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Of Humans and Monsters

Page 27

by Candace Blevins

  Well, at least I hadn’t imagined the connection and intensity of our night.

  Nathan was in the common room talking to Duke when we came upstairs, and he handed me a fast food bag with an egg and cheese biscuit and some handheld hash brown thingies.

  “God, I love you,” I told him as I looked in the bag.

  “Am I good at knowing what you need, or what?”

  I rolled my eyes at him because I knew he was talking about the fact I’d needed to get laid, and not my need for breakfast. “Yeah, yeah.” I closed the bag without getting anything out and looked to Duke. “Thanks again for your hospitality.”

  “Don’t mention it. Did Dawg explain the rules if you want to come back?”

  “No,” Dawg said before I had a chance to answer. He turned to me and said, “You’ll need to call me, Duke, or Brain before you come onto the property. You’re welcome at the bar anytime it’s open, but only people with a certain status can come onto the compound without an escort. If I invite you for a party, you can obviously come, but just stopping by without calling first is frowned upon.”

  “If someone’s after you and you’re close, you can come in an emergency and ask for help,” said Nathan. “This is because you’re under Aaron’s protection though, not because of any status you may or may not have with Dawg.”

  I looked back to Duke. “Dawg wouldn’t let me clean up after myself, but I offered. Thanks again for the hospitality, and for dinner.” I shook my head because I wasn’t saying it right. “Thanks for making me feel welcome, and for putting me at ease.”

  As Nathan pulled out of the compound, I noted cameras all over the place. “They’ve kind of set up a fortress, haven’t they?”

  “Yes. They take their safety and security quite seriously. I smell some rather intense bruising, anything I need to be aware of?”

  “Nope. I’m good.” Wonderful. Ecstatic. Perfect.

  “Adonis and Mordecai are going to meet us at Drake Security and ya’ll will have the gym to yourselves.”

  “And I get to go home when they’re done with me?”

  “Patrick will take you home. Cora’s brought enough things to stay with you a while, and Adonis is going to talk to you about camping out on one of your sofas so he can guard you and have more opportunities to teach you.”

  “What’s the status of the fault lines? I should probably talk to Mordecai about checking on them.”

  “Already been handled. I’m told we’ll see another series of two and three magnitude earthquakes all around us again as the Earth settles back to her former state.”

  I breathed out in relief and finally took a bite of my egg and cheese biscuit.

  Chapter 25

  Thankfully, my session with Mordecai and Adonis left me more energized than tired, and I was on top of the world when Patrick drove us out of the parking lot.

  I’ve never been so happy to welcome Lauren home from theater rehearsal. Patrick took me by the grocery store on the way home, and I had three huge pans of lasagna made by the time she walked through the door. I’d asked Patrick if he and Cora could guard from outside a few hours so Lauren and I could have some time alone, and it was good to get caught up on everything face to face. We’d talked plenty while apart, but nothing beats being in the same room with your child.

  Cora and Adonis showed up in time for popcorn and Netflix, and the four of us had a wonderfully relaxing evening.

  Sunday morning I awakened with the memory of the previous Sunday, when Aaron had called to let me know they had Josh, and Nathan had taken me to meet him. So fucking much had happened in a week’s time, and I still had my date with Xaephan the next afternoon.

  I lounged in bed with a book while Cora slept in. We had a late breakfast and Lauren drove herself to theater rehearsal at two — and I rested easy knowing Patrick was shadowing her.

  I pulled fancy cheeses and a few bottles of wine out as people began arriving shortly after Lauren left, and I sat in the corner of my wrap-around sofa in sweatpants and a hoodie with my fancy cheese and a glass of sweet wine while Nathan, Adonis, Mordecai, Ryan, and Cora discussed my safety.

  I let them talk a good fifteen minutes before I finally broke in. “Adonis, we’ve already introduced you to Lauren as an old friend who’s in town for a visit. We’ll stick with that and let her know you’ll be staying a couple of weeks. You’re old, and you’re a friend, so it isn’t technically a lie.”

