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Oh My God: An Enemies to Lovers College Bully Romance (Saint Angels Academy Book 1)

Page 20

by L. J. Woods



  “Oh, is Godfrey fucking you too?”

  It’s the first thing that flies out of Delilah’s mouth when Adam opens the front door. She’s rang the bell five times and even after a day of classes she still has that attitude.

  While it makes that pull inside me so much stronger, she’s loud and I don’t want her making a scene. “Get inside,” I demand, ignoring her comment.

  She wasn’t lying about being herself, standing there in an old shirt, tied under her tits. Pink shorts show off a hint of her ass and I fight the urge to grab it.

  “Yooou don’t tell me what to do!” she slurs, a finger pointed at me as she walks inside with a sway.

  “Did you board here drunk, Daniels?” I cock a brow, tilting the can of soda to my lips.

  “Woah, wait.” Adam steps away from the door to let her in. “Does she think we’re bumping dicks?”

  “I mean, I’m like, not totally surprised.” She ignores my question, walking down the main hall. “You guys are fry … tied at the hip, but I didn’t think with the church and all that you guys would be gayin’ it up.” Turning around, her finger hangs as she moves it between us but I’m already over The Delilah Show.

  Giving a confused Adam my can, I approach her. The longer she stands there with that bottle, the more I want her on my lips. A fist against her chest, she looks up at me when I get to where she stands. Her eyes move between mine before she lets out a small burp. “Power to the rainbow.”

  Bringing my hands to her face, she doesn’t pull away when I bring my lips to hers. Her board clatters to the floor, her cheeks warm in my hold and I don’t want to let go. Ever. I want to give us both a second to breathe but I can’t. And it’s not because of the rum on her breath. Delilah’s much more addicting than that.

  Sinking my teeth into the soft skin of her bottom lip, I don’t let up until I get that sigh. Her body relaxing against mine, I know she still wants me. She can’t even hide it.

  Adam whistles. “Do you guys have a ForeverFans? I’ll sign up right now.”

  Meeting her eyes, she’s trying to fight it with that defiant stare but I catch the small twitch of a smile. Now, I just need her to be fucking quiet. “So will you shut the fuck up so we can deal with this shit? I’m not fucking Adam.”

  She scoffs and she almost stumbles as she pushes around me. Adam shakes his head, leading her to my room. Closing the unlockable door behind me, Delilah looks around while Adam sits at my desk. It overlooks the pool and the lake but I know what she’s thinking.

  “So, this totally isn’t what I expected from your broom.” She fights the slur, wiping at her face. “Room.”

  “What did you expect?” I follow her eyes to the white walls decorated with jerseys and vintage sticks, the floor underneath us as frigid as this room feels. Nothing in this house is mine. Not even this room.

  She shrugs, eyes meeting mine. “More of you.”

  “Let’s get to it!” Adam flips open his laptop.

  “What’s ‘it’?” Delilah asks, eyes still wandering the space. I’d usually be freaking out, but having her in here makes it feel safer. More familiar. Like I have control even though it’s clear I don’t. Mariam in here? That’s another story but I don’t have anything to hide from Delilah.

  When she sits on my bed, I collapse beside her, the mattress dipping under my weight. Our shoulders touch and that’s enough to send that punch to my guts.

  I want her. I need her.

  That’s why Adam’s here.

  “Gabe didn’t send that photo,” he turns over his shoulder. “But congrats on the nice tits.”

  “Do your job, Armstrong,” I warn. Those tits are mine.

  Delilah gives him the finger and he winks before turning back to the task at hand. “But I can track the IP. And when I do, I see that it’s not here.”

  Delilah rises, taking a swig from her bottle before I pull it from her hand, setting it at my feet. It’s been exactly three days since I haven’t touched anything and the smell from this bottle is stronger than a dump in the summer. But I don’t need it. I just need her.

  “Okay, so Gabe sent the video from somewhere else.” Delilah shrugs. “This isn’t exactly a case for Sher-cock to crack.”

  Adam does a full swivel on the chair. “It came from the school.”

  “How riveting.” She rolls her eyes before they land on me.

