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The People Vs. Barack Obama

Page 34

by Ben Shapiro

  Chicago, Illinois

  ACORN in, 198–200

  Obama’s background in, 160–61, 207

  Chicago Tribune, 92, 160

  Child Support Enforcement Agency, Cuyahoga County, 93

  Christians: in Egypt, 23

  Chrysler Corporation, 163–64

  Chu, Steven, 170–71

  CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

  Citigroup, 194

  Citizens for the Republic, 97

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), 97, 105

  citizens, U.S.

  spying on, 126–28

  and targeting of anti-Americans with drone strikes, 201–2

  See also surveillance programs

  civil liberties/rights

  and New Black Panther Party case, 186

  surveillance programs and, 139, 140, 150, 156

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 178–84

  See also Patriot Act; surveillance programs

  Civil Rights Act (1964), 141

  Civil Rights Division, 185

  Clapper, James, 3, 136, 142, 143, 155, 207

  Clarke, Richard, 149, 77–78

  Cleaver, Emanuel, 104

  Clinton, Bill, 8, 90–91, 158, 203, 204

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham and Assad-Syria events, 23

  awards for, 55–56

  and Ben Ali–Tunisia events, 22

  Benghazi attack and, 3, 18, 32, 35–36, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49–50, 53, 58

  Congress/Senate testimonies of, 32, 47, 49

  elections of 2012 and, 185

  elections of 2016 and, 18, 52

  and gunrunning in Syria, 30

  and “Innocence of Muslims” video, 38

  and IRS activities, 91

  and Israeli-U.S. relations, 130

  and leaks, 134

  Libyan uprising and, 24, 25, 28, 32

  and Mubarak-Egypt events, 23

  New Black Panthers and, 185

  resignation of, 55–56

  Travelgate and, 90

  closing arguments

  about Benghazi, 56–59

  about bribery, 176–77

  about Fast and Furious Operation, 82–84

  about IRS activities, 116–17

  about leaks, 137

  about manslaughter, 82–84

  against Obama administration, 210–14

  about obstruction of justice, 200–202

  about surveillance programs, 154–56

  CNBC, 95


  Benghazi story and, 50, 53, 209

  and IRS activities, 111

  and Israel-Iran relations, 129

  and Israel-U.S. relations, 134

  and leaks about al-Qaeda operations, 127

  and Snowden case, 151

  and surveillance programs, 147


  Colbert, Stephen, 52–53

  Cole, James, 73

  command responsibility principle, 4

  Commentary magazine, 134–35

  Committee for Truth in Politics, 99

  Community Relations Service (CRS), Justice Department, 182

  Competitive Enterprise Institute, 173

  Concerned Women for America, 91

  Congress, U.S.

  ACORN and, 199

  and AmeriCorps/Walpin case, 189, 190

  appointments and, 166, 168

  authorizations from, 26–27

  and auto bailouts, 164

  and Benghazi, 1, 3, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48–49, 50, 52, 53, 55

  and briefing about bin Laden’s death, 120

  and Clapper-NSA surveillance case, 3

  decline in power of, 12

  elections of people to, 212

  and Energy Department activities, 171

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 65, 68, 70, 72–73, 75, 77, 78, 79–80, 83

  immigration and, 196–97

  impeachments in, 212

  and IRS activities, 89, 90, 98, 100, 109–10, 111–12, 113, 115

  and Libya events, 26–27, 28, 29

  monitoring of programs by, 144–45

  Netanyahu’s visit to, 130

  Obama and, 10, 11, 26–27, 57, 166, 168, 196–97

  Obamacare and, 2, 94, 174, 195, 198

  RICO Act, 5, 15

  role of, 13

  and Sebelius’s solicitation of donations for Obamacare, 2

  surveillance programs and, 144–45, 146, 148, 154, 155

  and targeting of journalists, 122–23

  and what can be done about government, 212–13

  Congress, U.S.

