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Songbird: Music & Lyrics Book 2

Page 19

by Emma Lea

  “Oh Nate,” she breathed, tightening her arms around him.

  “The fact is,” he said, brushing a kiss across the top of her head, “without you in my life I am an empty shell. Nothing seems to fill me or make the emptiness go away. Only you. It’s always been you. I love you Stevie. I think I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. I know I’ve been an ass and treated you badly, but I would be a moron as well as an ass if I didn’t ask you if you could forgive me. Forgive me and maybe give me another chance. I promise to stick around this time if you’ll have me.”

  Stevie pulled away from Nate, but only enough so that she could see his face. She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck as she looked into his eyes. This was the man that had caused her both incredible heartache and some of the best moments in her life. They were tied together, their worlds entwined and without him in her life, she was only living half a life.

  “I think,” she started, her voice husky and broken, “that it’s only the ones closest to us that can really hurt us. You have hurt me Nate—” he began to pull away, but she linked her fingers, refusing to let go. “But I know I’ve hurt you too. I should have stopped to listen to you when you told me about the deal with Rocksteady. I should have talked to you about the songs you wanted to use on your first album instead of trying to pretend you didn’t exist. You needed me then and I wasn’t there for you. I was too caught up in my own shit to see that you were struggling. I was offended that Gina wanted you and not me and I took that out on you. I would never have met Derek if not for you and if I hadn’t met him then none of this would be happening right now. Even when I shunned you, you were still trying to make amends, you were still reaching out to me. I have only ever been in love with one person and that person is you. I want us to try again. I want us to see if we can finally make this thing work between us. I love you Nate and I want you in my life.”

  He searched her eyes and a small smile began to stretch his lips. “You mean it?’

  She nodded. “I mean it.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her slowly, taking his time to make love to her mouth. She melted into him, her knees going weak and her head going fuzzy. How this man could kiss.

  Nate could hardly believe that Stevie was willing to give him another chance. It had seemed that their entire lives they had been out of step, a little off beat but maybe, finally, they could find the beat together. He lifted his head and gazed down at her. He traced the contours of her face with his eyes, committing them to memory. How had he ever been stupid enough to walk away from her?

  “Nate?” she asked, looking up at him questioningly.

  “Come to bed,” he said, brushing a light kiss on her lips. “Come to bed and let me love you.”

  She followed him through the suite to his bedroom. He turned off the lights, but left one lamp burning. In the soft light he undressed her slowly, relishing each bit of skin he uncovered. They took turns removing one another’s clothing until they were both naked. He laid her on the bed and kissed his way down her body, taking his time and relishing the feel of her skin against his lips. He plucked at her tight nipples, rolling them between his fingertip as he brushed a kiss on the underside of her breast. His hands cupped her flesh, caressing it. He loved the softness of her skin against the callouses on his fingertips and the way it prickled with goosebumps as he glided his fingers over it.

  Her fingers brushed across his shoulders and burrowed into his hair. The scratchiness of the hardened skin on her fingertips was a counterpoint to the softness of her everywhere else. They had matching callouses from years playing the guitar and he loved that they had that in common.

  He kissed a line between her breasts and then sucked one tip into his mouth. She arched her back and made a soft mewling sound that made his cock throb. He bit down gently and she moaned, rocking her hips into his and making him suck in a breath. He wasn’t inside her yet, but his cock was snugged up against her core, sliding through the slick folds, her heat enveloping him. It wouldn’t take much to slide into her, just a shift of his pelvis and the head of his cock would be notched against her entrance. But he wanted to prolong the moment as long as he could. He wanted to build the anticipation for both of them.

  He inched further down her body, licking the skin across her torso and nipping at her navel. She widened her legs letting him settle between them and he breathed in the scent of her arousal. For years he’d used sex as a way to forget but tonight he wanted to remember everything. The scent of her skin, the taste of her, the sounds she made and the feel of her skin beneath his. He nuzzled the crease of her thigh, running his nose along the sensitive skin and she threaded her fingers into his hair, tugging slightly as she rocked her hips silently asking for more.

  He smiled and then licked her. One long, slow lick through her folds and up around her clit. She cried out and his body responded, his cock hardening further and begging for a turn. He did it again, harder this time and then drew her hard nub between his lips and sucked. Her hips rose off the bed and her fingers tugged at his hair. He released her and then blew a steady stream of warm air over her wet clit. Her thighs tightened around his head and she cried out again.


