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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 21

by Joseph Farrell

  In fact, the habit of flattening the skull of an infant and forcing it to grow in an elongated shape was a practice used by ancient Peruvians, the Mayas, and the Flathead Indians of Montana. Sanderson tried to gather further proof, eventually receiving a letter from another member of the unit who confirmed the report. The letters both indicated that the Smithsonian Institution had collected the remains, yet nothing else was heard. Sanderson seemed convinced that the Smithsonian Institution had received the bizarre relics, but wondered why they would not release the data. He asks, “ it that these people cannot face rewriting all the textbooks?”368

  Notwithstanding the weighty credentials of Sanderson, himself a well-known investigator of Fortean phenomena, many, however, still doubt the existence of such coordinated archaeological cover-ups.

  4. Archaeology-gate: Cremo, Thompson, and the Antiquity of Man

  Unfortunately for such individuals, decidedly more weighty evidence of such archaeological cover-ups was presented by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson in their massive and magisterial study of the antiquity of mankind and his artifacts, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Any attempt to summarize this massive and scholarly tome of over nine hundred pages here is simply impossible. We may, however, get some idea of their thesis, method, and the vast amount of evidence that they present to prove that anatomically modern tool-making humans have been around for far longer than standard scientific dogma proclaims.

  They begin by observing that “...‘[Facts]’ turn out to be networks of arguments and observational claims.”369 Thus, “a piece of evidence is anomalous only in relation to a particular theory,”370 the theory in this case being evolution and all its implications for anthropology and the presumed reconstruction of the history and evolution of mankind. In this context that they ask the question that introduces the nine hundred pages of “anomalous” evidence that does not fit the standard theory:

  What if, for example, fossils of anatomically modern humans turned up in strata older than those in which the dryopithecine apes were found? Even if anatomically modern humans were found to have lived contemporaneously with Dryopithecus (or even a million years ago, 4 million years after the Late Miocene disappearance of Dryopithecus), that would be enough to throw the current accounts of the origin of humankind completely out the window.

  In fact, such evidence has already been found, but it has since been suppressed or conveniently forgotten...

  ... Before Java man... reputable nineteenth-century scientists found a number of examples of anatomically modern human skeletal remains in very ancient strata.371

  They then state that there is “an essential equivalence” in the evidence adduced in favor of the standard theory, and the anomalous evidence against it.

  This has repercussions, for “it is not appropriate to accept one and reject the other.” Indeed,If we reject the first set of reports (the anomalies) and to be consistent, also reject the second set (evidence currently accepted), then the theory of human evolution is deprived of a good part of its observational foundation. But if we accept the first set of reports, then we must accept the existence of intelligent, toolmaking beings in geological periods as remote as the Miocene, or even the Eocene. If we accept the skeletal evidence presented in these reports, we must go further and accept the existence of anatomically modern human beings in these remote periods.372

  In addition to a thorough review of human skeletal remains in anomalously old strata, Cremo and Thompson produce a vast catalogue of extremely anomalous objects that are the result of obvious art and intelligence. These included carved marble figures in strata that “suggests the characters were made by intelligent humans from the distant past,”373 a section of gold thread found in strata between 320 and 360 million years old,374 a report in a nineteenth-century edition of Scientific American recording the discovery of a metallic vase in strata 600 million years old,375 a chalk ball in France in strata 45–55 million years old,376 a machined coin with undecipherable writing at least 200,000 years old, discovered in Illinois,377 a clay figurine discovered in Idaho that is at least two million years old.378 The list of suppressed and conveniently forgotten discoveries goes on and on, and we shall have occasion to refer to this list again in the final chapter, and in a very different context.

  So why suppress or “conveniently forget” such evidences?

  In their remarks cited previously, Cremo and Thompson give one obvious answer: such evidence does not serve the reigning scientific dogma of evolution.

  It is when Cremo and Thompson’s careful scholarship is viewed within the context of deeper allegations of archaeological suppression that other more disturbing philosophical and speculative implications emerge, for the bottom line is that both the archaeological suppression of “convenient forgetting” and the dogma of evolution would seem to be tailor-made devices to suppress the ideas of the great antiquity of man and the possibility of a previously existing Very High Civilization. Viewed in this light, it is possible that the scientific theory functions as an “evidence screening mechanism” for scientists not privy to the ultimate agenda: the suppression of the very notion of such a civilization, and therefore of any attempt to investigate it by the hoi polloi. One might indeed be dealing with a “public consumption” biology, anthropology, and archaeology to parallel the “public consumption” physics deliberately designed to prevent the recovery of lost technologies and science. Clearly, if our examination of the I Ching and DNA are any indicator, this would appear to be the case.