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 180–81

  See also specific person, committee or legislation

  Congressional Black Caucus, 104

  Congressional Research Service, 132

  conservative groups

  and EPA fees for Freedom of Information requests, 2, 173

  IRS targeting of, 2, 98–117, 155, 204, 206, 209–10

  See also specific organization


  charges about, 19–56

  closing argument about, 56–59

  definition of, 4

  opening argument about, 18

  U.S. Code about, 17

  See also Benghazi (Libya)

  Constitution, U.S., 201

  contraceptives, 102–3

  Conyers, John, 90

  Cooper, Anderson, 53

  Corey, Angela, 181, 182

  Cornyn, John, 115

  The Corruption Chronicles (Judicial Watch), 91

  Coughlin, Father, 88

  Coulter, Ann, 92

  Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG): Benghazi and, 40–41

  Couric, Katie, 93

  Court of Appeals for Third Circuit, U.S.: RICO Act and, 5


  for Benghazi attack, 18, 20, 42–53, 58, 204

  of Fast and Furious Operation, 62, 73, 75, 76

  and “Innocence of Muslims” video, 38

  for IRS activities, 109–12

  covert action statue: and Libya events, 28

  Covington & Burlington law firm, 80, 194

  Craig, Gregory, 190

  Crane, Chris, 197

  CreditSights, 163

  Cretz, Gene, 35, 36

  Crossroads GPS, 98, 102, 108

  Crowe, Chris, 163

  Crowe, Michael, 87

  Crowley, Joseph, 187

  Cumming, Alan, 95

  Cummings, Elijah, 74, 110, 112

  Daily Beast, 126, 127

  Daley, Bill, 127, 207

  Darnah Brigade, 29

  Davis, Geoff, 26

  De Rugy, Veronique, 172

  Déby Itno, Idriss, 32

  Defense Department, U.S.

  Benghazi and, 36, 40, 42

  and shooting of Navy SEALs in Afghanistan, 120

  and surveillance information, 149

  training manual of, 117

  Delphi Corporation, 164

  “Demand Letter 3” (gun regulation), 70

  Democracy 21, 114

  Democratic National Convention (2012), 8

  Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 102

  Dempsey, Martin, 40, 41, 55

  Detroit Free Press: Kilpatrick-Ferguson story in, 5–6

  Detroit, Michigan: bankruptcy of, 165

  Deutsche Bank, 194

  Diesel, Vin, 63

  diGenova, Joe, 30

  Diplomatic Security Service, 35

  Disney, 175

  Dodson, John, 65, 66, 77

  Doerr, John, 169

  Doheny, Edward, 176

  Doherty, Glen, 18, 41, 42

  Donilon, Thomas, 127, 134

  Dover Air Force Base: return of Navy SEALs bodies to, 121

  Drake, Thomas, 136

  DREAM Act, 11, 197

  DREAMers, 196–97

  Dreamliner factory (Boeing), 166–67

  drone strikes, targeting of U.S. citizens with, 201–2<
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  drug cartels, Mexican

  shipping of guns to, 61–82, 204

  Sinaloa, 65, 79

  See also Fast and Furious Operation

  Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 63

  surveillance programs and, 148–49

  due process, 201–2

  Durbin, Dick, 52, 108

  Earnest, Josh, 53, 133, 152, 197

  EarthJustice, 173

  Eastman, John, 103–4

  Easton, Nina, 192

  Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 165

  Education Department, U.S., 135


  gunrunning in, 31

  and “Innocence of Muslims” video, 38

  protests against U.S. embassy in, 38, 45

  protests and uprisings against Mubarak in, 23

  Eisen, Norman, 189–90


  special interests and, 97, 98–100

  See also specific election

  elections of 2004, 92, 160

  elections of 2008

  ACORN and, 198

  Bush administration and, 162

  donors to Obama’s campaign in, 15, 93–94, 162–63, 176–77, 193

  and enemies lists, 92–93

  and Energy Department awards, 172

  Iran and, 129

  and Jewish-Obama relations, 128–29

  labor unions and, 162–63, 176–77

  and New Black Panther case, 185

  SEIU and, 165

  and stimulus package awards, 171

  elections of 2010, 97

  elections of 2012

  and auto industry bailout, 165

  Benghazi attack and, 18, 43, 44, 51, 52, 58

  and bin Laden death, 137, 165, 205

  and bribery, 206

  and conservative nonprofits, 97

  and EPA activities, 173

  Hollywood contributions to, 175

  immigration issues and, 197

  and IRS activities, 2, 87, 103, 104, 117

  and Israeli-U.S. relations, 130, 135

  labor unions and, 162, 176–77

  and leaks about terror plots, 123–24, 127, 205

  Petraeus and, 55

  and Wright, 161

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 181

  elections of 2014: Obamacare and, 198

  elections of 2016: Clinton and, 18, 52

  Electronic Frontier Foundation, 125

  Ellis, Ashton, 169

  Emanuel, Rahm, 175, 208

  embassies, U.S.

