Of Humans and Monsters

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Of Humans and Monsters Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  “How many orgasms have you missed out on by not having permission?” he asked as he gently rubbed my bottom.

  “Dozens, at least,” I told him, my voice sounding almost drunk. Subspace is a wonderful place.

  I groaned as a finger sank into my pussy, came out and became two fingers, then three, then four. I breathed through the stretch, lifted my bottom to give him better access, and moaned as he spread me wider, and wider.

  This was my weak spot. I can hold back an orgasm from most ways a Dom can stimulate me, but four fingers, or an attempt to fist me, and I can’t always hold back.

  “I’m close!” I warned. “I might not be able to...”

  He pulled one finger out and went back to three, and I cut my sentence off with an extremely emotional, “Fuck.”

  “Who’s in charge?”

  “You are, Dawg.”

  “You won’t come until I tell you to. You’ve been well-trained, but it looks like I finally found your kryptonite. You have to know I’m going to push it, right?”

  I wanted to answer, “Yes, Sir,” so badly, but I managed to say, “Yes, Dawg,” instead.

  Somehow, he knew. “I’m not your Sir. I’m just Dawg, but my word is your law tonight.” He rubbed my bottom a little more before saying, “Time for the belt. I’m thinking four strikes, and they’re gonna hurt more than you think you can take. I’m not in the habit of letting people choose, so consider this next question another reward — do you want them fast or slow?”

  “Want to enjoy each one, please.”

  So many Doms are afraid to hurt you during the first scene, but Dawg had no such worries. I screamed at the first strike, but stayed leaned over the bed where he put me and breathed through the fiery pain as it soaked into my muscles and spread through my body. He knew when I was ready for the next without my telling him, and this time I didn’t scream because I couldn’t — there was no air in my lungs and I could only open my mouth in a silent roar.

  The third was much like the second, though Dawg rubbed my ass gently before he told me how the final strike would go.

  “Let’s put you in the center of the bed, knees and chest, with your hands at the small of your back. I’m going to hold you down for this one. Feel free to fight me, I can hold you.”

  He breathed in deeply as he grasped my hands. “Love the smell of anticipation spiced with fear, layered over lust. While you’re recovering from the strike, I’ll lube my dick, because it’s past time for you to feel a real live cock up your ass, Cupcake.”

  This strike was so much harder than the others, and it’s a good thing he was holding me in place because I’d have come up and off the bed if he hadn’t. I screamed and tears came to my eyes, but the pain was so fucking delicious. The man knows how to wield a belt, and he read me so well — he knew when I wanted more and exactly when I was at the edge of what I could handle.

  When he was certain I’d be still and was enjoying the afterglow, he moved to my side so I could watch him make his cock slick, and my insides clenched as I watched him work it until it was shiny. He’d brought a towel to wipe his hands, and he tossed it on the edge of the bed as he told me, “You’re still slick from before.”

  His gaze grew more serious than I’d seen since we started. “I’m not in the habit of taking anyone’s virginity. I can’t promise tomorrow, and...” He shrugged. “This is different. You’ve been prepped for it and you’re tired of it being a big deal. You’re specifically looking for someone you aren’t close to, so I’m willing to make an exception to my rule. You’ll always be special to me, and this might make you a little more special, but you understand this isn’t—”

  “Yeah,” I interrupted. “I know. It’s a one-night stand, and while I might be interested in talking to you about a friends-with-benefits thing — realistically, I don’t have a lot of time in my life for even that.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Please don’t make it a huge deal. I probably screwed up by inflating it to something big in my head, and I need to just get it over with. I can’t imagine finding a better person to do this. You’ve been great,” I said with a grin, “even if you won’t let me have a fucking orgasm.”

  He nodded. “Okay then, I want you on your back.” He moved as I did, so by the time I was turned, he was kneeling between my legs. I gasped and moaned when he jammed two fingers into my pussy. My legs lifted higher into the air in invitation, while my heart felt as if it would beat its way out of my chest.

