Of Humans and Monsters

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Of Humans and Monsters Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  I’m not sure why I assumed the bikers were human, but I did. So, when Dawg put his warm, strong arm around my shoulders, and let his hand trail to my waist as he gave me a look that would melt any woman’s panties, I didn’t worry too much about not letting my libido take off. Had I known he was a wolf and could smell my arousal, I’m sure I’d have tried to tone it down.

  Though if I’m honest, it might not have been possible. God, but Dawg is sex personified.

  It wasn’t until Ranger approached us that I turned away from Dawg to look at the beautiful view of the city and river below us, took a deep breath, centered myself, and shut down my body’s reactions. Ranger didn’t need to know the state Dawg had gotten me into.

  Ranger spoke with us about five minutes, and when he left, Dawg angled those intense eyes at me and arched his brows as he asked, “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect. I’m enjoying my time with you. Why do you ask?”

  “You shut down before Ranger got to us.”

  I put feelers out, sensed Dawg’s aura, and my face flamed hot. “Fuck, sorry. I didn’t know you were... wolf? I can sense shifter, but I’m not always right about which animal.”

  Dawg shook his head, pulled his phone from a pocket, and made a call. “Aaron, I’m with Kirsten at the edge of your property, near the cliff. Do you have a moment you can spare to come talk to us?”

  “I’ve been bound,” I told Dawg as he disconnected, “but I understand you need to hear it from a supernatural.” He didn’t say anything, and I shook my head and sighed. “I know humans aren’t supposed to be able to figure out what ya’ll are, but I’m a little different.”

  “A little different, Bug?” Aaron asked with a chuckle as he walked to us. “She’s correct, Dawg, she’s been bound. She likely knows about more supernatural stuff than you. She’s worked for me a few years and she’s picked up quite a bit.” He looked back and forth between us, and met my gaze. “Dawg will treat you right, but it’ll just be sex. He doesn’t do relationships.”

  “I think I freaked him out by realizing he’s a wolf.”

  “You shut down your pheromones,” Dawg said, his voice cautious.

  “I shut them down because Ranger was walking our way, and he didn’t need to know the state you’d gotten me into. If I’d realized you were a wolf from the beginning, I’d have never let them get to that point to start with. I don’t know why I assumed you were human.”

  Aaron put a possessive hand on my back and met Dawg’s gaze. “She’s one of mine. You’re welcome to have fun with her, but don’t hurt her. Or, at least don’t hurt her worse than she wants you to.” He looked at me. “You shouldn’t hurt him, either. I have a good relationship with the RTMC, and if you hurt or kill one of the brothers it’ll cause problems for us both.” He shook his head as he added, “I shouldn’t know he uses his belt for more than just holding up his pants, but I do. Have fun, Bug.”

  He tousled my hair before turning to walk away, and Dawg gave me an incredulous look.

  I shrugged and rolled my eyes. “I’m not at all vanilla. He was letting me know we’re compatible. He looks out for me.”

  Apparently, Dawg was through talking, and my heart skipped a beat as he took a step closer, his hand cradled the back of my head, and his lips crashed onto mine. My knees went weak and all thoughts flew from my head, because Dawg wasn’t just another pretty face on a to-die-for body. The man could kiss. His lips, his tongue... I leaned into him more as his fingers curled around the back of my skull and his other arm wrapped around my waist, holding me up when my knees threatened to buckle. All thoughts of controlling my physical responses went out the window, and his low, deep growl let me know he smelled my arousal and liked it.

  When he let me up from the kiss, I told him, “I’m a single mom. I rarely have my house to myself, but I have it tonight.”

  His beautiful blue eyes held my gaze. “That an invitation?”

  I nodded.

  “Aaron was right — it’ll just be tonight. You okay with that?”

  With this man? Yeah. One night would be perfect. I don’t usually do the one-night-stand thing, but he was the exception. The guy you bring home knowing this is going to be it, but also knowing it’ll be a night you’ll look back on with a smile for the rest of your life.

  There are guys you have fun with, and guys you settle down with. Dawg was the former, and he was going to solve a little problem for me. I hoped.

