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City of Sin

Page 4

by Ivy Smoak

  I stopped by my desk to drop off my work clothes and grab my jacket. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  "Bridget, it's just me."

  "Oh God." I placed my hand on my chest. "You scared me half to death, Mr. Ellington."

  "Please, call me Joe." His hand lingered on my shoulder. "How many times do I have to remind you?"

  I nodded my head. It didn't matter how many times he told me to call him by his first name. I would never find it appropriate.

  "You're here late," he said.

  "I know. I was finishing the documents you sent me. You should have gotten them. I emailed them to you a few minutes ago. I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was still here." My heart was still beating fast. I looked around the room at the empty cubicles. It was just the two of us.

  "I appreciate you staying so late. How about I treat you to a drink to show my appreciation? There's a new bar that just opened up down the street." He was hovering close to me. He always had a way of making me feel uncomfortable. I hadn't kept track of how many inappropriate passes he had made at me since I started here, but it was definitely more than I could count on two hands. And after the comments he made today in his office, I had never felt so uncomfortable around him.

  I leaned away from him. "I can't tonight." Or any night!

  "Oh. How is your boyfriend doing?"

  "My fiancé. And we're not...I mean, he isn't..." I sighed. I felt my face flushing. "We broke up."

  "So how about that drink? To help take your mind off things?"

  "I can't, I have plans. If you'll excuse me, Mr. Ellington. I'm already running late."

  His lips grew taught. "Maybe next time then. I hope you have a good evening, Bridget."

  "You too, sir." I grabbed my jacket and hurried off. My heels clicked on the floor as I made my way to the elevator. I hated that sound. I always felt like it drew attention to me. Even though my flats would have looked ridiculous with the dress, I found myself wishing I had worn them today.

  When I reached the tinted glass elevator doors, I looked at my reflection again. Oh crap. I turned to the side. The lines of my thong showed clearly though the tight fabric. The elevator dinged and I quickly stepped in. I had about a minute. As soon as the door closed, I dropped my jacket and purse to the floor and kicked off my heels. I slid my nylons and thong down my legs and shoved both into my purse.

  I was just putting my feet back into my heels when the doors opened. I got off the elevator and looked at my reflection again in the tinted glass. Much better. I pulled on my jacket and rushed through the lush lobby. A wave of cold air hit me as I stepped outside. I was so sick of winter.

  The street was relatively empty. Taxis didn't usually come by as often once the offices were closed, especially this late on a Friday. I began to walk toward the subway. The wind bit my cheeks and I pulled my jacket tighter around myself. I rounded the corner and saw a taxi speeding down the road. I stepped onto the curb and held my hand out for him.

  The taxi slowed down and pulled to a stopped in front of me. I stepped into the street and reached for the door. But before I could, a man grabbed the handle.

  "Hey! This is my taxi."

  "Sugar, don't get your panties in a bunch. You'll get the next one."

  "Excuse me?" What the hell is his problem?

  "You heard me, baby."

  I turned to him. He was a handsome pretentious bastard, just like every other suit in this city. I wanted to slap his beautiful, smug face. Instead I balled my hands into fists. "Where do you get off?"

  "I'm running late," he said calmly.

  "So am I."

  "Then we should stop wasting each other's time." He climbed into the car.

  "Hey!" I yelled as he closed the door. I slammed my palm against the window as the taxi sped off.

  I wasn't just sick of the cold. I was so sick of this city.

  Chapter 7


  I loosened my tie and leaned back in the seat. It had been a long, hellish day, and I probably had a dreadful night ahead of me. The taxi raced through the streets. I glanced down at my watch. She'd probably already be there, early and eager. Every girl in this city seemed the same. It had been ages since I had gotten deep inside a tight pussy. I was getting a hard-on just thinking about it.

