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Savor Page 12

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “I went through it too… albeit not as the Chief’s daughter. This is worse. Your sister handled it.”

  “I thought it got cut short.”

  “It did, but she went out there and faced it. Casey hates attention even more than you.”

  “Casey’s brave.” So much braver than I ever gave her credit for.

  “So are you. Do this and it’s over. And who knows, you may be surprised.”

  “I’m not going to fall madly in love with anyone.” Love was overrated anyway, and it definitely wasn’t something for me.

  “Try to have fun. If nothing else this will be one of those stories you can tell your grandchildren.”

  “I’m not having children, so there will be no grandchildren.”

  “So you say now.” Mom winked.

  “Casey will give you grandchildren. Hell, she’s probably already working on that now.”

  “Vera.” Mom released my hand.


  “Don’t try to get me wrapped up in Casey. It doesn’t change that you are doing this.”

  “What if I refused?” I smoothed out some nonexistent wrinkles in the emerald dress.

  “Nothing would happen to you. Gareth and I would have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “You already have explaining to do.”

  “The sooner you get out there, the sooner it’s over, and the sooner I can fill you in.”

  “What if I choose a mate? Won’t I be too busy getting busy with him?” I had no idea what mating really involved. It wasn’t something that had ever come up before.

  “Vera.” She glared at me.

  “Fine. Let’s do this.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  “I was being sarcastic.”

  “I’m well aware, darling.” She held out her arm to me, and we headed to the door. “By the way, I assure you the mating part will come naturally to you. You’ll figure it out.”

  I cringed. “We don’t need to go there right now.” Not only did I not want to talk about sex with her, I knew I wasn’t really going to select a mate. It would be a waste of time.

  The courtyard was filled to capacity when we walked outside. Strings of lights similar to what were at the glade lit up the area, but these were brighter, and they crisscrossed the courtyard creating a glowing effect. I grabbed onto Mom’s arm. I needed something to steady me. Were they kidding? They couldn’t expect me to actually do this.

  “And here she is now.” Gareth smiled from ear to ear. The only upside is I assumed I’d missed the whole introduction. Anything to get the embarrassment over sooner.

  Mom led me over to where Gareth stood on a raised platform. I tentatively let go of my mom and walked over. I shielded my eyes from a bright light that was suddenly fixed on me. Whoever was operating the light must have noticed my discomfort because it immediately shut off. I blinked as my eyes got used to the comfortable level of light again.

  “Vera, would you like to say anything before we begin?”

  What was I supposed to say? Hey boys, like what you see? “No thanks.” I glanced down at my dress. The lights brought out sparkles in the dress I hadn’t realized were there. My family wasn’t going for low-key.

  “Then let the petitioning begin.”

  Because life could never be boring, the first one up was Eon, the boy I’d kicked in the balls the day before.

  I looked around for Jared in the audience but didn’t see him. I needed someone to commiserate with.

  “I would like to petition for Vera.” Eon spoke to Gareth.

  “You may proceed.” Gareth nodded.

  “Vera?” Eon said my name firmly.

  I looked over to where he kneeled. Kneeling? Ok, this was getting even weirder. “Yeah?”

  “I kneel here tonight to petition to be your mate. I will protect you and cherish you in all ways possible.”

  “Yeah, not going to happen.”

  “Vera!” Mom hissed.

  I didn’t turn around. Eon had a lot of nerve petitioning me after what had happened.

  He quickly walked away, only to be replaced by another guy I vaguely remembered seeing at the Glade. “Hello, Vera.”

  I smiled politely. At least this one didn’t have a history with me.

  “I would like to petition to have Vera as my mate.” As Eon did, he fell to his knee in front of me.

  Gareth only nodded this time.

  The man turned to me. “I would like to petition to be your mate if you are so inclined.”

  Polite or not, I wasn’t interested. “Sorry, no thanks.”

  He nodded before sulking away.

  What seemed like an endless line of men came up and said a different variation on the same thing. Thrown in was a pair of twins. I’d had no clue Ursus ever had twins. It had only been forty-five minutes, and I was already bored out of my mind when a very familiar face appeared out of the crowd. What? I stared at Jared with my mouth wide open as he walked up to the platform. He was dressed in a white cotton outfit, similar to what most of the other men wore.

  Jared locked his eyes on me, but he spoke to Gareth. “I’d like to petition for Vera’s hand.”

  “Just her hand?” Gareth laughed.

  Jared glared. “For all of her.” His words sent a thrill through me. He’d already had all of me—well most of me.

  “Proceed.” Gareth didn’t seem nearly as surprised by Jared’s request as he should. I turned toward my mom. She was smiling. She wasn’t surprised either. Had this been planned?

  “Vera, I believe I can offer you everything you desire in a mate.”

  “Is that so?” I could play along.

  “I have the resources, the strength, and the cunning to provide for all of your needs.”

  “Do you?” I teased.

  “I do, and I’d like the opportunity to show you exactly that.”

  “Tell me, what would a life as your mate look like?” I felt like I was on a reality show or something. The problem was this reality show was my life, and Jared was either out of his mind or doing something risky for a reason. It was impossible to know which.

