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His Substitute Wife... My Sister Book Two

Page 12

by Sylvia Hubbard

“Fuck! You know that’s really going to piss her off.”

  “I figured that, Chyna and then I investigated a bank account Pascal opened up while he was with you, but Cheyenne signed the bank card.”

  Chyna was quiet on the other end.

  “Chyna, are you there?” Charisse asked because it was so quiet she thought her sister had hung up.

  “I’m here,” Chyna said in a terrified voice. “W-What did you find?”

  Charisse told her everything about what she suspected and then that she had obtained the bank signatures.

  “Fuck!” Chyna said again.

  “Did you know about the account?”

  “No, Charisse, but this explains a lot that I haven’t told you about.”

  “I think I need to know, Chyna.”

  “In due time, but not right now. She called me and told me she was still going to demand custody of you and she’s really out to get you. She thinks you left that morning after the dinner; so don’t blow your cover with any stupidity. Stay in that house.”

  “I will,” Charisse promised. “But what about the account?”

  “Did you say anything to Parker?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Don’t. Please Charisse. He’ll be pissed as hell and he’ll really think I took it even if you told him I didn’t.”

  “Why are you so worried about what he thinks about you now, Chyna? You’re divorcing him.”

  “I know, but I respect him and I’ve done so much bad I don’t need one more piling on top even though it really won’t make a difference in his feelings toward me,” Chyna said miserably. “I’m asking as a favor even though I don’t deserve your consideration.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to foil her attempt at taking that money, right under her broken ass nose.”

  Charisse relaxed a little because Chyna usually has done what she said she was going to do. “Other than that, how’s it been?”

  “Fine. Parker sent a doctor down here that could really help me with my problem and my health looks like it might take a turn for the better. He’s a nice guy Charisse and I’m so glad I could make it up to the both of you for all you’ve done, but you can’t call me on a whim. I don’t want her getting her hands on any records and seeing my cell phone number being called from the house or the spa being called. Call me only in extreme emergencies and I’ll call once a month near the third week to check on you. Otherwise, I’ll be speaking to Dr. Redmond about your health and Parker knows not to contact me unless it’s a dire emergency as well.”

  Charisse felt a little better once she disconnected the call and then returned to the bedroom with Parker. Soon as she pressed her body against him, he awoke and pulled her under him and held her close. She listened to his wonderful heartbeat against her ear and smiled in the dark praying whatever was going on with the bank account, Chyna could handle the situation.

  Charisse awoke to light kissing on her forehead and smiled before even opening her eyes knowing whom it was because she smelled the dark chocolate and coconut along with the masculine scent that was sweet to her nose. Her jaw was just a little sore from trying to practically swallow him, but now that she was awake she wanted to do it all over again.

  “Good morning,” he whispered.

  “What time is it?”

  “Nine and I have all day to spend with you.”

  “You don’t have to. I know your work is important, Parker.”

  “I want to.”

  She was tempted to defy her sister’s wishes and tell him about the money, but she decided she would just wait. “What would you like to do?”

  He pulled her under him and smiled wickedly. “Charisse, if you only knew how good that makes me feel to hear you say that to me.”

  “I bet I could find something,” she teased wickedly licking her lips.

  Parker growled in his passionate kiss and he wondered how long could he resist not making love to her.

  ** *

  Hours later they lay in a bathtub. She wasn’t shy around him and enjoyed his touching her body from head to toe.

  “I was thinking of sneaking to Canada for a week or so before Dr. Redmond comes to check on you for your fourth month,” he said.

  “And how would I sneak out the house if Chyna thinks someone is watching it for Cheyenne?” she asked.

  “As much as Nevada’s snuck back and forth to this house and no one has seen her, you probably can ask her.”

  “How do you know she sneaks?”

  “Because just as Cheyenne has someone watching the house, I have someone watching too.”

  “That Onyx woman Kimberly doesn’t like?” she guessed.

  “Someone she knows,” he answered evasively. “I mentioned to him today that Nevada would be making trips to the house and he swears he never saw any ugly make up woman come back and forth. He told me about Joanie coming that night I left you and for that I’m sorry for leaving you. Were you worried? Or scared?”

  “Of Joanie? No. Joanie’s nothing but a lackey to Cheyenne. And she’ll always regret she had a hand in my father’s death and in making my life horrible because that is what pushed her away from her mother. Laurie must have found out and confronted Joanie about it and I would bet my soul Cheyenne made her choose between what her mother wanted and what she wanted Joanie to do. In a way, I feel a little sorry for her.”

  “You shouldn’t.” He tenderly kissed her brow. “You shouldn’t feel sorry for anyone who hurt you, Charisse.”

  She had to take a pause in what she wanted to say as he moved the soap over her breast and then changed hands to pay attention to the other one. “If you insist.”

  He chuckled liking how she relaxed against his body. “I’ll make the arrangements and you let me know if you can sneak out the house with Nevada. I’m curious as to how she’s gotten around the security I’ve set up.”

  “Or are you just curious about her?”

