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Hittin' It Out the Park

Page 13

by Allison Hobbs

  Cheryl crossed her arms, and waited. She breathed a sigh of relief when Randy immediately faced Sexy and without hesitation, grimly stated: “I love my wife and I have no intention of leaving her for you or anyone else. What happened tonight was crazy, should never have happened, and will never happen again.” He then turned back to Cheryl and put his arm around her waist. “Baby, let’s go home so I can get some of your good loving.”

  Cheryl smiled at Sexy, then put her arms around Randy and gave him a big kiss. She then winked at Sexy as she linked arms with her husband and walked toward Randy’s Maybach. Though she was smiling, Cheryl was still seething inside. If Randy thinks everything’s going to be all lovey-dovey when we get home, boy, is he in for a fucking surprise. I’m going to—

  “Goodnight, Randy. Give me a call tomorrow and let me know when you want to get together again,” Sexy called out in a singsong voice.

  Cheryl wanted so much to turn around and charge the girl, but instead she kept telling herself, Remember, Cheryl, prison orange is not your color. Prison orange is not your color—


  “What were you thinking?” Yusef glowered at Sexy, swiping at his nose and stalking toward her in an aggressive manner.

  But Sexy didn’t cower. She looked him in the eyes and stated simply, “How many times do I have to tell you, I had too much to drink.”

  “Having too much to drink shouldn’t make you come out of character and act like a slut unless that’s what you are.” Frustrated and angry, Yusef ran a hand down the side of his face. “Didn’t it dawn on you that I’d find out that you got the hots for my boy and that you gave him a lap dance . . . in public?” Yusef shook his head. “What were you thinking? Did you even care about how I’d feel?”

  “Look, I don’t have any answers for you. How can I defend my actions if I was fuckin’ drunk?” Sexy said in a shrill voice. “I refuse to be interrogated for hours, so . . .” She sighed in exasperation and then gazed at him challengingly. “If you want to break up, all you have to do is say so, and I’ll pack my shit and leave.”

  Yusef gawked at her. “Breaking up is not an option. I’ve been bragging to the boys about how great our sex life is and now my teammates are looking at me crazy—like I can’t control my woman. I have to prove them wrong. Now, this is the plan. We’re gonna go look at rings, pick out something, and announce that we’re officially engaged and planning a wedding.”

  She shot an icy look at him. “I’m not ready for marriage.”

  “Why not? Are you in love with Randy?” he asked disdainfully.

  “No, I’m not in love with Randy, but I’m also not willing to get married merely to salvage your public image and to soothe your bruised ego. That’s fake and hypocritical. I grew up with fake-ass parents and I’m not following in their footsteps.”

  “Ever since word got out about you throwing the pussy at Randy, I’ve become the laughingstock in the locker room—do you realize that?”

  An idea popped into Sexy’s mind and a glint appeared in her eyes.

  “What’s that look for?” he asked suspiciously.

  Flirtatiously, she slid the thin strap of her top over her shoulder. “How about we make a sex tape for you to share with the boys? Let them see the steamy love we make.” She unsnapped the front of her short skirt. “When they see the way I put it on you—the way I suck your dick three and four times a day, they’ll be patting you on the back instead of throwing slurs.”

  “A sex tape? I don’t know about that. I have to worry about my image. I could lose some big endorsement deals that my agent is working on if—”

  “I want to make a sex tape, and you’re worrying about your stupid image.” She shook her head. “I had no idea you were such a pussy.” Sexy gave Yusef a look of loathing as she pulled her strap up and readjusted her skirt.

  “Babe, it’s not like that.” He reached for her hand. “We’re talking about my future. I’d be a fool to allow myself to get caught on tape.”

  “I’ll be sleeping on the pullout bed in the other room,” she informed Yusef and closed the door that separated the bedroom and living area.

  * * *

  Hearing Yusef pacing around the bedroom gave Sexy wicked pleasure. She knew that having to sleep alone made him miserable, but she had no pity for him; it was exactly what he deserved for turning down her offer.

  Eating Garrett’s popcorn from a tin container and drinking white wine, she stretched out on the pullout bed and watched Catfish on MTV, and at some point, she drifted off to sleep.