  He smiled as he opened his mouth over her. He loved how responsive she was. He loved everything about her. He slid a finger into her and felt the muscle clamp down around it. He added a second one and sucked her clit into his mouth again. She bucked against him and he used his other hand to keep her still. He slid his fingers in and out slowly as he continued to lap and suckle her. Her breathing became ragged and her head thrashed as her orgasm approached. He could feel the muscles tighten around his fingers and her clit swelled under his tongue. He lifted his head and used his thumb to worry the hard little nub as he bit down in her thigh. She cried out and her hips rose as her climax crashed over her, a keening cry leaving her mouth as he licked across her clit once more. She shook with the force of her orgasm and he slowly removed his fingers as the muscles grabbed at them.

  He reached for the bedside where he had stashed some condoms, but she stopped him. Their eyes connected and he held his breath.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since you,” she said. “I’m clean and on birth control. I want just you tonight.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone else either,” he said as he crawled over her and rested his elbows either side of her head. “I’m clean and you’re the only one I’ve wanted to be with since you came back into my life.”

  She smiled up at him and his heart cracked open. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman.

  “Make love to me Nate,” she whispered.

  He shifted his hips and slid into her as he leaned down to kiss her. He felt like he’d come home.


  6 months later

  Stevie looked out into the crowd, the lights blinding her. It wasn’t a stadium, but in some ways, it was better. The last six months had flown by and Court’n Jacks were just about to start their own headlining tour. They weren’t playing arenas like they had with Lily Ames, but the entertainment centers and concert halls were all booked out and they’d had to add extra dates to satisfy their fans. But that night wasn’t about the tour or the newly revived Court’n Jacks. It was about playing homage to where she had come from and the long road she had travelled to get to where she was now. That night, she and the band were playing the Red Boot.

  The little dive bar was packed and the audience had been enthusiastic. It brought back so many memories - both sweet and not so sweet. The Red Boot was where Jacks & Nash had gotten their first break and it was also the place where her dreams had come tumbling down. She’d thought it was the end back then, but it had only really ever been the beginning. As the saying goes, ‘it all works out in the end and if it hasn’t worked out yet, then it’s not the end.’ She wished she’d known then what she knew now, but nobody could go back in time.

  “Okay,” she called to the crowd, “we’ve got time fo
r one more song.”

  The crowd cheered and when they quieted, a single guitar began to play. Stevie looked around and saw Nate walking onto the stage. It wasn’t one of their songs, but a song by Train.

  She and Nate had spent as much time together as was possible with their demanding careers. Stevie had urged both Lily and Derek to ask Nate to fill in for Court’n Jacks to finish the summer tour. It had felt good to do something for him, to help him reclaim his career. Nadine had gone to rehab and was seeing a therapist to help her deal with the issues she had been struggling with. Court’n Jacks had gone back into the studio and had been writing and recording songs and doing small gigs and festivals. They’d been rebuilding the bond that had been damaged by getting too big too fast. And now they were at a point in their band life where they were heading out on their own tour.

  Stevie no longer lived with the Court siblings. She’d moved in with Nate into the little house he’d bought. Things hadn’t been without their problems, but they had made the commitment to each other to never walk away. They talked things out, yelled when they had to and made up with explosive sex. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for them.

  Stevie looked at Nate now as he plucked at the melody on his battered guitar. Then he started to sing and she recognized the song. Tears filled her eyes. She listened to his voice and the words he sang and she knew. They had always been meant for each other, it had just taken them a while to figure it out. She couldn’t imagine a life without him - didn’t want to imagine a life without him. She was his and he was hers.

  When he got to the chorus, she slipped her guitar off her shoulder and stepped up to him, kissing him and cutting off the song. The crowd cheered.

  “Yes,” she said.

  The song had been ‘Marry Me’ and he grinned at her as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little square box.

  “Marry me?” he asked as he flipped it open.

  “Yes,” she repeated and kissed him again.

  This concludes the story of Nate Nash and Stevie Jacks, but keep reading to get a preview of the next book in the series, ‘Strings,’ Nadine Court’s story.

  Click HERE to buy Strings

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  While writing Songbird was easier than writing Rock Star, it was by no means easy! These characters with their secrets! Nate was so closed mouth about the reasons behind his behaviour that it took a crow bar to pry them loose. And those Court siblings! OMG! Seriously, how am I supposed to write their stories if they don’t open up to me?

  In all seriousness, it wasn’t until I was writing Songbird that Nate and Stevie’s story finally began to fall into place. I know that ending Rock Star the way I did might make some readers unhappy, but it felt to me like these books needed to be separate. I would have done the story a disservice by lumping them together.

