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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 14

by Joseph Farrell

  It takes only a little imagination to see how in the hands of some religious cults a kind of “reverse depatterning” and “psychic driving” occurs, utilizing not drug-induced sleep, but rather the reverse: intense sleep deprivation and prolonged exertions of physical work coupled with always being under the scrutiny and never out of the sight of the “depatterner,” with the slogans of the “cult leader” repeated over and over again to the dazed victims, reinforcing their unquestioning obedience in constant repetition, like a religious litany almost, and his “love” for the cult followers in spite of the complete lack of actual normal demonstrations thereof. In either case, the methods are rather similar to the methods recorded by the first books of the Old Testament: a relentless driving of a whole people, a breakdown of will, endless rehearsals of love-and-threats, the end result of which is similar — a breakdown of normal patterns of behavior and emotion.

  There is a final suggestive sign that perhaps these or similar techniques were in play by Yahweh toward the Hebrews, and that is the well-known Stockholm syndrome. According to the article on Stockholm syndrome in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, there are four conditions that are the sine qua non for the syndrome to occur in its victims:• Hostages who develop Stockholm syndrome often view the perpetrator as giving life by simply not taking it. In this sense, the captor becomes the person in control of the captive’s basic needs for survival and the victim’s life itself.

  • The hostage endures isolation from other people and has only the captor’s perspective available. Perpetrators routinely keep information about the outside world’s response to their actions from captives to keep them totally dependent.

  • The hostage taker threatens to kill the victim and gives the perception of having the capability to do so. The captive judges it safer to align with the perpetrator, endure the hardship of captivity, and comply with the captor than to resist and face murder.

  • The captive sees the perpetrator as showing some degree of kindness. Kindness serves as the cornerstone of the Stockholm syndrome; the condition will not develop unless the captor exhibits it in some form toward the hostage.... if perpetrators show some kindness, victims will submerge the anger they feel in response to the terror and concentrate on the captors’ “good side” to protect themselves.218

  It takes little imagination to see the key elements of the syndrome in the techniques and technologies — the public executions with reassurances of his love — displayed by Yahweh.

  Does all of this point conclusively to an agenda in play?

  Of course not. However, if one grants the proposition of a surviving elite from that ancient war, then religion would surely be one of the techniques employed to create suitable climates of opinion, and certainly one of the techniques and tools used to embark upon campaigns of wholesale slaughter and conquest in the name of a “god” who sanctioned it. At the minimum, viewed in this admittedly secular light, the techniques displayed by Yahweh in the books of Exodus and Numbers have about them the all too familiar and haunting similarity to the techniques used by modern mind manipulators and cult leaders. They are abusive behaviors, as a friend put it to me recently, that would land such a tyrant in jail today.219

  Or worse, perhaps before a war crimes tribunal for crimes against humanity. Whatever one makes of the views of the O’Briens, one thing cannot be ignored, and that is, they have raised the bar of the task of religious apologetics considerably.




  “At length this universal knowledge was diuvided into several parts, and lessened in its vigour and power. By means of this separation, one man became an astronomer, another a magician, another a cabalist, and a fourth an alchemist. Abraham, that Vulcanic Tubalcain, a consummate astrologer and arithmetician, carried the Art our of the land of Canaan into Egypt...”

  — Paracelsus220

  CHIMERICAL CREATURES THAT disconcertingly appear on the Ishtar Gate of Babylon in the context of other, very real, creatures; Hebrew names of God that equally disconcertingly appear in cuneiform tablets long before the name was supposedly known; elites with an agenda to impose an astronomically- and geodetically-based system of measure over a widespread area; mind manipulators, torsion temples, and a god of “love” that appears to know some very elaborate techniques of mind manipulation: what tentative conclusions may be drawn from it all?

  In Babylon’s Banksters I posed the following problem:(Alexander Del Mar) states that “The governments of Persia, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome made a profit on the coinage by raising the value of gold, while those of India, China, and perhaps also Japan, made their profit by maintaining, or enhancing, the value of silver.”221 In other words, for the societies of the Occident — Egypt, Assyria (and presumably Babylon), Persia, Greece, and Rome — artificially defined gold as being the metal of highest value in terms of its convertibility into more units of other metals, while, conversely, the governments of the Orient — India and China — pursued the reverse policy, of making silver the highest valued metal in terms of its convertibility into other metals. Thus, trade could be carried out between these two disparate parts of the world, the policies were in a certain sense an inevitable consequence of that trade. However, a closer examination reveals a hidden player, for such trade will inevitably create the rise of an international trading class, one which, moreover, will create its wealth precisely by trade in these precious metals, metals that are easier to transport than finished goods, and which can be exchanged in any place for such goods. In short, what is being created, from earliest times, is an international financial class of “bullion brokers,” or as we would call them now, bankers. A significant question now occurs: Is it possible that, rather than such a class having emerged as a consequence of such governmental policies and trade, that the converse is true? Is it possible that there existed such a class of “international bullion brokers” who created these policies in various parts of the world, policies which would enhance their own power and wealth? If so, then how did they achieve and orchestrate this?222

