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COWBOY_His ranch. His rules. His secrets.

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Heavens no. Why would any horse leave this incredible grass? It's like a candy store, and he'd never leave me. If I started walking back through the woods he'd follow."


  "Would you like to see?"

  "Yeah, actually, I would."

  As she let out a whistle and began walking slowly away, Winston picked up his head and moved briskly towards her.

  "I can't believe my eyes," Keith muttered. "That's incredible."

  "I've changed my mind, big fella," she said, patting Winston on the neck as he stopped at her side. "Were going to stick around a while."

  "Okay, Carly, I'm convinced."

  "If you took that saddle and bridle off Pinocchio he'd stay here too."

  "How can you know that?"

  "He won't walk away from this incredible grass, or leave Winston."

  "They might fight."

  "Winston won't fight, and I've watched Pinocchio at the fence line. He's not aggressive, and did you see any issues between them when we were walking together?"

  "No, but this goes against everything I've learned."

  "If you're uncomfortable tie him up."

  Keith studied Winston peacefully grazing, then looked at Pinocchio. His horse had never given him any trouble. Though still not convinced but hoping Carly was right, he began unbuckling the girth.

  "Andy will have my hide if he hears about this. You're absolutely sure he won't wander off."

  "Would you leave a dining table in a high-end restaurant with a perfectly cooked steak in front of you?"

  "Okay, here goes nothin'. I can't believe I'm doin' this."

  Leaning the saddle against a tree trunk, Keith slipped off the bridle. The horse licked his lips, looked around, and casually moving away, he dropped his head to graze.

  "You see?" Carly grinned. "No problem."

  "My poor heart is hammerin'."

  "Take a deep breath. It's fine."

  "Yeah," he murmured, walking over to her. "This is about as fine as it gets. The horses are naked. How about we join them?"

  He was suddenly sliding off her jacket, and dropping it to the ground, he lifted her T-shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra. As he tossed it aside Carly began unbuttoning his shirt, but before she could finish stripping it away he had swept her up and was laying her down. Kneeling over her, he hastily pulled it off, then put his lips to her ear.

  "Ever made love outside?"

  "No, and I feel so naked."

  "You'll feel even more naked in a minute."

  He continued undressing her, then standing up he gazed down at the gorgeous sight as he removed the rest of his clothes. The sun was bathing her in its warm bright light, and her nipples were puckering from the air's soft touch. Wanting to capture the vision and lock it in his memory, he traveled his eyes across her body taking in every detail.

  Carly watched him for a moment then closed her eyes. The cool breeze was tickling her skin, the smell of grass and pine wafted around her, and she felt amazingly, gloriously free. She felt him kneel beside her, and as his fingertips feathered the inside of her thighs, his mouth pressed against her lips. A moment later his fingers slipped into her sex, and though there was nothing demanding in his attention he was sweeping her away.

  Unlike their urgent coupling in the shower, Keith was taking his time. The intimate moment in the woods had left him feeling deeply connected to her, and he wanted to make love to her slowly. She was moaning softly, reacting to the slightest touch, and he used her utterances of pleasure to guide him in his journey. Moving his mouth from her lips to her cherry tips, he drew them in and gently sucked. His fingers had found her wet and ready, but he didn't thrust them inside her hungry channel, focusing instead on her clit. He twirled and agitated as he continued to nibble her nipples, continuing until she was lifting her pelvis and gasping her plea for more.

  "I want you," she bleated. "I want you even more than I did this morning."

  "Please tell me you're on birth control."

  "I am, and I'm safe, I swear."

  "Me too," he murmured, and kneeling between her legs he pulled her into his pelvis, rested his cock at her entrance, then slowly snaked inside.

  Grabbing her waist he pumped slowly, but with forceful thrusts, then lowering himself down, staying buried inside her, he rested his weight on her body.

  "Keith, you feel—"

  Her words were cut off by his lips, and as his tongue explored her mouth she began wriggling urgently beneath him.