  closing on anniversary of 9/11 of, 37–38

  and heightening of al-Qaeda terror threats, 56

  enemies’ list

  early enemies on Obama’s, 91–94

  history of, 88–91

  and IRS activities, 86–87

  Energy Department, U.S., 170–73

  Engelbrecht, Catherine, 106

  English, Tonya, 79

  Ennahda Party (Tunisia), 23

  Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 2, 3, 173

  environmentalism, 169, 206


  charges about, 19–56

  closing argument about, 56–59

  Ford case and, 19

  Manning case and, 19

  opening arguments about, 18

  Rosenberg case and, 56–57

  September 11, 2001, and, 19

  U.S. Code about, 17

  See also Benghazi (Libya); Espionage Act; leaks

  Espionage Act (1917), 19, 24, 42, 121, 137, 149

  Estrada, Antonio, 61

  European Command (EUCOM) Combatant Commander’s in-Extremis Force (CIF), 41

  executive branch

  and balance of power, 213

  growth of, 12

  lobbyists and, 159

  Obama’s ignorance about activities of, 11–12

  policing of, 212

  power of, 12

  RICO Act and, 212–13

  executive orders, 12, 158

  executive privilege, 73

  Face the Nation (CBS-TV), 45

  Facebook, 34, 143

  Factor, Mallory, 162

  Fall, Albert Bacon, 176, 203

  Farah, Joseph, 91

  Fast & Furious (movie), 63

  Fast and Furious Operation

  aftermath of, 78–82, 83

  authorization for, 71–76

  blame for, 69–70, 74, 76, 110, 204

  closing argument about, 82–84

  cover-up of, 62, 73, 75, 76

  goal of, 64

  investigations/reports about, 65, 68, 71–76, 78–79, 80, 81

  and leaks, 77, 81

  loss of control of weapons in, 70, 204

  media and, 76–78, 209

  Mexican government knowledge about, 66, 70

  motivation for, 63

  objections to, 65–67, 69, 79

  planning of, 63–65

  release of documents about, 74–76

  stonewalling about, 74–75

  Watergate compared to, 82

  and whistle-blowers, 62, 77–78, 83, 121–22, 155

  White House comments about, 71, 73, 75, 207, 208

  and witness silencing/tampering, 62, 79–80

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Benghazi and, 47

  and Boston Marathon information, 153

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 63

  leaks and, 135, 136

  Rezko investigation by, 160

  and Rosen–North Korea case, 122

  surveillance programs and, 143, 144, 154

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 182

  Federal Business Opportunities, U.S., 134

  Federal Elections Commission (FEC), 96–97, 102, 106

  Federal Firearms License holders, 65, 69

  federal government

  corruption as endemic to unchecked, 213

  litigation against, 212

  Obama comments about size of, 71

  trust in, 177, 203, 207

  See also specific branch, department, or agency

  Federal Reserve Board, 194

  Federal Times, 152

  Federalist Papers (Hamilton), 7, 212

  Feinstein, Dianne, 52, 128, 148, 150, 152

  Ferguson, Bobby, 5–6

  Fifth Amendment, 109–10, 115

  Filner, Bob, 190–91

  firings, of public officials, 188–90

  First Amendment, 38, 98, 122–23, 125, 137

  Fish, Hamilton, 88–89

  Fitton, Tom, 83, 94, 200

  Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST), U.S.: Benghazi and, 41

  Flowers, Gennifer, 91

  Forbes magazine, 77, 127, 192

  Forcelli, Peter, 78

  Ford, Kenneth Wayne, Jr., 19

  Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), 40, 55

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 144, 147, 148

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,147, 148