  5. An Aside: Gilgamesh Discovered — Speculative Implications

  In this context, an interesting story was reported by the BBC on Tuesday, April 29, 2003. German archaeologists in Iraq located the site of ancient Uruk, including, they believed, the tomb of its famous king, Gilgamesh.379 After this initial reporting, little was ever mentioned about the find. Of course, this could be due to modern journalism’s laziness in following up a story.

  But there could be something more, for it will be recalled that the ancient texts state that Gilgamesh was “two thirds god and one third human.” That is, Gilgamesh was himself a chimerical hybrid offspring of the gods and of man, and if one is to believe the suggestions of ancient genetic engineering explored previously, it could be possible that via modern techniques of sequencing DNA from cadavers, scientists might actually be looking for that “divine component,” and Gilgamesh’s remains would offer the perfect means to do so.

  But don’t hold your breath. If they are doing that, chances are they will not tell us what they find.


  So, now, what do we have? What sort of speculative conclusions might we draw from this brief essay of genome wars and connections of miscellanies? Of ancient measures and hidden elites?1. We have, first, the presence of elites manipulating information in both modern and ancient times, and while it does not follow from the evidence discussed that these elites are connected or continuous throughout time, it is clear that the methods and motivations are oftentimes eerily parallel;

  2. In the case of the elites behind the establishment of a system of geodetic- and astronomically-based measures over a broad area from Britain to Mesopotamia, it is clear that one possible agenda behind this activity was to jump-start civilization back into existence, by fostering international trade. In this respect, as I demonstrated in my previous book Babylon’s Banksters, there is a clear association of ancient temple priesthoods both with astronomical measuring activity, with astrological predictive or divination activity, and with the issuance of money, activities that are in turn deeply connected to each other in the deep relationship between physical and economic systems;

  3. In the case of the ancient texts examined, it is clear that mankind is an engineered being, created for the explicit purpose of servitude by a genetically related species, which may accordingly have a “legal” claim upon humanity;

  4. It is clear that the modern elite, for variou
s reasons, are attempting to suppress this aspect of human development and origins, in part in service to evolutionary theory, but possibly because there is a deeper agenda, which would include obscuring possible human origins and the implied existence of technological sophistication in paleoancient times, and their attempts both to recover it, and to reconstruct a true but hidden account of human history;

  5. It is clear from the comparison of modern genetic discoveries with the ancient Chinese system of divination known as the I Ching that someone had refined, precise scientific data concerning genetic structure, and that somehow this was in turn connected or conceived to be an intimate clue into the nature of the physical processes of the universe itself. In a certain sense, then, the I Ching might be called the “other half” of DNA, a fragment of a once-lost but highly unified scientific worldview whose views about God, Man, and the Medium were highly unified, formally explicit, and required no acts of faith to comprehend;

  6. The existence of genetic science also affords the modern elites the method and basis to verify some of the claims of the ancient texts, though such verification is likely to be performed covertly and its results kept secret and known only to that elite.

  With this in mind, it is time, finally, to turn to the two remaining components that form the themes of this essay: monsters, and men.



  “The Natives’ story was consistent: these were vestiges of a giant race, now extinct owing to natural catastrophe or battles with humans of the distant past.”

  — Adrienne Mayor, Fossil Legends of the First Americans, p. 78.

  “What the mitochondrial gene tree did was to introduce an objective time-depth measurement into the equation for the first time. It showed quite clearly that the common mitochondrial ancestor of all modern humans lived only about 150,000 years ago.”

  — Bryan Sykes,

  The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals

  Our Genetic Ancestry, p. 50.

  “Even if anatomically modern humans were found to have lived... even a million years ago... that would be enough to throw the current accounts of the origin of humankind completely out the window. In fact, such evidence has already been found, but it has since been suppressed or conveniently forgotten.”

  — Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, p. 18.




  “Keep in mind that in many Native traditions, ‘giants’ of ancient eras were often understood to be primeval beings that were neither animal nor human.”

  — Adrienne Mayor380

  GENETIC ENGINEERING HAS BECOME something of a fascination within the community of researchers studying alternative, “Fortean” phenomena and perspectives on history and ethics. Stories abound of the genetic alteration of food and seeds, with agribusiness companies like Monsanto leading the charge for the ridiculous idea of seeds for plants that will not reproduce... a nice way to control the food supply. We are reminded of the great potentials for good in genetic cures for the ravages of cancer, AIDS, diabetes and a host of other ailments, and of the great potential for evil in the genetic engineering of bio-weapons that target certain population groups with specific biological markers. Other stories recount the creation of what can only be described as science fiction: rabbits and rats and cats that glow in the dark, mice growing human ears, human DNA put into ordinary food products or artificial sweeteners or spliced into the genes of cattle and pigs.

