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Wifey: A BWWM Romance

Page 3

by Tyla Walker

  “What do you think will fit Daniella perfectly?” I ask the little man tiptoeing beside me.

  “Hmmm… something that is like Summer? Because mama is like Summer,” he tries to explain to the female teller.

  “Hmmm…” she hums in thought as she goes to the back.

  James looks up to me with those big eyes questioning what’s going on. I just shrug to him and carry him, so he doesn’t have to tiptoe all day.

  After a while, the teller returns with a variety of engagement rings. All are meant for summer types of women. There were at least a dozen, and I honestly can’t pick. Luckily, I have James with me.

  “That one.”

  James points at a ring that has a medium-sized orange mystic topaz as the main stone. The bronze tint on the ring holder complements the stone beautifully that it almost looks like the sunset.

  The finishing touches of the ring have a leaf-like design on it that adds to the Summer feel that James is probably looking for.

  After helping me pick out a ring for his Mama, James and I both picked up Daniella after she got off work. We all go to Chuck-E-Cheese. Then, James gives his mama the ‘engagement ring.’ I’m a bit nervous as I watch him hand it to her.

  Dani has this tender look in her eyes when her five-year-old son puts the ring to her ring finger, just the way I taught him earlier. She looks like she’s about to cry, but she fans her eyes like she’s ordering her tears to go back.

  “But why is my baby boy putting the ring?” she asks James with a nice motherly smile.

  “So you can marry us,” he says enthusiastically to his mom.

  She says she loves it, then she looks to me and mouths a thank you.

  She looks at it as if for a second, she’s thinking about what it really means.

  Here’s the thing- I really like Daniella. This whole marriage may have been because she learned about her dad’s plot to have Larry marry her and take over the company, but I don’t mind at all. I’m not the romantic anyway, and Daniella is the best person I know. She’s like Beyonce Knowles, and Michelle Obama fused in this sexy, sweet temptation that God made to be my best friend.

  But what if there are more to best friends and childhood pals that God HIMSELF made sure we met as kids and grow up super close? She wasn’t always this embodiment of what dark chocolate looks like if it becomes a human being. Back then, I always teased her about her looks. But then she started having boobs, and I started puberty.

  James calls me, waking me up from my musings. He asks me to watch him as he slides down. I smile and watch, then I tell him that it’s so cool.

  Now, where am I? Right. I continue thinking about Dani. If she wants us to get married, I am pretty sure I’ll be happy with that. We have been friends forever, through thick and thin. I love James like my son too.

  I remember being there when Dani had her son. I was there when that asshole left her after knocking her up. I’m the guy who helped Daniella when she was pregnant, and after she gave birth to that beautiful baby boy.

  I know Dani and I are best friends and that James is like a son to me. But I also believe that I AM the best guy to marry her.

  Do I love her? Sure. Maybe. Let’s not go into details. What I know is that I’ve practically been doing the husband and father’s job. Without the sex in the equation, but that’s... okay, that’s very important. I want to do it with Dani. She’s a fucking goddess, okay? You’ll understand when you meet her. Trust me on this.

  Lost in my monologue, I feel James hugging my leg, and he continuously bugs me. The little man loves me too, and Dani LIKES me at least. She won’t let me be this close if she doesn’t at least like me.

  He and I go off to play games and ride the rides, although I continue to watch Dani. She continues to look at the ring, as though she’s seriously thinking about marriage.



  The morning greets me with a beautiful sunrise, the rays of the sun glittering to the ring Craig, and James got me yesterday. I actually slept last night with the ring on. I was looking at it all day yesterday, and I have A LOT in my mind because of it.

  I wake up to brew myself a cup of coffee. I’m wearing an orange-colored silk nightgown that drops down all the way to my knees. The texture feels nice to my body, so I like wearing this as nightwear, and it proves to help with my sleep as well.

