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Alex Black Book 1: The Beginning

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by Alex Flynn

  I take back over and look down at Jim. "pitiful little man. You know nothing of my species, yet you think we are a threat. We were living peacefully until you came around you dick. If you ever hunt me down again I wont stop Alejandro from killing you. So I would be careful if I were you Jimmy boy.", I spat in his face after saying that and walked away.

  Just then Jim jumped up and attacked me again. I was stabbed and hurt but I grabbed the knife and pulled it out of my shoulder and stabbed Jim in the forehead really hard and really fast so the knife went out of the back of his head. "good bye Jimmy boy.", I smirked and left his house. I walked through the kingdom. I took a torch and I burned all of the abandoned homes down as Jim took his last breath. I walked to a hill outside the kingdom and sat there watching all of the homes burn down.


  The Lost Forest

  I sat on that hill until the last ember died out. I had finally gotten my revenge but I was not satisfied, I had lost my wife and entire species that day.

  "There is only two Werepires left in existence.", I said crying. I went to go look for the people raising my daughter. I went through the forest to save time. "Hi there Sir.", A little figure wearing a mask said from his beak. "A beak but no wings? How curious. What are you?", I asked smiling.

  The figure jumped onto a stump and tilted his head at me. "I'm a lost doluts. When we become lost in the forest, we become Skullys. I heard it was you who helped Larry out. I can help you find a great place for your new home. But you'll have to find a way to protect it better. My name is Harold.", He said to me.

  "My name is Alex and thank you very much. Please lead the way.", I said and followed him to a spot past the woods where it was clear. I looked around and didn't see any other houses around or miles away. I smiled, "perfect. Thanks Harold." He left me alone.

  I spent about 2 days researching on how to use magic to make my new home. I decided that this time I would only make a manor and not make a castle. I didn't want to attract attention. I started to build the house out of Elm and obsidian. It was looking great.

  In about two hours I finished building the house. I smiled and stepped back to admire it. I then looked through my book of spells to find a protection spell for homes. I found the force field spell. I went to about five acres away from the house and said the first part of the spell.

  I then went five acres away from the back and said the second part of the spell. Next I did the same on the left side, went 5 acres away from my house and said the third part of the spell and smiled.

  "One final part of the spell left.", I said. I walked all the to 5 acres away from the right side of my house. "Force field I implore you. As this is the final part of the spell, protect my house from those who want to harm my family and I. Protect those who live inside my house from evil trespassers.", I said very loud. Just then a force field appears all from the five acres I had been and stretched into a dome around my house. It stretched to the endless sky. Then it turned invisible.

  I stepped outside the force field and I turned around. My house disappeared. I smiled knowing that My force field spell worked. So I put a sensor near the edge of the forest and planted trees around the force field to hide my house more. Then I went inside and fell asleep happily.

  I woke up to a loud annoying buzzer in my manor. "SHIT THE ALARM.", I yelled as I ran to shut it off. I then decided to use the trees to find the alarms that went off. I jumped into the trees and stopped. A girl was looking straight at me sitting on one of the branches. I stared back at her. I was wearing my glasses so my eyes remained Blue. "What do you want Young lady?", I asked Calmly. She doesn't say anything but points to my head. I Growled at her, "Why do you want my head?" the red haired lady stops pointing and says, "Because i heard your a Werepire. therefore your are my enemy."

  "I am not a "Hunter". After all, you wiped them out. I'm a Werepire just like you, Alex Black. I'm holding you responsible for what happened to me. You will die for it.", she said. I looked at her and laughed. "I'm cursed to live forever. I'm sorry chica but I cannot die. On a related note, what is your name Little girl?", I asked her. She looked at me angrily and said, "The name is Emma Rose." She then jumps at me and I retreat by teleporting to a higher branch. She looks around not sure where I've gone. I jumped to another tree and laughed at her. She turns and looks at me.

  I looked at her and said, "you act like this is my fault. What did I ever do to you?" "You killed me and turned me into this, monster!", She screamed and attacked me again. This time I grabbed her hands and looked directly into her eyes. "You seem to have no self control young Rose.", I said calmly.

  She tried to back away but I held her tightly. "You need to learn to control the Lust. Don't let it control you, Emma.", I said. "Thanks but I don't need help.", She said before kicking me and knocking my glasses off. I looked at her. My eyes started to turn red like blood.

  She looked at me with fear in her eyes. She took a few steps back. "What the fuck are you?", She asked scared. "Why I'm a "monster", honey.", I said slyly.


