Oh My God: An Enemies to Lovers College Bully Romance (Saint Angels Academy Book 1)

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Oh My God: An Enemies to Lovers College Bully Romance (Saint Angels Academy Book 1) Page 17

by L. J. Woods

  His laugh quiets and I ease off his chest, owning it, eyebrow cocked. “Push me enough and I’ll finish it too.”

  “Do that again, Daniels and you won’t like what happens next.” He brings his hand to my wrist, thumb stroking my veins as his eyes wander my face.

  “I’m not afraid of you, Godfrey,” I remind him. “I’m not one of your little lost sheep.”

  His grip tightens on my wrist, grabbing the other before he flips me over on my back in one quick swoop. He studies my face, breath catching in my throat.

  With a bite of his lip, he speaks, “You know, there’s one other thing that takes my mind away.” His finger traces my lips and that’s when I realize I’m holding my breath. Tilting my chin towards him, he lowers his head until his lips brush mine. “You.”

  It’s like a volcano of glitter when our lips press together. A geyser of bliss. Some magical elixir we both need and I’m not letting go.

  “Then treat me like it.” My arms pinned above my head, our lips move together, his tongue probing my mouth like he did with his fingers. “No more games.” Cinnamon and tobacco land on my tongue, the scent enveloping me as he grinds his hardness against me.

  “Can you feel how bad I want you?” he groans, pressing hard into me. “This isn’t a game. It’s all I fucking think about.” His hand slips between my legs, fingers landing on my soaking panties. He lets out a growl. “You’re so fucking wet, I know you want me too.”

  God, I want him so bad. With these drugs making everything feel that much more amazing, I can’t help it. “Do something about it.” Biting his lip with a pull, my hips lift to his touch. Craving it. I need it.

  “Fuck, I shouldn’t want you, Dee.” His hand comes to my throat, pressing me to the floor. “You know this is fucked up.”

  “I don’t care,” I moan, a brush of air on my folds before his fingers push inside me. My back arches against the floor as he pumps his thick fingers slow and hard. “I need you.” My wrists press against his hold, and while I like being at the mercy of this god, I want to feel his muscles. Those ripples. Every inch of his rugged body.

  “You stay right there,” he demands, his voice a husky growl as he kneels in front of me. He pops each button open on my shirt. One-by-one. His eyes roam my body before he attacks each breast with his mouth, fire rolling through me.

  When I let out a loud moan, his palm comes to my mouth. “You gotta be a good girl and be quiet, Dee.” Moving his palm from my mouth he sticks his fingers deep inside, pressing on my tongue so I can taste my sweetness off his fingers. “You gonna be good for your god?” I nod, his questions only making this hotter. Pulling his fingers from my mouth, he makes a wet trail all the way to my stomach before my arms fly over it.

  I’m not like Nix. I don’t get laid at the drop of a hat. Sure, I’ve had my flings. All three of them. But for some reason, this feels different and part of me always knew it would.

  “No, I want to see it all, Delilah.” He pulls each hand off my stomach before a hand comes to my neck, the other around his cock. “Stay there. Just like that.” His strokes get faster. “Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous. So fucking perfect. I can come just watching you.”

  Gabe looks like he’s in one of those videos on SmutHub. Perfectly chiselled and smooth with his hard cock in his hand. Biting my lip, his pressure tightening around my neck, I let him know what I want. Him. “Fuck me.” I can’t believe I’m saying it. Out loud anyway, and the look in his eye tells me he wants to.

  His strokes slow, as if he’s taking in what I’m saying. “You want this, Dee? You want all of me?”

  Biting my lip, my clit pulses at his sound. “All of it.” With a grunt he hovers over me, his lips crashing down on mine, the room disappearing before. … “Oh my god!” I cry, the tip of his head stretching my entrance as my hands come to his back. I’m gripping on for dear life as he slowly guides himself inside, bottoming out against my wall.

