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Rough Road to Happiness

Page 5

by Drew Hunt

  “That’s better,” Bud said once David was lying next to him. “Tonight is your night, you—and only you—will be the center of attention. Understand?” Bud’s quiet, soft but no less commanding voice instructed.

  “Yes, Bud.”

  David wanted to add that it had been a long time since he’d had sex with anyone other than his own hand. Though he was excited at what was about to happen, he was also nervous. But he remained silent, knowing Bud, as he always seemed to, would know exactly what to do.

  Though he’d not had that many lovers in his life, Bud’s tender considerations proved beyond all doubt to David that all his previous partners had been mere amateurs, and Bud hadn’t even progressed beyond foreplay.

  By turns, Bud stroked, licked, caressed, soothed and excited almost every part of David’s body. It became increasingly obvious he wasn’t to be given the nickel, quick hump and it will be over, fuck. Rather, Bud was being patient, taking his time, exploring David’s body in minute, loving detail. David’s body screamed with need and desire. Never had anyone played him so masterfully.

  Bud’s hands, roughened and calloused through physical labor, gently explored every inch of David’s skin. With a lightness of touch David didn’t think possible from such a large man, Bud made David’s body tingle as he ran his fingertips in broad strokes along David’s arms, the sides of his chest and down his legs.

  David wanted to reciprocate, pay back some of the loving, but Bud was adamant.

  “No, babe, this is just for you.”


  “Uh,” Bud shook his finger at David before he leaned down and delivered the sweetest, most tender kiss David had ever experienced.

  Bud’s long pink tongue began to do indescribably wonderful things to David’s neck, shoulders and face. Bud would alternate with kisses, gentle bites and nips. Then for variety he’d blow on the skin he’d just moistened. Up until that moment David had been totally unaware of how many erogenous zones existed on his body.

  “Please, Bud. I don’t know how much more I can stand. I need you, need you. Please.”

  David didn’t know if his words were making sense, he just knew the sweet torture he was experiencing was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. Part of him never wanted Bud to ever stop, while another part didn’t think his nerves could cope with any more.

  Whispering in David’s ear, Bud said, “Let go, babe. I’m in charge. Let me lift you to places you’ve not even dreamed of.”

  “You already have,” David said, realizing he was openly crying.

  Bud moved in and kissed away his tears. “Let it all out, baby. Give me all your pain. Let go of it my sweet, beautiful David.”

  The words caused him to cry even harder. But without knowing it, David was doing exactly what Bud was asking. He was relinquishing the years of pent up anger, self-loathing and fear. He was allowing his mind to clear itself of all the ugliness and bitterness that had long festered there. In its place he welcomed in warmth, joy, tenderness and love.

  Pulling David onto his side, cradling him against his strong chest, awesome abs and rock hard thighs, Bud positioned himself so David’s face was nestled in his shoulder. David felt Bud lifting his leg, then gentle probing fingers moving along his ass crack, until they located their goal.

  “You’re so tight.”

  “Been a long time.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I’ll loosen you up as best I can, I’m not in any hurry.”

  David thought that maybe he was the one who was in a hurry. A hurry to get Bud inside of him. However, he appreciated his man’s insistence on making his entry as pain free as possible.

  First one lubed finger, then two, and, after quite some time, a third was added. All the while the stretching was being performed, Bud continued to distract David with gentling words, soft kisses and light caresses. Foreplay with Bud was more satisfying than all of the sex he’d had with other less expert bed fellows. Gazing into Bud’s eyes that hardly ever left his own, David knew he could trust this man, he could put his faith in him and know his feelings wouldn’t be crushed or misused. Several times he found the words “I love you,” on the tip of his tongue, but always something prevented him from letting them out. There was a chance Bud wouldn’t be able to say the same back to him, though if actions did indeed speak louder than words, then David couldn’t be in any doubt that Bud loved him.

  “Are you ready, baby?” Bud finally asked.

  David nodded.

  “How’d you want it?”

  “Slow and gentle.”