  While waiting for my morning coffee, I turn outside to continue gazing at the sun as it rises. The kitchen faces the sun to the east, so the sun rays pouring in through the glass sliding doors while I feel its warmth slowly touch my skin like a hot kiss, comforting me.

  It’s a pretty silly thought, but I start to wonder how it will feel to wake up in the morning with Craig. He’s been there all my life as well as James’ that I forget we don’t live in the same house.

  The scent of my Robust Coffee Beans soaking in hot water from the coffee maker surrounds the kitchen air. I love starting my day with this routine since it helps me think better while my little boy is still fast asleep.

  I have read in an article before that looking at the sky for 25 seconds will help relax your eyes. At the same time, having a healthy start of the day will make the rest of your day an enjoyable one.

  So eat an amazing breakfast, everyone! That’s how I’ll probably tell my followers if I ever make it as an influencer. My topics will be how to live a healthy life, then a special segment, How to Get Away from Your Father Marrying You To His Favorite Employee.

  After my fabulous morning routine, I get to work that beautiful Monday morning. When I get to my classroom, I have some flowers waiting for me.

  How sweet of Craig, doing all this to make our marriage less suspicious. I think of my best friend, believing that the flowers are from Craig. But I’m disappointed.

  I frown at the name on the card instead. They are from Larry, father’s number one employee. There is even a stupid cheesy poem on the card.

  “I have admired you from afar, and it’s time I rose the bar. You are sweet and smart, and it’s time for our relationship to start,” I read it out loud, and it sounds so awful. I crumple the damn thing and throw it away in the bin.

  Later that day, I dig into my trash, thinking that I should at least show it to Craig before burning it or something. I’m also so close to turning the flowers into fertilizer, but I stop myself; it won’t be fair to the flowers.

  Not their fault that mister creepy employee of the year bought them. They just happen to be the flowers he believes I like. My fingers brush on the leaves, rubbing them against my fingers in deep thought.

  It distracted me all day, trying to figure out how to call my father and Larry off. I can’t let Dad know that I know he’s behind Larry’s movements, because that will give Caroline away.

  I call Caroline after school that day. She goes outside for a “break” and says that my father doesn’t believe that Craig and I are serious. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???

  He STILL wants Larry to marry me and take care of me. Just why would dad think that this is better for me? That GOD FUCKING LARRY is better for me? Oh, that’s right. HE DOESN’T THINK ABOUT ME AT ALL.

  Lucky for my students, they have already left before I start having my devil face on like I’m this cartoon villain from one of James’ favorite TV shows. I feel my brow furrow as I talk to Caroline over the phone some more.

  “You know, girl, the only way to get your father to call Larry off is to convince him that you don’t need Larry,” she says as a matter-of-fact kind of way. “Otherwise, Larry is going to do everything your father said to do. Think of him as this henchman, and that your father is this evil dark lord or something.”

  “Another reason why I won’t marry him. Even if I ever like him.” I roll my eyes.

  “I don’t blame you. I suggest talking to Larry, returning his flowers, and telling him that you aren’t interested.”

  I look at the crumpled letter on my desk beside the healthy flowers. I don’t reply for a while, and Carolin
e clears her throat to catch my attention.

  “Hello? Earth to Dani???”

  “Oh, yeah...that sounds like it should work,” I reply to her, sighing.

  “Tell me you didn’t throw the letter and flowers yet?”

  “I didn’t, well...I almost did. Crumpled the letter, though.”

  “Crumpled is okay, just don’t get rid of the evidence.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I reply to her.

  I really thought that was a piece of sound advice. However, Larry isn’t at work right then. Caroline and I chat a little longer about other things this time. Things that will help me not storm into my father’s company and wreaking havoc.

  “So, I heard Craig got you a ring,” she sounds amused over at the phone, I can imagine her grinning from ear to ear.

  “He did, well, James did.”


