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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 26

by Joseph Farrell

  Similarly, I do not attempt to reconstruct a whole detailed chronology of an alternative “pre-history” of extraterrestrial contact, intervention, wars, and so on... for a very simple reason. The Cosmic War hypothesis has not hitherto been adequately advanced or explored in its own right, so it would seem best to ascertain its very broad outlines and progression and to put them forward here as a kind of prima facie case, and then to work out the detailed chronology at some later point.513

  This is now that “later point,” and as the focus in that book was the texts and physics, so the focus in this one is the texts and biology and history.

  With these remarks in hand, and on the basis of the findings of the previous chapters of this book, we may lay out a more detailed chronology, commenting, as we proceed on the possible agendas at work.


  1) Hundreds of millions, and perhaps even billions, of years before the advent of even the genus Homo, there were intelligent beings here on earth (and elsewhere in the solar system), who show evident signs of technology and culture. This is evident by two distinct data sets recounted here and elsewhere:a. By the anomalous and inconvenient archaeological evidence assembled by Cremo and Thompson: i) machined metallic balls found in South Africa in strata almost three billion years old;

  ii) a machined vase or cup found in Massachusetts in strata 600 million years old;

  iii) A nail embedded in Scottish sandstone between 360–408 million years old;

  iv) a gold thread embedded in rock between 320–360 million years old;

  v) a gold chain in coal 260–320 million years old;

  vi) an iron vase or cup in Oklahoma coal approximately 312 million years old;

  vii) a machined rectangular metallic tube found in chalk in France 65 million years old;This date, 65 million years ago, requires some commentary. In The Cosmic War I outlined the case that a planet once existed in the orbit of the asteroid belt, and that according to mathematical calculation, that planet had been exploded in a deliberate act of war, either some 65 million years ago, or 3.2 million years ago. While opting in that book for the 3.2 million year date for the event,514 the presence of this artifact, and those chronologically preceding it, give some prima facie evidence for the existence of a civilization in high antiquity at least capable of machining things, and thus, the arguments advanced in The Cosmic War are broadly corroborated. The 65 million year date is significant for another reason, and that is that it is now an accepted model of science that some catastrophe occurred at that juncture of the Earth’s planetary history that wiped out the dinosaurs and ushered in the age of mammals.515 It should thus be noted that the presence of machined objects and evident “humanoid” culture on the Earth prior to the catastrophe of 65 million years ago, and which wiped out the dinosaurs, may be the ultimate basis for the later legends of wars against the giants and monsters. In other words, the later myths were inherited and based initially on observation by someone of an event contemporaneous to them. Given that we have argued the sophistication of this culture previously in this present book, and argued that there was a basis in ancient texts to assume that it had genetic engineering technology, and given the fact that the ancient texts examined in this present book have indicated the presence of chimeras and “monsters” — which monsters in other ancient texts were formed for the express purpose of weapons of war516 — the possibility arises, radical as it may seem, that the dinosaurs themselves may have been engineered creatures, since the artifact evidence of Cremo and Thompson indicates that intelligent beings were here from a period antedating the rise of the dinosaurs.

  viii). clay figurines found at Nampa, Idaho, two million years old; and last, but by no means least,

  ix) a coin produced through a rolling mill, discovered in Illinois, between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.This date also calls for some commentary. In the second chapter of this present book it was argued that the presence of geodetic and astronomical systems of measure that were advanced in Neolithic cultures indicated the presence of an elite with an agenda to make commerce a truly global affair. The existence of a coin antedating these efforts testifies to the existence of a civilization that had conducted such commerce and that for whatever reason had later to re-establish the basics necessary for it to resume: a system of accurate measures that would be reproducible world-wide. The coin, in other words, is minor, but corroborative, testimony to the existence of just such an elite with an agenda.

  More significant, however, is the date of the coin, for it roughly correlates with, of all things, the dates given for the reign of the “divine” kings of Mesopotamia given in the Sumerian Kings’ List. This list states explicitly that prior to the Deluge, these kings reigned for 241,200 years.517 Given that the Flood is generally assumed by some alternative researchers to have occurred approximately 10,000 B.C., we may add 12,000 years to that figure to get a rough approximate date of 253, 200 years to the arrival of these “divine” kings. The coin, in other words, is loose corroboration that the dates of the Kings’ List, far from being the Sumerian fantasy that most scholars assume it to be, might actually have some basis in fact. Moreover, its presence in Illinois might be an indicator that far from being mere city-states, the cities mentioned in the Kings’ List might have been the seats or capitals of very large empires spread over a wide surface of the globe.