  “Fuck, Dee.” He pulls out before he pushes back in. Then again. Then again, the third time pushing himself all the way until my hand slams against the wood. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”

  A loud moan escapes me before his hand comes over my mouth. He moves with me, both rough and careful. Hard then soft. The definition of Gabe. Unpredictable. It shows in the way he picks me up, his hands gripping my ass before I’m pressed against the whiteboard. We’re both floating. Like we’re making our way to heaven and when he hits my wall just right, I let him know. “Y-you’re gonna make me come.”

  “Fuck yeah I am.” His thrusts get harder. Quicker and when he pushes his fingers into my mouth the walls break away. It’s just him and I floating in space as the wave builds and builds.

  My body shakes, my legs tightening around him, my head falling back against the board. “God!!” I reach my peak, my eyes springing open as the room blurs, flares of light make Gabe look like the god he is as I grind against his shaft.

  He grunts against me, his thrusts getting harder and sporadic, his body tensing until he groans, “Fuuuuck.” He moves his hips until they become short, hard thrusts, his body sweaty and warm. When we lock eyes again he has a different look in there. Then it all comes out. “I’m sorry, Delilah.” Moving my hair out of my face, a finger trails my lips.

  I can hardly speak, my mind blown. “F-for what? That was fucking amazing.”

  He chuckles. “Not for this. But I’m sorry for not calling you. Not reaching out and being a fucking idiot.”

  “Really?” There’s a lift in my chest, his cock still inside me, pulsing with my legs still wrapped around him. “You actually fucking mean that?”

  He kisses me again before he confirms it. One that startles me with how soft it is. “I fucking mean it.”

  “No!” A voice comes from outside the door.

  Gabe drops my legs as I push him off me.

  “We need to find out who’s leaking those videos! Now!” Dean McQueen’s voice comes through, like he’s trying to be discreet, his voice a loud whisper. Gabe and I both freeze. “And once we do, we need to get rid of them. Fast.”

  Looks like McQueen isn’t the one I should be pointing fingers at.

  “We need to get out of here before someone finds us,” Gabe says, his voice a sexy croak. Then he laughs, shaking his head.

  “What?” I ask, watching as he pulls his shirt over his tattoo, hiding a part of him that feels like it’s only for me.

  “Didn’t see this happening,” he looks around the room again, hoisting his pants to his waist. “Especially not here.”

  I smile, “Let’s be real. We both saw this coming.”



  The only thing I can think about after this trip is getting Delilah back to her Grandma’s house and naked on her bed.

  Sorry, Nani but I need to fuck your granddaughter. Again.

  Having sex with Delilah was intense. More intense than the pills I take. Way more intense than that night with Elijah. There’s a heaviness in my stomach but when she smiles at me as she sits next to me on the bus, all I can think about is putting my fingers between her legs. So I do.

  She whips her head to me. “The fuck are you doing, Godfrey?”

  Bringing a finger to my lips, she bites hers. As she spreads her legs, I pull her panties to the side. Pushing my fingers deep inside her, she braces against the seat. Students sit a couple of rows up but I don’t give a shit.

  I’m already hard when I pull her on my lap, but she’s the one to move enough so she can pull my cock through the hole. She slides on top, her warm pussy swallowing my cock and now we’re both bracing the seat. My head falls back as she moves and grinds her hips in hypnotizing waves. Moves that make me want to explode right here. All it takes is for her to add a little bounce before my abs tighten and I explode. Delilah shakes with me and to keep her orgasmic moan quiet, she bites into my lip, my cock throbbing inside her again.

  Fucking perfection.

  We straighten up as we
’re pulling into the school and when we get off, she saunters away like not a damn thing happened.

  Goddamn Delilah.

  “C’mon, Daniels.” Taking her hand, I pull her to the parking lot.

  That smirk grows. “Thought we already finished.”

  “Not a chance.”

  Adam’s waiting when we get there, leaning against my Tesla with his phone in his hand. His eyebrow lifts when he sees Delilah before I motion for him to toss the keys. “And what’s this?” A grin grows on Adam’s face.

  “Nothing,” Delilah and I say at the same time, but she keeps her hand in mine. Tight like she never wants to let go. When I move into the driver’s seat, he looks even more confused, Delilah climbing into the passenger’s seat like she owns it.