  Foreign Policy, 22, 36–37, 131–32

  Fournier, Ron, 14

  Fourth Amendment, 141, 156

  Fox News

  and Benghazi story, 3, 39, 42, 52–53

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 81

  and gunrunning in Middle East/Africa, 31

  and IRS activities, 114

  Rosen case and, 122–23

  and shooting of Navy SEALs, 121

  uncovering of scandals by, 15

  See also specific journalist

  Fox News Sunday (TV program), 45, 52

  France: Libya uprising and, 33

  Franken, Al, 99

  free speech, 99, 204

  Freedom of Information Act (FOI), 2, 173

  Freeman, Morgan, 95

  Frost, Martin, 91

  Frye, Jocelyn, 158–59

  Full Disclosure, 31

  Fulton, Marcus, 191

  Funny or Die (website), 175

  Gamez, Maria Susana, 79

  Garofalo, J
aneane, 95

  Gaspard, Patrick, 165

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 159, 187–88, 208

  Gates, Robert, 27, 52, 158

  Gaza, 31

  General Electric (GE), 172, 175

  General Motors (GM), 162–63, 164, 165, 208

  George, J. Russell, 101, 109, 112

  Gerritson, Becky, 106

  Gettelfinger, Ron, 164

  Gibbs, Robert, 158, 159, 195

  Gibson, Steve, 41

  Gil, Darren, 66

  Giles, Hannah, 199

  Gillett, George, 66–67, 77, 79

  Gips, Donald H., 170

  Giuliani, Rudy, 93

  The Godfather (movie), 15–16

  Goldman Sachs, 92, 193–94

  Goldwater, Barry, 90

  Gonzales v. Raich (2005), 197

  Google, 143

  Goolsbee, Austan, 97–98

  Gore, Al, 91, 169

  Gorelick, Jamie, 195

  Gosar, Paul, 200

  Gosnell, Kermit, 208

  Government Accountability Office (GAO), 172–73, 199

  Government Ethics, U.S. Office of, 159

  Gracen, Elizabeth Ward, 91

  Graham, Lindsey, 50, 54, 152–53

  Grant, Joseph, 116

  Grassley, Charles, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 98, 190, 209

  Great Britain

  Benghazi abandoned by, 33

  Libya uprising and, 33

  green technology, 169

  “green training” jobs, 174

  “Greenhouse Solutions,” 107

  Greenspan, Alan, 194

  Greenwald, Glenn, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149–50, 151, 194, 210

  Griffin, Richard, 168

  Grindler, Gary, 64, 74, 80

  Groseclose, Tim, 209

  “Group 7,” Phoenix

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 65, 66, 69, 78–79

  See also Newell, William

  Guantanamo Bay: Ben Qumu in, 29

  Guardian newspaper, 143, 194, 210

  gun control, 11, 12, 69, 83, 96, 209

  gun shops, 69–70, 81

  guns/gun smuggling

  Benghazi attack and, 19, 20, 32–37, 203–4

  and Bush administration, 74

  in Egypt, 31

  and Libya events, 28, 121

  Reagan administration and, 204

  serial numbers on, 61, 63

  in Syria, 29–32, 121

  tracking of, 64–65

  See also Fast and Furious Operation

  Gusinsky, Vladimir, 200–201

  Guthman, Ed, 90

  Gutman, Howard, 55

  Guzansky, Yoel, 132

  Hagel, Chuck, 134, 191–92

  Ham, Carter F., 41

  Hamas, 129, 152

  Hamilton, Alexander, 7, 212, 213

  Hammer, Michael, 134

  Harding, Warren G., 159, 176, 203

  Harkin, Tom, 91

  Harris, Ondray T., 182

  Hassan, Nidal, 205

  Hastings, Michael, 51

  Hatch Act (1939), 87, 103, 117

  Hatch, Carl, 87

  Hatch, Orrin, 98, 195

  Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of

  and Obamacare waivers, 175

  and Sebelius solicitation of donations for Obamacare, 2, 87, 177, 195

  and University of Chicago Medical Center, 161


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