  “We’d live anywhere you wanted.”

  “He means here,” Gareth interrupted. He seemed to be talking to the crowd more than to Jared or me.

  “Anywhere you want. I’m not a rich man, but I’m not poor. We can travel the world. We can try anything and everything. I can fly you anywhere.”

  “Anywhere?” Despite myself I was drawn into his words. He was hypnotic.


  “Sounds appealing so far.”

  “Life would never be boring. We’d always have something new to explore. Something different to experience.” Did anyone else realize that he was talking about sex… unless he wasn’t?

  “I think I need a sample.”

  “A sample?” His lips turned into half a smile.

  “Yes.” I stepped down toward him, careful to hold up my dress so I wouldn’t trip. “A sample.”

  “I can do that.” His lips met mine, and I ignored that we were surrounded by a bunch of strangers and my mother and Gareth were watching. Our lips moved together effortlessly, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He tasted so good as his tongue made its way into my mouth. I needed more. I needed his mouth melded to mine so there was no space, no room for air to move between us. His arms wrapped around my waist and held me against him.

  “Uh, I think that’s enough of a sample,” Gareth stuttered from somewhere near us. I was so dazed I barely knew which way was up.

  I broke the kiss, stunned by the intensity. Even with the sex we still hadn’t kissed since leaving New Orleans, and I was stunned by the fact that Gareth was stuttering. “It was a nice sample.”

  “Have you made a decision then?” Gareth asked in a much stronger voice.

  “A decision?” I still couldn’t think straight. Jared had released me from his all-encompassing hold, but he still had an arm draped around me protectively.

’s eyes bore into mine. “Are you choosing Jared, or should the petitioning continue?”

  I looked at the long line of men watching me. There were dozens of them left. Choosing him didn’t actually mean we had to mate. Otherwise there was no chance he would have asked. He was giving me an out. I could have kissed Jared—well, kissed him again. “Yes, sorry fellas, but I’m going with Jared.”

  The slight look of surprise on Jared’s face was the one thing that worried me. Wasn’t I doing exactly what I was supposed to do?

  “Wonderful. Wonderful.” Gareth beamed. “My daughter has spoken.”

  “A Pteron? Will you truly allow the future chief to take a bird as a mate?” Jaythan, who was among those still waiting for a chance to petition, walked toward the platform.

  “I will allow my daughter to choose anyone she wishes. That is the rule as you are well aware. It isn’t going to suddenly change because the man happens to be something other than Ursus.”

  “But he will turn her against us. She won’t advocate for what’s best for us.” Jaythan looked around at the crowd. He was trying to garner support.

  “Do you think so little of my daughter that you actually believe she’d do that?” Gareth’s eyes darkened.

  Jaythan returned his stare. “We don’t know your daughter.”

  “Yet you were willing to petition for her?” Gareth sneered.

  Jaythan shook his head. “That’s different.”

  “Different? You complain you don’t know my daughter yet you were willing to commit to a lifetime with her? Your words are out of jealousy and disappointment, Jaythan. Don’t make this out to be anything else.”

  “Surely you all see the same problems I see.” Jaythan looked around again.

  “What I see is my daughter quickly acclimating to our traditions and accepting a mate. The decision of who she chose as her mate was not my choice, let alone yours.” Gareth straightened showing off his full height.

  “Our traditions don’t include allowing our future chief to marry a Pteron. It’s completely unacceptable.” Jaythan balled his hands into fists.

  “There is no rule or belief to the contrary.” Gareth was talking to all the men, not just Jaythan.

  “You cannot expect us to stand by and allow this.” Jaythan’s face reddened. “You can’t expect us to agree with you.”

  “I don’t expect anything, I require it!” Gareth roared.

  Jaythan cowered before bowing. “Understood.”

  “Now that we have reached that understanding, it is time to celebrate.”

  I froze. Celebrate? I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Uh, what kind of celebration are we talking?” Jared spoke the words that were on my mind.

  “Just a little fun and dancing.” Mom winked.

  “Dancing. No thanks.” Jared shook his head.

  “I’m sure you can dance.” I didn’t particularly want to dance in front of the crowd either, but if I was doing it with anyone, I was glad it was Jared.

  “Can and like are two completely different things.”

  Before I could force him to expand, a band struck up, seemingly out of nowhere. I searched around for the source finally noticing a five-piece band set up across the courtyard.

  “That’s your cue.” Mom nudged my arm.

  “Seriously?” I whispered.

  “Go.” She put Jared and my hands together. “You picked him, the least you can do is dance with him.”

  Jared smiled. “You heard your mother.”

  “I thought you didn’t like to dance.”

  “I don’t, but somehow I don’t think we have a choice.” He led me down the stairs and into the courtyard. The crowd had backed up, clearing a space to use as a dance floor.

  Jared kept me close as we moved to the fast beat of the retro style music. He led me effortlessly, proving that despite his dislike for dancing, he was quite good at it.

  As the music slowed and the lights dimmed, Jared slowed us down. I adjusted my hand on his shoulder. “Who taught you to dance?” I knew it couldn’t have been his mother. At least I’d thought that through enough to stop myself from putting my foot in my mouth.