  The only reason I had agreed to this stupid date was because I was getting two Knicks tickets out of it. Drinks, dinner, and dessert. The three Ds and I'd have held my side of the bargain. If I was lucky, she'd have two more Ds for me too. And if not, I could be in and out in just a few hours. Then maybe I'd hit the bar across the street from the restaurant and find myself some suitable entertainment for the rest of the evening.

  I closed my eyes for a minute as the taxi sped on. I had come so close to punching my arrogant boss right in the face today. I desperately needed to unwind. This wasn't exactly the night I needed after such a shitty week. The taxi came to a stop. I pulled some money out of my wallet and tossed it on the seat in front of me.

  "Keep the change." I stepped out into the cold night. Carter's wife had even made the reservations for the restaurant. There had to be something seriously wrong with this girl I was meeting if they were going to such lengths to set us up. The Knicks seats were courtside, after all. I walked into the restaurant. "Hi, I have a reservation for two, under Mason Caldwell." The hostess scanned the list.

  "Yes of course. Right this way, sir." She scooted between the tables and I watched her ass. I'd always thought that hostesses should be required to wear yoga pants, but her tight black dress pants weren't half bad. She brought me to an empty table in the middle of the restaurant. I looked down at my watch. I was ten minutes late, and my date wasn't even here yet.

  "Please just let me know if there's anything you need," the hostess said. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  "I may take you up on that offer a little later." I flashed her a smile. I knew what my smile did to women. And it had the same effect on her as any other.

  Her face turned crimson. I could definitely see myself bending her over this table. She turned away and walked back to her podium. She glanced over her shoulder once and blushed again when she made eye contact with me. Maybe I wouldn't need that bar after all.

  "Good evening, my name is Ethan, and I will be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get for you while you're waiting?"

  "Scotch. On the rocks."

  "Great, I'll be right back."

  I downed my drink, and then a second. I wasn't a patient man. This girl had better have a good reason for making me wait. I opened up the menu and scanned through the selections. Damn, this was going to cost me.

  "I'm sorry I'm late, this jerk stole..." she stopped midsentence.

  I looked up at the woman standing by my table. She was staring at me loathingly, but hell if I knew her. The curves on her body were delicious and her breasts were almost spilling out of her dress. I wasn't sure when the last time I had seen a natural blonde was, but she was definitely one. Her cheeks were flushed and she was biting her red lips. If I had been with her, I think I would have remembered.

  "You've got to be kidding me," she said slowly.

  "Are you Bee?"

  The woman sat down across from me in a huff.

  "It's Bridget, thank you. Only my friends call me Bee."

  Chapter 8


  "I'm Mason, it's nice to meet you." He extended his hand to me. I just stared at him.

  "You seriously don't recognize me?"

  "Have we met before? I think I would remember a face like yours." He gave me a seductive smile.

  Oh, please. I wasn't going to play his games, no matter how handsome he was. "Well, it was about half an hour ago, so I don't expect you to remember."

  Mason's lips curled into a smile. He did remember. "The taxi?"

  "Yes, you stole my taxi. And acted like a complete asshole."

  "I didn't steal your taxi, baby. I g
ot there first."

  "Like that! Don't call me that." My face flushed.

  "What? Baby?"

  "Yes, stop it," I hissed. "You don't even know me. And I take back what I said earlier. I'm not sorry that I'm late. If anything you owe me an apology."

  "Is that so?"

  "Yes, I spent the last thirty minutes hopping subway cars to get here as fast as I could. And for no reason at all."

  "No reason at all?" His mouth was set in a straight line as he stared at me. His jaw line was sharp and he had small dimples in his cheeks.

  Damn it, why am I staring at him? He was infuriating.

  "Well, I'm sorry about the taxi. And for acting like an asshole."

  "You're quite the gentleman," I said sarcastically.

  "I am anything but gentle."

  Everything below my waistline clenched. What did he just say? I gulped. My throat made a weird squeaking noise. "I should probably just go." I stood up, but he reached his hand out and grabbed mine. It felt like a spark of electricity went through my body.

  "Don't." He locked eyes with me.

