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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 6

by Joseph Farrell

  Then Knight and Butler made another astonishing connection between the two systems. Noting that the Thornborough henges pointed to the mount in Lincoln over a distance 127 kilometers away, and finding that the two sites lay exactly one Megalithic degree apart, that is, 366 x 60 x 6 Megalithic Yards from each other, by latitude and exactly one degree apart by the modern system of longitude meant, in effect, that for a period of time the Megalithic builders appear to have used the 366 to measure longitude and the 360-degree system to measure latitude.75 The “Sumerian reform” on which our entire modern system is based, in other words, had consisted of nothing but the use of the 360-degree system to measure both.

  5. The Next Step: Measures of Volume and Weight

  Having thus found the means whereby an accurate unit of linear measure was so accurately reproduced over so wide an area — namely, through the use of a pendulum to count beats between markers on the circle of the horizon placed one degree apart in a 366-degree system — and thus converting the measure of time to a linear measure of distance, the next problem was to introduce accurate units of measure of volume and weight based on that same linear measure. “Such a move would have been an important building block towards trade, which was in turn a key step towards true civilization.”76 In other words, the necessary basis for international trade is accurate units of measure of volume and weight, and that accuracy can only be guaranteed by basing units of measure on the relative constancy of celestial motions and the geodetic properties of the Earth itself.

  The problem was easily solved by performing what physicists call a “dimensional rotation,” i.e., simply taking the linear measure, a unit of one dimension, and rotating it into two dimensions (thus measuring area), and then finally, into three dimensions, thus measuring volume. In short, the ancients simply “cubed” their Megalithic Yards, half-yards, and so on, to form the measures of volume.

  But when this was done, Knight and Butler began to make another astonishing series of discoveries.In our case, the linear units would have to be in Megalithic Inches, which Thom identified as being one fortieth of a Megalithic Yard, equal to 2.07415 centimetres. Taking his lead from the metric system Chris first considered a cube with sides of a tenth of a Megalithic Yard — i.e., four Megalithic Inches (MI). In metric terms this turned out to have a capacity of a little over half a litre, at 571.08 cubic centimetres.77

  This result — an odd parallel between an ancient Megalithic system of measure and the modern metric one — was odd, but hardly compelling in its own right.

  6. Ancient and Megalithic Anticipations of the Imperial and Metric Systems

  But then the problem became acute, and was disclosed by a conversation between co-authors Alan Butler and Chris Knight. I reproduce it here, because their reactions would most certainly have been my own, and most likely anyone else’s doing the experiments and running the numbers. The conversation begins with author Chris Knight:“...I think we have a problem.”

  “What sort of problem?” Alan wanted to know.

  “The problem of explaining the apparently impossible,” said Chris. “I started by checking out spheres with diameters of 5, 10 and 20 Megalithic Inches and they also produce volumes that are quite close to the pint, one gallon, and the bushel. The accuracy level isn’t quite as good as the cubes because the 5 (megalithic inches) sphere held 1.027 pints which is still as close as anyone in the real world would ever need. But a quick check of the rules that govern the relationships between cubes and spheres revealed that to an accuracy of 99.256 percent a cube with a side of 4 units will have the same volume as a sphere with a diameter of 5 units, which made the findings odd but mathematically understandable.”

  Alan was intrigued but puzzled.

  “If there is no mystery about the pint sphere, why did you say you had to explain the impossible?” he asked.

  “What I’ve told you so far is the easy part of this conversation, because my next test took me from the rather weird to the downright ridiculous. What do you think that a 6 MI and a 60 MI diameter sphere would hold in terms of weight of water?”

  “I can’t guess. What do they hold?” Alan asked, with not a little impatience.

  “Well, the 6 MI sphere holds a litre and weighs a kilo, so the 60 MI sphere 10 x 10 x 10 times as much, holds a cubic metre and weighs a metric tonne. And it’s incredibly accurate too.”

  Alan laughed aloud down the phone.

  “Ha ha, very funny...” He paused. “You are joking, aren’t you?”

  “No. You check it out, Alan. The numbers don’t lie. The fit is better than 99 percent accurate and when I tested the same principles using modern inches and centimetres for the spheres, there were no meaningful results at all. Something truly weird is going on here.”78

  In other words, when modern imperial inches or metric centimeters were used to construct spheres and cubes, there were “no meaningful results at all.” But when the ancient Megalithic inch was used to construct cubes and spheres, the result was, in the case of the cubes, modern British imperial units of volume, and in the case of the spheres, modern metric units of volume and weight! In other words, both the modern imperial and metric systems of volume appeared to be related to the ancient units of measure precisely as being based on cubing and sphering. And further research revealed that even the Imperial weights appeared to be derived by cubing a unit one-tenth the length of the Megalithic Yard.79

  But in order to demonstrate the suggestion that there may indeed be an actual link between the two systems, a link stemming from ancient times, one would have to reproduce an ancient unit of measure that bears a resemblance to one or the other system. There was indeed such a unit, which the Sumerians called the “double kush,” approximately 99.88 centimeters long, which, oddly enough, made the length of a pendulum of one second for accurate timekeeping.80

  All of this was compelling evidence that there was not only a deeply ancient root and relationship between the modern British imperial and metric systems of volumes and weights, but that that root and relationship stemmed from a unit of Megalithic linear measure that was cubed and “sphered.” All of this suggested, in other words, as Knight and Butler themselves commented, that someone very much wanted to “jump-start” civilization and create the conditions necessary for “international trade,” someone like a hidden elite.

