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The People Vs. Barack Obama

Page 36

by Ben Shapiro

  and Snowden case, 150–51

  and surveillance programs, 149

  and Wall Street prosecutions, 194

  New Yorker, 131

  Newell, William, 65, 67, 69, 70, 74–75, 77, 78–79

  Newsmax, 34

  Newsweek magazine: and AIG–Goldman Sachs case, 194

  Nixon, Richard M., 90, 203, 204

  nonprofit groups, IRS and, 2, 97, 98–117

  Nordstrom, Eric, 33, 34–35, 37, 42, 54

  Nordvig, Larry, 106

  Norquist, Grover, 169

  North Korea, Rosen reports about, 122–23, 136

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 211

  NTV (Russian network), 200–201

  nuclear testing

  by Iran, 129–34

  by North Korea, 122–23

  Nuland, Victoria, 45, 54

  Obama, Barack

  approval ratings for, 9–10, 94–95, 209

  duality of, 10–13

  second inaugural address of, 9

  senatorial career of, 139–40, 160, 177, 189–90

  State of the Union address (2010) of, 97

  as surprised by actions of his own executive branch, 11–12

  as transformative figure, 10

  worship of, 8–10

  Obama (Barack) administration

  case against, 1–16

  closing arguments against, 210–14

  Congress and, 10, 11, 26–27, 57, 166, 168, 196–97

  as criminal enterprise, 4

  logo of, 8

  media and, 14–15

  motive of, 211

  prosecution of, 4–7, 15–16, 211–13

  responsibility of, 4

  Supreme Court and, 10

  transparency of, 82–83, 207

  what can be done about, 211–14

  See also specific person, department, agency, or topic

  Obama, Michelle, 8, 159, 160–61, 189

  Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)

  business community and, 194–95

  contraceptive mandate of, 102–3

  elections of 2014 and, 198

  employer mandate for, 197–98

  funding for, 195

  Hollywood and, 175

  IRS activities and, 115

  labor unions and, 174–75, 206

  launching of push for, 94

  and Obama approval ratings, 9

  obstruction of justice and, 194–95, 197–98

  Sebelius’s solicitation of donations for, 2, 195

  and Shulman’s visits to White House, 100

  stimulus package and, 173–76

  waivers for, 198, 206

  website for, 11–12

  White House comments about, 11–12

  youth video contest for, 199–200

  Obamob, 15–16

  Obeidi, Mohamed, 37

  obstruction of justice

  ACORN and, 198–200

  AmeriCorps/Walpin case and, 188–90

  BP case and, 195

  charges about, 184–200

  closing arguments about, 200–202

  and HHS fund-raising, 195

  immigration and, 196–97

  and New Black Panther Party, 180, 185–88, 201, 210

  Obamacare and, 194–95, 197–98

  opening arguments about, 178–84

  RICO Act and, 83–84, 201

  sexual improprieties cases and, 190–92

  U.S. code about, 178, 184

  Wall Street and, 192–95

  Zimmerman case and, 178–84, 185, 186, 201, 206, 208, 210

  Occupy Wall Street, 193, 210

  Office of the Inspector General (OIG), 190

  Office of Intelligence and Operations Coordination (Homeland Security Department), 67

