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Of Humans and Monsters

Page 16

by Candace Blevins

  “He’s already left.” said Gavin. “We’ll see him there.”

  Damn. So much for that. I looked at my feet a few seconds and decided I wasn’t going to go all googly-eyed over Adonis. I’d call his bluff. If people wanted to call me more than human, fine.

  Gavin walked to stand by us and I took in his outfit. He looked like a stripper half-way through his act — the kind with the tuxedo collar and shirt cuffs and totally bare torso, with super-tight black leather pants. Damn, he looked fine. Scary as fuck, but he oozed sex and power. I was betting Nathan wouldn’t show much skin, though I wasn’t sure about Randall.

  My heart skipped a beat and my stomach somersaulted as I felt the plates sliding under us. The coterie house was about three hundred yards away from the same fault line that runs under the nuclear plant, and is less than ten miles from the reactor. We thought we’d secured it for the time being. Fuck.

  I stepped away from Abbott and towards Cora as I asked, “Am I the only one who felt that?”

  Abbott looked at me in surprise. “No, but I’m surprised you did.”

  “Are we ready to go?” I couldn’t do anything about it here, and the sooner we got to the shindig, the sooner I could talk to Mordecai.

  Ryan was waiting for us outside the kitchen door with a contingent of guards. There were three limos, and Cora hugged me goodbye before she headed for hers.

  “Don’t forget to breathe,” Cora said into my ear. “If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, pull a Nathan and stare at them until you’re sure of what to say. Or, just stare at them and don’t say anything. There’s kind of an understanding at these things that passive aggression is okay, but no one causes an actual scene. Keep your shoulders back and chin up no matter what happens, but don’t fight unless someone else starts it.”

  “Okay. Thanks for that. I’ll see you later.”

  “It might just be from a distance, if Adonis latches onto you.”

  My body tensed and she ran her hand down my arm as she pulled out of the hug. “It’ll all work out. Have fun with it.”

  I slid into the limo I was directed to, and nodded to Ryan, Abbott, Gavin, and Marco as we gathered in the back.

  Marco was dressed in a black bodysuit with white in the appropriate places to mimic a tux, and it was impossible to keep from noticing his broad shoulders, narrow waist, and chiseled muscles. He looked like a formal superhero with a nice package, and when I realized I was staring, I searched my brain to come up with something to say.

  “I’m not sure I gave you a proper thank you for rescuing me. I hate being the damsel in distress who needs saving, but since I was, thank you.”

  “Think nothing of it. It was a refreshing change to rescue someone who follows instructions and doesn’t make it hard to keep her alive.”

  I really wanted to know what Marco was, but I wasn’t going to ask. He’d likely already given away more about himself than he was comfortable with, so I shouldn’t push for anything else. I settled into the luxurious leather seat and looked at Ryan. “They told me I’ll be the only human, so I take it you’ll be guarding the perimeter again?”

  He nodded. “You’ll find a small button sewn into your skirt on the right and left where your hands naturally rest at your sides. They’re about the size of a piece of rice — squeezing one or both will signal me, Marco, Nathan, Bran, and Abbott.”

  I wasn’t sure they could help me out of the kind of trouble I was worried about, but I didn’t point that out. I felt for the tiny panic buttons so I’d know where they were, and thanked Ryan for giving me a way to signal for help.

  “Arrivals are fashioned after the courts of old,” said Abbott, “with people announced as they enter the ballroom. You’re the guest of honor so you’ll be presented to the crowd instead of being announced. You’ll be taken to a holding area and then brought out with a lot of fanfare. You’ll meet Adonis for the first time in front of a crowd of people. If Adonis wants you...” He took a moment to finish his sentence. “No human female has ever resisted him. I know we aren’t an item, but I also know you’ve made a point of not flirting with others around me. Whatever happens, you shouldn’t feel guilty. I’ll understand.”

  “You think he’ll want me?”

  “I’m almost certain of it.”

  “Well, I’m the most stubborn human you’ve ever known. Right? Maybe there’ll be a first time.”