  “Trust me, Charisse. I’m a man who knows when he’s out of his league. She is a woman who I wouldn’t trust myself to get involved with, but I’m so aroused by you, I see her beauty, but at the same time I see the things I don’t like about her just as much.”

  She was sure any other man would have lied and said they weren’t attracted to how Nevada looked, but he didn’t discount that and she smiled knowing he was telling the truth about his feelings.

  After their bath when their fingers began to wrinkle, they played checkers, found something to nibble on for lunch and then rented a movie on cable snuggled up on the couch in the family room toward the back of the house.

  His proximity didn’t make her sick. Matter of fact, the more he was around her the more she wanted to relive that night in his office and sometimes it was all she could think about, but she wanted to respect his decision yet she was so glad he had better control because he often gave his warning tone when she was taking him to no return. It was enjoyable hearing him pant and joyfully call her name as if there was not another woman in the world that would give him this much joy.

  They fell asleep close in each other’s arms and Charisse couldn’t ask for a more perfect day in all her life.

  The days soon turned to weeks and even though Charisse was confined to the house, Parker found any free time to spend with her. He hadn’t spent this much time in his house since he had bought the damn thing and even Jaelen’s sudden bitchiness didn’t bother him since most times when he wasn’t working, he used to spend it with Jaelen or Ethan. Ethan wasn’t minding that Parker wasn’t anywhere around because he was enjoying his wife too much.

  He didn’t know why Ethan and Jaelen had made a big deal about not being able to resist a woman when she’s pregnant because he was satisfied giving and receiving oral pleasure with Charisse. His control had been strong when it concerned sex especially since he’d dealt with a woman like Chyna and sometimes would go months to almost a year without any.

  ‘They most likely just over exaggerated it,’ he deter

  The final day before his divorce as soon as he walked in the door, before Charisse approached him, it hit him.

  The smell of her gripped his senses like a smack in the face and he almost dropped to his knees as the lust encompassed even his vision.

  “Parker,” she said. “Why are you leaning against the door?”

  “Headache,” was the first thing to come out of his mouth because he knew if he looked at her he’d take her right there on the foyer’s floor. “Give me a second.”

  “Do you need something?“ She asked as she reached for him.

  “Don’t touch me.“ He sucked the air between his teeth because he didn’t need to turn around to even know she had walked to him and was about to touch him. His words had sounded extremely harsh, but it was the only way he could express himself at that moment. “A second, Charisse. Just a second.”

  She stood there quietly.

  Gritting between his teeth, he said, “Go in another room,” he ordered.

  Reluctantly she left the room and he took a moment to compose himself not believing the lust that had gripped him even before he had laid eyes on him.

  ‘Maybe it’s just the expectation of everything,’ he convinced himself, but dammit as soon as he walked in the room and laid eyes on her, he found his manhood was like a damn monster in his pants.

  “Did I do something?” she asked irritated.

  “No, Charisse.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” She stepped close to him but he stepped back and held up his hand.

  He couldn’t speak and he saw her getting upset, but there was nothing he could say to convince her what he believed what was happening to him.

  She looked down at his pants. “Parker, what’s wrong with you?” She was calm, but curious.

  Before he could try to answer, Nevada came in the room dressed in the same garb he’d seen her in last time, but she was carrying a super large submarine sandwich most likely made out of his kitchen. “What the hell is that in his pants?!” she exclaimed and then realized what it was on her own. Her eyes became wide as saucers as Parker rushed out the room to find the coldest shower.

  Charisse covered her mouth to hide the giggle that wanted to escape. “I don’t think he wanted you to see that.”

  “Did you see the size of that?! Oh yeah, you did. Oh my gawd! You poor thing. I see why you haven’t had sex with him again. Aren’t you terrified?”

  “I’m going to have to stop telling you anything, Nevada. I didn’t even get a chance to tell him you were here.”

  “Lawd, he must have been embarrassed,” she said after she took a huge bite of food and Charisse wondered how did this woman talk with so much food in her mouth.

  They returned to the kitchen so Nevada could finish eating.

  “So what’s up with the bank account? Did you tell him about it?” Nevada asked after taking another bite of food.

  Charisse really wanted to let her know that it was rude to speak with your mouth full. Instead she told her about the phone call with Chyna.

  “Respect him after all this?” Nevada asked irritated. “Fuck her.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to, but I’m too curious as to what she’s planning on doing. I was thinking most likely she’s going to hold the money up until after the baby is born and then give Parker time to become enamored with me enough that he won’t think twice about Cheyenne, but I should have let her know that I think he’s already enamored.”

  “My mother used to say that when you give yourself to a person, you’re giving away something of yourself,” Nevada said offhandedly before finishing off the rest of the sandwich. Using the back of her hand to wipe her mouth, she continued after chewing up a few bites, “He’s had a piece of Cheyenne and if she gets you and Chyna out of the way, she most likely has already thought of a way to get back to him.”

  “You’re right, but how would she get Chyna and myself out of the way?”

  “That’s something you’re going to have to figure out and plan for it because you know her better than I do, but she’s a backstabbing abomination if you asked me and I would plan for the worst.”

  “How do you plan for the worst?”

  “You keep a knife in your sock and never be alone with her.”