  "No, no, babe," he purred, moving his mouth to her ear. "I'm in no hurry."

  To her great dismay she felt him pull out, but as he kissed his way down her body her disappointment transformed into joy. Diving his head between her legs his tongue frolicked against her clit, bringing her to the edge then backing off until she was pleading for her release.

  "Are you ready for my cock?" he growled, flipping her over.

  "Yes, yes, please, Sir."

  Grasping her hips and pulling them up he plunged inside her, and pumping with quick strong strokes he could feel her nearing her climax, but he slowed, closing his eyes to relish the feel of her tight, pulsing pussy.

  "Please, please, I can't stand it!"

  Gazing down at her perfect backside he landed several sharp slaps, but the sting fueled her burning hunger and she squirmed against him. Gently pushing her on to her stomach, he laid on her body, moved his legs outside hers and pushed them together. He felt deliciously clamped, and as he began to thrust the sensations sent the blood rushing to his loins. Grabbing her wrists he stretched her arms above her head and held them down.

  "Now I'm going to fuck you really hard."

  On the edge for so long, Carly thought she'd explode from his wicked whispered promise, and when his cock began slamming into her, she knew there would be no stopping the eruption. Not this time. Not if he paused, or even if he pulled out. His pelvis was grazing her bottom with every stroke, she was pinned by the weight of his body and his hands gripping her wrists. She was his, he was possessing her, and as the massive orgasmic balloon reached its bursting point, she squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath.

  The explosion rippled through her limbs, she was seeing stars, and wave after wave of dazzling sensations washed through her body. The violent paroxysms of pleasure were unceasing, his lips were kissing her neck, he was speaking soft words in her ear, and every time she thought the spasms were waning, his cock continued to badger her pussy, sending her back into euphoria.

  Then suddenly it stopped.

  He was rolling off her and she was gently held in his powerful arms. The world was still. She was at peace, and deliriously happy.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A cool breeze whistled around them. Carly snuggled closer seeking warmth. Stirring from his doze and opening his eyes Keith saw a slate grey ceiling had chased away the white cotton clouds. It was late in the day and the weather was changing. His eyes scanned the meadow for the horses. They were side-by-side gnawing each other's withers, joyous in their mutual massage.

  "What time is it?" Carly asked, yawning as she shivered in his arms. "Man, I feel totally wiped out, and cold, really cold."

  "Because it is cold," he replied, reaching for her T-shirt and jacket. "Here, put these on. We need to leave. I think some rain is comin' in. This time of year the weather is unpredictable."

  They finished dressing, but as Carly turned to whistle at Winston, Keith grabbed her hand.

  "Hey, come here," he said softly, wrapping her up. "I'm not much good at, uh, talkin' about how I feel, but you're real special to me."

  "I feel the same, and I'll never forget today, not ever."

  Her voice had been a tremulous whisper, and leaning in he softly drifted his lips over hers, then brought her back into his arms for a long, tight hug.

  "Neither will I, and I'm gonna hold you all night."

  "Yes, please."

  They started across the paddock, and when she whistled and Winston beg
an walking towards her, Pinocchio stayed with him.

  "If that isn't the damnedest thing," he said, shaking his head. "I thought Andy was a horse-whisperer, but you've got him beat."

  "I wouldn't say that, I've watched him and he's incredible. I think we're on the same page, but your horses are worth a ton of money so he's cautious. He has to be."

  "You think?"

  "Yeah, sure," she said as she looped the halter over Winston's head. "He doesn't want to take risks no matter how small, and in his position that's the smart thing to do."

  "I've known Andy a long time, and you're right, he's a smart guy."

  Leading Winston to a nearby tree trunk, she used it as a mounting block and jumped on his back, then waited as Keith tacked up Pinocchio. Placing his foot in the stirrup, he swung himself into the saddle, and they started into the trees.

  "Keith, Elsie was right."

  "What about?"