  “You are fun to play with,” he said as he lined up with my asshole and gently pressed in.

  The head went in and I was full, but it didn’t hurt and I was a little disappointed. My gaze met his and he gave me a half-smile. “Just gettin’ inside, Cupcake. I’ll give you what you need.”

  His cock pulsed bigger, and then a little bigger, and I gasped at the stretch.


  “No. Yes. No! Fuck!” I gasped as he pressed deeper and spread me even wider. “It’s going to be too much!”

  “It’ll be fine. Gonna make sure you remember every millimeter of the first time you took one up the ass.”

  He took his time, but he went in without making it narrower. I remembered feeling disappointed when he went in skinny at first, so I tried to appreciate the pain and see it as a gift — but damn it was hard. Master James had prepared me so I knew how to relax and let Dawg in, but having a body attached to the penis changed everything.

  His hands gripped my hips, and occasionally moved to tweak my nipples or caress some other part of my body. The bed moved when he adjusted, and he kept pressing in, spreading me open. He was unrelenting, giving me more, and more, and more.

  “Please, just a little narrower!” I begged.

  “Mmmm. You beg so pretty, but you like having my cock in your ass, spreading you wide and taking you. You like knowing I’m enjoying this. I’m giving you what you asked for, Cupcake. Give me a safeword and I’m out, but unless you do, you’ll take whatever I choose to give you.”

  His words fanned the flames inside me, and my ass relaxed and opened a little more for him, but as soon as I thought I’d be okay, the outer ring of muscles tensed and relaxed a few times — not quite a spasm, but not far from it. Dawg’s groan let me know he liked it, and I opened my eyes and met his gaze.

  “I’ll take what you give me, but fuck it hurts. Can I play with myself?”

  He shook his head. “Your scent tells me it’s almost all a good hurt, with just twinges of the bad kind here and there. I have two more inches until I’m inside you. You can play with yourself once I’m all the way in. Tell me — do you want me to keep going slow, or slam the rest of the way in?”

  “Fuck, Dawg. Somewhere in between? Slide in a little faster, maybe?”

  He chuckled. “I give you multiple choice, and you try to choose something else? Hmmm. Looks like it’s my decision. Brace yourself, Cupcake.”

  My eyes flew back open, when I hadn’t realized I’d closed them again. He gave me no further warning before he pulled out about an inch and slammed in.

  I couldn’t breathe for several long seconds. He was huge inside me, and yet — with his body touching me so he was completely in me, I wanted more. I needed more.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to give me more, but I remembered the lectures from Master James about giving orders to Doms, so at the last second I switched it to, “I’m yours tonight.”

  “And you want more.”

  God, those piercing blue eyes would’ve undone me ten years ago, and might still do it now if my life weren’t already so complicated.

  His grin was feral, and I gasped as he grew wider inside me. I was already at my limit, and now my insides burned with the stretch, my breathing grew shallow, and I shook my head as his hands moved towards my nipples.

  My scream was long and loud as he pinched and twisted both of my oh-so-sensitive nipples with no mercy, and I fought to keep my hands still.

  “Gonna take my belt to your breasts while m
y cock’s up your ass — but first, need to fuck your ass good and hard. Damn, but you’re tight.”

  He released my nipples with a final hard tug, put his hands at the backs of my legs and pushed them up and out, and pulled his cock out and slammed it back in before I knew what he intended to do. I shook my head at him, my eyes wide, but he only did it again. And again.

  “Breathe, Cupcake. In and out, and none of that shallow shit or you’ll feel my belt worse. You’ve been trained? Show me. Breathe for me while I fuck your previously virgin ass.”

  His rumbling, commanding voice had me immediately sucking in a deep breath.

  “That’s it.” He slammed into me and the air went out in a rush, but he pressed inside and held until I’d taken two deep breaths. It was what I needed, and I gave him a small nod to let him know I was okay.

