baby, touch your clit now. Stroke it firmly. Come as loud as you want.” His brain played the images of the two of them as he stroked her slit and the way she’d tossed her hair back and came again, and again, and again around his cock.

  When she groaned low and harsh, then whispered his name, his breath poured out in ragged breaths, like he was the one who’d climaxed. He wasn’t new to phone sex, but never like this. His heart thundered and blood roared in his ears. He was so close to orgasm, and he hadn’t even touched himself yet. The things this one woman could do to him.

  When she didn’t speak, he reached out to her. “Baby, are you there?”

  Her voice was a hushed whisper. “Yes.”

  He’d kill to be in there with her, but as much as he wanted that, he had other work that needed him. But at least he’d helped her relax a little. “You think you can go to sleep now?”

  She moaned. “Mm, better than a sleeping pill.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, anytime. I’m at your beck and call.” Shit this was fucking perfect. Why not give her keys to your heart?


  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “It still would have been better with you here.”

  He held his breath, willing her to say more. All it would take was a word, and he’d postpone everything he had to do for the one thing he wanted to do. But she remained silent. It wasn’t long before he heard her deep even breathing on the other line. He smiled to himself. Like last night, she’d passed out as soon as she was done.

  He smiled to himself and disconnected the call.


  Somewhere in the deep recesses of sleep, Caleb heard a distant chime. It repeated in a sequence of three then went quiet again.

  As the fog lifted, he recognized it for what it was. An alarm. Micha. Springing out of bed, he snatched his phone. He placed a quick call to the guys he had watching Micha’s place. “There’s an alarm. What the fuck?”

  Tom’s voice was low but calm. “It’s not her. It’s at the office.”

  Caleb gave Tom strict instructions to not let her out of the apartment until he gave the all clear. He opened his laptop and checked the monitors. The offices were dark, but the night vision picked up a dark, hooded form walking through the office. He made another quick call. Once the cameras were in, he didn’t have anyone posted on the building unless they were physically watc
hing Micha. Whoever that was, was taking a hell of a risk. He’d need to rely on the police for this one. If he’d received the alarm, that meant the police had also been notified.

  The hooded figure went straight for Micha’s office. All Caleb could make out was wild thrashing and flinging of equipment. Using the zoom feature, he tried to get a better picture. “Come on, you asshole, show your face.” But regardless of which of the three cameras he tried, he couldn’t get a clear look. Almost like the asshole knew there were cameras or that he knew where they were.

  Caleb cursed and dragged on sweats. He wanted to get down there when the police did.

  Keeping an eye on the monitors, he prayed that the moron hung around long enough to get pinched. But no luck. The dark figure checked the clock then ran out of Micha’s office. Damn.

  He had to take a closer look at the employees. They’d all passed initial screenings, but only employees had access cards into the office and building.

  Caleb pulled up the late evening footage from the whole building. One by one he watched as each of the businesses closed up shop. There were two investment companies that had employees stay later, but even they cleared out by eight. That left the software company and the design company. But by ten they closed up shop too. Shit. Who the fuck are you asshole?

  What the hell was he going to tell Micha? She was counting on him, and he had absolutely fuck to show for it. He was doing a piss poor job of protecting her. Someone had videoed images of them fucking their brains out, for the love of Christ. The apartment next to his was still vacant. None of the neighbors had seen anyone going in or out of it. And, of course, building management only had cameras in the lobby. If that didn’t say get better security, he didn’t know what did. But he’d made her a promise. He’d said he’d find the asshole responsible, and he would. Like hell he’d let someone take the normally vibrant Micha and let the lights dim in her eyes. He wouldn’t have her living in fear.

  Chapter 17

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Micha looked up from her temporary work station to find Jaya lurking in her doorway. “Let me guess, Caleb called you?”

  Jaya frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous. He called Alec, who told me to get Ricca and come down here.”

  Micha raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. “So where is Little Miss Half Pint?”

  “After talking to her, I figured a direct approach was in order. You don’t need sugar coating; you need someone to kick it to you straight.”

  “You’re going to muscle me into doing what you want?”

  Jaya stood firm, her hands in her ivory slacks. She pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow, a determined glint in her eye. Micha prepared for battle.

  “I shouldn’t have to, My. You should be perfectly reasonable about this. You need to move in with me and Alec until this is all over.”

  “You and Alec?”

  “Yes, either at the house or at the hotel. There’s twenty-four hour security, and you can work from there, and you don’t need to be putting yourself in danger.”

  “At the hotel?” Micha could hardly believe her ears. Jaya was out of her God dammed mind if she thought Micha was actually going to do as told.

  But her friend pressed on. “Micha, it’s not safe. Your car, your house, your office, the flowers, the rat. Jesus, the video of you in your apartment. This person isn’t fucking around.”

  Micha froze. “What did he tell you about the video?” He’d told Jaya about that psychopath capturing their sheet scorching session?

  “Just that this lunatic had got some video of you in your condo. This is real shit, My!”

  Micha needed to impress on Caleb that she was his client. But you’re not. Adele Westhorpe is his client. Fuck. Regardless, he shouldn’t have told Jaya. She’d only spin herself out making plans for Micha’s life, trying to “organize her” into compliance.

  “You done yet?”