  “Perfectly okay with it. I don’t have room in my life for a relationship right now. I rode with Cora, but if you can drive us then I’ll let her know she’s on her own. That’ll give us a chance to negotiate the kink before we get started too.”

  He shook his head as he pushed my hair out of my face. “I don’t negotiate, Cupcake. I’ll make it good for you, and knowing you like it kinky helps me know the right direction to head, but...” His fingers curled around the back of my head again, and this time he grasped my hair and used it to hold me in place with just the right amount of tension to hurt in the most marvelous way. My body responded with a jolt of adrenaline as my clit throbbed with need.

  “Mmmm.” He took a deep breath and let me see the wolf peering out of his eyes. “You like that.”

  “My safeword is red.”

  “If you need to use your safeword, I’ll have failed. I can tell by your scent if something’s working. I’ll honor it if you say it, but you won’t need it.”

  “You didn’t bat an eye when Aaron told me I shouldn’t hurt or kill you.”

  He slowly let go of my hair, stroked along my jawline, and broke contact. “I assumed it was as much Aaron telling me you’re dangerous as him reminding you to behave. If Aaron says you can hurt me, I’m sure you can.”

  I smiled. “Well, aren’t you intriguing? I like you. I mean, I know it’s just tonight, but I wouldn’t make the offer if I didn’t see something special in you.”

  “I’m on my bike. I don’t always bring an extra helmet, but I did tonight. You okay riding bitch behind me?”

  Chapter 2

  There was no conversation on the way down the mountain, and it didn’t take me long to figure out how to lean with him in the curves. I was pretty nervous the first couple of miles, but I soon forgot to be scared because I enjoyed the ride so much.

  The lack of negotiation made me a little nervous, but I was willing to give it a chance. Aaron had assured me Dawg was trustworthy, and I was inclined to believe he could make it good for me without all the pre-kink discussion I was used to. Plus, he’d told me he’d respect my safeword — and if he didn’t, I could always explode his head to stop him. I was pretty sure he was a good guy though, so mostly I was looking forward to what he could do to me once our clothes were off.

  Smokey, my huge Newfoundland, wasn’t sure what to think of Dawg. I put him into the backyard since I figured he’d react unfavorably to Dawg hurting me — and I desperately hoped there’d be pain later.

  “Before we get started,” I told him as I locked the back door, “there’s one thing to negotiate.”

  Dawg is thin and wiry — heavily muscled, but more like a rock climber than a bodybuilder. Most of the MC guys are big and scary, but Dawg is like liquid sex. He slid his hand in a pocket and it made me want his fingers inside me. Every time he moves, he makes you wonder how it’d be for him to be over you, inside you, sliding in and out.

  He lifted an eyebrow, and I wasn’t sure if it was because my sex pheromones were telling on me, or if he wanted me to tell him what I wanted to negotiate.

  I couldn’t figure out how to ease into my request, so I just asked. “I’ve never had anal sex. I’ve been prepared for it, but it’s turned into this... thing.” I leaned against the back door with a sigh. “It’s become too big, and every relationship I go into, it’s like...” I shrugged. “You don’t need to know the details. I know what wolves can do with their cock, and I like you. If you feel up to it, I’d love it if you’d fuck my ass at some point.”

  His lips
touched my forehead and stayed there several long seconds. When he pulled back, his face was solemn, serious. “Don’t suppose you have any coconut oil?”

  I grinned. “You aren’t supposed to make me fall for you. There’s a jar in my bedroom.”

  “Okay. A few rules. You call me Dawg — no Sir or Master. You do as you’re told or there’ll be consequences. You won’t like the consequences. You don’t orgasm unless I tell you to, and you don’t ask for permission. You can tell me you’re close — and you should if you doubt your ability to hold onto it — but don’t ask me if you can.”

  I nodded. “Okay. I’m good with all that.”

  “One last thing.” He touched his tongue to the tip of my nose, pulled it back into his mouth, and grinned. “Have fun. I’ll give you what you need, but it doesn’t have to be all solemn and shit.”

  I smiled, and then gasped as he lifted me, tossed me over his shoulder, and walked us through the house and up the steps to the bedroom.