  “She won’t need to know about your guards outside,” said Nathan.

  “No, she won’t. She’s used to Cora staying, so that won’t be a big deal. I’m still nervous, but you’ve all convinced me Aquila has too much going on right now to fuck with me.”

  Nathan had to leave as soon as the tactical discussion was over, and Ryan asked me to walk him out shortly after Nathan left. We worked out a time to get together Tuesday evening, and he walked me back to my door and saw me inside before he left — his final act as my bodyguard.

  This go-round, anyway.

  With Lauren still at rehearsal, Mordecai and Adonis took me into the backyard for an impromptu training session, and they included Cora in some of the exercises. For the first time, I managed to engulf both arms in flames. It scared me so much I lost it right away, but managed to hold onto it when I tried again. I could feel the heat but it didn’t burn me, but I wasn’t sure what it said about me as a person. Who can do that?

  I retired to the bathroom for a long soak in my tub once Mordecai left. Cora hung out in my bedroom because she was still in bodyguard mode, but she was quiet and it was easy to pretend I was alone with my book. Epsom salts are magical when you’re so damned sore you have fond memories of being fucked with every step you take.

  I was starting to get nervous about my afternoon with Xaephan, but I looked forward to not having to hide my wrist anymore. I wondered why the demon was willing to let me hide the marks in exchange for an afternoon of sex. It took away my urgency for getting rid of them, and surely he was aware? Or, perhaps he was trying to get me to see him as a nice guy again. I’d learned enough to know he didn’t do anything without an agenda, so I wasn’t letting my guard down.

  If I’m honest, I’ll admit to being concerned about my feelings for him. Whether I saw him as my hero who rescued me in Hell, or whether I’d seen something in him I was genuinely attracted to, I couldn’t say. I was certainly drawn to him and I knew this couldn’t be a good thing. Staying away from the Demon Lord was the wisest route, but I didn’t have the luxury. I was both looking forward to being in his arms, and terrified of allowing myself to be vulnerable with him.

  I aimed my thoughts back to my everyday life. Adonis had mapped out a way to work with me twice a day for the next two weeks, with a few marathon sessions when we could squeeze in more time. The ancient sex-god is a surprisingly patient teacher, and the more time I spent with him, the closer our friendship grew.

  Thankfully, Mordecai had agreed to wait until Wednesday to begin stretching my energy levels again. He wanted me in top form while I was with his brother on Monday, and while I knew stretching my energy capacity was necessary, I wasn’t anxious to get started again.

  Mordecai and Adonis sent Josh to a retreat center to study yoga and various forms of meditation. He’d be gone until a few days before Christmas, and he’d spend Christmas with his mom before leaving to learn meditation and centering from another belief system. In the early spring they planned to give him the option of studying in either a Native American or Buddhist environment. Mordecai sent a shapeshifter to go through the courses with him, because we were all worried about his reaction if he retrieved some of the memories the Celrau took from him. You never know what deep meditation and introspection will dig up. I’d be talking with him on the phone several times a week, and we hoped between the shapeshifter assigned to him and me, we could stay on top of any mental or emotional issues before they went critical.

  My new energy level wasn’t completely settled, but it was getting there. Mordecai and Ad
onis confirmed I no longer smelled of divinity, but I hadn’t been in the nothingness for a while, either.

  Of all the senses I’d gained from Bran’s blood, I missed the sense of smell the most. Was the instant healing worth having to deal with the bloodlust? It’s hard to say. I’d like to think I’ll never drink his blood again, but if I’m injured badly enough, I likely will.

  Abbott gained a few brownie points by making Adonis promise not to focus his attentions on Lauren until she was at least thirty. I hadn’t even considered the possibility of her falling head-over-heels for him, so I appreciated the ancient vampire looking out for her.

