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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 18

by Joseph Farrell

  3. Verification: Genetics, Space, and Skeletons

  But if all this is true, how might one go about verifying it? There are some clues from various texts that afford a speculative basis by which the O’Briens’ interpretations of ancient texts and arguments might be verified. The Book of Genesis and other books of the Bible, for example, record the offspring of such unions as being of gigantic or larger than normal stature. Indeed, the word lugal itself, often translated as “king” in academic translations, simply means “big man,” and this fact, coupled with the large stature of ancient kings depicted in Mesopotamian cylinder seals might indicate not a metaphorical and artistic device, but an actual truth.

  But something more is required for verification than this.

  It is here that one must connect the dots in an unusual fashion. Space anomalies researcher Richard C. Hoagland has demonstrated, in a series of remarkable papers on his website, that the Saturnian moon Iapetus and the Martian moon Phobos show distinctive and persuasive signs of being great artificial bodies.317 These large bodies, if artificial — and this author believes that Hoagland’s case is very strong — would possibly be the natural products of intelligent human-like creatures of large stature. It is thus possible that in addition to the recovery of ancient technology — should humanity ever journey to and explore those “moons” — we might also discover that bodies that could, upon genetic examination, indicate a genetic relationship to humanity.

  Additionally, the statements of ancient texts mentioned previously would also seem to imply, here on earth, the existence somewhere of the remains of such creatures. Of course, the Internet is rife with “photographs” of such alleged giant remains, and in all cases known to this author, these are elaborate hoaxes. Nonetheless, as we shall discover in the next chapter, there are indications that these remains have been discovered... and quietly spirited away.

  4. Whose Agenda, Public, or Private?

  As was seen previously, the modern genome race raised profound questions and implications for ethics and jurisprudence: were specific genes, or the processes used to map them, patentable? More importantly, were chimerical, or hybrid life forms, patentable? The last question assumes even more importance if the foregoing Sumerian accounts of the origins of mankind are true, for by any translation — whether those of the O’Briens or more standard academic translations — mankind is a chimerical, engineered creature.

  As such, it is worth recounting what the four requirements for the grant of a patent are under modern American law. To be patentable, an invention or process must:1. be original;

  2. be non-obvious;

  3. have a demonstrable function; and,

  4. be enabling, i.e., any inventor or engineer should be able to read the patent and be able to reproduce the invention or process it describes.318

  It is worth recalling that the landmark 1980 Supreme Court decision granted Ananda Chakrabarry a patent on an engineered microbe on the basis that “Mother Nature may have supplied the ingredients, but Chakrabarry baked the cake.”319 So long as “the hand of man” was involved in the engineering, the process — and even the organism itself, if it was not naturally occurring — was patentable.

  This places the story of the creation of man as told in the ancient cuneiform tablets into an interesting light, for if true, then under the standards of American patent law, the human being as a hybrid creature would apparently fulfill all four requirements for a patent. As such, human beings, as chimerical hybrids of two other species, are (1) original; (2) non-obvious, for they are not the products of nature, but of “the hand of ‘man’,” (3) were created for a demonstrable function, i.e., were created to be slaves and serfs of the “gods,” and (4) they were the result of a process of genetic engineering that was reproducible “by the hand of man,” and therefore, the process was “enabling,” allowing any competent genetic engineer to reduplicate the process.

  These implications compel some speculative questions, for if mankind as currently constituted is a chimerical creature, a genetically engineered creature, and moreover, was created for the express purpose of being a slave to the “gods,” then who owns him? Let us speculate: if mankind’s original owner-creators were suddenly to return — right now — to planet Earth, would they have a legal claim? And would, moreover, they be able to prove it? Would they attempt to re-assert their old hegemony? And what court would have legal jurisdiction to hear such a case? Additionally, one would be faced with two legal claims: (1) that of the returning “owner-creators,” and (2) that of the course of performance of humanity since their “departure,” which would legally demonstrate humanity’s independence and self-governance since their departure. Humanity would, so to speak, be abandoned property and under new ownership, namely, itself. Would these owner-creators attempt to reassert their ownership by demonstrations of force and superior technology, only to discover that humanity can now “shoot back”?

  Disturbing questions all, but there is yet another question that looms over them all, and that is, in the cuneiform accounts of the creation of man, is his creation that of a private or “corporate” entity, or a public one? Is the question of “ownership” even relevant? Given all the argumentation of the preceding pages, our inclination is to conclude that mankind was created by a private, corporate entity, and for the service of specific “gods” within the pantheon, for as has been seen, the establishment of a reliably accurate, reproducible standard of weights and measures based on astronomical and geodetic principles, was the work largely of a private elite, and done for the purposes of the ultimate establishment of trade. We must conclude, too, that the status of slavery in early ancient legal codes may be a residue of the creation of mankind himself.320 All these points argue for a corporate rather than a state or governmental elite having been involved in mankind’s creation.