  That seemed like easy, simple advice, but she didn’t know about the knife in her sock. No one would let her get two feet within a knife.

  Nevada paused and looked out the back window frowning. “Is the security system on?”

  “Yes. He usually turns on the perimeter when he comes in the house but I could check,” she said.

  “Do it,” Nevada said nervously.

  When Charisse returned to the kitchen Nevada had cut the skin off two apples and was wrapping them up in some foil. After that, she jumped up from her seat, wiped her crumbs up and cleaned up her mess.

  “Why didn’t you want to meet Kimberly?” Charisse asked. “She’s real nice.”

  “Probably so, but I don’t hang around a lot of people, Charisse.”

  Rolling her eyes annoyed, Charisse said, “Oh yeah, the face. But it’s looking naturally ugly this time.”

  Nevada laughed. “That’s because your lover gave me this girl who showed me a thing or two. Sophie. She asked about you, but I acted like I didn’t know what she was talking about. Mind if I use your bathroom tonight? I sure miss a shower.”

  “You can stay up in my room,” Charisse offered.

  “If you go to Canada, have a great time and don’t forget about the path I told you to take.”

  “Did you know there were people watching the house?” Charisse asked.

  “Yeah. One’s this dark black Expedition with tinted windows. Can’t see his face, but I get this scary feeling when he’s close. He’s a big M-F’er.”

  “I thought you liked them big, Nevada.”

  Shaking her head warily, Nevada said, “I do, but this M-F’er’s got these huge arms and legs and chest like he is the son of Goliath or some shit.” She frowned yet that didn’t mare her unique discernable features that she couldn’t hide under make up once someone had seen her real face.

  “When he walks, even the cement screams from the weight. Nah, I like them big, but not enormous. Sometimes he gets out the car and comes closer to the house, but I never see his face. It’s like he tilts it just enough for me not to see it. I stay behind him until he’s looking the other way and then I sneak past him, but the schedule I gave you will give you the perfect time to get out between the monster and that fat chick Joanie. I swear she could eat a Negro out of house and home.”

  Charisse snorted. “And you have nerve to talk, Nevada.”

  She only chuckled and picked up two cans of pop out of the refrigerator. One she opened and the other she stuck in her pocket. “The man don’t eat at all. I’ve seen him sit there for hours and not eat.” She twitched uncomfortably. “Don’t trust anyone who don’t like to eat.”

  “You’re a nut.” A yawn escaped her lips.

  “You don’t fool me. The size of that thing, you’re going to be up all night.”

  Blushing, Charisse said, “If you must know, we’re waiting for his divorce to be final before we do anything.”

  Nevada looked at the wall clock. “That’s in about a couple of hours - give or take, if you count Japan’s time, it’s already the next day.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “A couple of hours ain’t going to matter.”

  She was not about to discuss the enticement of Parker that she had been having day sweats about since they’d started this oral fixation with each other’s bodies. Evasively, she said, “I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Nevada winked teasingly and held the open pop can up in the air. “Cheers to Canada.”

  Nevada helped her clean up the kitchen and then she told Nevada where her room was. After sending her up, she turned off all the lights in the house and went upstairs to the bedroom she and Parker had come to call their own.

p; He was just getting out the shower and lying on the bed with just the towel over his waist. But it looked like a tent drawn over his hardened shaft and he looked absolutely miserable.

  “Did you take Viagra?” she asked.

  Slowly he shook his head. “It didn’t get hard until I sensed you coming up the stairs. I heard Nevada walk by and I was fine, but then …” He looked at her accusingly. “I brought this on myself. I didn’t believe what Jaelen and Ethan were telling me.”

  “What do you mean? Are you sick?” She was scared to approach the bed.

  “No, Charisse. I want you. And with you being pregnant just makes it even worse. I can smell your heat. I know even now you’re getting even more aroused just standing there looking at me and I want to fill you with my flesh so damn bad it’s killing me to stay in this bed.”

  “I should leave and sleep in another room.”

  “I’ll just find you,” he said miserably. “I won’t be able to make it unless I leave this house tonight.”

  She thought of that possibility, but she really didn’t want the option of missing him for a whole week.

  Smiling wickedly, she said, “You know Parker, this really is silly. It’s only a couple of hours and we couldn’t get in trouble. Chyna has already given us her blessings.“

  “Charisse,” he warned.

  Moving her hands up to start undoing her blouse, she said, “And we shouldn’t just let something that beautiful go to waste.”

  The blouse dropped away and then her bra.

  He turned his head away and shut his eyes tightly. “I can’t fight you.”

  “Good. Because I want you to lay there so you won’t feel the least bit guilty while I pleasure myself with your body, Parker.”

  She dropped her skirt and walked to the bed.

  Chapter 37

  Parker could only watch mesmerized as she came to the bed and snatched off the towel that covered his waist. Her burnt orange eyes danced and a pleasurable smile graced her lips.

  “Charisse, remember the promise.“

  She put her finger over his lips to stop him from speaking. “You’re going to talk yourself out of it Parker, but you’re not going to convince me that you don’t want me.”


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