  “Of course, babe. No, I meant, what position?”

  “On my back. I want to be able to look at you.”

  “Okay, sweetheart, but that might not be the most comfortable.”

  “You wouldn’t hurt me, Bud, I know you wouldn’t.”

  Kissing him, Bud said, “If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.”

  Treating him as if he were a piece of fine china, Bud turned David onto his back and wedged a folded pillow under him, raising his ass into the air.

  It was then he remembered something. The expression of worry telegraphed to Bud.


  “I don’t have any rubbers. I’ve not had the need of them since Paul left.”

  “I came prepared, don’t worry.” Bud showed him a box of Magnums.

  “Oh. I wouldn’t have that size even if I’d have had condoms.”

  “Yeah. Don’t want to boast or anything, but I need the bigger size.”

  “You sure do.”

  Bud leaned down, covered David with his bulk and delivered another of his trademarked soft kisses. “I’m sorry, but you will most likely feel some pain at first. I promise to stop though if you need me to, okay?”


  David started to get nervous. This increased when he saw Bud rolling the rubber down his long, thick shaft. Could he take all that? He tried to stay relaxed and not undo all the preparations Bud had spent the past half hour patiently doing.

  Bud’s initial entry felt as though someone was trying to cut open his anus with a knife. David bit at his bottom lip to hold back his screams. He screwed his eyes tightly shut and waited until the pain subsided.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll pull out, I mustn’t have stretched you enough.”

  “No! Hold still, it’s getting easier.” David pushed his heels against Bud’s ass, preventing him from withdrawing.

  As the seconds ticked past, the sharp pains became duller, until all that was left was a feeling of fullness.

  “I’ll go in a little more. I promise to be gentle.”

  David expected the hurt to return, but all he felt was an increase in the fullness. It was uncomfortable, but couldn’t be described as actual pain. He remembered the widest part of Bud was at the glans. As this was now safely inside of him, the rest of his magnificent manhood should be easier to accommodate.

  After a few more pauses to allow David’s insides to adjust to the telephone pole they were being asked to accommodate, David finally felt Bud’s pubes scratching at his buns.

  “You’ve done it, baby. I’m all inside of you.” Bud leaned down, cupped David’s face in his huge hands and kissed him deeply. “You’re my brave, special man.”

  David exulted in his sense of achievement. He’d taken all of him. Boy, did it feel full back there, but he’d done it, he’d done it!

  “Please just hold me for a while, will you?”

  “You got it.”

  Bud wiped away the sweat and tears that had built up on David’s face and chest. He then kissed him and pulled him into his arms. David felt a little of Bud leave his ass, but there was still plenty left inside of him.

  “Oh, Bud, you’re awesome. You’re…you’re so special. Please, please claim me, make me yours.”

  Bud extended his arms and loomed over David’s prone if somewhat folded body. David looked up at the magnificent vision of his lover’s broad chest with its carpet of hair, framed o
n either side by arms with their bulging biceps as they took the strain.

  “Awesome, you’re just so awesome,” David whispered.

  “So are you, babe.”

  Taking a few test thrusts into David’s chute, Bud set up a gentle pistoning rhythm. David felt nothing but pleasure as he watched and felt his man making love to him. Adjusting his angle of entry, Bud bumped the head of his manhood against David’s prostate.

  “Fuck!” David almost sat up with the bolt of lightning that shot through him.

  “Relax, babe.”

  “Easy for you to say, big boy.”

  Bud laughed.

  “Kiss me, please.”

  Interrupting his rhythmic strokes to comply, Bud’s lips lightly grazed David’s before he reared up again and more forcibly pushed himself inside.

  “Oh, God, yes!” David cried, not caring if he sounded like a porno actor in a cheap movie. This was heaven, and he wanted to enjoy it all. So doing, he began to run his hands over Bud’s amazing body. The guy’s chest hair was matted with sweat, David delighted in swirling his fingers through the lush pelt.

  “Like that, do ya?”

  “You’re so hairy. My very own brown bear.”