  Jaya sniffed. “No, I am not done. And don’t you dare give me the ‘I’m going to beat your ass until you get out of my office’ look. This is about love and family, and you’re mine. So the sooner you stop fighting this, the sooner I go away and leave you to pack your shit and come with me.”

  Micha chuckled. “Man, have you always been this bossy?”

  Jaya blew a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. “This isn’t bossy. This is being assertive and taking control of someone who’s too dumb to know any better.”

  Micha raised an eyebrow. “Now, I’m dumb? Keep digging yourself a grave you can’t dig yourself out of. You should probably call your man and say your goodbyes, because when I’m done with you, they’re going to be finding pieces of you all over the Mojave.”

  “You don’t scare me, Bennett. Now get your shit and let’s go.”

  Micha roared with laughter, and Jaya glowered at her. Jaya’s extra-stern face only made Micha laugh louder. “Good thing you didn’t send Ricca, because I would have chewed up little miss, and she would have left here crying.”

  Jaya planted her hands on Micha’s temporary desk. “Why the fuck are you being so stubborn?”

  “Because, this is my life. And I’m a fighter. And there is no way I’m going to run from anything.”

  “You realize how stupid that sounds?”

  “I prefer to think of it as brave. And that’s the second time you called me stupid.”

  “Well it’s stupid when you risk your life, My. You drove that car after someone had vandalized it; you went into your place after someone broke in. Then you fought Caleb tooth and nail.”

  “I get it, you’re worried about me. But you, and Ricca, and Alec need to realize that I can handle this. I’m not going to scurry and hide under a rock like most people. So I shouldn’t have driven the car. And maybe I shouldn’t have walked into my place, but I’m not about to give up control of who I am for anyone.”

  “No one’s asking you to give up control. We’re only asking you to be safe. Ricca and I would die if anything happened to you. What part about that don’t you understand?”

  Micha blinked away tears. When had she become the weepy one? That was Ricca’s job. “I understand, and I love you too, but I’m not moving in with you guys. Come on. You guys are about to be married. I’m not going to be underfoot, and I really don’t want to see the evidence of the two of you being in love. It’ll burn my eyes out of their sockets.”


  Micha put a hand up to stay her friend. If she let her, Jaya would go on all day, trying different tactics, cajoling, bargaining, offering her fiancé up for sexual favors. And as pretty as Alec was, Micha wasn’t going to budge, so they’d both be wasting their time.

  “You trust Caleb, right? You think he’s capable of protecting me?”

  “Yes, that’s why he’s here, because left up to you, you’d still be following your same routine. I’m so glad Adele insisted on hiring him.”

  God, Jaya was stubborn as a bull dog; she never let go of a plan. “Fine, all right. Well, I won’t be leaving his side except to go to bed, and even then he has guys on me 24/7. If at any point I don’t feel safe with him, I’ll take you up on the hotel offer, okay?”

  Jaya’s shoulders lifted as she inhaled deeply. She chewed her bottom lip as if weighing the options. Micha could tell she realized she’d painted herself into a corner.

  Finally, Jaya said, “I can live with that. But no delay in telling us. If you’re not with him, then you’re with us.”

  Micha hated to point out that when it came to protection, while Alec was perfectly capable and had hotel security at his disposal, Caleb had the upper hand. “I can live with that. Now come give me a hug and get the hell out of here. I actually have work to do.”

  Jaya cocked her head. “That’s so weird—I thought you entertainment types followed TMZ and Bossip and called it a day.”

  “Funny. I had no idea you were such a comedian.”

  Micha gave into the hug as Jaya squeezed hard. Micha might not have any actual fam
ily, but Jaya and Ricca made excellent substitutes.


  Several hours after her friend had left, Micha’s escort showed up to take her home. Her heart skipped into a trot then lurched into gallop mode when she saw it as Caleb. She’d seen him that morning briefly, but he’d had one of his guys drive her into work.

  The automatic shallow breathing and the hot flush that spread over her skin as his gaze met hers were reactions she couldn’t control. Especially after last night. Hell, it wasn’t the first time she’d had phone sex. Hell, it probably wouldn’t be the last time. But, somehow, with Caleb everything was more visceral and potent. She’d passed out right afterward and hadn’t budged until her alarm went off this morning.

  There was something about this man. He did things to her. Made her relax.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah, almost.” She hit send on a final email and saved her interview document to her Dropbox account. “Now I’m ready.”

  As he led her out of the building, he was in total work mode. He didn’t say much, kept his eyes peeled and steered her in the direction he wanted her to go.

  When they finally reached his car and she was safely ensconced, his shoulders lowered, and he visibly relaxed. “So what do you feel like for dinner tonight? Thai? Mexican?”

  “You don’t have to work tonight?”

  “Nope. I’ve have my guys covering the other assignments.”

  “God, they must be sick of me. They’ve been watching me around the clock. That can’t be fun for them.”

  “Oh, they’re not sick of you, and they get paid time and a half for all the overtime. Plus, they all think you’re pretty hot.”

  Laughter bubbled up from somewhere deep inside. “Oh, do they now?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, I heard that somewhere.”

  “Right.” Then her stomach grumbled, bringing her attention back to dinner. She’d grabbed an apple after lunch, but it hadn’t done the trick. All the stress was making her hungrier than normal. “Thai sounds really good.”


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