  “Helen Laurent. Levi’s mom. I practically lived at their house growing up, and I usually got dragged into everything Levi was doing.”

  “Lived with royalty, huh?” I was still trying to better understand Jared. In some ways he seemed so rich boy, but in others he seemed rougher around the edges.

  “It was fun at times. Not fun at others.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “How long do you think we’re supposed to do this?” He spun me around.

  I fell back into his chest, and he turned me so I was facing him again. “You make it sound like I had any more preparation than you did. Thanks by the way.”

  “What are you thanking me for exactly?” He leaned in.

  “Saving me from the ceremony. Pretending to want to mate with me.”

  “Who said it was pretend?” He winked.

  “Neither of us are the type to ever settle down.” I enjoyed the feel of his hand on my back.

  “Watch what you’re saying,” he warned. “There are eyes and ears everywhere.”

  “Good point. Think we can pretend we can’t keep our hands off each other and get out of here?”

  “Would that be pretend?” He smirked.

  “Not entirely.” I stepped back, but kept my hand in his. We walked back up the steps to where my mom and Gareth waited.

  “Is it okay if we go?” I asked my mom.

  “Sure. Let me announce it.” Gareth grinned. He was enjoying this way too much. He held up his hands, and the band stopped playing.

  “Thank you to everyone for coming out tonight. I know many of you are disappointed you didn’t have a chance to petition my lovely daughter, but let us celebrate her selection.”

  A few people cheered. Far less than earlier in the evening.

  “Vera, I once again ask if you have anything to say to your people.” His eyes bored and locked into mine, letting me know that I didn’t really have a choice.

  I cleared my throat and held onto Jared’s hand. If I was undergoing more public embarrassment, he was going to do it with me.

  “Thank you everyone. I’m overwhelmed by the welcome you’ve given me and by how many of you were interested in well, being with me.” Public speaking and eloquence weren’t my strong points. “I’m really happy to be back here, and I look forward to getting to know everyone.”

  Jared squeezed my hand. “I’d like to add, that I too am moved by the warm welcome we’ve received. I know I am not an Ursus, but I look forward to learning your traditions and becoming a valuable member of your community.”

  I elbowed him. Where was this coming from?

  He laughed under his breath. “Sorry to cut this short, but Vera and I have some things to attend to.”

  The howls and whistles that came from the crowd said it all. I turned my back and looked at Gareth. “Can we go?”

  He nodded, “We can leave.”

  “We?” So much for getting off the hook.

  “The public ceremony is over, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other rituals. We will escort you.”

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  Jared caught my eye and smiled. “Terrific.”

  I still couldn’t believe he’d gone to such lengths to help me. I’d have expected him to find my predicament entertaining. Maybe he had, but he’d thrown me a life line, and it wasn’t one I’d have thrown him so freely. Then reality hit me. I wasn’t as good of a person as he was, and considering Jared’s reputation that wasn’t something to be proud of.

  Mom linked arms with both of us and started back toward the house. I assumed Gareth was going to follow.

  I’d like to blame the situation on alcohol or some supernatural interference, but there was no one and nothing to blame. I’d walked into the whole Petere Ceremony willingly, and now I had to find a way to keep everyone happy while
not actually mating with Vera. Suddenly my job at The Society sounded easy.

  Taliana led us past the stairs of the main house.

  “Where are we going?” I hadn’t anticipated going anywhere but Gareth’s house.

  “To your mating house.” Gareth smiled.

  “Mating house?” Vera stopped short. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t worry. We’ve already had your stuff brought over.”

  “How? How did you know we’d need it brought over?” She asked skeptically.

  “We had it done while you were dancing, and it’s yours for as long as you want it. Most couples keep their mating house afterward. Of course you’ll be taking over my house eventually.”

  “Yeah… not going to talk about that, but we don’t need a mating house.”

  “It is tradition. You must take the ritual bath.” Gareth looked anywhere but at us.

  “Ritual bath?” Vera’s mouth fell open. “No way.”

  I said nothing. Anything I could say would only make things more awkward. Instead I took Vera’s hand in mine. It seemed to relax her, and I was getting used to the action. I was supposed to be so in love with her I wanted to spend my life with her. Holding her hand seemed like the normal thing to do.

  “It’s not as strange as your father is making it sound. It’s about washing away the past and moving into the future together.” Taliana beamed, and I assumed she was thinking back on her own mating experience.

  “We don’t need to do that.” Vera’s body went rigid. “None of that is necessary.”

  Gareth looked us both in the eye. “No one is going to watch to make sure you follow tradition, but you will be asked to swear to it later. Failure to do so will null the mating.”

  “You people are weird.” She rolled her eyes.

  “You are one of us, Vera. If you’d open yourself up to it none of this would feel strange.” Taliana spoke softly.

  “And what about Jared?” She held up our entwined hands. “He’s not from here.”

  “No, but he’s going to be mating with you. That means he’s part of us now.”

  “This is insane.” She sighed.

  We walked through the woods until another stone house came into view.


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