  b. By the evidence assembled by Richard C. Hoagland that indicate a civilization sophisticated enough to be interplanetary once inhabited our own local solar system: i) At the head of this list must be the Saturnian moon, Iapetus, which, in addition to showing clear signs of being an artificial body, is also in an orbit around Saturn that incorporates Sumerian systems of measure;518 This also requires some additional commentary, for the presence of such measures in Iapetus’ orbit around Saturn means that the Sumerian system of measures is incomparably older than Sumeria. It means likewise that the geodetic and astronomical bases of measures were known long before the Neolithic age, and thus suggest that in the aftermath of the Cosmic War, whensoever one dates it, enough survivors were left to perpetuate that knowledge and eventually reconstruct such systems of measure.

  ii) There is evidence of the artificiality of at least one asteroid in the asteroid belt,519 and for the artificiality of the Martian moon Phobos;520

  iii) There is evidence of the artificiality of structures and features on the surfaces of Mars521 and Earth’s own Moon;522 Again, these facts also require additional comment. Given that the standard method of dating the age of such objects is by crater counting, artificial objects such as Iapetus and Phobos, and the artificial structures on the Martian and Selene surfaces exhibit an antiquity approximately in line with the anomalous and inconvenient — and perhaps unearthly — artifacts unearthed by Cremo and Thompson. The extraterrestrial archaeology is thus broadly in agreement with the terrestrial.

  At this juncture, we now add into the chronological table the previous “standard model” of the evolutionary origins of man; we repeat verbatim, in some instances, what was stated previously, with additional commentary:2) Gorillas and chimpanzees split from the line leading to humans four to eight million years ago;

  3) Australopithecines diverge from the genus Homo approximately 2.3–2.4 million years ago, that is — if the 3.2 million year date is accepted for the explosion of the missing planet of the solar system — after the occurrence of the Cosmic War;

  4) Homo habilis flourished approximately 2.4–1.4 million years ago, evolving in southern and eastern Africa, diverging from Australopithecines;523

  5) The next major evolutionary leap occurred with Homo erectus, who lived from approximately 1.8 million to a mere 70,000 years ago, the latter date indicating some contemporaneous existence with modern Homo sapiens sapiens. Homo erectus is believed also to have evolved larger brain capacity in some populations, and to fabricate and make use of simple stone tools, leading some to classify them as a separate species;524

  Again we pause for commentary.

  Given that it is possible to construe some of the texts examined in this book as indicative of a technology of genetic engineering in high antiquity, and given that the express purpose for the engineering of mankind by “the gods” was for the express purpose of relieving the burden of labor on the latter, we speculate that in the wake of the Cosmic War, it was necessary to do so to insure the survival of that pre-existing civilization. It will be recalled from chapter five’s survey of the O’Briens’ examination of the Kharsag Tablets that this engineering occurred by taking a pre-existing “humanid” and injecting it with a “divine” element. The possibility exists, in other words, when all the previous evidence of point number one above is considered, that the various “humanities” of the standard model might themselves be the products of engineering, or at least of a technological “assist” to normal evolutionary processes.

  6) There is still debate over where Homo neanderthalensis, which lived from approximately 400,000 years ago (a significant date as we shall see), is a part of the evolutionary tree of modern man or not; that is, is it a separate species or is it a sub-species of Homo sapiens? DNA evidence suggests that the two species shared a common ancestor no later than 660,000 years ago. The Wikipedia article notes, however, that “a recent development in 2010 indicates that Neanderthal did indeed interbreed with Homo Sapiens at cerca [sic] 75,000 B.C. to create modern humans...”525 giving a DNA content of modern humans that is approximately one to four percent Neanderthal, a significant amount given that humans and chimpanzees differ only in 1.5 percent of DNA.526 What is most interesting, however, is that this one to four percent of DNA that is common to modern man and Neanderthal man is present only in non-African humans;527

  7) Sometime between 400,000 and 200,000 years ago differences in skull cranial capacity developed, accompanied with a similar development in the sophistication of stone tools, allowing paleontologists to speculate these populations are the first beginnings of the genus Homo sapiens;528

  8) Finally, as we have seen, the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens occurred approximately 150,000 years ago, spreading from Africa, through the Middle East, to the rest of the world.

  Points 6–8 above suggest that further genetic projects might have taken place. We have already pointed out the odd, though minor, corroboration of modern genetic findings with its 13 primordial African clans, and the Kharsag Tablets’ 14 human donor mothers, and seven European clan mothers, to the genetic engineering project.

