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Page 12

by Martina Cole

  Chapter Fifty-nine

  Bella and the children arrived on time, all smiles. Kate was waiting patiently, a fixed one on her face. But then, when young Amanda ran into her arms and hugged her, she felt a surge of affection. This was a nice child.

  ‘Mummy said you are our step-granny, and Patrick is our granddad, our real granddad.’ Kate felt the child’s excitement at the news; she was almost jumping up and down with it. ‘I knew you were special because I felt it when I first saw you.’

  Kate looked down into the child’s beautiful and trusting face and said happily, ‘Well, I think you are pretty special too!’

  Joey Junior just smiled and Kate could see that he was embarrassed about the whole situation, and her heart went out to him. He was looking at his mother with trepidation, and Kate realised that he worried about her and how she would react. She liked him even more for that. For now she kept her thoughts to herself and welcomed Bella like a long-lost relative, to keep the peace, even while there was a big part of her that really wanted to smack Patrick one for leaving her to deal with this alone.

  He was coming ‘later on’, after his business meeting. She knew that meant after lunch, and she was stuck with Bella till then.

  She ushered them into the house and nailed a wide smile on her face as she said to Bella, ‘How lovely to see you all.’

  Oh, she would make Patrick pay for his ‘girlie lunch’ remarks; in fact, she decided that she would have his balls on a plate. She rolled her eyes subtly at Bev, who knew exactly how she was feeling. She wondered what she would do without her, if truth be told. She was a true member of this household now, and Kate thanked God for her every day.

  Chapter Sixty

  Helene Betterway was not pleased to see Annie Carr, and she made the mistake of showing her annoyance. Never a good idea when Annie had a hangover – or when she felt that people were not being entirely honest with her.

  ‘Really, Detective Carr, I do think you should have made an appointment. I am a very busy woman, you know.’

  This was said with such self-importance that it took Annie a few moments to calm herself down sufficiently to answer her in a reasonably civil manner. Annie smiled snarkily at her and she could feel the woman’s uneasiness as she looked across her desk at what she now saw was her antagonist.

  As if offended, Annie said, ‘Really? I’m here about two of your pupils who have been brutally murdered. I would have thought that took priority over a few fucking detentions?’

  She knew she had the teacher on the hop, and she enjoyed it. She decided that she didn’t like this woman, and she certainly didn’t like that she had kept her in the dark about things that might have made a difference.

  ‘Well, of course, Detective Carr, it’s just that I thought you would have let me know you were coming in . . .’

  Annie had her on the back foot now, and she used it to her advantage, saying pleasantly, ‘Why don’t you get me a nice coffee, and then you can tell me about the girls’ bracelets, and which colour is for a blow job?’

  Annie Carr had done her homework and she was extremely satisfied to see the woman’s face blanch. She sat in a chair and waited patiently for Miss Betterway to enlighten her. Which she knew she would, because she had been caught out, and in the worst possible way.

  Annie knew she could be a prize bitch when the moment called for it, and she was glad about it. Because sometimes it paid off. And today was one of those days.

  Chapter Sixty-one

  Patrick Kelly was waiting patiently for Danny Foster, and he was looking forward to seeing him. He was well aware that the lad was struggling with the arrival of Joseph on the scene, which is why he had arranged this meeting. He wanted to assure Danny Boy that he was still a valued member of this organisation. Patrick recognised the benefit of making the people who worked for you feel that they were part of the team – especially someone like Danny Foster, who he had basically given autonomy over his businesses. He trusted the boy, even though he liked to keep his hand in and he made sure he knew everything that went on. This was beneficial for Danny too because, at the end of the day, Patrick was the real name, and that was what was important in their world. In his time, he had come back from being shot, he had fucked over the Russians, and he had made sure that the people he dealt with would never forget that easily. Patrick knew the worth of the Kelly name and he had no intention of taking his eye off the ball any time soon. And, with the appearance of Joseph and his family, he had an additional excuse that he had to make sure that, if anything should happen to him, everyone in his orbit was well taken care of.