  In the midst of a steamy dream about Randy, warm, wet heat enveloped her as Randy ran large, callous-roughened hands all over her shoulders and back while his velvet tongue licked a damp trail around her tightened nipple. Fingers tugged gently on her other nipple, and then squeezed hard, almost to the point of pain. Sexy inhaled sharply as pleasure spiked through her. Her body thrummed with anticipation and she grew instantly wet. Yearning for him to go lower—to place his skilled mouth on her heated center, she arched upward, moaning as she widened her legs, inviting him to lick inside her creamy center.

  His mouth grew more urgent, sucking greedily, biting at the tips of her nipples until they were aching and swollen.

  “My body is yours,” she murmured as she writhed with yearning.

  “Do you forgive me for acting like a jerk, baby?”

  At the sound of Yusef’s voice, Sexy’s eyes popped open in disappointment and alarm. How dare Yusef crawl into bed and trick her into thinking Randy was making love to her. Her first instinct was to bat his hands away and kick him out of the sofa bed, but when he lowered his head and his tongue began stroking down her belly, stopping short of her mound, she began slowly gyrating. Teasingly, his fingers played in the curly hair at the juncture between her thighs. His playfulness was torture, causing her sensitive bud to ache with need.

  “Suck it for me,” she pleaded as she squirmed and pressed her hips upward.

  But Yusef continued teasing her, caressing her inner thighs with a feathery touch that gave Sexy shivers of pleasure, but also gave her a tremendous amount of frustration.

  Allowing her legs to fall wide open, Sexy’s tone went from pleading to sounding pissed off. She propped herself up on an elbow. “It’s time for you to stop playing and eat this pussy, Yusef. If you’re gonna keep teasing me, then get the hell out of here and leave me alone.”

  Yusef looked confused and wounded. “I thought you liked it when I played with your pussy until it’s soaking wet.”

  She sat upright and stared at him. “We’re not even speaking to each other, so don’t be trying to get back on my good side by touching all over me. Fuck the foreplay; eat it!”

  Yusef complied, spreading Sexy’s pussy open and exposing her rose-colored clit. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he uttered. His satin soft tongue ran between her inner lips and then settled on her throbbing nub, licking and alternately sucking with hot, urgent lips. Tiny bursts of flames sparked through her body, inciting her to cry out and beg him to delve deeper—to assault her with his tongue.

  While Yusef vigorously thrust his tongue in and out of her wetness, Sexy reached for his dick, stroking it and telling him how hard she wanted him to fuck her and how deeply she wanted to be filled with his cum.

  Unable to endure another second of her dirty talk, Yusef bit down gently on her clit, bringing Sexy to a shuddering climax. She shrieked as her orgasm tore through her, and while in the midst of riding wave after wave of pleasure, Yusef straddled her and inserted his thickness inside her clenching pussy.

  “Is Randy’s dick bigger than mine?” Yusef asked in a gruff voice.

  “I didn’t fuck—”

  “Did you like the way his big dick split you in two?” he interrupted.

  Huh? What the fuck? Yusef was a bigger freak than Sexy had realized, but she instantly decided to go along with the sexual fantasy he was leading her into. “Randy’s big Alabama dick had me so sore I could barely walk when he finish
ed with me.”

  “Oh, baby, I know he loved getting his dick wet inside my pretty baby.” Yusef groaned in ecstasy as he drove himself in deeper, winding his hips and moaning. “Did you make him strap up?” he asked breathlessly.

  “There wasn’t any time for that.”

  Yusef’s body went still momentarily. “You let that nigga raw-dog the pussy that belongs to me?” he asked incredulously.

  “Uh-huh. He came hard and splashed a load of hot cum inside me.”

  “Oh, God,” Yusef responded, sounding blissfully tortured, as if he were caught between ecstasy and emotional anguish.

  “I bet Randy wants some more of your sweet pussy, doesn’t he?” Yusef quickened his stroke, his breathing choppy as he grew close to climaxing.

  “You know it,” she bragged.

  “Are you gonna give it to him?” Yusef sounded like a tortured soul.