  “I’m supposed to believe nothing’s going on between you two when your girl’s riding shotgun?” Adam asks, climbing into the back. When the door closes, I meet his stupid stare in the rearview. “I fucking knew it, mate!”

  “Knew that you have the hots for Hazel?” Delilah fires back.

  We’d make a good team. Why haven’t I seen that before? Right, because we’re too busy being at each other’s throats. And down each other’s throats.

  “I don’t have the hots for Hazel, Hazel has the hots for me,” Adam protests, doing a bump in the back and while I’m used to that nagging craving, it doesn’t come. “Gabe, get your girl.”

  I won’t admit I love when he calls her that. “Not my drama,” I reply and she sticks her tongue out at Adam while I’m tempted to taste it again.

  “You guys are something else,” Adam laughs and that familiar sound of a pill bottle comes from his bag. “Got some fresh Xanies, do you—” He cuts himself off, glancing at Delilah.

  “It’s cool,” I say. “She knows and no, I’m actually good.”

  “You were freaking out like yesterday.” Adam’s eyebrows reach his head when I glance in the rearview. I nod. “Alright, more for me.” His brows furrow before he glances at Delilah then he settles back in his seat. “Oh, I see. I should get myself a girl to replace my drug addiction.”

  Leaning back in my seat, my elbow on the door, my hand moves to Delilah’s smooth thigh. “It’s not like that.”

  “And you’re not the pastor’s son.”

  “Coming from the guy that can’t even lock down Hazel Richards,” Dee reminds him, taking up for me.

  “Wooow,” Adam says. “Fucking perfect for each other aren’t you? What the fuck happened at Noah’s Ark?”

  “Nothing,” we both say again, but we both know what really happened.

  Fucking magic.

  She’s more understanding about me being in rehab than I thought she’d be. Makes me wonder if things would be less messy if I’d just told her the truth. Seeing as this is still Elijah’s sister, I doubt it.

  After dropping Adam off, my cock’s already hard thinking about what I’m about to do to Delilah. I’m already craving her touch again. Her hold. Her taste. It’s like she knows it because her hand falls to my cock, rubbing on it, making it stiffer than it already is.

  It’s a quick drive back to the house but when I open the door, that thrill leaves me in an instant. A familiar cackle makes my boner disappear quicker than an atheist in our bookstore.

  “Gabriel! There you are.” My mom’s voice fills the home, and I drop Delilah’s hand the minute my parents step into the kitchen. Delilah’s head whips towards me as I take a step to the side.


  For a moment, I forgot my parents exist.

  Forgot I had expectations to fulfill.

  My mom’s eyes move between Delilah and me and I already feel trapped again. My dad comes into the room. “Delilah,” he greets before he looks at me. His eyes follow the undone buttons of my shirt, to the tattoo poking out. “Son. How was the Ark?”

  I cut the shit. “I’ll get my stuff.” Moving to the stairs, I leave Delilah standing in front of my parents on her own. I don’t mean to leave her there but I’m way too sober to be dealing with them. I should’ve taken Adam on his offer.

  The minute my foot hits the first step, questions fire at Delilah. How her mom is. How she’s doing in school. I fed her to the monsters but I can’t have her back right now. Not when I’m blindsided by their return. Grandma’s here, her voice coming out of the living room when Delilah catches her signature attitude and at least there’s a buffer.

  Looking around Elijah’s room makes me feel even shittier. It’s like seeing them again clouded the clarity Delilah and I had back at the Ark. Like there was a spirit there with us, guiding our way.

  I scoff.


  This was a mistake.

  As I push some stuff into my duffel I land on the photo I tore out the album. Zoning in on Elijah’s face, his big round eyes look judgemental. Mad. Angry. “Sorry,” I mutter, fighting that tingle in my eye, that tingle in my nose. My nails push into my fist as my head hits the wall and I wanna bang it against it until I figure out what the fuck I’m gonna do.

  I need to get the fuck out of here.

  I’m halfway down the steps when I hear my mom’s stupid idea.

  “Should we stay for dinner?” she asks. “Catch up?”