  Oddly enough, as has been seen in the previous chapter, Native American traditions contain the idea of different ages populated by different “humanities,” and in particular, as was also seen, the Aztec tradition recorded five different humanities, including the present one, each of which were engineered by “the gods.” An ocean and hemisphere away, the Mesopotamian texts say essentially the same thing.

  There is a further indicator that we might be looking at something of this nature, and that is the Sumerian tradition that “kingship” was “lowered from above” or from heaven, that it came from “the gods.” When compared to the Kharsag Tablets it will be recalled that the “divine” part of modern came from “the gods” or, to be more accurate, one specific male donor, whereas the “human” component came from 14 donor mothers.

  This odd combination might in fact reflect a dim mythological memory of two scientific facts we encountered in the previous chapter, namely that one can only trace human ancestry through the mother and mitochondrial DNA, whereas, if there were to be any traceable presence of DNA unrelated to humanity and coming from some other species of the genus Homo, then the most likely place to trace or discover it would be via the male Y chromosome which is found only in human males.529 It is in fact within the male Y chromosome that there is a great deal of the so-called “junk” or non-coding DNA.

  We recall also the fact of the more-than-coincidental resemblance of the Chinese I Ching system of divination to the nature of human DNA itself, a fact that strongly suggests that someone in ancient times knew a great deal not only about human DNA, but about its possible connection to a deeper physics. This suggests that while some texts and myths might have been garbled, preserving only faint traces of a lost plateau of scientific development, other traditions existed that preserved whole portions of that science intact — albeit encoded — and that in turn suggests the presence of an elite doing the preserving.

  All of these things taken together suggest one other significant thing: an elite that may in fact be only partially human, and descended more directly from that putative genetic engineering of humanity, or perhaps even from the original “gods” themselves, an elite that perhaps has survived down to our own day, walking amongst us, undetected, “like aliens.”

  And this brings up the final point in our chronological table, and a final agenda:9) At a much later point, some myths and texts arise whose function appears to be precisely to obscure the above scenario, and the elites behind the activities that comprise it. There is, so to speak, a counter-revolution underway by an elite opposing all these agendas and seeking to usurp power for itself. Its standard technique of obscurantism appears to be the “religification” of these ideas and a demand for unquestioning obedience to this or that dogma of this or that “god” and a willingness to murder under the justification of “obedience” to him.

  As indicated in the Preface, I am acutely aware of the radical nature that this implication of the data surveyed here has for conventional religious apologetics, and for the history and possible editing of religious texts to suit an agenda. At the minimum, however, it is a growing problem, and serious scholars of texts and informed theologians, philosophers, anthropologists and scientists from every discipline will inevitably have to deal with it — and more successfully than the manner in which the past two millennia have dealt with it.

  The time of idle and fruitless contemporary debates between the dialectical oppositions of the god of “intelligent design” versus the atheistic god of “evolutionary chance” are over, for if the synthetic view be true, then the truth lies somewhere between those polarities. The data from space, the data from texts, the moral and ethical dilemmas they pose, and the data from mankind and Earth herself, combine on this synthetic view into a scenario of vast and cosmic proportions, and the fate of humanity itself is at stake.

  It is high time we get on with it, and to the work that this survey has merely scratched the surface of, for if any truths emerge from this survey they are these: (1) there is more truth than myth to ancient legends and texts, if examined a certain way, and (2) it is time for humanity to grow up, for after all, we are all, in the very real biological sense, cousins, and maybe, just maybe, we have other “cousins” out there somewhere still.

  The bad news is, they may be coming back...


  Barton, George Aaron. Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1918. (Kessinger Publishing Reprint, ISBN 1120646510).

  Bramley, William. The Gods of Eden. New York: Avon, 1990. ISBN 0-380-71807-3.

  Brodeur, Paul. The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Cover-Up. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1977. ISBN 0-393-06427-1.

  Cannon, Martin. The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction.

  Childress, David Hatcher. “Archeological Coverups.” Nexus, 2005.

  Childress, David Hatcher. “The Egyptian City of the Grand Canyon.” World Explorer Magazine. Adventures Unlimited Press. 21–40.

  Coppens, Philip. “Canyonitis: Seeing Evidence of Ancient Egypt in the Grand Canyon.”

  Cremo, Michael A., and Richard L. Thompson. Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Los Angeles: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, Inc., 1996. ISBN 0-89213-294-9.

  Cremo, Michael A., and Richard L. Thompson
. The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology). Angeles: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, Inc., 1999. ISBN 0-89213-325-2.

  Delgado, Jose M.R., M.D. Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilizaed Society. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1971. ISBN 06-090208-6.

  Farrell, Joseph P. Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion. Port Townsend, Washington: Feral House, 2010. ISBN 978-1-932595-79-6.


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