Book Read Free


Page 10

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “What is in there?” I gestured to the cave.

  “As I said earlier, some things are better seen rather than heard.”

  I paused long enough to think things over. I could over power Gareth, wings or not, the bigger question was whether he had anyone else waiting inside the cave. But then again he could attack me almost anywhere, cave or no cave. He seemed intent on having my help, and he was right, Vera would be seriously pissed if he killed me. “Fine, but I’m warning you. I don’t take well to being played with.”

  “There’s no games here. Just one leader looking for worthy men to help. I know the stories from the last war. I’m willing to do anything it takes to make sure my people make it through this one intact.”

  His determination is what scared me. I definitely didn’t want to get on his bad side. “Fine. Let’s see what this is.”

  He pushed away the boulder again, and despite my reservations I followed him inside. He replaced the boulder. “For security.”

  I hoped to hell my gut instinct was right, and I hadn’t walked into a trap. We walked through a short corridor that got darker as we moved on. My night vision wouldn’t work in the completely dark cave, so I patted my pocket to make sure I had my phone.

  We emerged from the tight corridor, and my eyes made out the barest hint of a slight neon glow.

  Gareth lit a lantern. “Take a look around. Was I right?”

  The cave was like no cave I’d seen before. It was huge, with cathedral height ceilings. The neon glow was coming from large purple and orange crystals hanging from the ceiling.

  “What is that stuff?” I peered around at the colorful rocks.

  “It’s Origin Crystal.”

  “No way. That’s not real.” I’d learned about the mineral as a child. It was said to be what helped create the first shifters and was the source of all the different types of magic. It was folk lore. Pure and simple.

  “It is. Our healers have been using it to test the properties.”

  I thought back over my conversations since arriving on Norco Island. “That’s what Gemma was alluding to.”

  “And why she wants to test it on a Pteron. If it makes a bear super strong, imagine what it could do to someone like yourself.”

  “No one is experimenting on me.” No one was touching me period, well except for Vera.

  “I never said they were. I’m only stating the potential.”

  “How did you get this here?”

  “It’s always been here. This cave had been sealed since my great-great grandfather’s time.” Gareth spoke of his ancestor with reverence.

  “And you just discovered it now?”

  “There was nothing ‘just’ about it.”


  “Meaning I was told about it.”

  “By whom?”

  “Remember that sabbatical you were asking about?”

  I looked toward the entrance. Big cave or not, I was uneasy being closed in. “Yes?”

  “I didn’t use it to goof off.”

  “Where did you take it?” Gareth wasn’t talking fast enough for my tastes. He was doing one of the things I hated. He was dangling little carrots of information with no follow through.

  “The where isn’t as important as the who.”

  “The who?”


  “Stop messing around, Gareth. Tell me everything.” I touched an orange crystal right next to my head. I let go hastily. It was hot enough that it singed my skin. Luckily Pterons heal quickly.

  “Hot, isn’t it? The purple ones are cold.”

  “Why the difference?”

  “You need to use them in pairs. It’s synergy. It’s all about how much of each you use.”

  “This sounds like science fiction.” It seemed more like a comic book than real life.

  “What about our existence isn’t? Everything about us seems like lore.”

  “I get what you’re saying, but that doesn’t mean I understand what you hope to do with these crystals.”

  “You do know. You’re merely refusing to recognize it.”

  The answer came to me in a flash. The talk about experimenting. The Society’s lack of a formal army. “You’re creating super soldiers.”

  Gareth nodded. “And who better to lead them than one of the best in strategy and defense?”

  “You knew about me before I came.”


  “But how could you have known Vera would bring me?”

  “I didn’t. She made my job much easier. My guess is she was drawn to your strength. She knows the protection you can offer her.”

  “Vera isn’t concerned with someone protecting her. She’s good at protecting herself.”

  “But she’s past twenty-one. Our women feel the need to mate by then. She knows she needs to settle and find the best to mate with.”

  “Yeah, not the case here.” Vera and I were enjoying each other, not planning to mate. I knew she felt exactly the same way I did on the subject, which is what made things work so well with the two of us.

  “Don’t be so sure. I’m not talking about a conscious impulse, but an ingrained one. Taliana returned from her sabbatical for that reason. To pick me.”

  “Vera isn’t picking anyone right now.”

  “I’m presenting her for the Petere ceremony tonight. There will be petitions. I expect you will put one in as well.”

  “Is this a joke? We’re standing in a cave filled with so-called magic minerals discussing super soldiers, and now you’re adding my petitioning to mate with Vera? Can you make any of this weirder?”

  “Yes.” His face was completely serious.


  “But you probably can’t handle it.”

  “Ok.” This was getting better and better.

  “I wasn’t completely forthcoming with you yesterday.”

  “Really? I’m shocked by that admission.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you would trust me if I told you.”

  “But I’ll trust you now?”

  “I’ve already let you in on our biggest secret. No one knows this crystal still exists, let alone in this amount .”

  “Then what is it? What are you holding back?”