  My nostrils flare. “Dee, just shut up and let him do his thing.”

  “Shit …” Adam trails off and I narrow my eyes towards him. “Well, Gabe couldn’t have done it from Dean McQueen’s office.”

  My biceps tense. The fuck was McQueen doing with Delilah’s photo?

  Adam lets out a laugh. Loud. “McQueen is a pervert, mate!” He sits up as I walk towards the back of his chair, Delilah following. She glances at me as Adam clicks and types. “Oh shit, he’s a big perv. If I check the videos that went out, it’s all linked back to his office too.”

  “You still have the videos?” Delilah asks, moving over to that bottle.

  Walking over, I take it from her. “That’s what you ask?”

  “Give me the bottle, Gabe.”

  “Is that proof enough?” I’m more concerned with how Delilah feels than I am with the actions of McQueen. I’m not the only one to know this town is fucked beyond belief, no matter the veil of Jesus they try to hide behind.

  I’m one example. A product.

  Delilah stares at me and I want to throw that defiant ass over my lap. “We need to get into his office,” she says with a nod.


  “Because if you want everyone to believe you didn’t do it, we need the receipts. Concrete proof. We need his entire hard drive.”

  “Dee, the only person who thinks it’s me is you,” I remind her. It’s like she’s hesitating to give in to whatever we have. To betray her brother.

  She smiles and it boils my blood and makes me wanna fuck her at the same time. “Then you should hope it gets you cleared.”

  “Well,” Adam pushes his chair back. “Since I don’t want to get arrested for breaking into McQueen’s office. It looks like my work here is finished.” He dusts his hands off like a sleuth solving a mystery. As he heads for the door, Delilah follows but I grab her hand. That spark again.

  “If you’re interested in ever seeing my cock again, you’ll stay right here.”

  “And that’s my cue,” Adam salutes, walking out the room. “See you guys at the festival. I’m bringing a Bible with a flask in it.”

  “I should go,” Dee says, reaching for the bottle. I pull it back. “Really, Gabe?” Her eyes wander my frame as I settle the bottle on the ground.

  While she’s looking, I pull my black shirt over my head. I’m tired of waiting. Tired of being her scapegoat. Her eyes land on my pecs, then my abs, backing away like she’s fighting it again.

  “Yeah. Really.” I reply. “Not until I’m done with you.” Her back hits the door and the minute it does, my body pins her against it.

  “You think you can get back into my pants that easy?”

  “Delilah, if you don’t want this, then say it.” I shoot straight, sobriety helping me out. “But I want you. All of you.”

  Her eyes lock on mine. Giant, fucking, gut punch. “You don’t ever worry?”

  “Is my drug habit a sign that I worry?”

  “About Elijah? What he’d say if he knew? Or about our families? How they would hate for us to be together and how they’ll never let us live in peace? And like … what if your parents come home?”

  So that’s what this is about? Our families? Fuck that. “Dee, right now, I really don’t give a fuck.” My lips land on hers again before her arms come around me and we both fall into that sinful, forbidden dance. Her taste is as intoxicating as my favourite concoctions. As tantalizing as snorting that last line. And all I can think about is wanting more. More until I overdose on her.

  A hand between her legs gets
her to sigh, that pretty little mouth hanging open when I find how wet she already is. “You don’t know what you do to me, Dee,” I groan, pressing my hardon into her stomach. I’m stiffer than the wood in the pews, my body feeling warm and prickly—exactly how I feel when I get that first hit of oxy. When that valium settles in.

  “What are you gonna do about it, Godfrey?” she moans, pushing her hips back against me while I tease her folds. That gets me to flip her around. I’m pushing my joggers down before my cock slides between her soft cheeks like I’m prepping another line. The line that’ll get me to my peak. “You gonna take my worries away, Gabe?”

  Pushing inside her does just that for me, her moans hitting the wood on the door. I don’t care that my folks aren’t too far away. Don’t care that I don’t know when they’ll be home. With her chest pressed against the door, I don’t even know if they could come in if they tried. There’s something about making them listen to me in complete, utter ecstasy. In utter joy that it makes me fuck Delilah harder.