  I see Nicole peek in the classroom; I give her a smile and a short wave just to tell her I’m fine. So she smiles back and mouths a see you later before disappearing once more.

  I get back to my phone call with Caroline, “Yes, James puts the rings on me. Isn’t it cute?”

  “I bet Craig was behind it, though,” she chuckles suggestively.

  “Yes, I bet he did.”

  It’s a good thing I’m alone during this conversation because I see my reflection in the mirror as Caroline mentions his name. Damn, I have this weird look on my face.

  People might think I’ve become one of the crazies.



  There’s a good morning, and there’s a rather unusual way of starting a day. Mine, on the other hand, is neither of the two. Because I get an anonymous call. Yes, a phone call from probably the last person I want to get a one from. Larry.

  I get a call from Larry. It’s out of the blue, like someone scripted it. The skies will open to send the army of the Lord, and we get these weird CGI shit of an army of fucking angels descending from above. It’ll be epic. But not this one. Because this isn’t a movie.

  “Sorry, did you say Larry?” I ask again, hoping I misheard it when he says his name.

  “Yes, It’s Larry from…” he tells me who he is, not forgetting to mention that he’s a fucking teacher’s pet–wait, what do you even call it when you’re already a working adult? Suck-up?

  “Oh, Larry. Sorry, I just don’t expect you to be calling me at all because there is no way I gave you my number. Speaking off, how did you get my number?”

  “It’s not important.”

  “Isn’t it, though? Because I’m pretty sure that’s just 'hella creepy, Dude. Are you stalking me?”

  “I am not stalking you,” he sounds irritated. Great, let’s tease him more because he’s ruining my day just by ME hearing HIS goddamn voice.

  “Sure you’re not, but getting my number from who knows where? Sounds suspicious,” I gasp. “Do you LIKE me? I’m sorry, Larry. But I don’t swing that way. Even if I do, you’re just not my type. Also, I’m engaged. Tough luck.”

  I can practically hear him fuming over at the phone. Fucking hilarious. So I continue to tease him about how he probably got my number, using all my pop references to form all kinds of comical remarks because who doesn’t like them?

  I feel like Deadpool right now with the way I just bombard Larry with a quip come back each time he tells me that how he got my number is not important in different kinds of way of saying.

  Finally, I take him seriously, sort of. “Okay fine, since you’re my first stalker, I’ll hear you out.”

  I’m actually just about to finish my early break, so this call has to end soon.

  “Meet me at the local diner, don’t ask why and just go there. I’ll be waiting.”

  Yeah, what a creep. He makes me want to protect Dani from him even more. I want to continue teasing him a bit more, but I just tell him sure in the most unenthusiastic way I can.

  Once the weird call is over, I go right back to work, feeling this sickening feeling for my stalker; he’s not really my stalker, but I’ll call him stalker just for fun.

  After an hour, we meet at the local diner. My dearly beloved stalker doesn’t even greet me as fucking Larry just gives me this check for a hundred thousand dollars. He tells me that the money is all mine if I will break my engagement off.

  “Wow!” I look at the check he gives me in disbelief.

  “I’m pretty sure this is enough,” he says with such pride that I almost want to punch the sucker.

  “Just. Wow. Larry.” I look at him. “I don’t think you like me THIS much.”

  “THIS ISN’T–” he almost flips the fucking table, classic. “This isn’t about you, and you know it. I am going to be the one to marry Daniella, and that’s just how it is.”

  Is it really, though? Because you’re fucking showing me the reasons you SHOULDN’T be with Dani, in a normal situation, and in a marriage situation, I tell him in my head. I imagine how I have this gun in his throat while I’m saying it.

  I tap my fingers on the check as if I was thinking about it. But what I’m really thinking about is making Larry eat this check, and then I’ll tell him to choke on it.

  Motherfucking, Larry, I curse him in my head.