  “Randy Alston can get all the pussy he wants—anytime and anyplace.”

  “Argghhh.” Yusef exploded as lightning bolts of torturous pleasure shot through him. In a weakened state, he collapsed on top of Sexy. He rolled off her and lay flat on his back. “You have no idea how much I love you,” he murmured.

  I don’t know about love, but your dumb ass is thoroughly whipped, she thought as she watched his chest rise and fall.

  * * *

  “I got a new card, and it’s all yours. You can get whatever you want,” Yusef had said with a broad smile when he handed her the shiny card before he left for practice.

  Sexy was pleasantly surprised. Who knew that talking dirty—especially dirty talk that detailed getting it in with another man—would earn her a new credit card?

  After treating herself to a day at the spa where she had her fingernails and toenails embellished with Swarovski crystals, it was time to go back to the hotel and prepare to play wifey to Yusef. She checked the time on her phone and was surprised that the hours had flown by. Practice had ended several hours ago, and Yusef was no doubt, back at the hotel, pacing around the suite, anxious to get his dick sucked. Oh, well, he’d have to wait until after she indulged herself with a little retail therapy.

  With a fresh credit card in her purse, she could shop anywhere, but having recently developed an intense love affair with Prada, Sexy made a beeline for the upscale store. After selecting two pairs of pricey sunglasses, she traipsed over to the handbags and her heart skipped several beats as she ogled a pink tote with metal studs and stones. At $3,150 the bag cost more than any bag she owned, but she had to have it. Hopefully, Yusef wouldn’t complain about the price. After all, he did say that she could get anything she wanted, didn’t he?

  The shoe department was calling her name, and as she headed in that direction, she skidded to a sudden stop. Were her eyes deceiving her or was that Randy Alston browsing and looking terribly awkward as he checked out women’s scarves?

  That’s Randy, all right. And out of all the places he could be in New York City, he’s in here with me. If that’s not a sign that we’re meant to be together, then I don’t know what is. Her face alight with a bright smile, Sexy sashayed over to Randy.

  “Hello, stranger,” she greeted in a melodic tone.

  Randy did a double-take, stunned to find Sexy standing next to him. “What, uh, what the heck are you doing here?”

  “Shopping,” she said, twirling her hair.

  He backed up a little, putting a safe distance between him and Sexy, but she advanced toward him. “I owe you an apology for my conduct the other night at the club. That’s not how I usually act, but I had too much to drink, and sometimes liquor causes me to behave in an unladylike manner.” She sighed and shook her head regretfully. “I’m really sorry that I got you in trouble with your wife.”

  “Apology accepted,” he replied, nodding earnestly, and then walking away.

  “I wish there were something I could do to make up for my actions; I don’t think a mere apology is enough,” Sexy said, following him.

  “No, really. It’s okay.”

  “But I feel so bad for your wife. She didn’t deserve to be humiliated in that way. The last thing I wanted to do was to cause problems in your marriage. Maybe I should give Cheryl a call and tell her personally how very sorry I am.” Sexy gazed at Randy through eyes clouded with remorse. She sniffled and dabbed at the lone tear that trickled down her cheek.

  “Aw, don’t cry. It’s all right,” Randy assured her while giving her several pats on the shoulder. “Cheryl and I will be fine. We have a strong bond and whenever life throws a monkey wrench in our path, we step over it, and somehow we become stronger.”

  A monkey wrench in their path? Sexy had never heard that expression. Randy sure had a country-bumpkin way of expressing himself, but it was all good; a little bit of country talk wouldn’t dissuade her. She plastered on a smile and nudged her head back toward the scarves. “Are you looking for a gift for Cheryl? After all the trouble I caused, the least I can do is to help you pick out something awesome for her.”

  “Thanks. I’m out of my element in the women’s department, and I could use some help. Cheryl’s a model, you know, and she’s so classy, she only wears the latest fashion.” Randy paused a beat and then continued, “I should rephrase that. Cheryl used to be a model, but now she’s concentrating on starting our family.”

  “Is she pregnant?” Sexy asked, worriedly gnawing on her bottom lip.