  Bud smiled down at him. “Ready to up the pace?”

  “You lead, I follow.”

  Bud slammed hard into David, causing the older man to open his eyes wider. Never had anyone taken him so masterfully and with such amazing power.

  “Oh, God. Oh, God!”

  “Getting close, man. Gonna shoot my grade A Marine milk up your lily white ass.”

  “Fire, Bud. Gimme all you got, you fucking gorgeous stud!” David realized he was shouting, but the sense of freedom, of total abandonment to his urges was supremely liberating.

  Grabbing hold of Bud’s upper arms, David felt the extent of his man’s hidden reserves of strength. “Fuck me. Fucking take me to heaven, you big black stallion! Aaahh! Oh, Jesus Christ, yes! Yes!”

  David’s penis fired out several loads of semen, far in excess of what he usually produced.

  “Yeah! Gonna fill you up. Come and get it!”

  David felt the enormous telephone pole in his ass grow to even more massive proportions before it began to twitch, firing its load deep within his bowel.

  “Fucking A!” Bud said, collapsing on top of David.

  Both men were breathing heavily, their bodies drenched in a combination of their sweat and David’s ejaculate. Far from feeling crushed and smothered, David reveled in the protective bulk lying on him. Feeding his arms around the man’s enormous barrel chest, David hugged and pulled Bud to him even tighter.

  “That was fucking intense,” Bud said, beginning to rise.

  “Please, just a minute more,” David said into Bud’s shoulder.

  But it couldn’t last forever, David’s legs were beginning to cramp, pinioned as they were under Bud’s hips. Reluctantly he let go of Bud, who rolled to the side. David, unwilling to be far from his man, crawled on top of Bud and began to deliver a series of angel kisses all around his face.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Man, you were, you were just amazing. I love you, Bud. I love you so fucking much.” David burst into tears and buried his face into Bud’s wide shoulder.

  He didn’t regret finally speaking aloud his thoughts. He’d held them in for so long, they just had to take flight.

  Chapter 6

  Not having heard from Bud by Wednesday, David began to grow concerned. Thursday saw him starting to worry. Friday had this escalate to panic when Bud failed to arrive. Though by Sunday, his birthday, he’d slumped into depression. An empty, cold acceptance that Bud hadn’t shown. There was no Bud, no surprise weekend in Palm Springs.

  Two weeks earlier, David had—as usual—bid his man a fond and passionate farewell. As usual he’d asked Bud when he’d next see him. And again, as usual, Bud hadn’t been able to give him any precise details. David hadn’t worried because he knew of the secret plans Bud had made for them to spend his birthday weekend together. So David had just asked his man to drive carefully back to the base, and told him to promise to stay safe. Bud gave him his customary gentle kiss on the lips before leaving the house and driving away.

  Still feeling pumped from his amazing weekend of lovemaking, David had all but floated into school Monday morning, taught his classes, attended staff and parent meetings, all the while wearing a smile of total contentment. Those members of staff who noticed put it down to him returning to the happy-go-lucky colleague they knew him to be. Corey, however, had other ideas. He’d finally managed to grab a private word with his friend.

  “Okay, it must have been one hell of a weekend. It’s now Tuesday and you’ve still got that just fucked look on your face.”

  David had blushed. “Oh, Corey, he’s wonderful.”

  “I’m pleased for you, man. Not to mention jealous as hell. Tell me, is it true what they say about black guys having bigger dicks?”

  David had smiled his dreamy smile, “Yep, it’s all true.”

  “Lucky bastard. Look, Dave, I’ve got to jet, but tomorrow, my place, you’re coming over and you’re gonna describe everything, and I do mean ev-ery-thing, in detail to me.”


  “Tomorrow,” Corey said, turning and walking down the hallway.

  * * * *

  David managed to keep the more intimate aspects of the weekend private despite Corey’s best efforts to get him to tell all. He glowed as he spilled the beans about what he and Bud had done together.