  The next books in the series should be a lot easier to write. Already Nadine is whispering in my ear and Vanessa is chomping at the bit for me to tell her secrets. Jace is still rather closed mouth about the whole thing and looks at me with narrowed eyes and suspicion when I even start to think about what is in store for him. I can’t wait to crack him open like a watermelon and find out what he’s hiding behind all that gruff exterior.

  Thanks again to Kathryn for her insightful advice and encouragement. Thanks for expecting more from both Nate and Stevie and not letting me get away with not telling the full story.

  Also Brooke. Thanks so much for your invaluable corrections and making my Aussie accent decidedly American. Yes, canker-sore is a real thing…

  Writing these books would not be possible without the support of my husband. He is my loudest cheerleader and all of my heroes have a little bit of him in them.

  Thank you to my readers. Without you I wouldn’t be able to spend so much time playing with my imaginary friends.


  Here is the continuation of the playlist I listed in Rock Star.

  So. Many. Songs.

  Somethin’ Bad - Miranda Lambert feat. Carrie Underwood

  Flesh and Blood - The Waifs

  I’m Comin’ Over - Chris Young

  Think of You - Chris Young feat. Cassadee Pope

  Goodbye - Chris Young

  Kiss You Good - Josh Abbott Band

  Born to Break Your Heart - Josh Abbott Band

  Ghosts - Josh abbott Band

  Amnesia - Josh Abbott Band

  Autumn - Josh Abbott Band

  Anonymity - Josh Abbott Band

  Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips

  Home - Phillip Phillips

  Love Story - Taylor Swift

  All About Lovin’ You - Bon Jovi

  Thank You for Loving Me - Bon Jovi

  Next 100 Years - Bon Jovi

  Just Older - Bon Jovi

  Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars - Bon Jovi

  I Got the Girl - Bon Jovi

  Keep The Faith - Bon Jovi

  Bed of Roses - Bon Jovi

  Dry County - Bon Jovi

  Everybody’s Broken - Bon Jovi

  Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks

  Hotel California - Eagles

  The Pretender - Foo Fighters

  Long Road to Ruin - Foo Fighters

  Zebra - The John Butler Trio

  Mean - Taylor Swift

  There were still more…many, many more.

  About the Author

  Emma Lea is a barista, artist, cook, mother and wife. She lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia with her wonderful husband. She has two beautiful, grown-up sons, a dog and a cat (both of which are female because, hey, we needed to balance all that testosterone!)

  She is a ferocious reader with eclectic tastes and has always wanted to write, but never had the opportunity due to one reason or another (excuses, really) until finally taking the bullet between her teeth in 2014 and just making herself do it.

  She loves to write stories with heart and a message and believes in strong female characters who do not necessarily have to be aggressive to show their strength.

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  A teaser from the next book…

  About Strings

  Nadine Court was a hot mess.

  After crashing and burning in spectacular fashion during her debut tour with her band Court’n Jacks, Nadine had gone to rehab to get her…ahem…stuff in order. Now she was ready to try again and hopefully, this time, they might actually finish the tour without her ending up in hospital and on the front page of every country music website in the world. Which was why it was a very, very, very bad idea to get involved with her therapist… former therapist.

  Gabe Rousso had thought he had contained his attraction to the feisty violinist. That was until that last session when an innocent kiss on the cheek had turned into something a whole lot hotter. He wasn’t technically her therapist anymore which was why he’d accepted her invitation to see her perform for the first time since her breakdown. He shouldn’t have gone… but he did and of course that had led to more compromising of his closely guarded ethics. She was a weakness he couldn’t afford and a temptation he couldn’t resist.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek…

  This is a standalone romance - no cliff-hanger!

  *This is a ‘To
o hot to Handle’ Romance on the Emma Lea rating scale - These are definitely 18+ reads and contain graphic sex scenes and high level swearing – not for the faint of heart

  Click HERE to buy Strings

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  Chapter One of Strings

  “Hey Doc,” Nadine said as she flounced into the room and made herself comfortable on the sofa.

  Her denim skirt was so short that as she crossed her legs, he was given a glimpse of the bright purple lace underwear she wore. Gabe cleared his throat and dragged his eyes away from the scene. She was going to be the death of him.

  He shifted in his seat, trying to hide the bulge in his slacks. “Good morning Nadine,” he said, thankful that his voice didn’t betray the effect she had on him. “You know you can just call me Gabe. I’m not your doctor, I’m your therapist.”

  Nadine rolled her eyes. “I know,” she said. “You’ve told me that every session for the last six weeks. I like calling you Doc. It’s hot.”

  He stopped himself from rolling his eyes in return. It was true; they had the same disagreement every time he saw her. She might think it was hot to call him Doc, but he didn’t. It just reminded him that she was off-limits - not that he didn’t already know that.


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