  "I am starting to feel a bit funny, and it's not because of what we just did."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Very sure. It's as if someone has knocked the wind out of me. It doesn't make any sense, not when I've just woken up from a nap."

  "When we get back to the barn I want you take the golf cart up to the house."

  "Maybe you're right."

  "Are you okay to ride back?"

  "Uh-huh. It's not that far and this isn't riding, I'm just sitting up here."

  He could see her face was pale, and he chided himself for making love to her. She'd just seemed so normal.

  "Keith, it wasn't that," she said as if reading his mind, "and even if it was I'd do it all over again."

  The remainder of the ride was quiet, and finally reaching the barn they climbed off their horses and led them inside. Both Andy and Salvo were there, and as Carly took Winston to his stall and slipped off his halter, Andy could see she wasn't well.

  "Give me Pinocchio," Andy said, taking the reins from Keith. "You need to get her home and in bed, she's not lookin' good. I'm gonna call Sandy and see if she can come in tomorrow. It'll take the pressure off."

  "That's a great idea. Thanks, Andy. I'll see you at dinner."

  "One thing," Salvo said. "I got the branch out of the pickup, but when I saw those dark clouds rolling in I covered it with a tarp. I know it's a wreck but it's still a classic. Anyway, here's the stuff from the glove box."

  "Thanks, Salvo," Keith said, taking the plastic bag, "and good call about the tarp."

  Carly was leaning up against Winston's stall door, and approaching her Keith could see she was fading fast.

  "Let's get up to the house. You need a lie down."

  "Yes, please. I feel like I'm going to pass out."

  With an arm around her shoulder he walked her out to the golf cart, and as they started up the gentle slope, Salvo stood at the barn door and watched for a moment, then moved back to join Andy.

  "I don't mean to speak out of turn," he said hesitantly, "but, uh, are they a couple now?"

  "Why do you ask?"

  "Because if they're not they should be."

  "Yeah, they are," And said with a grin, "and Keith was fixin' to tell you."

  "It's none of my business but I'm glad. They look right together."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The moment Carly walked in the door she climbed into bed and fell fast asleep, and over dinner Elsie suggested she was suffering from delayed shock.

  "I didn't want her going out," she declared, "but that is one stubborn girl."

  In spite of the circumstances, Elsie's comment sent visions of Carly naked and shackled swirling through Keith's head, and when he disappeared into his office to catch up on his work for Boyd Holdings, he visited his favorite BDSM website and placed an order. He used Andy's credit card to buy items online incognito, and Andy was happy to oblige. Keith had made it possible for him to leave the chaos of the large show barn in Houston to head up his own operation. He was a brilliant horseman but he didn't have a head for business, that was Keith's forte, and the close friends had forged the perfect partnership.

  The hours ticked by, and finally shutting down his computer and locking away the books, Keith meandered down the hall to his bedroom. Staring down at Carly asleep in his bed he felt his heart swell, and stripping off he slipped between the sheets. Snuggling next to her warm body, he closed his eyes and breathed her in. Losing his heart to her was both thrilling and worrisome, but he would focus only on the joy of it. He'd worried about too much for too long. As his eyelids grew heavy she stirred next to him, and laying a protective arm over her body, he let his fatigue sweep him away. An angel was watching over them. Everything would work out just as it should.


  Early the following morning Keith was woken by the wonderfully salacious sensation of Carly's fingers around his very stiff member. He was on his back and she was lying against him with her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  "Whatta ya doin'?" he grunted groggily. "Why aren't you sleepin'?"

  "I think you know what I'm doing, and if your bedside clock is right I've already slept a ridiculous number of hours."

  "Because you needed to."

  "Apparently, but now I need this."