  Patrick was definitely feeling the urge to indulge in a bit of skulduggery. It was in his DNA. And he couldn’t resist the easy money. Kate might not like it, but she knew that as well as he did. Plus she wasn’t a Filth any more – not really – and she wasn’t as touchy as she had been in the past. They had a silent understanding – at least that was how he saw it anyway. She was retired, and he felt he was well within his rights to follow his natural inclinations because of that. He just didn’t rub her nose in it. In any case, if Kate ever got wind of his antics, he could always blame Danny Foster.

  Danny came into the office, all aftershave and bespoke suit, and Patrick had to admit he looked what he was – a very successful businessman. He had watched Patrick and he had learned well. He wore an expensive, understated watch – no other jewellery – and he had a receipt for everything he owned, just in case it ever came on top. It was what Patrick liked about him; he was a quick learner, and he understood the psychology of being a real Face. It wasn’t about showing off the wealth, it was about being one step ahead of the Old Bill, and never giving them anything to use against you.

  ‘All right, Danny Boy?’

  Danny smiled happily and sat down opposite his boss. Patrick was proud of him – he had made a good choice when he had brought him on board. It said something for the strength of their bond that they’d survived Patrick’s fleeting relationship with Danny’s sister, Eve, before he went back to Kate. But that was all in the past. Danny had been the son he had never had, and he had treated him as such. Patrick had to remember that, even though Joseph was now in his life.

  ‘I’m good, and I know you are still celebrating.’

  Patrick knew that there was nothing snidey in Danny’s words.

  ‘It was a strange old experience, but I feel I have been given another chance, mate. It was hard when I lost my Renée, and then Mandy. Well, it wasn’t the best of times, as you can imagine. But who would have thought I had a son out there I knew nothing about?’

  Danny Foster knew the story off by heart now and he was genuinely pleased for Patrick Kelly. If anyone deserved a break, it was him. Danny had been sceptical at first, but now he accepted this change in his fortune.

  He laughed, saying, ‘I hope I ain’t left a few Fosters about!’

  They both laughed heartily at his joke. But Patrick despaired inside, because if ever a man needed to be grounded with a family it was Danny Foster.

  ‘So, what’s the latest?’

  Danny smiled that easy smile he had, and then he said seriously, ‘You ain’t going to believe this, Pat, but Nick Christmas and his brother, Noel, want to buy the clubs.’

  He watched carefully for Patrick’s reaction as his words sank in. Pat had had more than a few run-ins with the Christmas brothers over the years, but they had never fallen out entirely, and that was because Nick Christmas recognised that they were well out of their depth where Patrick Kelly was concerned. Patrick had a glint in his eye as he said, ‘I think you need to sort this, Danny Boy. They obviously think that it’s your call and, in reality, it is. You are my number one. What do you think?’

  Danny grinned; he was pleased at Patrick’s answer. ‘I think they are taking the fucking piss! They will come in here and try to buy everything on the fucking never-never. On the fucking weekly, so to speak!’

  Patrick laughed with him, because he knew the truth of that. ‘Fuck
ing muppets! Honestly, how they are still walking the streets I don’t know.’ Then he said grimly, ‘Unless, of course, there is someone else in the mix, who would rather stay in the background.’

  Danny Foster smiled knowingly. ‘My thoughts entirely, Pat, and, after a bit of a nose about, I heard from a very good source that they were apparently breaking bread with Eddie Thomas.’

  Patrick rolled his eyes in annoyance. ‘Please tell me this is a fucking joke?’

  Danny grinned and said, ‘I kid you not. It’s fucking amateur hour. I was embarrassed for them, Pat.’

  ‘So you’ll sort it?’ Patrick Kelly wasn’t smiling any more.

  That was not lost on Danny Foster, and it reminded him of just who he was dealing with. He shrugged, saying quietly, ‘Already in hand, Pat. The Christmas brothers were given a serious reminder of who they were dealing with two days ago. We won’t be hearing from any of them again, believe me. Fucking cheek – like we would swallow those cunts! And Eddie Thomas, it seems, has gone on an extended holiday to the Caribbean. I’m assuming that’s because we know his address in Marbella.’