  If we did not know better, we would think we were reading the ancient Mesopotamian “creation” epic, the Enuma Elish, with its account of “scorpion men,” or other ancient tales of Mesopotamia of the “fish god” Oannes, part fish and part man, and of other chimerical hybrids recounted in ancient texts and of the chimerical gods depicted in Egyptian and Mesopotamian art. When Alexander the Great’s empire was divided among his generals — with Mesopotamia going to the Seleucids and Egypt to the Ptolemies — each of those new dynasties commissioned “official histories” of their new realms in Greek, and solicited experts from within their realms to translate from their archives the essential texts. One of these was the Babylonian priest, scribe, and historian Berossus, whose Babylonaica survives only in fragmented quotations from his work cited by later classical historians and church fathers.

  According to the early church historian Eusebius, who in turn is citing Alexander Polyhistor, Berossus stated:There was a time in which there existed nothing but darkness and an abyss of waters, wherein resided most hideous beings, which were produced of a two-fold principle. There appeared men, some of whom were furnished with two wings, others with four, and with two faces. They had one body but two heads: one that of a man, the other of a woman; and likewise in their several organs both male and female. Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats: some had horses’ feet; while others united the hind quarters of a horse with the body of a man, resembling in shape the hippocentaurs. Bulls likewise were bred there with the heads of men; and dogs with fourfold bodies, terminated in their extremities with the tails of fishes; horses also with the heads of dogs; men too and other animals with the heads and bodies of horses and the tails of fishes. In short, there were creatures in which were combined the limbs of every species of animals. In addition to these, fishes, reptiles, serpents, with other monstrous animals, which assumed each other’s shape and countenance. Of all which were preserved delineations in the temple of Belus at Babylon.

  The person who presided over them was a woman named Omoroca; which in the Chaldaean language is Thalatth; in Greek Thalassa, the sea; but which might equally be interpreted the Moon. All things being in this situation, Belus came, and cut the woman asunder; and of one half of her he formed the earth, and of the other half the heavens; and at the same time destroyed the animals within her. All this (he says) was an allegorical description of nature. For, the whole universe consisting of moisture, and animals being continually generated therein, the deity above-mentioned took off his own head; upon which the other gods mixed the blood, as it gushed out, with the earth; and from thence were formed men. On this account it is that they are rational, and partake of divine knowledge.... (Such, according to Polyhistor Alexander, is the account which Berossus gives in his first book.)381

  Before analyzing this important passage, there is another fragment of Berossus that must be mentioned, also a fragment from Alexander Polyhistor that survives in the early church historian Eusebius:(In the second book was contained the history of the ten kings of the Chaldaeans, and the period of the continuance of each reign, which consisted collectively of a hundred and twenty sari, or four hundred and thirty-two thousand years; reaching to the time of the Deluge. For Alexander, enumerating the kings from the writings of the Chaldaeans, after the ninth Ardates, proceeds to the tenth, who is called by them Xisuthrus, in this manner:)

  After the death of Ardates, his son Hizuthrus reigned eighteen sari. In his time happened a great Deluge; the history of which is thus described. The Deity, Cronus, appeared to him in a vision, and warned him that upon the fifteenth day of the month Daesius there would be a flood, by which mankind would be destroyed. He therefore enjoined him to write a history of the beginning, procedure, and conclusion of all things; and to bury it in the city of the Sun at Sipara; and to build a vessel, and take with him into it his friends and relations; and to convey on board every thing necessary to sustain life, together with all the different animals both birds and quadrupeds, and trust himself fearlessly to the deep. Having asked the Deity, whither he was to sail? he was answered, “To the Gods”; upon which he offered up a prayer for the good of mankind. He then obeyed the divine admonition: and built a vessel five stadia in length, and two in breadth. Into this he put every thing which he had prepared; and last of all conveyed into it his wife, his children, and his friends.

  After th
e flood had been upon the earth, and was in time abated, Xisuthrus sent out birds from the vessel; which, not finding any food, nor any place whereupon they might rest their feet, returned to him again. After an interval of some days, he sent them forth a second time; and they now returned with their feet tinged with mud. He made a trial a third time with these birds; but they returned to him no more; from whence he judged that the surface of the earth had appeared above the waters. He therefore made an opening in the vessel, and upon look-ing out found that it was stranded upon the side of some mountain; upon which he immediately quitted it with his wife, his daughter, and the pilot. Xisuthrus then paid his adoration to the earth; and having constructed an altar, offered sacrifices to the gods, and, with those who had come out of the vessel with him, disappeared.

  They, who remained within, finding that their companions did not return, quitted the vessel with many lamentations, and called continually on the name of Xisuthrus. Him they saw no more; but they could distinguish his voice in the air, and could hear him admonish them to pay due regard to religion; and likewise informed them that it was upon account of his piety that he was translated to live with the gods; that his wife and daughter, and the pilot, had obtained the same honour. To this he added, that they should return to Babylonia; and, as it was ordained, search for the writings at Sippara, which they were to make known to all mankind....382


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