  I didn’t bother asking how he figured out which was my room — it’s pretty easy to find once you get upstairs.

  I laughed as he gently tossed me onto the bed. “Any chance you’ll give me a strip tease?”

  He pulled his shirt off and smirked. “That’s about as good as it gets, Cupcake.” His hand moved to my breast and he pinched my nipple through my shirt and bra. “Lie back. Arms over your head while I unwrap you.”

  I watched his face as he unzipped my jeans, grabbed the cuffs at my ankles, and slid them off my body. This man enjoyed his pleasures.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I’m allergic to latex. You’ll find condoms that won’t hurt me in the top drawer. The coconut oil’s there too.”

  “Werewolves can’t catch diseases. I’m safe.”

  “I’m not on the pill. The hormones fuck with me.”

  He nodded as he sat me up and pulled my shirt over my head. “Okay. Not a problem. I’m going to spend some time in your ass anyway — won’t need one there.”

  “When do I get to see you naked?” I asked as he divested me of my bra. He was so calm, and my pulse was already racing in anticipation.

  “When I’m ready to feel your mouth around my cock, probably.” The warmth of his hand landed on my left shoulder blade to hold me in place as he pulled my left nipple into his mouth, and an involuntary groan escaped my chest as heat shot to my clit.

  He guided me until I was on my back again, and his strong hand plumped my breast as he sucked, tongued, and used his teeth on my nipple. I gasped and jerked when I felt teeth, and I assumed his groan was from scenting my out-of-control pheromones.

  His palm moved down my body, branding it with his heat as it slid over my stomach and hips. Strong, agile fingers glided over my outer lips, slid between them, and circled my entrance until I thought I’d go crazy. My legs spread more to give him better access, and I grasped the sheet so I could make sure I kept my hands where he wanted them.

  “So wet. So soft.” His mouth moved to mine, his lips teased mine open, his tongue pressed inside in a sensual, playful dance, and I smiled as my tongue moved and twisted with his.

  I’d have thought the term playful Dom an oxymoron if I hadn’t experienced it with Dawg. His voice was kind but firm, his hands possessive and unapologetic as they moved over my body.

  I sucked air in through my nose as two fingers slid into me, and I lifted my legs and let my knees fall apart to give him more room to work.

  His lips moved from my mouth to just under my ear, and my nipples went even harder as he kissed the side of my neck.

  “Can I touch you?” My voice sounded breathy and girly, but I didn’t care.

  “Mmmm. Not yet. Keep your arms out to the side while I taste you.”

  I gratefully moved my arms to the side, happy I wouldn’t have to deal with them falling asleep above my head.

  He took his time working his lips and tongue down my body, and by the time he made it to my girl parts I was crazy with lust, but I didn’t dare beg for an orgasm.

  I told him he was driving me crazy, but I didn’t tell him I needed to come. He’d worded it so I got the idea I shouldn’t tell him unless I was seconds away from losing control. I’ve been trained to orgasm on command — I’d have come unglued in an instant if he’d told me to, but without the order there was no danger of my falling over the edge.

  Other than pulling my hair and getting a little rough with my nipples, there hadn’t been any pain. However, while the power exchange wasn’t in-your-face extreme, there was no doubt he was in charge. Normally, a man going down on me doesn’t do much for me, but Dawg had some fucking skillz, and he could reshape his tongue, and... damn, he turned my world upside down with his mouth.

  “Fuck, Cupcake,” he said as he rose over me and stood beside the bed. “Need one of those condoms. Gonna take you and use you, tame the beast so I can take my time torturing you.”

  “I’m yours for the evening,” I said with a smile. “No complaints yet.”

  “Yet?” His eyes sparkled over his grin, but this time his voice wasn’t as playful. “Hands and knees, Cupcake.”

  I moved into position and was about to ask him why he was calling me Cupcake, when he said, “You don’t have permission to orgasm while I’m fucking you. If you do, you’ll feel my belt and you’ll have some deep bruising.” The bed shifted as he situated himself behind me. “If you can hold off, we’ll start with an over-the-knee hand spanking and work up to the belt, and it’ll all be surface bruising. I trust you understand the difference?”