  Patrick laughed then; that was exactly how he would have dealt with the situation. He knew that he could always depend on Danny to do the right thing. He had taught the boy well, and he thought the world of him.

  ‘I despair at times, Danny! What the fuck would make those fucking idiots think they were in with even a minute chance?’

  Danny Foster shrugged and, opening his arms wide, he said honestly, ‘I couldn’t even fucking begin to get the reasoning. I heard through the grapevine that Eddie Thomas was earning a serious wedge from drugs. But that doesn’t mean he has made any friends, does it? He is tolerated, no more. Between the lot of them they couldn’t locate each other’s cocks in a urinal. Complete fucking wankers.’

  Patrick laughed loudly. ‘That’s what I like to hear. Fucking cheek of them, thinking they have the nous to take what’s mine! Fucking outrageous. So, what else is occurring?’

  ‘Not a lot really – the usual. Everything is going well, I make sure of that.’

  Patrick nodded his agreement. ‘You are a good lad, Danny, and I want you to meet my boy, Joseph. I think you two will get on well. Plus I have a feeling we could put him to use somewhere.’

  Danny Foster smiled his acquiescence; he had expected this at some point. He couldn’t imagine how this newcomer was going to fit into their world but he wisely thought that was something Pat would have to work out for himself. ‘Whenever you want, Patrick, I’m looking forward to it.’

  Patrick lit a cigar and, after he had puffed on it for a few moments, he said intently, ‘I think he needs to see the score for himself, you know?’

  ‘Of course. But do you think he will understand?’

  Patrick looked at the man he trusted with his businesses and his life, and he said frankly, ‘I don’t know. But I want to start off as I mean to go on, and that means being honest from day one.’

  Danny Foster respected what Patrick was saying, and he said as much. ‘I get that, but remember, Pat, not everyone is like us.’

  Patrick Kelly didn’t answer for a few moments, and then he said, ‘I am what I am, and I ain’t apologising for it. He needs to understand the world I inhabit.’

  Danny Foster admired the sentiment. ‘Of course, no one wants to live a lie, Pat.’

  Patrick puffed on his very expensive cigar before he answered. ‘Not to family anyway.’

  Chapter Sixty-two

  Miss Betterway had reacted like a scalded cat, and Annie was enjoying her discomfort. She had really taken a dislike to this woman who had deliberately kept information from her and her colleagues. This was such a serious matter. She couldn’t for the life of her comprehend why this woman didn’t think to tell them everything that she knew about the girls in question. This sex-bracelet thing was something that should have been out there from the off. Annie had looked it up and she had been shocked at what it entailed. She was going to haul this fucker over the coals if she didn’t hear what she wanted from her.

  She made a point of waiting for the coffees to arrive before she said another word. She was enjoying Miss Betterway’s discomfort. This woman needed a wake-up call, and she was going to get it. When the coffee arrived, Annie sipped it gratefully, despite herself; she needed it more than she had realised. She might be hung-over, but she was also angry that she had to come back here and re-interview a woman who should have been completely honest with her from the start.

  She said as much. ‘Well, Miss Betterway, it seems you were not entirely truthful with me about the girls in your charge. Not exactly wilting virgins by all accounts! I hear that there is some kind of sex club in this school that you knew about and didn’t think to tell me about. Really not a good idea! Bracelets the girls wear that tell the boys what they are willing to do sexually! I understand that they are up for anything except the actual sex act. They have a ring to wear, apparently – a ring that says they won’t have actual sex until they are married! How wonderful is that? I am not a happy bunny, Miss Betterway, as I am sure you have gathered. In fact, I am fucking fit to be tied. I mean, imagine if the press got hold of something like this? It would be a disaster for everyone concerned, don’t you think?’

  She sat back in her seat and watched the different expressions that crossed Miss Betterway’s face. She knew she was at panic stations, and she was pleased about that. This woman was a disgrace to the teaching profession, because she had allowed this kind of behaviour to go on without any kind of redress. Annie Carr was working out what charges she could bring against her. Because she would not let this go without some kind of retribution. It was wrong on every level.