  She calls my name, “God!” She’s almost there and when my free hand reaches forward, rubbing that slick pearl, she gets there in seconds. The pressure around my staff makes me explode, my release hitting me like a pile of drugs. She’s breathless when her body collapses against the door, mine with her.

  “Jesus,” she pants, our bodies shaking like we’re OD’ing on some harsh shit.

  “Still worried?” On the ground, my arms are still tight around her, my cock still inside her before I pull her on my lap. With her face in front of mine, it’s hard not to want her again, that vulnerable side to her all mine for me alone to see. She bites her lip as her eyes wander my face.

  “This is so fucked up.” she pants. Wrapping my arms tighter around her, I show her I don’t care. My cock still raging and ready to go. Like every drug I take. “My brother would never condone this.”

  “Is that a good enough reason to not do this?” I’ve thought about it. For weeks. The way I feel about Delilah isn’t lust. It isn’t a quick fuck. Yeah, she’s hot as hell but it’s more than that. It’s not a drug-filled wish. Not a far-fetched fantasy. Delilah and I have something.

  “I’m scared, Gabe.” She finally admits it.

  Pulling her close, I plant a kiss on her lips, my arms tight around her. “The only thing you should be afraid of is me,” I smirk against her lips and there’s a blur in her eyes but she rolls them. “I got you, Dee. I promised. Still do.” With another kiss, I smack her ass, thrusting up. “Now shut up and start riding my cock like the god I am.”

  Her eyes widen before that devilish smile appears again. “God?” She swirls her hips, the back of my head hitting the door. Fuck, that feels good, like a massage on my entire shaft. Biting my lip, she presses her palms against the door. “If you’re a god, what does that make me?”

  Leaning forward, my tongue lands against her ear. “The fucking devil.”

  She takes that as a prompt to give me the wildest ride of my life. I’m holding onto her hips as she grinds against me, her tits bouncing against my chest like I’m getting two doses of the same drug at the same time. Delilah moans like the soloist in our choir, hitting those notes like an angel, and when her body tenses again, I hang on to take over control. “No one makes me feel like you do,” I grunt, impaling my cock inside her again. And again. And again. Her nails dig into my back like she’s repaying me for all the pain before her hand comes to my face.


  Blinking, my pace slows before her hand stops in mid-air, her brows high. My cock twitches hard inside her and it only makes me wanna fuck her harder. And when she smacks me again she gives me a demand. “Harder!”

  Fuck this is hot.

  With my hand around her throat, she smacks me again, that pretty face contorting like she loves every second. When she comes, I hold her, body pressed together. Her head on my shoulder, my hands cup her ass. Then she whispers, “You’re a god, Gabriel Godfrey.”

  With us both exhausted, pressed against the door, it’s easier to drift off now than it’s ever been. Like I’ve taken my last hit.





  My eyes flick open, my mom’s voice ringing through the door. There’s that usual weight on my chest as I look around the room, the sunlight shining through the glass windows.

  Delilah stirs, still on my lap, a blanket still around us like we’ve been here all night.

  “Gabe? Where did you put the banners?” Mom asks, her heels clicking up and down the halls and it’s only a matter of time before she’s barging in here. And I’m not prepared for that.

  “Delilah,” I growl in her ear.

  She squints in my face, getting her bearings, her wavy hair hanging around her naked body. Wrapping my shirt around her, I stand her up, saying the words I know I’ll regret but I need to think fast. For the both of us. “You gotta go.”

  Okay, yeah, I know I told Delilah I didn’t care but when I was saying that I was already intoxicated. By her. I was speaking through the haze and the high that is Delilah. But now? Yeah, now I’m not dealing with this. My future’s on the line.

  Her nose scrunches, blinking. “Godfrey, are you fucking kiddin’ me?” She’s light enough for me to carry her towards the window above the bed and I’m happy I have a room on the first floor. “I’ll meet you at the end of the street in twenty.” Pushing her clothes in her hand, I give her a kiss on her head, the confusion and lost look in those eyes killing me.

  “The fuck …” she mutters, glaring at her clothes, then me. Her eyes widen, then lower. She’s caught up. “Wh-you said you didn’t care!”