  Office of Management and Budget, U.S., 171

  Office of National Drug Control Policy, 149

  Office of Personnel Management, U.S., 174

  O’Keefe, James, 199

  Olbermann, Keith, 174

  Olympic Games program, 132–33

  O’Mara, Mark, 179, 184

  omnibus clause (Internal Revenue Code), 88, 117

  “One Light” project, 107

  The Onion, Carney parody in, 2

  opening arguments

  about Benghazi attack, 18

  about bribery, 158–59

  about IRS activities, 86–87

  about leaks, 118–21

  about manslaughter count, 60–61

  about obstruction of justice, 178–84

  about surveillance programs, 139–41

  Ordinary People Society, 186

  O’Reilly, Kevin, 74–75

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 90

  Overton, Spencer, 170

  Pakistan, 29, 44, 52

  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 128

  Palestinian Authority, 107

  Palestinians, 130

  PalTalk, 143

  Pan American Petroleum, 176

  Panetta, Leon

  Benghazi and, 40, 41–42, 55

  and bin Laden killing, 119

  and Israeli-Iran-U.S. relations, 131, 133

  resignation of, 55

  Patriot Act, 139–41, 142, 143, 144, 148, 155–56, 205

  Patriots of Charleston, 102

  Patriots Day, 153

  Patterson, Mark, 158

  Paul, Rand, 30, 50, 52, 54

  Pavlich, Katie, 69, 72, 76, 209

  Paz, Holly, 102, 111–12, 115

  Peace Corps, 135

  Peace, Not Apartheid (Carter), 129

  Pearce, Mark Gaston, 166, 167–68

  Peck Canyon area (Arizona), 60–61

  Pelletier, Paul E., 78

  Pelosi, Nancy, 174

  Penn, Kal, 175

  Penn, Sean, 95, 205

  Pentangeli, Frank, 83

  Pepperdine University, 87

  Perez, Thomas, 185

  Perrelli, Thomas, 170

  Perseus, 172

  Personnel Management, U.S. Office of, 174

  Petraeus, David, 20, 55

  Pfeiffer, Dan, 11, 52

  pharmaceutical industry, 175

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 89

  Phillips, Tim, 106

  Pickering, Thomas, 48, 49

  Plame, Valerie, 205

  plausible deniability, 5, 207–8, 213

  Poehler, Amy, 175

  Polaschik, Joan, 35

  Politico, 51

  Power, Samantha, 129, 134


  accountability of, 7–10

  appointment powers of, 12

  executive orders of, 12

  findings of, 27

  as public relations spin zone, 128

  See also executive branch

  PRISM program (NSA), 2, 143–44, 210

  privacy issues, 141–42, 154, 155. See also surveillance programs

  Privacy Protection Act, 123

  pro-Israel groups, 107

  pro-life groups, 114

  Project Vote, 198

  ProPublica, 104

  Prudhomme, Katherine, 91

  Pruitt, Gary, 125

  Public Citizen, 114

  Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, 173

  public welfare projects: stimulus package and, 169

  punishment and rewards. See aftermath

  Putin, Vladimir, 117, 163, 200–201

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 24–29

  Qatar, 28, 30, 31

  race issues

  criticisms of Obama and, 14

  deprivation of rights and, 138–56

  New Black Panther Party and, 185–88

  surveillance programs and, 138, 141–42

  Tea Party and, 95

  U.S. code about, 138, 141–42

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case and, 178–84

  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. See RICO Act

  Rangel, Charlie, 91

  Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, 27

  Rattner, Steven, 95–96
  Raytheon, 158, 159

  Reagan, Ronald, 204, 209

  Rebovich, Donald J., 5

  Recovery Act, 95, 169

  Red Cross: in Benghazi, 33

  Reid, Harry, 108, 171, 174

  Reines, Philippe, 51

  Republicans: overreach by, 15

  Reuters News Agency, 124

  Reuther, Victor, 89

  Reuther, Walter, 89

  Reynolds, Glenn, 163

  Rezko, Antonin “Tony,” 160–61

  Rice, Susan, 44–45, 52, 54

  Richmond Tea Party, 106

  RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act Benghazi attack and, 20, 58