  “There are already people wondering if you’re more than human,” said Gavin. “You mustn’t resist him, should he want you.”

  “You’re saying if he flirts with me I have to fall all over myself and give him googly eyes and pretend to have lost my brain?”

  Abbott’s voice was clipped, irritated. “We’re saying if he’s interested in you, you’ll appreciate the interest. If for some reason you don’t, you should fake it.”

  “Kirsten,” Marco said as he gave me an odd look. “Please stay in the limo when we arrive. I need a moment alone with you.”

  Chapter 15

  I sat still as everyone climbed out of the limo, and watched as Marco closed and locked the doors, and turned the music on so loud it hurt my ears.

  He put his mouth to my ear and said, “I smell something in you. It’s faint, but it’s most assuredly not human and not Lugat. If I can smell it, others will as well and I think you know this. You know Adonis isn’t going to be able to seduce you.”

  I decided not to deny it. If he could smell it, good for him. “Any advice?”

  “You’re asking for trouble by attending tonight. I didn’t smell it before. What’s changed?”

  If going through the nothingness made the gods smell the way they do, then my multiple trips through it today would certainly make me smell like one of them. Since I couldn’t talk about the nothingness, I had to explain it another way.

  “I got enough of Bran’s blood that it woke something previously dormant. Or maybe not dormant, just not smellable. Either way, Bran’s blood seems to have triggered it.” I shrugged. “The vampires can’t smell the difference, and if the shifters I’ve been around could smell it, they’ve been quiet about it. So far, it’s just been you and Mordecai who’ve noted it, as far as I know.”

  “Thanks for not asking what I am, and I’ll appreciate it if you don’t let anyone know I’m not a normal vampire or shifter.”

  The doorman took one look at us and pointed us to the back of the hotel lobby. One of Adonis’s men must’ve been on elevator duty, because he seemed to recognize Marco, and only asked for my name. When I told him, he took a good ten seconds to look me over from head to foot, and back to head. Finally, he gave a terse nod and motioned us into the open elevator.

  People with clipboards greeted us when the doors opened, and they pointed Marco and Abbott into a line while a small man took me by the arm and tried to walk away with me.

  “No. Wait.” I took a breath, found my calm. “Excuse me, but where are you taking me?”

  “The guest of honor cannot be announced like everyone else,” said a frazzled woman with a clipboard. “Go with him so you can appear on stage for a proper introduction.”

  “But then won’t I miss seeing everyone else announced?”

  She was obviously frustrated and annoyed with the silly, dumb human, and she wasn’t trying to hide it. “You can watch from your holding room.”

  “Can one of my friends come with me?”

  “Of course,” said the small man while giving the woman a pointed look. “But they’ll need to be announced first. Who do you want?”

  I looked at Abbott and Marco — who also hadn’t gone where they were told — and the vampire said, “I’ll gladly accompany you, but politically, you’re best off with Nathan or Randall for this.”

  I couldn’t easily get Nathan’s attention, so I directed my thoughts to Randall.

  Randall, can you hear me? It’s Kirsten.

  Are you okay? Where are you?

  I’m in the upstairs lobby, and they want to take me to a room to wait to b
e introduced. They said I can take someone with me, and Abbott thinks it should be you or Nathan, and not one of the vampires.

  I’ve already been introduced. I’m headed that way now.

  Thank you.

  “Randall’s coming,” I told the men around me. The woman with a clipboard was back to directing other people by then, thank goodness.

  Several minutes later I breathed in relief as I saw Randall making his way through the crowd towards us. He smiled as he neared, and leaned down to kiss me on the cheek as he took my hand. I let him, and I was glad for the contact.

  A different lady with a headset motioned us to follow the man who’d originally tried to take me away, and I felt much better following him with Randall by my side. The nice little man put us into a room with a monitor, so we could watch people being announced in the other room. Our guide put his hands on his hips and looked us over a second before saying, “Someone will be by in a moment to offer a drink, and I’ll bring Demetri to instruct you just before it’s time for you to be presented. The wolf will have to go back out to the audience when I come get you — he can’t go on stage with you.”