  Meanwhile, I had the rest of Sunday to hang out with the people now living in my house. Lauren and Xiaolan came home together after Lauren’s practice, and we ordered more Chinese food than the five of us could possibly eat.

  Home never felt so good, and I’ve never been happier than I was that night, snuggled under a blanket with Lauren on part of the wrap-around sofa while Cora stretched out on another section with her head in Adonis’ lap, and Xiaolan snuggled in her bean bag next to Smokey on the floor. Popcorn, hot chocolate, and family made my heart and soul happy.

  Stay up to date on Candace’s new releases by signing up for Candace’s newsletter.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Bash.

  Also by Candace Blevins

  If you enjoyed Of Humans and Monsters, you may also like the other books set in the same universe, though in different series. To see reader order when combining all paranormal series, go to

  Chattanooga Supernaturals series, paranormal romance:

  The Dragon King (Aaron Drake’s story, and the first time we meet Duke and Brain)

  Riding the Storm (Kendra and Eric’s story)

  Acceptable Risk (Bethany, Ranger, Mac, and Jonathan’s story)

  Careful What You Ask For

  Hallowed Destiny – Forged by Darkness

  Uncaged (Ghost’s mother’s story)

  Only Human series, urban fantasy

  Only Human

  An Unhuman Journey

  Of Humans and Monsters

  Unhuman Acts

  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Series



  Bash Volume I

  Bash Volume II

  Bash Volume III


  Gonzo (where we first meet Britches/Briana)



  Dark Erotica Shorts from the world of The Chattanooga Supernaturals

  Pride (A short story featuring The Lion King)

  Indentured Freedom: Owned by the Vampire

  The Safeword series, intense BDSM contemporary romance

  Safeword Rainbow

  Safeword: Davenport

  Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

  Safeword: Quinacridone

  Safeword: Matte (Sam and Ethan Levi’s story, we first meet Frisco and Cassie)

  Safeword: Matte – In Training

  No Safeword: Matte – The Honeymoon

  No Safeword: Matte – Happily Ever After

  Safeword: Arabesque (Frisco, Cassie, Abbot, and Cam’s story)

  Safeword: Mayday (Spring/Summer 2017)

  Safeword: Mayday – Adding their Fourth (Summer/Fall 2017)

  Check out other books by Candace Blevins at

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Bash Volume I.

  Excerpt ~ Bash


  Volume I

  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 3

  Candace Blevins

  What do you get when you mix a bad-ass werewolf biker with a beautiful she-wolf who grew up as the MC President’s daughter?


  Angelica was raised not only as a biker’s daughter, but as Bud’s daughter — the president of the Atlanta RTMC, which meant she also had dozens of ‘uncles’ who made sure she was safe, happy, loved, secure.

  Needless to say, her virginity was still solidly intact when she left for college.

  She goes to school up north, where no one knows she’s a biker’s daughter at heart, and thoroughly enjoys her time as a civilian. She gets rid of her pesky virginity right away, but is mostly a good girl while she buckles down to get her degree, staying at school even during the summers to take as many classes as she can fit in.

  She’s a different person when she comes home with her Master’s degree, and in spite of her intention to remain a civilian, some of the bikers don’t seem so much like uncles, anymore.

  Warning: Lots of hot sex, a touch of BDSM, and an abundance of bad-ass werewolf bikers who are used to getting their way.

  This is volume one of a three-book story.


  Chapter One

  Eight years ago


  “Got an assignment for you, prospect.”

  “Thank you, boss. Won’t let you down.”

  The president of the RTMC looked so casual, sitting at his desk, but the expression on his face was anything but.

  “You may think this is a shit assignment, but I’m entrusting you with one of the most valuable pieces of my life. You fuck it up, I’ll gut you and end you.”