  I wasn’t okay for long, because Dawg apparently needed to blow off some steam after going slow for so long. He fucked me fast and hard, and didn’t worry about whether I was breathing or not. Or, perhaps he did and I just didn’t realize it. Either way, the speed, the friction, the width and depth and movement and heat... everything blended into one and nothing existed except his cock moving, pulling, thrusting in my ass. Our gazes clashed when my eyes were open, but they spent a lot of time closed.

  When he finally went in and held and had his second orgasm, I was a millisecond away from whining when three fingers crammed into my pussy, spreading me wide as he ordered, “Come for me, Cupcake. Give me what you’ve been holding onto. Now. Come for me.”

  My body obeyed before my mind caught up with what was happening — spasms twisted through me, heat traveled to every cell of my body, screams escaped my chest, and when my gaze locked on Dawg’s, I’d have followed just about any order he gave me.

  I’m not sure of the exact order of the rest of the night. As promised, he used the belt on my breasts, but he found the spot where the heat and slap were exactly right, so my screams of pain were also screams of bliss.

  Once he’d let me have the first orgasm, the rest of the night was about pulling them from me, one after another until I was begging, “please not again,” and, “don’t make me, oh god, I can’t again, I can’t...” and then, because he turned those angel-kissed intense blue eyes on me as he ordered me to come for him with the full knowledge he was turning me inside out, I came unglued yet again. And again.

  My final orgasm of the night was while Dawg made love to me. I know it’s fucked up because you don’t do that on a one-night stand, but after he’d been inside me in dozens of positions — including me pressed against the wall — he finished in a modified missionary with my legs wrapped around his torso, and we fucked like lovers. We came together, and I’d swear I saw and felt his wolf. Not physically, but the wolf was there alongside the man. I have no idea how I knew, but I did.

  He cleaned me up when we finished, but I was asleep by the time he crawled back into bed, and I only know he joined me because he was still with me when my cellphone went off at three in the morning.

  Chapter 3

  I was tempted to ignore the annoying night-time ringtone I’d programmed into my phone to make sure it awakened me. I didn’t recognize the number, but with Lauren away — I had to answer.

  My heart sank into my stomach as my brain foggily discerned Chief Edward Denton on the other end of the line.

  “I can’t reach Nathan or Aaron, and you helped with crazy stuff before. I’m out of options and I’m hoping you can help.”

  I forced the sleep out of my brain as I sat up and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “My officers responded to calls from neighbors about a disturbance at a residence. None of my men are answering their radios and no one can get near the house — not even to respond to officers probably in trouble. There’s something... wrong at this house. We step off the road onto the grass, take a few steps, and find ourselves back in the road.”

  “Denny, Chief Denton, don’t send any more men to the area — and don’t bring in a bunch of other witnesses either. Can you get us in the back, so we aren’t seen?”

  “We’ve got the place surrounded.”

  “Is there a family in there? Do you know anything about the residents?”

  “They were considered odd by their neighbors, but we’ve never had a call to this residence before. All vehicles registered to them are here, so there’s reason to believe they’re inside, but we aren’t certain. Right now, I’m most interested in getting my men out safely.”

  “Okay. Let me see who I can round up to help, and I’ll call you back when we come up with a plan. Meanwhile, text me the address so we can pull it up and get an idea of the layout of the surrounding area.”

  Dawg sat up and watched without comment as I tried calling Aaron and Nathan and got their voice mails. I called Sophia to see if she could put me in touch with Aaron, but she told me he was in the field and unavailable.

  I wasn’t sure why Denny had called me instead of the Drake Security control room, but since he had, I felt like I needed to handle it. If I called this into the control room, they’d put someone else in charge. Denny had called on me, and if someone else took control and it was mishandled, he’d see it as me dropping the ball.