  bribery and, 176, 212

  cases involving, 5–6

  and civil suits, 6

  and closing arguments against Obama administration, 210–13

  court decisions about, 5, 6, 212

  DOJ as administrator of, 6–7

  expansion of jurisdiction of, 212–13

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 62, 83–84

  goal of, 5, 6

  and obstruction of justice, 83–84, 201

  and organized crime, 15

  overview of, 5

  passage of, 5

  and plausible deniability, 5

  and prosecution of Obama administration, 4–7, 15–16, 211–13

  Riedel, Bruce, 25–26

  Riordan, Michael, 160–61

  Risen, James, 19, 136

  Roady, Celia, 105

  Rogers, Mike, 151, 152

  Rogers, Nancy H., 93

  Rogin, Josh, 126

  Romney, Mitt, 12, 43, 44, 103, 104, 130, 181, 206, 209

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 89

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano “FDR,” 87, 88–89, 204

  Rosen, James, 2, 121–23, 136

  Rosenberg, Ethel, 56–57

  Rosenberg, Julius, 56–57

  Roxburgh, Angus, 201

  Rubinstein, Daniel, 107

  Ruemmler, Kathryn, 51, 112

  Russia, 117, 153, 200–201

  Ryan, Jack, 92

  Ryan, Jeri Lynn, 92

  Salazar, Ken, 195

  same-sex marriage, 175

  Sanchez, Loretta, 146

  Sanford, Florida

  New Black Panther Party protest in, 186

  Zimmerman–Trayvon Martin case in, 178–84

  Sanford (Florida) Police Department, 179, 181

  Sanger, David, 132, 133–34

  Santelli, Rick, 95

  Saudi Arabia

  and gunrunning in Syria, 30, 31

  and Iran’s nuclear facilities, 129–30

  joint U.S. counterterrorism operation with, 124

  Stevens’ contact with, 32

  Sawyer, Diane, 27–28


  Bush administration and, 13

  cover-up of, 15

  media’s ignoring of, 14–15

  pattern for Obama, 47

  phony, 3–4, 15, 113, 204

  See also specific scandal

  Scaparrotti, Curtis, 192

  Schiffer, Nancy, 168

  Schmaler, Tracy, 72, 76, 77

  Schock, Aaron, 114

  Schultz, Eric, 76

  Schumer, Chuck, 99

  Schweizer, Peter, 169, 194

  Scott, Rick, 181

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 2, 3, 87, 177, 195

  Second Amendment, 12, 76, 204

  Secret Service, U.S., 149

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 193

  Seinfeld, Jerry, 116


  Clinton testimonies before, 32, 47

  Obama as Illinois senator, 139–40, 160, 177, 189–90

  Obamacare and, 174

  See also Congress; specific committee

  Senate Intelligence Committee: and surveillance programs, 142, 146

  Senate Judiciary Committee

  and Fast and Furious Operation, 71–73

  Holder testimony before, 72–73

  Napolitano testimony before, 71–72

  Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 103

  Sentelle, David, 168

  Seok, Stephen, 106

  September 11, 2001

  attack on, 37, 57, 58, 119, 139, 141

  Espionage Act and, 19

  September 11, 2012. See Benghazi (Libya)

  sequestration, 12, 14

  Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 165–68, 192

  17th of February Martyrs Brigade, 34, 35

  sexual impropriety, 190–92

  Shabazz, Malik, 186

  Shadegg, John, 89–90

  Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind (Factor), 162

  Shaheen, Jeanne, 99

  Shariah law, 31–32

  Sharpton, Al, 180

  Sher, Susan, 161

  Shinnick, Richard, 48

  Shulman, Douglas H., 99, 100, 104, 115

  Sierra Club, 173

  Sinai Peninsula, 31

  Sinaloa drug cartel, 65, 79

  Sinclair, Harry, 176

  Skype, 143

  Smith, Lamar, 197

  Smith, Sean, 18, 39

  Snowden, Edward, 2, 19, 145, 146, 149–52, 205, 210

  Social Security, 95, 169

  Solomon, Lafe, 166, 167–68

  Solomont, Alan, 189

  Solyndra, 12, 170–71, 208

  Southwest Border Strategy Group, 63–64, 66

  special interests, 158. See also bribery; lobbyists

  Special Operations Command Africa, 42

  Sperling, Gene, 14

  St. HOPE, 188–89, 190

  “stand your ground” law, Florida, 181

  State Department, U.S.

  and designation of Mexican drug cartels, 62

  Dunn Award for Excellence at, 54–55

  and “Innocence of Muslims” video, 38

  and leaks about Sanger stories, 133–34

  Obama speech about Israel at, 130

  reputation and credibility of, 46

  See also Benghazi attack; Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Kerry, John; specific person

  State of the Union (CNN-TV), 45

  State of War (Risen), 136

  Stavridis, James, 25, 119

  Stephanopoulos, George, 91

  Sterling, Jeffrey Alexander, 19, 136

  Stern, Andy, 165, 198

  Stevens, Christopher, 1, 18, 19, 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38–39, 41, 48, 50, 51