  Whatever else one may make of the reading of the Kharsag tablets by the O’Briens and others, one thing stands out as an inevitable consequence of such interpretations, and that is, that in order for such a genetic engineering project to have succeeded, the whole modern panoply of scientific discoveries and technologies associated with the modern genome project had to have existed in “paleoancient” times as well: sequencers, microscopes, organic chemistry, the knowledge of the double helix itself, the techniques of splicing, and, of course, a complete “genetic map” of the species involved in the hybridization of man. In short, if the cuneiform tablets are to be believed, then at least a similar pitch of genetic science had to exist — if not much greater — in prehistoric times than exists now.

  How, then, would one go about establishing the truth, or lack thereof, of the astonishing claims of those tablets? One cannot settle here simply for reinterpretations of those tablets along the lines of the O’Briens, for in that case one is assuming what one is proving. One must have external corroboration. And that corroboration, by the nature of the case, can only come from within the modern human genome itself. Is there a “code” within the genetic code that might suggest that we are indeed the creatures of such a project begun and executed long ago? Is there a hint of the “artificiality” of modern man? And if so, who is searching for it, and why? Are there indeed remains of giants that have been quietly spirited away? And if so, why?

  Here, as they say, “the plot thickens”...




  “An amino acid sequence can be encrypted... since the (genetic) code is a homophonic cipher.”

  — Mathematicians John C. King and Dennis R. Bahler321

  HUMAN DNA IS WHERE the complex algorithms of computing, where the arcane symbols of higher dimensional physics and mathematics, and where the biology of life and the meta-physics of consciousness all meet in an intricate encrypted minuet. But is there any evidence that all this complexity was the artificial creation of a hidden elite to begin with? Is there evidence, perhaps, of a �
��code within the code” that might testify to a hidden hand at play in ancient times, one with, perhaps, an agenda?

  Oddly enough, there is, and it comes from a very strange and unsuspected place: ancient China, and its Book of Changes, the I Ching. In that, there is another strange connection to Mesopotamia and its ancient myths, and the possibility of yet another agenda in evidence.


  It was after the discovery of the double helix and the basic structure of the human genome that some biologists and geneticists noticed a peculiar thing, indeed, a thing so peculiar that it defied all the laws of coincidence and chance: the strong resemblance of the structure of DNA to the structure of the ancient Chinese system of divination, the I Ching.322

  DNA I Ching

  1. Discovered ten years ago, has existed since life began. All the vital processes of all liv ing creatures whose structure, form and heredity are programmed in precise detail universal claim. 1. All processes of living development throughout nature are subject to one strictly detailed program (universal physi cal, metaphysical, psychological, moral claim)

  2. The basis is the plus and minus double helix of DNA. 2. The basis is the manifestation of the world principle in the primal poles yang (__) and yin (_ _)

  3. Four letters are available for labeling this double helix: A-T, C-G (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine), which are joined in pairs. 3. Four letters suffice for life in all its full ness.

  7= resting yang --

  9= moving yang --

  8= resting yin -

  6 = moving yin ®¬

  4. Three of these letters at a time form a code word1 for protein synthesis. 4. Three of these letters at a time form a tri gram, a primary image of the eight pos sible dynamic effects.

  5. The “direction” in which the code words are read is strictly determined (®) 5. The “direction” in which the trigram is read is strictly determined ()

  6. There are 64 of these triplets known whose property and informative “power” have been explored. One or more triplets program the structure of one of the pos sible 22 amino acids; quite specific se quences of such triplets program the form and structure of all living creatures, from the amoeba to the iridescent peacock’s feather. 6. There are 64 double trigrams precisely designated and described by Fu-Hsi (3000 B.C.) in very vivid and precise images of highly specific dynamic states (e.g., “breakthrough” or “oppression”) with in each case six possible variations of this state and subsequent transformation into another one of the 64 hexagrams — aprogram of fate, as it were, in which each individual is at all times placed to oper ate the “switch” of fate, from which point onwards the “train” continues along its appointed “line.”

  7. Two of these triplets have names: “begin ning” and “end.” They mark the begin ning and end of a code sentence of some length. 7. Two hexagrams have names: before com pletion and after completion (frequently opening and closing “melodies of fate” in the oracle).

  Schönberger’s Table of DNA–I Ching Comparisons *

  The I Ching was discovered by Fu-Hsi in 3000 B.C. “through an insight into nature that defies our understanding.”323 Indeed, it is because of this defiance of our understanding that much more may be at work than the accidental, serendipitous discovery of an effective tool of divination, for as we shall see, there may very well be a hidden Sumerian connection to the I Ching.

  However, in order to appreciate this astounding connection, we must have a basic understanding of the structure of the I Ching itself and lay it side by side with the basic structure of DNA.