  He was still holding my hand. I pulled away but sat back down. I was confused by my own reaction to him. He was a conceited asshole. But he was so handsome. I wanted to slap him and kiss him at the same time.

  "How about we pretend the taxi thing never happened?" he said.

  I took a deep breath. "Okay."

  He put out his hand again. "I'm Mason, it's a pleasure to meet you."

  I shyly shook his hand. "Bridget, but you can call me Bee."

  "I'm honored." He flashed me another smile.

  The waiter came over. "Good evening, Miss, my name is Ethan. Are you two ready to order?"

  Crap. I hadn't even looked at the menu. I picked it up and scanned through the options. I should pick something simple that won't get stuck in my teeth.

  "Two rib-eyes, medium. And a bottle of cabernet," Mason said. He snapped his menu shut and handed it to the waiter.

  "Very well." The waiter grabbed the menu and also picked up mine before hustling off.

  "You don't even know me. What if I'm a vegetarian?"

  "I think you like meat in your mouth."

  I gulped. "Excuse me?" God his words were suggestive. The restaurant suddenly felt stifling. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

  "You heard me, Bee."

  A shiver went down my spine. I just gaped at him.

  "Well are you?"

  "What?" I had no idea what he was talking about. I was too distracted by his comment.

  "Are you a vegetarian?" he asked.


  "That's what I thought."

  Chapter 9


  Her mouth was in an O shape. She was completely shocked by what I had said. I needed those red lips around my cock. This woman was refreshing. I was the one that should have been giving Carter Knicks tickets for hooking me up with this girl, not the other way around.

  She looked up at me from under her long lashes. She seemed so innocent, but I could tell she had a wild side. If she didn't, she wouldn't still be sitting there. And I wanted to explore that side of her. Actually, I wanted to explore every inch of her.

  "What brought you here?" I asked.

  "Marie and Carter told me you were a nice guy. I should have known they were lying."

  "I mean to New York."

  "Oh." She pulled her lips into a stubborn line. "Why do you assume that I haven't lived here my whole life?"

  She was challenging. I liked that. "Because you're soft."

  "I don't know what you mean by that." She looked down at her hands.

  "Honey, you don't even know how to properly hail a taxi."

  "I do too!" she hissed. She leaned forward slightly, giving me a better view of her tits. "I'm just not used to everyone being so rude."

  "Exactly. So when did you move here?"

  She sighed. "About a year and a half ago. After graduation."

  So she was young and inexperienced. This night had just taken an unexpected turn. "So why here?"

  Her face flushed slightly. "Honestly, my college boyfriend and I moved here together. He got a job here, so I came with him."

  "Boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrow. "He is not going to be pleased with the things I'm going to do to you."

  Her slightly pink face turned crimson. "Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't be here if we were still together. I'm not that kind of girl."

  I smiled at her. So that's why they had set her up with me. She needed a rebound. And I was the perfect man for the job. Bee sat there, twisting her fingers in knots. She hadn't acknowledge my comment. She wanted this just as badly as I did. I bet she was wet just thinking about my rock hard cock.

  "And what kind of girl do you think you are?"

  "Just normal. I don't know. I certainly wouldn't cheat on someone."

  She was getting more intriguing by the second.

  "So what happened between you and your ex?"

  Bee shrugged her shoulders. "New York, I guess."

  "You mean he came here and started fucking every woman in the city?"

  "Yes, you know the type?"

  I'm the type. "Welcome to the city of sin, baby."

  "The city of sin? Isn't that Las Vegas?"

  "Las Vegas has nothing on New York. Trust me, you'll see."

  "I think I already have."

  "Right. Your ex certainly sounds like an asshole."

  Bee smiled at me for the first time. Her eyes looked bright and eager. This was too easy.

  "He's such an asshole," she said and laughed. She looked at me skeptically. Maybe she didn't believe that I wasn't the same type. "So what brought you to New York?"

  "Born and bred."