  Pure Blood, Stained

  As she looked at me with fear, all I did was smirk. I stared at her as I started to turn into my normal Werepire form. "Ok, girl, show me what you are.", I said sitting down. She turned into an Albino Werepire with blood stained white fur. "There's no way that you are responsible for turning me into this monster, is there?", She asked. She looked like she was about to cry.

  I looked her over and then got up. "No, ma'am. I'm a cursed Werepire but I'm not Albino. So your red hair is from the blood stains?", I asked her. "Yes, Sir.", She said. "Umm, Mister Black, I would like to be your Apprentice.", She said looking down. I waited a few moments and changed to human again. I walked over to her and held my hand out to her. "Let me show you your room, my child.", I said.

  We walked to the top floor of my manor and I showed her a huge room. It was the whole floor. It had a huge bathroom with a Jacuzzi bathtub, a king size bed, and even a 120" TV. "Alright, well you get settled in and I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm just heading into town for a bit.", I said as I head to my floor to get changed into my tuxedo.

  I walk towards the town wearing my tuxedo. I put my glasses on so no one knows who I am. As I get to town I look around and try to find the coffee shop. I find it on fifth avenue and I head to it. I walked in and see this Beautiful girl. She looked about 4'9" with golden hair and brown eyes. I walked up to her and said, "Hi I'm Alex. What's your name?"

  "Hi I'm Trini.", She said holding out her hand. I shook hers and ordered a verti coffee with lots of cream and sugar. I then gave her a tip and my address. As I walked out I heard her say, "Thank you sir."

  I walked home with groceries and some potion ingredients. I walked through the forest to my house. I entered through the force field and saw her, Trini. She was standing there fighting with my Apprentice, Emma.

  Emma looked out as Katrina Vaccaro walked through the shield. She looked over her and wondered, a little too loud, "Why the hell did the alarms not go off."

  Trini looks around, then up and sees Emma. "Oi, where's the blue eyes that gave me this amazing tip?", She asks.

  Emma jumps down and walks over to Trini. "I don't know how you came in here but I'm taking you right back out.", She yelled. Katrina looks straight into her eyes. "Make me, Bitch.", She said. Emma then grabs her hair as I get back.

  "Emma back off she's a guest here.", I said as I show her the password written on the money. "So that is why the alarms did the go off.", Emma says letting go of Trini. I step in between them to stop the fighting.

  "There you are sexy... I mean blue eyes.", Trini said fast. I Chuckled. I walked over to her and looked into her eyes. "Would you pay me back by going out with me?", I asked.

  Trini looked at me for about five minutes. Those five minutes made me very nervous. She then looked at Emma and smiled. Then Trini turned to me and stopped smiling.

  She stared at me for what seemed like hours, in reality it had only been five minu
tes. "Geez this is taking too long. Please will you go out with me?", I asked frustrated by now.

  She looked at me again and said, "maybe, maybe not. Ask me again after I thought about it." I got so frustrated with her at that point. Emma came over and said, "Master can we please train now?" "Yes Emma let's train.", I replied.

  We train for two hours with no food breaks. "Ok that's enough go hunt some Deer. Remember not to waste it. ", I say. "Ok master.", She says. I go to visit Katrina. "Hey wanna go out now?", I randomly ask.

  "I'm sorry I have to watch my son Ludwig.", She says. And I stand in the door way to block her. "Alright what do you want, fuck boy.", She says. "You, me, date, tomorrow, human.", I say. "Fuck it. Fine.", She says.



  It's been a year since we were training in that time my date became my girlfriend. My girlfriend then became my wife. We went to many movies. we drank lots of blood.

  Emily rose even gotten better at controlling the Lust. "Emily how's it going? Still drinking the faux blood?", I asked her. "Yes, Master Alex. Thanks for making it.", She said beaming. "Woah thank my two cousins. They made it not me.", I stated.

  "So I was thinking about a picnic.", Victoria said. "Mom that sounds wonderful. I'll go look for a spot then I'll make the food.", I said happily. I walked outside. I decide to head near this old tree that has been in the forest longer than me.

  "Perfect.", I say and I start the spell to hide it from intruders. I accidentally make it too big. "Nah I think I got it and I'm done. Now to go make the food.", I walk home. Two figures are lurking near that tree.

  I make all sandwiches, I cook chicken, I even wrap up animal meat raw. I pack all the food up in a basket and set it near the door. "Alright we are ready!", I call out. We all head to the spot I picked out and start eating.




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