  “Remember when we discussed how searching for someone who doesn’t want to be found can be dangerous?”

  “Yes. I remember quite clearly.” That conversation had me doubting my plans. I refused to put my mother at risk unnecessarily.

  “What if I told you it wasn’t so rhetorical?”

  “Spit it out,” I ordered impatiently.

  “I know where to find your mom.”

  “Where?” I grabbed ahold of Gareth’s shirt without thinking. I needed answers.

  “Put me down.” Even with me close to attacking him, his voice was calm.

  I listened and set him down. “Tell me.”

  “She’s in Connecticut. I know exactly how to find her.”

  “Connecticut? How did she end up there?” From what I knew my family had no connections to that area.

  “She fled from your father—at least that’s all I can figure out.”

  “But she never came back for me.”

  “She was probably trying to protect you. Don’t forget I stopped searching for Vera out of fear of putting her in danger.”

  “I need to see her.” The more time I spent with Vera’s parents, the more I needed to find my mom.

  “And you will, but not yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because she isn’t alone. She’s in a haven protected by strong witchcraft. If we’re going in there, we’re going prepared.”

  “What? She’s being held by witches?” My blood boiled. I needed answers.

  “I don’t know for sure, but there’s magic at work in the haven there. That’s the only reason we found her. Yes, she may be in some danger, but we’re all in danger, and that’s not the point. I can get you in. If you want me to help you, you’re going to help me.”
  “Help you how?”

  “It’s two parts. I already told you about the job, but first you’re going to petition for Vera, and she’s going to accept.”

  “Vera isn’t going to do anything she doesn’t want to do.” I’d have agreed to anything to get my mom, but that didn’t mean Vera would.

  “But she wants to. We’ve already been over that.”

  “She doesn’t.”

  “Fine. I’m not here to argue with you, but I assume you’ll agree she’d pick you over any other choices?”

  “Meaning she’d prefer me to the others?”


  “I’d rather tell her what’s going on. She can handle it.” I also didn’t want to get caught hiding the truth from her. I didn’t want to know what it was like to be on her bad side.

  “I’m sure she can… and I know she’ll keep quiet, but some things have to be done officially. She needs to select you out of desire.”

  “You said she’d pick me over the others, not because she wanted to pick me.”

  He shook his head. “Whether you see it yet or not, you two have a blossoming relationship. Her choice of you would be out of desire, not out of political reasons or fear.”

  “So you’re telling me I need to convince Vera to take me as her mate if we’re going to see my mom?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “This is insane.” I was hit by a wave of annoyance and hopefulness.

  “A little bit, yes. But what in life isn’t a little bit insane?”

  “But why? I don’t see why you’d want me mating with her.” Even saying the words felt strange.

  “I want her safe. Whether you’re ready to face it or not, a war is raging, and she needs to be mated to someone who can protect her and help her use her gifts. You can do both.”

  “In theory I get the protection part, but how am I going to help her with the gifts?” I was done arguing about the war. Nothing I could say would change his mind.

  “Taliana saw it, which means it’s true.”

  “Right.” Once again we were back to discussing Taliana’s gift. I needed to understand it better. I couldn’t figure out what I thought of Gareth. He was either an evil mastermind or a protective leader. Maybe he was both. Either way he was someone I needed to have on my side.

  “I’ll do what I can do.”

  “That’s all you have to do. It’s going to be easy.”

  “You don’t know Vera.”

  He laughed. “But I do know our women. She isn’t so different from her mother.”

  “But Taliana knew your traditions and embraced them. Vera doesn’t.”

  “Taliana may have known them, but she certainly didn’t embrace them.” He smiled in a way that let me know there was far more to the story than he was telling.

  “I should probably start with her then.”

  “With Taliana?”

  “Yes. She may be the only one who can give me advice.” She understood Vera more than her daughter realized.

  “And that’s the most intelligent thing you’ve said all day.”

  There was no way I was sitting through any sort of petitioning ceremony or whatever they wanted to call it. I wasn’t taking a mate, so there was no point in anyone wasting their time. Normally I’d have left and avoided all the drama, but I couldn’t. Jared and I couldn’t both be wrong. Something was going on, and we needed to stick around to find out what. If I’d learned anything from my experiences of the past few weeks it was that everything in the paranormal world was connected, and that The Society was usually at the middle of any conflict. Casey could be in danger, and there was no way I was leaving that up to chance.

  Jared still wasn’t back when we returned to the house, and my mom immediately excused herself, so I left his tomato on the table, grabbed my phone, and walked out onto one of the many balconies. The small patio didn’t look like much, but a set of stone steps beckoned me. I walked up and up until I reached the roof. I hadn’t noticed the roof deck from the ground below. The view was incredible, and I looked out at the seemingly endless forest. It was so deceptive. We were only a few miles from the shore of the lake. I climbed up a ladder onto what appeared to be a look-out post. I climbed over the wall and gazed out again, pleased to find I finally had a view of the water. My effort had paid off.