  Taking a sip from the glass of wine Corey had given him, David said, “And, though I promised myself that I wouldn’t, I told him I loved him.”

  “You didn’t!”

  “I did. God, it was wonderful to finally confess what I’ve been holding in for these past weeks.”

  Corey squealed with delight. “And what did he say?”

  “Um.” In truth it hadn’t hit David until just then that Bud hadn’t responded in like fashion. “Well, um, I can’t remember exactly.”

  “Oh, David.” Corey put down his own wine glass and took hold of David’s hand. “I know Bud is so very good looking, strong and…well. But you wear your emotions so close to the surface, love. I’m sure everything will be all right, it’s just…I don’t know. I’d just die if you got hurt over this.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.” David kissed Corey’s cheek. “It’ll be all right, I know it will. I wasn’t gonna tell you this, but I know that he’s booked a double room in an upscale hotel in Palm Springs for two weeks time.”

  “Your birthday?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “You lucky dawg. Are you sure he doesn’t know any fellow Marines who’d want to take on a slightly shop-worn science teacher like me?”

  David hugged his friend tight. “It’ll happen for you, too, man. Probably when you least expect it, your knight in shining armor will show up, pull you into the saddle with him, and you’ll gallop off into the sunset.”

  Corey sighed. “Yeah, hope so. I do hope so.”

  * * * *

  David stared mournfully into his bathroom mirror on the Monday after the weekend that never was. He looked and felt much older than just the one extra year. He hadn’t slept despite feeling dog tired. The image staring back at him was of a man who wasn’t worthy of being told that he was loved. Even though he’d confessed it to his partner not just once, but on several occasions. Each time Bud had either kissed him, hugged him, or spoken some platitude which now seemed empty and worthless. The man in the mirror didn’t deserve a get-away break in a tourist resort with his lover. He was just a tired, wrinkled up has-been who quite rightly had been tossed into the trash.

  David made the effort to shave, brush his teeth and go through the familiar and comforting rituals of getting ready for school. Routine would have to be his solace. The kids he taught appreciated him. They didn’t reject him when he gave all of himself to them.

  Pulling into the parking lot, David tried
to compose his features, put on an expression that all was normal. However his mask shattered into a million pieces when he walked into his classroom and found an eager Corey waiting for him.

  “Jesus, man, you look fucking awful. Didn’t all go off okay during your surprise weekend?”

  “The surprise to the weekend was that it didn’t happen.”


  “Bud didn’t show. I’ve not heard a word from him in just over two weeks. Not since I last saw him.” David’s voice faltered. “Not since I told him that I loved him.”

  “Christ. Dave, it might not be what you’re thinking. He could have had to work, or something, or—”

  “No, Corey, you were right the other Wednesday. I blew it when I told him I loved him. I mean, come on! What the hell would a guy like him want with an emotionally crippled, overly clingy piece of trash like me?”

  “No, David. Stop it.”

  Kids began to filter into the classroom. David had to turn away because he couldn’t let them see him like this. Corey ushered them back out into the hallway and told them to wait. “Buddy, you’re not gonna be of much use to the profession today. Why don’t you go to see the Principle’s secretary and—”

  “Teaching, my job, the kids. They’re all I’m good for.”

  “Oh, fuck. Come on, Dave. I’m taking you to the office myself, I’ll even drive you home if I have to. You’re not staying here today.”

  An unresisting David was led out of his classroom and along the crowded hallways. He felt disconnected from everything that was going on around him. Corey took him into a room, where it was mercifully much quieter. He then felt Corey pushing him into a chair while his friend and someone else, a female voice talked, presumably about him. After a few minutes, David couldn’t tell exactly how long, Corey urged him to stand. He did so and was led back into the hallway, through several doors and…

  “You okay to drive?”

  “Huh?” David came to, and realized he was standing in the parking lot next to his Camry.

  “Never mind. Just sit in here. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Corey led David around the car and got him situated in the passenger seat. It felt somewhat strange to be in the right hand seat, but then everything about that day, heck, the last few days, had felt strange.


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