  I am not usually like this, a violent man, in real life or inside my head. I actually see myself as a peace-loving nerd who loves to solve things with a peaceful or in a sarcastic way; either way, it’s not normal how I imagine different ways of harming a person in a span of one conversation.

  “Sorry, Narry.”

  “Larry.” He grits his teeth.

  “ClarY, whatever.” I lean in and move the check to his side of the table. “But, as I said, I am not interested in you.”


  “Still, it’s just out of the question, Sally,” I tell him.


  “I’m in love with Dani. I am MARRYING her, and there is no space for your fat check, not a single fucking space at our wedding, our life, and anywhere else. So, do us all a favor and take this back to wherever you got it from,” I stonily say. This is freaking bullshit.

  Then you can happily shove it all the way up in your hairy ass until it’s really deep that even a doctor can’t surgically get it out. I make sure he sees the anger seething in my blue eyes, like it’s going to erupt in blue flames.

  Larry says that all I say is a bunch of crap. He says he can take better care of Dani and James than I can.

  HA HA HA, can you though? I sigh, making sure he knows I’m mocking him.

  “You don’t even know Dani AND James. As her best friend and soon-to-be-husband, I know the men she goes out with, talked with, or friends with. And I’m pretty sure you, of all people, isn’t one of those friends.”

  The two of us glare at each other. I can tell the people in the room can feel the hatred we clearly have for one another.

  “So how do you plan on taking BETTER care of them, hm?”

  Larry doesn’t answer but tells me to walk away. “It’s in your best interest.”

  He gets up and walks away, leaving the check behind.



  Craig calls me, and he sounds agitated. He rarely sounds this mad about anything. The last time I heard him like this is when that fantasy show he watches does something he hates with the character he loves; I think they killed the character with the love interest stabbing her.

  He asks if he can come over. I agreed. Then he comes over after thirty minutes.

  He tells me about Larry’s offer most colorfully and animatedly as he can. He’s angry. I also try my very best not to chuckle, laugh, snicker, or even snort since it’s funny watching him tell his story; he’s such a nerd.

  “So I was doing this thing where I pretend not to call his real name on purpose,” he says, flailing his hands about. “And then he has the guts to say it’s for my fucking best interest? Fuck him!”

  It’s a good thing James is watching something in his room, and I ma
ke sure the volume is loud enough that he won’t hear this conversation. Even so, I remind Craig to keep his voice down.

  “Sorry. God. You should have seen that stupid face he makes like he knows everything, and that I’m just shit compared to his high and mighty self.” Craig is really trying his best for me, it’s sweet.

  I know he’s only this mad because the guy is the person my dad wants me to marry instead of him. Craig doesn’t hate father at all, but it doesn’t mean he can’t get mad at him for thinking that Larry is THE guy I should marry.

  “I’m not sure what your father sees in him. Honestly. All I see is him marrying his company to the creep, and he’s just using you! No offense to your father, but that’s a really horrible thing to do for your daughter. I know for a fact that I’ll never do that to James. Who does that? Here I thought these things are just what makes a soap opera. Fuck. I’m just rambling now.”

  I give him a refill of the lemonade I made with James. Craig thanks me and drinks the cold drink.

  “Sorry about dad. Hell, even I’m mad. So I understand, and I don’t blame you.” I smile at him. “Go ramble on. I’m all ears.

  Craig looks at me. I can tell from the years that we have been best friends that he’s more worried than mad.

  “No, I’m sorry. This is harder for you than it is for me. If Larry goes to you, tell me. So I’ll have an excuse to hurt him.”

  I chuckle, and I see his smile deepens with a tinge of happiness finally showing in those sapphire colored eyes. Craig is really sweet, and I sound like a broken record saying that a lot lately in my head. But the fact that he agrees to do this really tickles my heart, and I just really appreciate him doing this.

  What about him, though? Won’t he have trouble being dragged into all this? Craig really does take care of James and me. I don’t even think of how this will affect him.

  “Hey, Craig?”


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