  “Not yet, but we’re working on it.” Randy smiled broadly, like he was already a proud father. “It’s all I can think about.”

  Sexy gave a sigh of relief. Over my dead body will that haughty bitch bear your child. I’m gonna have to work fast to get Randy out of Cheryl’s tight clutches and into bed. Once I whip it on him, he won’t give a damn about that bitch on wheels whom he had the misfortune of marrying. My pussy is so good, he may be tempted to miss practice so he can lay up in bed with me.

  “If you want to get back in Cheryl’s good graces, you should forget about these corny scarves and get her a new bag. I saw one that cost a small fortune, but it was the exquisite sort of accessory that someone like Cheryl would carry. You know, if you’re willing to spend that kind of dough.”

  “Money’s not a problem, and nothing’s too expensive for my baby. Show me the purse.”

  Sexy led the way to the handbags and led Randy to the exact pink tote that she’d purchased for herself. She pointed to it. “Doesn’t this sparkly tote scream Cheryl’s name?”

  “It sure does,” Randy agreed, and whipped out his credit card.

  After Randy completed the purchase, and had the tote bag beautifully gift-wrapped, he and Sexy exited the store together. Sexy frantically racked her brain, trying to think of a way to prolong her time with Randy.

  Outside the store, the laughter of a young couple riding in a horse-drawn carriage rang out.

  Sexy sighed. “Even though I’ve been living in the city for three months, I still feel like a visitor.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel,” Randy exclaimed. “New York is so huge, I still don’t know my way around.”

  “I’ve yet to see any of the tourist attractions, and my family has been bugging me for T-shirts and other souvenirs,” she lied. Her parents had no idea she’d moved to New York.

  Randy clunked himself upside the head as if struck by a sudden idea. “That reminds me. My cousin Nettie and my Aunt Pearl are gonna pitch a fit if I don’t hurry up and send them a couple of those I Love New York T-shirts.”

  “If you have some time, we could go to Times Square and pick up some souvenirs for our families.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Making our families happy is a great idea.”

  Randy hesitated momentarily, then bit his lip and said, “Well, I don’t think Cheryl would mind if I’m a little late getting home.”

  “I’m sure she won’t mind at all when she sees the awesome present you bought her.”

  Randy escorted Sexy to the parking lot and retrieved his
Maybach. As they drew close to Forty-Second Street with all the flashy billboards and neon signs, Sexy detected a glimmer in his eyes.

  “I love seeing this area at night. It’s always lit up like the Fourth of July,” he said happily. “I done drove past Times Square mo’ times than I can shake a stick at, ya know . . .” Flushing in embarrassment, Randy paused. “Uh, I meant to say, I’ve driven past Times Square quite a few times, but I’ve never taken the time to walk around and explore.”

  “I haven’t either, and it’ll be fun sharing the experience with a friend.” Sexy smiled warmly at Randy. “By the way, Randy, you don’t have to be self-conscious about your Southern accent or the way you speak when you’re around me.”

  “Well, Cheryl put a lot of effort into getting me diction lessons—”

  “She’s a smart and savvy woman, and I have to give her props for making sure that you speak articulately when dealing with the media.” She gave him a sympathetic look. “But it has to be a burden trying to speak the King’s English all the time. I think you should be able to relax and be yourself when you’re away from the cameras and chilling with family and friends.” She gazed at him and cracked a smile. “Besides, I like the way you talk. You sound a lot like the rapper, T.I.”

  “You think I talk like T.I.?” Randy laughed heartily. “That’s a new one—I never heard that before.”

  After Randy parked, they walked along Broadway. Sexy suddenly tugged at his hand. “Ooo, let’s go in here,” she urged, pulling him into a three-level video arcade.

  Randy didn’t require much persuasion. “Wow, this is the bomb,” he enthused, clearly impressed as he peered around the environment of the high-tech gaming center. Amidst swirling lights and techno music, Sexy and Randy were like two kids, racing from one activity to the next. They put on headsets for Virtual Pac-Man, cocked shotguns as they played Total Recoil, and tested their skills in the laser maze, laughing uproariously as they wove their way through a complex web of laser light beams.


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