  And this is where the story of that hidden elite, and its hidden agendas, takes another astonishing turn.


  1. The Ancient Elite: Astronomy, Finance, and the God of Corn Versus the God of Debt

  Knight and Butler were not blind to the implications of their discoveries, and posited the existence of such a hidden elite, a guiding hand, steering Megalithic man inevitably and inexorably along the road to (or, as we shall see, back to) civilization. How indeed was it possible “that the supposedly un- sophisticated people of Stone Age Britain possessed a fully integrated system of measurement based on a deep understanding of the solar system?”81

  As they were investigating the British sites where Thom discovered the Megalithic Yard, Knight and Butler soon found an answer to that question, and it was an answer with deeply significant implications. For example, the fact that there were so many such Megalithic sites scattered throughout the British Isles, and that each seemed to be designed for some astronomical purpose, suggested that “there might have been a national network”82 of some sort in place. And a network implies the organization and coordination of a select group of people. In short, it implies an elite.

  One such site in particular intrigued Knight and Butler, and this was at Skara Brae in Orkney Island. It intrigued them becauseit may well have been a Megalithic ‘university’ for training astronomer-priests. Radiocarbon dating has shown that it was occupied between approximately 3215–2655 B.C. when it provided a series of linked rooms, each with matching stone-built furniture including dressers, beds, cooking areas and sealed stone water tubs for washing. Archaeologists have
identified that secrecy, security and plumbing are also apparent at the site. A secret hidey-hole had been found under the stone dresser and a hole for a locking bar was located on both sides of doors. In addition, a lavatory drain designed to run excrement along wooden piping and into the sea has also been excavated....

  .... Because the island had nothing to trade, the only reasonable answer to this archaeological puzzle is that the inhabitants had been an elite group who were supported by the goodwill of a broader community at a distance.

  Skara Brae also revealed some artifacts that have proved impossible to understand. Small stone objects that have been exquisitely carved include two balls: one 6.2 centimeters and the other 7.7 centimeters in diameter. Their purpose is unknown and the deep decoration appears to be impossible to create without metal tools as engineer James Macauley discovered when he attempted to reproduce them using the known technology of the time.83

  In other words, Skara Brae was basically confirmation of the existence of a supported elite, one that moreover had access to some sort of advanced metal and stone-working technology that was not common to the wider society supporting it.

  Skara Brae is also illuminating for another reason, one that Knight and Butler do not mention, for if there was an elite guiding a post-cosmic war humanity back up the long ladder to civilization, two of the essential steps that it would take to do so are (1) to establish a system of weights and measures accurately reproducible over time and at any point on earth by means of relatively simple methods, and (2) it would establish a center or centers to train people in the proper techniques of deriving these measures via astronomical observation.

  Skara Brae, in other words, is testimony not only to the existence of that elite, but also to its agendas, forWithout a means of gauging weight and volume, trade remains at a bartering level where each transaction has to be assessed by visual evaluation alone. The ability to identify a known quantity makes buying and selling a much more scientific process since it can be accurately repeated time after time. Using mutually accepted units of weight meant deals could be done at long range because it would be unnecessary to see the merchandise first to assess its quantity.84

  And thus we are in the presence of yet another agenda of that elite, for so long as there was no accurate system of measure that could easily and simply be reproduced anywhere on earth, what trade and civilization there was would be confined to very small local areas. Hence, the presence of a “Megalithic university” suggests very strongly that we are in the presence of an elite that is attempting to foster trade over the widest area possible in order to create the necessary and fundamental conditions for the emergence of a global civilization. We are thus chin to chin with that deeply ancient connection between the hidden financial elites of ancient times, and the astronomy-temple priesthoods that I referred to in my previous book, Babylon’s Banksters,85 for that alliance was present even prior to the emergence of the high civilizations of Sumer and Egypt. That elite, with its alliance of astronomy with a hidden financial and political agenda, indeed created those civilizations.

  A brief word about that Megalithic financial-astronomical priesthood is in order, lest its place within the wider context of my previous books be misunderstood. As I noted in Babylon’s Banksters, the initial and earliest idea of money was that it was simply a unit of exchange issued by the state itself against the surplus of production in the state warehouses. As that production expanded, the money supply did; as it contracted, the money supply did. But the crucial point to observe is that money was issued as a receipt on the production of the state, and thus was issued debt-free. Since the probity of the state was represented precisely by that astronomical-financial priesthood that had indeed called it into being, the issuance of “legal tender” — to use the modern parlance — was often associated with the temple. Thus, initially, that astronomical-financial elite subscribed to a monetary policy that would, in terms of religious imagery, be described as a worship of the “God of production,” the “Corn God.”