  The little guy left and I sat on the small loveseat. “This is like a nightmare I can’t escape.”

  Randall grinned. “You’ve fought demons, gods of old, and evil vampires. You were even kidnapped and taken to Hell, and this is the nightmare?”

  “Well gee, when you put it like that... no, actually, come to think of it — I could just kill those guys and be done with it. I didn’t have to worry about them seducing me and me not being able to say no.”

  “You don’t like being out of control.”

  He didn’t have it quite right. I don’t mind being out of control, I just want to be able to choose who I give power to — but Randall’s vanilla so it was simpler to agree with him.

  “Is there a reason you chose me over Nathan?” he asked.

  “Maybe I wanted to see what you were wearing?” He’d gone with a shirtless tuxedo — just the pants, jacket, and bowtie. His jacket was open so his barrel chest and ripped abs were front and center.

  At his rakish grin, I decided it might be a good idea to change the subject.

  “Why did Abbott think a shifter would be better to sit with me than a vampire?”

  He reached for my hand. “Maybe because your hands are freezing and we have body heat?”

  “No, that’s not it — stop beating around the bush. Why were you a better choice?”

  “My first thought was that you’d stayed at Abbott’s last night, and it might be good to remind everyone you have other friends in high places, but I can’t be sure of Abbott’s intentions. It could be that he didn’t want you going to Adonis right after being in a room with him, or there could be some other political reason.” He shrugged. “Honestly, it could just as easily be the body heat thing, if he sensed you were cold. Whatever the reason, you look stunning tonight and I’m glad I got some time alone with you.”

  Do I smell any different to you?

  He sniffed me, furrowed his brows, and moved closer to get a better whiff. Yes, but I can’t put a finger on it. Something’s changed, but I can’t tell what it might be.

  If you hadn’t smelled me before, would you notice anything odd or different?

  He took another sniff and shook his head. I don’t think so. If you hadn’t asked, I might not have noticed at all. It’s subtle.

  Thanks. This is SO not the time for me to be presented to supernaturals. I sighed. Do you think the bloodlust thing has something to do with Abbott thinking you’d be better than a vampire?

  No. Strigorii vampires can stop their heart from beating, which helps you fight bloodlust. Plus, you wouldn’t be tempted by them because a Lugat would never drink from a Strigorii. Werewolf blood is like the best steak imaginable to vampires, but I thought you were doing okay? Is it a concern?

  I seem to be okay so far, but we’re being cautious.

  A young girl walked in and asked if we’d like something to drink. I asked for a Coke and Randall said he was fine. Before she returned with the Coke, our guide returned and introduced me to Demetri — a grim man with a heavy accent I couldn’t place. Our guide left me with Demetri and took Randall back to the main room.

  My guys wouldn’t have left me if I weren’t safe. Randall would’ve insisted he stay if he didn’t think I was safe with the tall, thin, grim-reaperish Demetri. Apparently, bad things don’t happen at these kind of events and everyone assumed we were safe. Their attitude had me on edge because it seemed the perfect time for our enemy to attack. We had guards watching from outside, but I wasn’t as certain of tonight’s rules of non-engagement as the other supernaturals seemed to be.

  “I vill let you know when it eez time to be presented,” Demetri said. “From backstage, you vill take about fifteen steps and vill stand on zee rug. There are two medallions on zee rug — Adonis vill be standing in zee center of one, you vill stand in zee center of zee other.”

  He gracefully dropped to one knee, back completely straight, and leaned forward at the waist to look at my feet. “This eez the way you should kneel to His Lordship. He vill take your hand and help you stand when it eez time.”

  “I’m expected to kneel to him? But, I thought he’s no longer treated as a god?” Oh, hell to the fucking no was I going to kneel to him. Was this what he’d seemed to be apologizing for when he said he wouldn’t choose to treat me as he’d need to?