  ‘I know that this sounds bad, but you have to understand—’

  Annie Carr interrupted her quickly. ‘Oh please, Miss Betterway, are you seriously trying to justify this kind of behaviour? I can’t for the life of me understand what the fuck you were thinking of.’

  Miss Betterway looked terrified, and so she should, as far as Annie Carr was concerned. This was a woman who had deliberately overlooked sexual behaviour in underage children. It was unbelievable.

  ‘I think you should be ashamed of your actions. You are supposed to be looking after these kids.’

  Helene Betterway was on the verge of tears as she said in a whisper, ‘You really don’t get it, do you?’

  Annie Carr shook her head, saying sarcastically, ‘No actually, I don’t. Why don’t you enlighten me?’

  Helene Betterway looked at Annie and then, leaning across her desk, she said angrily, ‘I reported it to the headmaster! I was as disgusted as you are. But he was the one who wanted it hushed up. You can’t imagine what something like this can cause, and he decided that we should keep it in house. My hands were tied. I tried my best to make sure the girls were aware of the danger they were putting themselves in. But it’s a different world now. We have to jump through hoops to keep everything on track. Most of my time is taken up with paperwork! We sorted it as best we could. As Mr Yalding pointed out, why would we destroy these girls’ lives before they even had a chance to live? We corrected it as best we could. But you can’t sit there and judge me – I did what I thought was best for my girls. Everything is now on record, written down for the rest of these kids’ lives! Do you know that? Everything they do is documented even at their young ages. So I agreed with Mr Yalding that they didn’t know how their stupid actions would impact on them, how this would follow them wherever they went.

  ‘Can you imagine how difficult it is nowadays to be a teacher? It’s a nightmare of paperwork and treading carefully in case you get sued. I was just trying to protect them, I was trying to make sure that this foolishness wouldn’t follow them for all of their lives. I know that they couldn’t understand the seriousness of what they were doing – they were only copying the behaviour they saw on TV or on the internet. They didn’t know that everything is documented and filed away for future reference. That their behaviour could rui
n a university or job application. That it could come back and destroy them in years to come. I didn’t think that teenage idiocy should ruin the rest of their lives. I try and look out for my pupils.’

  She stopped and gulped at her coffee. Annie didn’t say a word – she had a feeling there was more to come.

  Miss Betterway smiled then, a defeated smile. ‘The boys were all protected, of course. They weren’t classed as the perpetrators, they were without stain. It was only the girls who were actually wearing the bracelets who would have been vilified. That is why I did what I did. I protected them as best I could.’

  Annie Carr was still taking in everything that she had heard. Against her better judgement she actually saw exactly what Miss Betterway was saying. This woman was genuinely only trying to give these girls a chance in life. Annie knew how hard it was for a female in the workplace, even in these days of so-called equality. That was all well and good, but it was still a different ball game in the real world. She was genuinely gobsmacked, but she was not going to let this go until she knew everything there was to know.

  ‘I understand what you are saying, but what about the Andrews girls? If you wanted to protect all your girls’ reputations, why did you let that come out? They were the ones being exploited by grown men! Yes, they went on a dating site, and sent some inappropriate pictures, but they didn’t actually ever meet anyone in real life. But it seems Kylie and Destiny blew the whistle on them, even though they were actively involved in sexual relations with boys in this school. So it looks to me like you used the poor Andrews girls as scapegoats so you could cover up the widespread underage sexual activity among your other girls. I have to say, I find that absolutely outrageous. I get that you want to protect your pupils, but surely not at the expense of two young girls who were as vulnerable as all the others? More vulnerable in many ways, as they are living in a household where the father is a known bully and the mother is terrified to open her mouth. She won’t be protecting her daughters any time soon. So explain that to me?’ Miss Betterway closed her eyes in obvious distress, and Annie wondered what else this school was hiding from the world. ‘Well? I’m waiting, Miss Betterway.’


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