  Like DNA’s codons with their tripartite structure of information,324 the I Ching’s system of 64 symbols is built of a simple structure called trigrams, which are combinations of three lines. The lines may be solid, or broken. There are eight such trigrams, and in the I Ching, these images are, in the words of the German I Ching scholar Wilhelm, “images of all that happens in heaven and on earth,” and as such, are representation of the tendencies of beings in movement. They represent “not objective entities, but functions.”325 The I Ching functions, in other words, in a manner very similar to DNA, for both describe the possible actions of a given person, given a certain set of programmed instructions inherent in the two systems.326 Given all these similarities between the I Ching and DNA, geneticist Gunther S. Stent wrote that “the congruence between it and the genetic code is nothing short of amazing.”327 Indeed, it is so amazing that the chances of it being a statistical fluke are very small. The I Ching may, in fact, be viewed as the “other half” of DNA.328

  This means that someone in ancient times knew something, and that the possibility arises that Fu-Hsi did not discover the I Ching, but rather, that the I Ching is a legacy of some lost civilization and its science, for ancient China certainly did not have sophisticated knowledge of the genetic code. Just who did has already been seen from the ancient texts examined in the previous chapters: the Anunnaki.

  On this view, the I Ching becomes a “probability calculus,”329 a kind of “psychic computer”330 with its own topology of “sequent events”331 and even a catalogue of those events,332 implying a kind of universal consciousness of which each person is a component.333 Indeed, the physical medium not only becomes conscious in a certain sense, but is also — in another dramatic parallel with very modern views in physics — an information-creating medium.334 This makes the universe a “gigantic organism” based upon a triadic structure underlying all things, and even becomes the basis for tantric sex practices, practices rationalized as a direct participation in the medium itself.335


  The strong and more than coincidental nature of the correspondences between the I Ching and DNA — and we have only surveyed but a few — raises the possibility that in looking at the two, we may be in fact looking at the fragments of a lost science that once long ago existed in a higher order unity.336 On this view, both modern genetics and the I Ching itself would be declined legacies of that higher order unity.

  Given what has been said here, we may speculate on some of the properties of that “higher structured order” and its properties: (1) it will first be of an analogical nature; (2) it will create information in the medium from a broken symmetry; (3) it will have its own “torsion moment” or rotational characteristics (mirrored in the spiral properties of the DNA helix).

  This is to say that the DNA of man interfaces directly with the physical medium or aether in a manner that no other DNA of any other species does, making man a very powerful creature from a certain point of view... and a threat, which might account for the fact that the “gods,” at least in the Mesopotamian legends, attempt to exterminate him once he was created. In any case, “Man” is, so to speak, made in the image and likeness of the physical medium.337

  But what we are clearly looking at here is a higher order of structural unity that was understood by someone in times that were already “ancient” before ancient times, and we have already suggested where such knowledge and science came from: the Anunnaki, and hence, there may be some connection between the I Ching and the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia. The question is, what is it?

  There is one very obvious candidate: the Tablets of Destinies. These, as I have detailed elsewhere,338 were objects of power, made from some kind of stone or crystal, which enabled the fantastic technologies of the “gods.” Moreover, they were also fantastic objects of power and destruction, so fantastic, in fact, that whole wars were fought to possess them, until finally, some of them were deliberately destroyed to prevent their use for warfare again.339

  The problem is, no one knows for sure exactly what they were, beyond the vague descriptions of stone-like or crystalline objects in those ancient texts. “Putting all [the] indications” from the ancient Mesopotamian texts together, I decided to follow the clues to draw some speculative conclusions on what they may have been. As I outlined in my book The Cosmic War, there were essentially six clues:1. They were
, first of all, information, or objects containing information, that allowed one to tap into “the power of the universe”;

  2. They were objects of technology that in use or conjunction with the “ekurs” or “mountains of stone” — the ziggurats and pyramids of the ancient world — allowed one to access that power, and thus wield a global hegemony by dint of being able to manipulate that power in a variety of ways;

  3. In the myths... examined, these ME340 are almost always understood to be weapons. Their theft from Enlil by Anzu (or, earlier, by Tiamat!) thus implies something quite important about the civilization of the ancient “gods,” and that is, that the whole idea of “kingship” resided in the implicit ability and threat to make use of this force.

  4. As was also seen... the greatest of the MEs, the “Tablets of Destinies,” appear to be able to effect action at a distance.

  5. Some MEs are also referred to as ME-LAM, or light-emitting, suggesting a connection between the Tablets of Destinies and light, or electromagnetic radiation. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the texts indicate that after their theft, “radiance” disappeared.

  6. And finally, it will be noted that these particular MEs, from their first theft by Tiamat to their subsequent theft by Anzu, and their brief (?) period in the possession of Ninurta, exercise a peculiarly corrupting moral influence on their possessors, gradually sapping their will and consuming them with the obsessive desire to control and possess them...341


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