  With the research of Knight and Butler in hand — with their own conclusions that such an elite existed — then we are now in a position to answer those questions with a decisive “yes.” But there is a caveat: to assume the existence of such an elite in megalithic times, while certainly indicated by the research of Knight and Butler, does not prove the existence of the same elite engineering bullion policies millennia later, much less does it prove the continuity between the two.

  There is, however, an important factor to bear in mind here, one indicated by the ancient texts themselves, from the Sumerian Kings’ list, to the genealogies of the Torah, to the Egyptian texts, and that is the extraordinary longevity claimed for those “gods” who came down and midwifed human civilization into existence. Under such conditions, and even allowing for the possibility that the alleged longevity of these “gods” is greatly exaggerated, one is nonetheless left with the possibility that under conditions of longevity of even hundreds of years, it would be much easier for such an elite to maintain cohesion of personnel and ideological outlook through such a length of time. The assumption is less difficult than one might imagine, for as Knight and Butler observe, the establishment of accurate weights and measures was a necessary step to the establishment of international trade, and thus, the activity between the two poles separated by some millennia is consistent, and this would suggest that one is indeed in the presence not only of a continuous ideology and policy, but in the presence of a continuous elite.

  If these speculative propositions be granted, then the question I posed in Babylon’s Banksters is answered, though the answer is an extraordinarily disturbing one: the elite preexisted by millennia the bullion policies that came to be in evidence with the rise of private monopoly issuance of money as debt and the bullion policies of the states issuing it in classical times. In that context, one must allow for another possibility that was
also outlined in Babylon’s Banksters, namely, that the subsequent rise of an elite opposed to the state issuance of money as debt-free receipts on the surpluses of the state warehouse might not represent the rise of a new elite with a new agenda, but rather, the final break of an elite that existed coterminously with the one behind the establishment of weights and measures, and with which it made common cause for a period. But howsoever one slices it, one does appear to be in the presence of at least one such elite with a consistent agenda over a great period of time that perhaps fragmented later into two opposing ones, or perhaps two elites at the outset, making common cause for a time.

  There is another factor in play, and that is, at the end of this period when one discovers this elite — or these elites — within the religious temples of antiquity, and involved in the issuance of money. Very simply put this means that this elite — or elites — is also involved in the manipulation of religion, and thus, it is involved simultaneously with the manipulation of two powerful institutions for the creation and maintenance of social cohesion: finance and religion.

  In the case of the temple, we have seen that at least some rudimentary technology of communication existed in the form of some of those ancient temples, raising the possibility that many of them might have been covertly conceived for that purpose. Again, this is a likely activity for such an elite to undertake, both to manipulate and coordinate financial policy over large distances, and to manipulate and control “revelations” and “oracles.” In the case of Yahweh, we have seen disturbing indications of at least a technique of mind and social manipulation in play reminiscent of the Stockholm syndrome and of other techniques explored by the CIA, if not of an outright technology (a debatable proposition on any view).

  Which brings us back to Koldewey’s conundrum, for one of the things he noted in his explorations of the “Sirrush” mystery was that apparently it had to be a real creature because the priests were tending it. Given the apparent chimerical nature of this creature — if real — this suggests that there may have been another possible agenda going on as well in ancient times: genetic manipulation...




  “Human beings appear to be a slave race languishing on an isolated planet in a small galaxy. As such, the human race was once a source of labor for an extraterrestrial civilization and still remains a possession today. To keep control over its possession and to maintain Earth as something of a prison, that other civilization has bred never-ending conflict between human beings, has promoted human spiritual decay, and has erected on Earth conditions of unremitting physical hardship. This situation has existed for thousands of years and it continues today.

  “Furthermore, it is conceivable that the alleged ownership of Earth may have changed hands over the millennia, in the same way that ownership of a corporation can pass among different owners without the public being aware of it.”

  — William Bramley, The Gods of Eden, pp. 34, 37.




  “It wasn’t hard to see that once you can slice and dice DNA and clone quantities of just the bits you want, the possibilities are endless: you can manufacture proteins in bulk, engineer crops with built-in insecticide genes, introduce healthy genes into patients who lack one needed to survive — in essence, you can redesign life.”

  — James Shreeve223

  “In genetic terms, this mixture was to be half Lordling and half Human; and since the former are stated to have provided the male elements, the female elements must have been taken from human women...”

  — Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien224

  THERE WERE, both in modern times, and in ancient ones, what may best be described as “genome wars,” fought over who would control the very code of life itself: the public sector, or the private one. While the modern debate raged over ethical issues and the rights of private corporations to patent various genes and processes, the race itself pitted two powerful minds — the public Human Genome Project’s Francis Collins, and the private corporation Celera’s Craig Venter — in a race that came, quite literally, right down to a brokered “tie” engineered by the administration of former American President Bill Clinton.

  Here, as elsewhere, the modern lessons afford a template by which to interpret the records of the past, for a similar race was apparently held in ancient times, and if the lessons of the contemporary one are any indicator, the ancient results are rife with a potentially horrifying implication. But before we can state clearly what that implication is, a closer, though necessarily cursory look, at the modern race and all its implied technologies and legal issues is in order.


  “In hindsight, it is hard to imagine there would have been a race to sequence the human genome without Craig Venter.”225 While it is impossible and indeed unnecessary to recount in detail the race between Craig Venter’s private Celera Corporation and the public Human Genome Project headed by Dr. Francis Collins, some brief overview of that race is necessary, if nothing else than to highlight the magnitude of the task, and the technologies and techniques that eventually accomplished it, for these in turn will provide a basis to unlock and possibly decode some astonishing assertions in some very ancient cuneiform tablets.

  The genome is often described as “the book of life,” and indeed, the analogy of a book is quite apropos to describe the way the DNA helix works. “Imagine,” says author Matt Ridley, “that the genome is a book.”There are twenty-three chapters, called CHROMOSOMES.

  Each chapter contains several thousand stories, called GENES.

  Each story is made up of paragraphs, called EXONS, which are inter-

  rupted by advertisements, called INTRONS.

  Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS.

  Each word is written in letters, called BASES.

  There are one billion words in the book, which makes it longer than 1,000 volumes the size of this one, or as long as 800 Bibles. If I read the genome out to you at the rate of one word per second for eight hours a day, it would take me a century. If I wrote out the human genome, one letter per millimeter, my text would be as long as the River Danube. This is a gigantic document, an immense book, a recipe of extravagant length, and it all fits inside the mircroscopic nucleus of a tiny cell that fits easily upon the head of a pin.226

  To appreciate the magnitude of mapping the entire human genome, we need to understand the “bases” that comprise the “words” or codons. These words are composed of never more, and never less, than three bases or “letters,” A, C, G and T, which stand for the proteins adenine, cutosine, guanine, and thymine. The basic “grammar” of these letters is that A pairs only with T, and G only with C.227

  Thus, “to make a complementary strand therefore brings back the original text. So the sequence ACGT becomes TGCA in the copy, which transcribes back to ACGT in the copy of the copy. This enables DNA to replicate indefinitely, yet still contain the same information.”228 But in the midst of all this microscopic complexity, there lurks a mystery, and it may be a significant one for our purposes. As James Shreeve puts it, “There are a lot of extra letters in the genome, sloppily referred to as ‘junk DNA,’ which do not spell out protein recipes but may serve some other purpose, perhaps vital, perhaps not.”229 In other words, a significant portion of the human genome contains genes for which biologists and geneticists cannot divine any function whatsoever. Indeed, what was so unusual about the human genome as distinguished from any other species was the sheer amount of this “junk DNA,” for the human genome, consisting of over a billion such “letters,” was mostly comprised of this “so-called junk, possibly without any biological purpose at all.”230

  But as James Shreeve observes,“Junk” is a misnomer: although protein-cod
ing genes account for less than 3 percent of the DNA in the human genome, inferring that the rest is worthless is like saying there is no value in the deserts of the Middle East because they are composed mostly of sand and only a little bit of oil. The fact is, we don’t know what purposes lie hidden in that alleged junk. We do know, however, that some of it performs the vital function of regulating when a gene is turned on or off. Without those switches, there would be no difference between a liver cell, a brain cell, or a cell in your big toe, and we would all be a dysfunctional chaos of overexpressed [sic] protein.231

  In other words, the so-called “junk DNA” functioned as a kind of “computer algorithm” telling the rest of the code when to execute certain functions in the program, and when not to. But that still left the all-important questions, where did it come from? Why is there so much of it in the human genome by comparison to other species?

  But “junk DNA” played an important role in the “genome war,” for it was precisely because of these “regulatory regions” that James Watson, codiscoverer of the double helix with Francis Crick, decided to go after the entire sequence of the human genome.232 The enormity of the task, however, meant that the project would take — or so the thinking ran at that time — a great deal of time and effort, years, if not even almost a decade.


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