  Pushing back the covers she rose up over him, held his member against her portal, and slowly lowering herself down she began to rock. She had closed her eyes, and gazing up at her full breasts topped by their pink puckered nipples, and her dark hair spilling around her creamy shoulders, the word Goddess sprang to mind. She looked breathtakingly beautiful, and gripping her waist he held her still and sent his cock upward with a powerful thrust. Throwing back her head she let out a cry of joyous surprise, and each time he drove his manhood home he was rewarded with a gasp of elation.

  "Please lay me down and fuck me?" she suddenly mewled. "I want to be taken, totally taken."

  Staying buried in her succulent depths he maneuvered her on to her back, and wishing he had all day and a bag full of wicked toys, he locked his fingers through hers, held her down and fixed her gaze.

  "Are you sure you're okay? I don't want a repeat of yesterday afternoon."

  "I feel great. Better than great."

  "Ready to be ridden?"

  "So ready."

  "Gallopin' all the way? I'm not gonna draw this out."

  "God yes, if it pleases you, Sir."

  "Good answer."

  Pumping with quick forceful strokes, he didn't stop until they were both at the brink, then slowed, and enjoying her gyrations of protest he leaned down and gently gnawed on her nipples until she settled.

  "You ready for more?"

  "Yes, yes, please let me come this time?"

  "You gonna be a good girl?"

  "So good."

  He resumed by teasing her with easy strokes, occasionally pausing to devour her breasts, then thrusting hard he abruptly backed off.

  "I thought you said you weren't going to draw this out," she groaned. "What do you call this? Please let me come."

  "It's you, babe. I start and never want it to stop, but now…"

  Vigorously driving his cock inside her, he continued until her eyes squeezed shut and her nails were digging into the backs of his hands, and when she sucked in a deep breath he knew she was on the edge.

  "I'm counting to five," he growled. "You come on five and not a second sooner."

  Her response was a strange bleating sound, and as he began to count, each number coinciding with his inward stroke, he could feel his own climax looming.


  Letting out a euphoric wail she writhed underneath him, but with his climax still building he continued plunging into her. His eruption was abrupt and violent, and he could hear his deep groans uniting with her waning wails. Moments later, flaccid and spent, he collapsed next to her and rolled on to his back.

  "I'm not sure we should have done that," he panted. "You're still—"

  "I'm still nothing, I told you I feel great," she protested breathlessly, and re
aching for the covers she pulled them up and nestled against him. "You worry too much."

  "It's my job," he mumbled, closing his eyes as he put his arm around her shoulders.

  He felt at peace. Carly made him laugh, she felt right in his arms, and he loved waking up beside her. In spite of Andy's cautionary words and Elsie's warning he knew it wouldn't be long before he told the sexy beauty next to him who he was and the saga that was his life.

  "You have to promise me to take it easy today," he said softly. "We don't want any relapses."

  "I feel one-hundred percent normal and I need to ride."

  "You don't have to. Andy has arranged for Sandy to pinch hit, or rather, pinch ride, so you're off the hook for today."

  "I didn't say I want to ride, I said I need to ride. I'll go crazy sitting around doing nothing, and it's catch ride by the way, not pinch ride."

  "You thought you were okay yesterday and look what happened."

  "Yesterday was yesterday. I slept for ages. All I need now is a good breakfast. I'm fine, look at me," she exclaimed, abruptly sitting up. "Do I look like I'm about to pass out?"

  "Damn, you're stubborn."

  "Only when I'm right."

  "Only when you're right?" he chuckled, grabbing her and pulling her back into his arms. "I'm gonna steal that line. You may be fine now, but you may not be fine in an hour, or two hours, or later today. That's the point."

  "Talk about me being stubborn," she said brusquely. "I've got nothing on you."

  "Don't be takin' that tone with me, young lady. Someone's gotta watch out for you, and in case you haven't figured it out, that someone is me."

  "How about this? I'll only ride two horses and Sandy can take the others."


  "I promise if I feel wobbly after the first one I'll give up the second. That's reasonable, isn't it?"

  "We'll go down to breakfast, let Elsie check you out, and if she says okay, then okay, but only if you promise to keep your promise."


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