  I nodded, and then gasped and gave a small scream as he plunged into me and I was suddenly full.

  Looking back on it, I can see how smart he was, because I held onto my orgasm to get the good spanking — not to avoid the bad one. He didn’t know me well enough to know whether I responded better to the carrot or the stick, so he let me know about both, and it worked.

  Supernaturals fuck faster and harder than humans by a long shot, and I was on the edge of an orgasm in seconds, and held on by my fingernails despite all my training. When he went erratic and I knew he was close, tears came to my eyes as I held on, and when he went in and held, and I felt him filling the condom, a sob escaped.

  “I know it’s hard,” he said, his voice strained from his orgasm, and yet sympathetic, as if he understood the sob. “So close, but not allowed. It really isn’t fair, but I’m fucking proud of you for following orders.”

  He scooped me into his arms as only a supernatural can, and I let him cradle me against his chest. I have no idea when he disposed of the condom, or how. Later, it was in the trash in my bathroom.

  I breathed in, focused on his arms and the way he took care of me. I’d needed a release in the worst sort of way — so much it hurt, but I’d obeyed, and now looked forward to the reward.

  “Such control, Cupcake. Where are the gloves and lube?”

  My heart sped and my clit throbbed in time to my racing pulse, and he chuckled. “It was fun to make you fight for control, but now it’s time to get down to business. Gloves and lube?”

  “Gloves are in the closet in my bathroom next to the first aid stuff. Lube’s in the top drawer beside the bed.”

  He settled me on my side, kissed my cheek, and went to my bathroom. “You said you’ve had some backdoor training?”

  “Yeah. I, ummm, have a mentor. We don’t have sex. He just... trains me. I’ve had dildos and plugs used a lot, just never a flesh and blood penis.”

  He walked back with the whole box of gloves, and his brows lifted into his forehead as he asked, “Penis?”

  “Cock. Dick. Fuckstick. Whatever the hell you wanna call it.”

  He retrieved the lube, walked around the bed, and sat at my back — but when I went to roll over he grasped my shoulder to hold me in place. “I put you where I want you. Pull your right knee a little closer to your chest.”

  I pulled it up, and closed my eyes when I heard the glove go on behind me. Seconds later, I inhaled quickly as a lubed f
inger circled my asshole and spread me open as it slid into me. He pulled it out, pressed two fingers in, pulled them out, and went for three.

  I yelped at the intrusion, and he stopped with them just a little ways in. “You’re fine. Breathe for me. You’ve had enough experience — I’m going to have fun with you.” He pushed the three fingers in a little more, and I concentrated on relaxing and accepting him. Why does anything in your bottom feel like a violation? Even if you want it and it feels good, it still seems naughty, forbidden, wrong.

  He took his time pressing all three fingers in, and then pulled out and went for a fourth.

  “Fuck! God, please don’t, Dawg. It’s too much!”

  He sighed. “Yeah, probably, but I wanted to see your reaction.” He pulled his fingers out, pulled the glove off so it was inside out, and patted my bottom.

  “Over my legs.” He waited until I started moving into position before he continued. “This is a reward spanking. You didn’t tell me not to use four fingers, you asked. Also, you didn’t safeword. You seem to already know what I can do with my cock, so I’ll tell you now — I’m going to have fun seeing how wide I can go.”

  I was in position by now, and he patted my bottom again, rubbed it, and then lifted his hand and gave me a couple of stinging slaps.

  “Love seeing my handprint on a beautiful ass.” He traced the spot where I felt heat, and my insides clenched at the promise of him enjoying the sight. “You ready to get started?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Dawg knew how to give a spanking. He warmed me up and increased the intensity at the perfect rate. Some Doms stay just ahead of what feels good, others go so slow you want to twiddle your thumbs. Dawg had me on the edge of an orgasm after the first three minutes.

  How many times did he hit me? I have no idea. I’d say five hundred, at least, possibly twice as many. My backside went from warm to hot to roasting, and I craved every contact of his hand to my ass. I gave a whiny moan when he stopped — the backs of my thighs were on fire, but I wanted more.


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