  “No,” I say, lugging my bag, stick and gear towards the door. “Let’s go.”

  “Gabe!” My mom gasps in posh horror as I shove past them. “Where are your manners?”

  “Yeah, Gabe.” Delilah’s voice follows and when I turn to her, she has that narrow look in her eyes. The one that says she hates me. Well, she should. “Where are your manners?”

  My mom turns to Delilah, green dress moving with her. “Well, we didn’t raise him to be like he’s from the city. A proper Clementine boy should know how to carry himself with people of his stature.” She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder.

  Well, that came loaded.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Delilah’s eyes narrow further into slits at my mom before she glances at me, waiting for me to say something. But I don’t have it in me. So I shrug, turning around to the door. Mom’s right. Fucking around with Delilah is more trouble than it’s worth.

  “Delilah has the manners of an angel,” Grandma says, patting her back. “Her mom’s proud.”

  “I’m sorry, Grandma but I know what I’m talking about,” Mom says, throwing shade around like it’s the fucking beach.

  “The kids have been getting along the entire time,” Grandma explains, a dirty apron on her shoulders. “They’re like two pods in a pea.”

  “Two peas in a pod,” Delilah corrects, her eyes still glaring into me.

  “Is that right?” My dad’s posture stiffens, looking between us and when I look at Delilah, her scowl is only getting worse. Darker and darker like she wants to drive her board right through my throat.

  So it takes everything in me to say, “No. I just help her with homework.”

  “Homework,” my mom says in that fucking annoying sarcastic way. It’s been a while since I told her the truth and why should I change now? She won’t believe me anyway.

  “Yup,” I say, an empty hollowness growing inside. Like a thick, grey, rock. “Speaking of which. I got some practice to catch up on.” Turning around my hand hits the knob. They don’t like leaving me alone so if I leave, this stand-off will all end.

  “Gabe,” Delilah calls but I’m already out the door. “Gabe!” Her voice is louder now and when I look over my shoulder, she’s standing in the doorway. “Don’t you dare!”

  My mom appears behind her and I don’t need another person telling me what to do. With both their scowls on me, I hop into my car and back out the driveway.

  So much for homework.

  It’s back to Bible study when I get back to our house.

  “I’ll tell Dean McQueen that you’re leading the youth flock tonight,” Dad explains, tightening his tie in my doorway. Looking in the mirror, I still feel like an idiot. The black dress shirt I’m wearing makes me feel like a clown.<
br />
  “Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?” I ask, my craving for one of those Xanies strong in my mind.

  “Like you didn’t tell us you were home a day sooner?” he asks. Smug. “If you want to keep your spot on the school you got to put in work, Gabriel. You’re the Hammer of God, remember? Our Hammer. Play the part.”

  He walks away before I slam my fist against my dresser, staring at the hollow shell of the person in front of me. Fucking stupid. Dad knows the only reason I want to keep my spot at that school is to keep my spot on that team. A guaranteed way into the national league and he has me like a prisoner.

  My parents babble about how well Mariam’s doing the entire way to the church, trying to force my hand into something else I don’t want. But the more I hear about her, the more I crave that time with Delilah again. Mariam has nothing on Dee. Mariam’s made for this town while Delilah’s made for a whole other universe.

  I need to text her. Need to hear her or see her. When I text her, distracting myself from the conversation, she doesn’t answer. Staring at the text I send her doesn’t help as I wait for those three dots to appear.

  Gabriel: We should talk.

  I stare at it all the way to the church, my phone gripping in my hand while my dad leads the congregation into prayer and scriptures. When I text her again, she still doesn’t answer. Fuck.

  Apologize, stupid.

  Her voice kicks in my head before I text her again.

  Gabriel: I’m sorry

  Leaning back in my chair, I forgot how boring these things are without drugs. How painful they are. Only a few minutes pass before I text again. The fuck is she?

  Gabriel: Dee?

  Staring at the phone, those three dots appear, telling me she’s there. But they stop, disappearing. Fuck.

  Try harder.

  If Delilah was any other girl, she’d be on her knees.

  Gabriel: My parents threw me off

  Gabriel: I felt guilty


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