  I can hear my mom clicking towards my door and there’s no time. I storm towards the door, pressing my back against it like I’ve committed murder. Pointing at Delilah, I growl, “Fucking. Go!” Loud enough for her to hear, but low enough that my mom can miss it with her banshee yelling.

  Knock! Knock! Knock!

  “Gabe?” The knob twists. “Is your door locked?” The knob jiggles, her knocks getting quicker. “Gabe!?”

  “One second!” I yell, pointing to Delilah again. I mouth the words, “Out! Now!”

  Giving me the finger, Delilah pushes through the window and out of the room.


  My ass against the door, I struggle to pick up the fragments of Delilah’s clothes off the floor. My mom bangs. “Gabriel! This is not okay! No locked doors! I’m getting your—”

  “What’s up, Ma?” Swinging the door open, she stops herself mid-yell. She narrows her eyes at me as I pull down a clean white shirt. When she looks behind me, I let her in, letting her know that I’m not hiding anything … anymore.

  “Why was this door locked?” she asks, standing in a long red dress, a beige shawl. “And how did you lock it?”

  “It wasn’t.” I shrug. “And I didn’t. But if you rather see my dick while I put some boxers on next time I won’t stop you.”

  Her mouth twists. “That’s no way for the Hammer of God to speak.”

  “Sorry. My penis.”

  She cringes. “Where are the church banners? We need it for the booth.”

  “In the attic.” Leaving her standing in my room, I make an offer I’d only make because I know Dee’s waiting. “How about I get them out and bring them down to the park?”

  She stalls. “Okay. And the pamphlets and Bibles?”

  “You got it, Ma.” I smile at her. The first one I’ve given her in what could be years.

  It throws her off. “We’re still keeping an eye on you, Gabriel!” she calls as I rush to get the shit she requested. I’m quick grabbing them and she blinks as I run past her and into my car, plopping the boxes in the backseat.

  When I start the engine, a dirty Converse hits my windshield. Looking to the right, Delilah’s standing there in her shirt and shorts, her other shoe in hand. Socks on her feet. This fucking girl. Reaching over, I pop the door open, looking back at the house.
“Get inside.”

  “You said twenty it’s been twenty-five,” she says when she climbs in, picking up her shoe. I peel off, hoping my parents didn’t see anything. “If I had my board, I’d be out of here.”

  That makes me happy I left it, but I dig at her anyway, “Yet, here you are.”

  “Yeah, thanks to you!” She takes a breath and I know she’s about to reel. “Who do you think you are?”

  I sigh. “The guy you fucked on my bedroom floor.”

  “And I’m what? You’re whore? You push me out of a window again and I’ll burn your fucking house down.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter. “Chill the fuck out. If they saw you, I’d be dead.”

  “So you push me outside a window?!” She slaps her hand against my arm, the sting makes me want to smack her ass. “What happened to you not caring?”

  “Slap me again and I’m pulling over.” Turning the corner, there’s a stop I have to make before we go to the festival. “We have more important things to worry about, Dee.” Like why the fuck Dean McQueen has a photo of my girl’s tits.

  “What’s more important than me?”

  Fuck. Turning up the classical music on the radio drowns out her whining. I need a moment. While she sounds it, Dee isn’t selfish. No one’s had her back most of her life except Elijah and he’s no longer here to do that. Asserting herself makes sense.

  When I stop at the light, I catch her gaze just as she turns down the volume. “You can’t even listen to me!”

  “You listen! You’re my everything, Dee. The reason I’m able to lay off that shit and the reason I’m out of bed at the crack of fucking dawn today. I care about you.” Even if it kills me. I’m staring in those fiery eyes, drilling the words into her head. “That’s why we’re gonna find out why McQueen sent out that photo of my girl’s tits.”

  “Your girl?” Delilah folds her arms.


  I take her silence as approval, a smile twitching at her lips. “You’re a fucking problem.” Her back hits the seat.

  When the light changes, I turn my attention back to the road. It’s been a while since I’ve driven my own car so often and it feels good. Feels like I’m in control of this shit a little more and with Dee in the passenger’s seat, it gives me the confidence I need to help bring this town down.


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