  He stood and walked out of his office. I followed him into the shop area, past the bikes to one of the car bays, and he stopped in front of an antique MGB. “There’s two more, wrecked to hell and back, on the rear lot. I’m givin’ the lot of them to my Angel for her fifteenth birthday tomorrow, and she’s gonna be responsible for turning them into a single-functioning vehicle if she wants something to drive when she turns sixteen.” His eyes were dark as he studied my face. “I know you have particular talent here, so when I can’t be available to help her, she’ll have you. You are not to put this car together for her. I don’t want you doing the work, just supervising and helping.”

  He ran his hand through his hair and added, “Brain was responsible for takin’ her to school and pickin’ her up after. Now that’s your responsibility.”

  Brain had been a prospect until two days ago, and now he was a fully patched member. This might be a shit assignment, but at least I knew it could still lead to getting my colors, someday. I’d been a prospect for nearly three months and I was so sick of going on beer runs, watching the bikes while the club members went inside somewhere, or whatever other shit job needed doin’. This might actually be a welcome change.

  “I’ll email you a link so you have access to her online calendar, and you’ll need to keep up with when she has cheerleader practice, or track or soccer practice, or math club, or whatever the hell else she has goin’ on. You’ll either take her home or to the shop. Anywhere else, you clear with her mother or me. Use a cage while it’s cold, but if you aren’t picking her friend up, too, it’ll be fine to pick her up on your bike once the weather warms.”

  He shook his head, looked away a few seconds, and then back to me. “I assigned Brain to her ‘cause I knew he was old enough and smart enough to keep it in his pants. My baby girl’s a virgin, and she’s gonna stay that way for a long time to come. You’re gonna be the chauffeur when she and her friends wanna go to a movie, or when she wants to go to a friend’s house. You’ll be spendin’ a lot of time with her, and being friendly will be a helluva lot easier than not. Got no problems with friendly hugs, but you ever get a hard-on for my baby, you’ll never get another again — if I castrate you with silver, it won’t grow back, boy.”

  The menace comin’ off him took the oxygen out of the room, but even though my wolf desperately wanted to challenge him, I forced my eyes down. My temper had gotten me into so much trouble at home, they’d had to send me away to keep me out of prison. This was my last chance, and I liked these men. I wanted to be a part of them. I wasn’t going to blow it.

  “I understand, boss.”

  He sighed and said, “She knows part of your job’s to cock-block her, and she’ll be pissed, but the anger’s at me, not you. She knows you�
�re following orders. You’ll intimidate the hell outta any guys who show attention to her. Wear your colors, flaunt your bike once it’s warmer, but be careful about weapons on school grounds. They’ll put you under the jail if they catch you with a piece.”

  He looked away, then back to me. “She gets in trouble, you do whatever you gotta do to get her out of it and keep her safe. Otherwise, you don’t go caving anyone’s head in. You’re a legal adult now, and not even our lawyers will keep you out of prison if you bash a minor’s head in. If her safety isn’t in immediate danger then bring any problem to me and I’ll be sure it’s handled. Keep that temper of yours under wraps. Got it?”

  His phone buzzed and he checked it. “I gotta handle this. Get with Brain for advice and pointers. Your time with her’ll be a helluva lot easier if you can make friends with her, but this is your assignment whether you like or hate each other, so figure it out. In essence, you’re her bodyguard now, responsible for her safety when she isn’t with me. My agreement with Angelica is you’re there to drive her and keep her safe, not to report back to me. So far, we’ve kept that illusion up. You see something you think one of her parents needs to know about, you bring it to me and we’ll figure out how I can use the information so she doesn’t think you ratted.” His eyes narrowed. “You’ll think of my Angel and every one of her damned friends like your little sister. I ever smell a fucking hint of arousal on you when you’re with them, I’ll tear you apart.”

  As he walked out of his office he said, “She don’t have any kind of practice today. Be in the car line at school no later than three o’clock. Brain’ll point out which of the club vehicles have the window sticker so you can pick her up. I’ll arrange for one for your bike and your cage, and my ol’lady’s already put you on the list so you can check her out of school, in case she gets sick or something and needs a pickup.”


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