  Stewart, Jon, 47, 82

  stimulus package, 168–76, 177

  Strange, Charles, 120, 121

  Strange, Michael, 120, 121

  Strickland, Ted, 94

  Stuxnet, 133, 134

  Sullivan, Jake, 134

  Sullivan, Margaret, 51–52

  Sunstein, Cass, 149

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  and bribery laws, 159

  and Citizens United case, 97

  and command responsibility principle, 4

  marijuana decisions by, 197

  Obama and, 10

  and obstruction of justice issues, 184

  race decisions by, 141

  RICO Act and, 5, 6, 212

  Supreme Security Council (Benghazi), 36

  surveillance programs

  blame for domestic programs of, 145–49

  blanket, 142, 149, 154, 155–56

  of Bush administration, 139–41, 143, 154, 155–56

  charges concerning, 141–54

  closing argument about, 154–56

  importance of, 143, 152–54

  increase in government, 139, 155–56, 205

  investigations/reports about, 142, 147, 149

  and leaks, 144, 145

  and media as willing accomplices, 210

  NSA programs and, 3, 127, 136, 141–56

  opening arguments about, 139–41

  race issues and, 138, 141–42

  Rosen case and, 2, 122, 123, 136

  Snowden leaks about, 2, 19, 145, 146, 149–52, 205, 2

  terrorism and, 155, 205–6

  U.S. code about, 138, 141–42

  White House comments about, 145–49, 207, 208

  Swann, Ben, 31

  Swire, Peter, 149


  al-Qaeda and, 24, 31, 57

  Benghazi attack and, 24, 39

  civil war in, 23–24, 31

  gunrunning in, 29–32, 39, 57, 121

  Israeli relations with, 134

  leaks about, 134

  Muslim Brotherhood in, 31

  Obama’s findings for aid to, 27

  Tahir Square (Cairo, Egypt), 23

  Taliban, 21, 28–29, 37

  Tapper, Jake, 71, 209

  Tascón, Luis, 86

  tax-exempt organizations. See Internal Revenue Service; specific organization

  tax and spending. See sequestration

  Tea Party, IRS and, 94–97, 99, 100–104, 105, 106, 110, 111–12, 113–14, 116

  Tea Party Patriots, 107, 112, 117

  Teapot Dome scandal, 159


  Benghazi and, 43, 44–45, 46, 52

  CIA staff connections to, 152

  and designation of Mexican drug cartels, 62

  DHS report about, 96

  Espionage Act and, 19

  leaks about plots concerned with, 123–26

  and Obama’s views about Islam, 20

  surveillance programs and, 155, 205–6

  Tea Party and, 95–96

  See also specific person or organization

  Terrorism Act (2000), 151

  Terry, Brian, 61, 62, 67–68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 81–82, 83, 84, 204, 213

  Tester, Jon, 146, 164

  Think-Progress, 98

  This Week (ABC-TV): Rice (Susan) on, 44–45

  Thomas, Cindy, 111

  Thomasson, Scott, 77

  Thompson, Mark, 48

  Throw Them All Out (Schweizer), 169

  TIDE (U.S. database), 153

  Time magazine, 26, 96

  Tobin, Jonathan, 134–35

  Toledo (Ohio) Police Department, 93

  Tonight show: Obama appearance on, 146

  Toobin, Jeffrey, 151

  torture, 13, 140–41, 69, 209

  transparency: of Obama administration, 82–83, 207

  Travelgate, 90

  Traver, Andrew, 79

  Treasury Department, U.S. Auto Task Force of, 164

  and Koch case, 98

  Obamacare waivers and, 198

  Treviño, Humberto Benitez, 70

  Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), 164

  True the Vote, 106

  Truman, Harry S., 7, 89

  Trumka, Richard, 162

  Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar, 153–54

  Tsarnaev, Tamerlan, 153–54


  al-Qaeda in, 38

  uprising in, 22–23

  U.S. embassy in, 38

  Turi, Marc, 28

  Udall, Mark, 143, 148

  Udall, Tom, 99

  unauthorized disclosure of information

  aftermath of, 135–36

  charges about, 121–35

  closing argument about, 137

  code about, 118

  opening argument about, 118–21

  See also leaks

  unemployment, 169


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