  I called Cora to see if she could get away to go down there with me, and she told me she’d call Randall, since getting past whatever was ejecting the officers would likely take more than just the two of us. “If Randall orders us to go in and his command is stronger than the repel effect, we can break it that way. Otherwise, it can get complicated.”

  “Thank you. Let him know whatever deal he has with Aaron to help in these situations will cover this.”

  I gave her the address and hung up, and was caught off guard when Dawg spoke from behind me. “I don’t know how much help I’ll be, but I’ll come with you and do what I can.”

  I turned to look at him in all his sexy, sleepy goodness as he lounged on the pillows, and forced myself back to the task at hand. Having another wolf might be good, but I considered the politics and asked, “Will there be a problem with you being there when the Alpha wolf is?”

  “It should be fine. The MC and the Pack have worked towards us getting along.”

  “Then thanks. It’s my op and I’m in charge — if you’re okay with that then I’ll appreciate the help.”

  Dawg and I were looking at a satellite image of the house when Randall called. He skipped the polite greetings and jumped straight into it. “I’ve encountered something similar before, and we ran around thirty or forty shifters in at the same time to combat the repel effect at the perimeter. I can run my wolves in because my voice in their heads is stronger than the force trying to keep them out. Other shapeshifters can go in with them, because the mass of them entering disrupts the shielding. Martin’s agreed to come with a few of his people, and I happen to have a few bears visiting me right now who’ll come as well.”

  “Can your people take care of whatever’s inside, or will you need to get me in there to do that part?”

  “They’ll be stunned by us tearing through their repel effect. If we’re fast and jump them right away, it should be easy enough to take care of them. We’ll bring you in if we have problems, but we’ll most likely be able to handle it. Since you know the chief, it’ll be better if you can stay with him to manage the situation from that end.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell the police chief we’re setting up an illusion, and to make sure no one shoots at the creatures they think they see. I’ll warn of the possibility of them seeing the illusion of wolves, tigers, and bears running into the house, but I’ll assure him it won’t be real.” I gave him the address and told him I’d text him the map I’d been working on. “I’m heading down there now with a wolf named Dawg. I’ll have my cellphone on if you need me. Let me know when you arrive, but wait for my signal to go in.”

  Dawg good-naturedly slid into my passenger seat as if he had no problems riding with me. More bonus points for the sexy wolf.

>   Of course, the fact I felt everywhere he’d been when I slid into my own seat also gave him bonus points.

  I called Denny as I pulled out of the driveway, and gave him the spiel about the illusion.

  “How in the hell are you going to manage that?”

  “You’ve seen me fight demons, right?”


  “If actual fire-spitting demons can manifest in front of your eyes, maybe there are other things out there just as hard to believe. I can’t explain it to you, and I’m not sure Aaron’ll be able to when you ask him later. I can only tell you the things that’ve taken over the house are bad news, and your people aren’t equipped to deal with this but we are. Logistically, we’ll have to get our people past your forces, and we’ll have to do it fast enough whoever and whatever is in the house can’t counter what we’re doing to get in. If your people shoot at wolves and bears, they may end up shooting one of my people, and I’ll be most unhappy with you if that happens.”

  He was silent, and I added, “The people going in don’t want to be identified. Unless you have a better idea for how we can get a few dozen people into that house to fight, this is the best plan we have.”

  “I’ll warn my people not to shoot, but they’re going to think I’ve lost my mind when I tell them if they see tigers and wolves and bears, they shouldn’t react.”

  “No bullets, Denny — if you or one of your men screw up and kill one of the good guys I won’t let you get away with it.”

  “Don’t threaten me, Kirsten.”

  “Not a threat Chief, just a statement of fact. We’ll be there as quick as we can.”

  I disconnected before he could respond, and Dawg said, “You have a history with him.”

  “Long ago, when I was too young to know better.”

  “Unless Randall needs me,” he said, thankfully dropping the uncomfortable subject, “and I doubt he will since he can’t override my willpower, I’d rather stick close to you and make sure you’re safe, if you don’t mind.”


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