  “He eez still very powerful. You vill kneel.”

  No, I didn’t think I would, but I decided not to argue the point with Demetri. Adonis had to know I’d have a problem with it. Besides, he told me to do whatever I’d have done if I hadn’t met him, and I only kneel when I submit to someone.

  “Once he stands you up and says some things to zee crowd and to you, he vill dance with you. You vill dance for most of the evening. Everyone vill want to dance with zee guest of honor should Adonis allow eet. I trust you did not bring weapons? If so, your dance partners vill feel them. I can store them for you until zee evening eez over.”

  Why try to hide a knife when I could easily manifest one? Abbott had created a spot for a few throwing knives, but I’d opted not to bring them. I wasn’t happy admitting to this guy I was without defenses though — especially when all my bodyguards were somewhere else. “No one will find a weapon on me by merely dancing with me.”

  His raised eyebrow and squinched mouth told me he wasn’t pleased with my answer, but he merely said, “Come vith me then. It eez time.”

  As we neared the ballroom I heard Adonis telling the audience, “And it is my pleasure to finally be introduced to this human I’ve heard so much about. The human who slayed Surtr. The human who escaped a Concilio death sentence. The human with more powers than many supernaturals. Demetri, please bring this human to me and properly introduce us.”

  Gee, no pressure there. I used my old modeling skills to walk to the medallion, and I stopped and stood as confidently as I could manage.

  I missed the first part of the introduction while I tried to find my friends in the audience, but caught, “.... and so, ladies, gentlemen, and honored guests, it is my pleasure to proclaim the introduction of Miss Kirsten O’Shea.” Demetri hadn’t given the introduction — it’d come over the loudspeakers and I didn’t see anyone talking, nor did I recognize the voice.

  I stopped looking around, turned to Adonis, and pasted a smile on my face. I was sure I was supposed to be kneeling, but I stayed on my feet.

  The ancient god had hunter green, luxurious fabric effortlessly draped around his waist, covering him to midthigh. If I had to guess, I’d say he left enough above some kind of belt, so he could swath the fabric over enough to hide it. No matter how he pulled it off, it was hard to look away. He looked even more like an old god, swathed in fabric and barefoot.

  He gave me a dazzling smile and said, “Miss O’Shea, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard of your many talents, but I haven’t heard of your
stunning beauty.” He walked to my medallion and took my hand in both of his. “Would you do me the honor of a dance?”

  I didn’t trust my voice, so I gave him a single regal nod. I assumed we’d go down the steps to the dance floor, but he led me to the center of the stage, the music started, and we were dancing.

  I hadn’t expected it to be a waltz and it took me a few steps to get going, but Adonis was a strong lead and everything fell into place. Still, I didn’t want to embarrass myself, so I focused on my feet and his lead instead of thinking of all the reasons I didn’t want to be here.

  “Relax, Kirsten. I’m not going to bite you.”

  “No, but apparently you can order me into your presence and make demands about how our first meeting will go. I was ordered to kneel for you! Who do you think you are?”

  “I apologize,” he said as he swept me away from the front of the stage towards the back. “Demetri has been with me a long time and I value his service, but he doesn’t understand modern-day Americans.”

  “It’s more than being ordered to kneel, it’s being commanded to be here in the first place! You didn’t ask — you just gave demands and assumed the mere mortals around you would fall on their knees to do your bidding!”

  “Do you know how to do the rumba, Miss O’Shea?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  “Of course?”

  I’d assumed he knew my history, but perhaps not. I was considering the things he’d known versus the things he hadn’t when the song ended and another started, and before long we were deep into a seductive, sexy rumba.

  Adonis was an excellent lead, with hips that moved like liquid desire, and my hips wanted to move with his. I lost myself in the dance, forgot other people were in the room, and my face went hot when it was over and the room clapped. I hadn’t meant to make it look as if I were falling all over him, but damn if I hadn’t just practically had sex with the man on stage. It isn’t often I find someone who can dance well enough to lead me and make me forget the room around us.


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