  I’d always been a fan of heights. I’d dreamed about being able to fly my entire childhood, and little did I know back then that my little sister actually had the ability all along. If I’d known I’d have probably hated her. Even as an adult I felt some jealousy. I loved being a bear, but I’d have given anything for the power of flight.

  I pushed off those thoughts and pulled out my phone. It was almost time for a new one. The screen was cracked, and it restarted itself at least a few times a day. I guess that’s what happens when you carry your phone with you even when you shift.

  I found my top contact. Casey. I hesitated with my finger over her name. I didn’t want to somehow screw up the happiness she’d finally found. But I owed her a phone call. I’d keep it short.

  “Vera? Hey!” Casey sounded so excited and full of energy. She’d never been the hyper type, so I assumed I had Toby to thank for her new chipper personality.

  “Hey, Casey.”

  “What’s going on? Are you there? How’s mom?” She couldn’t ask her questions fast enough.

  “Which question should I answer first?”

  “Any, but you can’t answer the mom one if you’re not there.”

  I laughed. “True, all right. I’m on the island, mom seems ok in theory, and right now I’m dreading some stupid ceremony.”

  “What do you mean she’s okay in theory?”

  I couldn’t tell her more. You never know who’s listening in on a phone conversation. “Nothing to worry about. We have everything under control.”

  “That just scares me more.”

  “Don’t let it. But enough about me. What’s going on with you?” I leaned back against the wall, putting my life in the hands of century old stones. As the thought crossed my mind, another one did too. The second was an image of Jared rescuing me. I was completely losing it.

  “We’re not done discussing you, but I’ll take my turn. Things are busy here. Georgina is trying to shove an entire childhood worth of knowledge and traditions into me in a few weeks’ time.”

  “Sounds lovely.” If Casey was complaining about it, it was intense. She was the nerdy type who actually liked school.

  “Yeah… not exactly. But, other things are lovely.”

  “Yes, I assume Toby is the one responsible for that.”

  “I love him.”

  “I know.” As strange as it was to accept that my baby sister was engaged, I was glad it was Toby. He’d treat her the way she deserved to be treated.

  “Allie’s been super helpful too, and Levi’s really coming around to me.”

  “What’s it like to have a brother?” That was an experience I didn’t know at all. I’d thought living with a bear pack would give me that feeling, but it didn’t. They all treated me like a piece of meat. Not for the first time I was relieved to be far away from those guys.

  “I don’t know. I mean yes he’s technically my half-brother, but since we have no shared experience it doesn’t really change anything.”

  “Well, at least you escaped the merciless teasing and pranks that most older brothers do.”

  “I got enough from my big sister.”

  “Hey, I never teased you.” I wasn’t the best sister, but I did what I could.

  “Not too much.”

  “But either way, glad he’s not the arrogant jerk he could be.”

  “Speaking of arrogant…”

  I laughed, knowing exactly what she was getting at. “Jared’s doing fine.”

  “I wasn’t worried about his well-being as much as I wondered how you guys were getting along.”

  “On a scale of one to ten, how much would it bother you if
I slept with him?”


  “Casey? You there?”

  Loud laughter filled my ear. “Sorry. I just can’t believe it happened that fast. I thought you’d make him play chase longer.”

  “Why do you think anything happened? I’m asking permission.” I turned around and looked back out at the lake.

  “I’m your sister. I know you’re an ask forgiveness not permission person, but no forgiveness needed. To answer your question, I’d say a zero for how much it bothers me.”

  “Bull. It has to bother you a little because you were with him first.” I glanced over my shoulder to make sure he hadn’t found me. I wasn’t sure when he’d be getting back.

  “Yeah, but it was messed up, and I’m with the right guy for me now.”

  “So love fixes everything?” I’d been banking on it. Otherwise I’d have never messed around with Jared. Hurting Casey wasn’t worth some fun.

  “Not everything, but it makes it much easier to get over a guy.”

  I laughed. “All right. I’ll take that.”

  “Now tell me what else is going on.” Casey sounded uncharacteristically assertive. Maybe becoming a princess was changing her.

  “There’s nothing you need to worry about.”

  “Stop. Stop trying to protect me. I’m not a kid anymore, and trust me I already have enough I’m dealing with that something else isn’t going to shock me.”

  I could picture her pout. I forced the laughter back down. “But that’s the point. You already have a lot to deal with.”

  “I can handle more.”

  The sound of someone climbing had me turning. Jared grinned when he saw me.

  “Uh, I’ve got to run. I promise to fill you in soon.”

  “Is that Jared?”

  “Yeah…” I rested my hand on the rough stone wall behind me.

  “Have fun.”

  “Tell Toby I said hi.” I kept my eyes on Jared.

  “Same to Jared.”

  I hung up.

  “How’s your sister?” Jared strode toward me. He was holding the tomato I’d left out for him on the table.

  “Good. A bit overwhelmed but super happy.”

  “Super happy sounds good in theory.” He bit into the tomato. So he was an eat it whole kind of guy.


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