  However, as I also detailed in Babylon’s Banksters, that elite was soon infiltrated by another, or co-opted, and its own members corrupted from this initial “Corn God worship and monetary policy” and turned to a philosophy of the private monopoly issuance of debt as money. Or to put the change in monetary policy in terms of the religious imagery of the temple once again, worship turned from the Corn God to the God of Contract and Debt, to the God to Whom a debt was owed and service due. To view the monetary policy in such religious terms is to reveal the dirty little secret that began to take hold on human culture as a result of that change in the elite that began to occur in Sumeria and Babylonia, for as anyone knows, banks can only issue principal, not interest, and thus as the circulation of monetized debt grows and replaces the circulation of real money, the debt only increases for the many, to the profit of the few at the top of the pyramid and Ponzi scheme. Or, to put it in its ultimate religious expression, mankind comes by fits and starts into the inevitable situation where an infinite, or at least practically un-repayable, debt is owed to God, or the gods, requiring an infinite treasury to repay.86 To put it as succinctly as possible, the two monetary policies manifest themselves as the spiritual consequences of the worship of two very different Gods, and vice versa.87

  We have, then, that initial elite, and then another one that snakes its way into the original, diverting its monetary policy, while retaining many of the original agendas, including that of the creation of a global civilization.

  2. The Masonic Elite and the Lore of “Very High Antiquity”

  The presence of the Megalithic measures suggested, as has been seen, an elite with an agenda, an agenda which included its own self-preservation and continuance over time. Knight and Butler put the point this way:Indeed, the fact that the Megalithic units have an almost perfect relationship with modern measurements strongly suggests that there has been a continuity of this knowledge across the Great Wall of History.... That brought us to the inventors of writing and the first known nation of international traders, the Sumerians...88

  The Great Wall of History to which Knight and Butler refer is the “wall of silence” between the Megalithic Age and the earliest civilizations. But as we shall see, that wall is considerably higher and larger than they imagine. Its import, however, is the same: what relationship was there between the Megalithic builders and their measures, and Sumeria? Clearly there was a persistence of information across that Great Wall of History, implying that an elite had carried that information forward.

  As Knight and Butler themselves point out, however, they were not the only ones to notice the implications; the other was none other than America’s third president, Freemason Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson investigated systems of weights and measures shortly after America gained political independence from Great Britain, and like Knight and Butler, made a similar series of discoveries about weights and measures in use in Britain and France as did Knight and Butler, and these discoveries led him to some rather astonishing conclusions:What circumstances of the times, or purposes of barter or commerce, called for this combination of weights and measures, with the subjects to be exchanged or purchased, are not now to be ascertained. But a triple set of exact proportionals representing weights, measures, and the things to be weighed and measured, and a relation so integral between weights and solid measures, must have been the result of design and scientific calculation, and not a mere coincidence of hazard.

  ....But the harmony here developed in the system of weights and measures... corroborated by a general use, from very high antiquity, of that, or of a nearly similar weight under another name, seem stronger proofs that this is legal weight...89

  Knight and Butler decided to follow Jefferson’s lead and see if his comment about “very high antiquity” had any possibility of truth.

  Taking their cue from an ancient Sumerian tradition that spoke of the world being measured in barley seeds,90 Knight and Butler decided to see if there was any poss
ible truth to the Sumerian tradition. In doing so, they discovered the ultimate basis of the Sumerian sexagesimal numerical system: the mass of the Earth itself!

  Since the Sumerian tradition had stated that the weight of the Earth was measured in barley seeds, Knight and Butler began with the standard value of the metric mass of the Earth, 5/9763 x 1024 kilograms. They then converted this figure into a Sumerian unit of weight based on cubing the Sumerian double-kush. Once cubed, and filled with water, this in turn became the Sumerian unit of mass called the “double-mana,” which weighed 996.4 grams. This meant that there were 5.9979 x 1024 double-manas in the Earth’s mass.91

  Their commentary on the astonishing nature of what follows must now be cited to allow its full significance to sink in:This number is as close to 6 followed by 24 zeros as to stand out as being very odd indeed, particularly bearing in mind that we could not be certain as to the “exact” intended size of the double-kush. Of course, it could be a coincidence but it remains a fact that the weight of the world is only one part out in 2,850 from being precisely:6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Sumerian double-manas.

  If it were not for the fact that this number conforms so spectacularly to the Sumerian/Babylonian base 60 system of counting we would not have reported it. But it is a tantalizing thought that this ancient unit may have a relationship to the mass of the Earth, either by some brilliant calculation or due to some practical experiment that produced the result by a mechanism unknown to the originators — or to the modern world. Furthermore, we knew that the Sumerians considered that there were 21,600 barley seeds to one double-mana so we can also venture to say that the entire planet is equal to 1,296 x 1026 barley seeds — which then gives the following result:One degree slice of the Earth = 360 x 1024 barley seeds


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