  "So I guess you're not very soft then?"

  She was turning my own game against me. I tensed in my chair. "Baby, I'm rock hard. If you don't believe me, I'd be happy to show you."

  I saw her gulp. Soon it would be my cock in her throat. She was staring at me. Her gaze would have been unsettling to other men, but I just stared back at her.

  The waiter walked over, uncorked the bottle of cabernet, and poured us each a glass. "Your dinner will be out shortly."

  Chapter 10


  I crossed my legs under the table. His words had such an effect on me. I was getting damp between my thighs just listening to him. I felt like I could hear my heart beating. And his gaze was making me melt. I took a sip of the wine. It was crisp and refreshing. Hopefully it would calm me down. I couldn't seem to take my eyes away from his chiseled jaw and the five o'clock shadow that was starting to appear there. It had just been a long time since I had been on a date. Or since a man had looked at me the way that Mason was looking at me.

  "So what did Marie and Carter tell you about me?" he asked.

  "That you're in advertising." God is he sexy. "And that you're unbelievably sexy." Shit did I say that out loud?!

  "Carter called me sexy? That's quite the compliment."


  "Marie then?" He was smiling at me.

  "Yes. I mean no." I didn't want to throw Marie under the bus. Marie had said he was handsome, not sexy. "I may have added that part in myself. Accidentally."

  "So you don't think it's true? You don't find me sexy?" He loosened his tie a bit around his throat. I watched his Adam's apple rise and then fall as he studied me.

  I needed to change the subject immediately. "What did they tell you about me?"

  "They told me you were a secretary. Waiting on someone hand and foot all day? I could get used to that." His leg brushed against mine, and I felt that same electricity shoot through me as I had earlier.

  "That's not what a secretary does."

  "What do you do then?"

  "I edit memos and make phone calls. And...fetch coffee." I sighed. He was exactly right. My job was ridiculous.

  "I see. That is quite different than what I said. I do apologize." His seductive smile sent shivers down my spine

  Get a grip. I took a deep breath. "I don't really see why Marie and Carter thought we'd be a good fit." I ran my finger along the rim of my glass. Patrick was the only guy I had ever really dated. The dirty way Mason talked made it seem like he was way out of my league. At least sexually.

  "Well they did tell me one other thing about you," he said.

  "And what was that?"

  "That you're kinky as hell."

  "What?" Is this some kind of joke?

  "That you like being tied up and fucked hard for hours. That nothing gets you off more than being on your hands and knees with a cock deep in your throat. And that your virgin ass is just waiting to be claimed."

  What the fuck? Why would Marie say that? She had no idea what I liked behind closed doors. And I certainly wasn't kinky. Did Carter say it as a joke? "I don't know why they would have said that." I was completely mortified.

  "Oh. Sorry, I may have added that part in myself. Accidentally, of course."

  Desire flooded through my body. He wanted me. I couldn't seem to get Kendra's advice out of my head. Maybe I did need to get under someone else in order to officially get over Patrick.

  "Well, if you don't like your job, you must have some hobbies that you enjoy?" he said.

  The way he changed subjects in a flash was so unsettling. For the life of me, I couldn't think of a single thing I enjoyed doing. I was just imagining being tied up in my bed, with him on top of me. I bit my lip.

  "No hobbies, Bee?" He put his hand on my knee to get my attention.

  Oh God. The feeling of his hand on me made my whole body alert. "I like to read."

  "That sounds relaxing." He let his foot glide against my shin. What is he trying to do to me?

  "And what about you, Mason? What's your hobby?"

  He slid his hand up my thigh, to the hem of my dress. "I like to fuck."

  I choked on a sip of the cabernet. "Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." I stood up quickly and wound my way through the tables toward the bathroom.

  I pushed through the bathroom door and exhaled. My heart was beating out of my chest. God I wished I had kept my panties on. I was practically dripping with desire. I ran into a bathroom stall and locked the door behind me.


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