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Gravel Switch: the black goat chronicles book 1: a Weird Tale of Extreme Horror

Page 14

by Davidson, Aleister

  They took turns putting a few singles into the bondage belt that the dancer was wearing. She gave them a show and seated herself right in front of them and spread her legs far apart, sliding slightly off the stage toward them as she did. They could smell her feminine juices from that distance. When they stopped showering her with one dollar bills she turned her attention elsewhere before she was called off stage and the next dancer came out from behind a black velvet curtain.

  This time she was a white girl, short with green eyes and olive skin. Hank could see that she was a blonde, even though she dyed her hair an electric blue green her eyebrows were very light. As she danced she would often look over and make eye contact with Hank. Halfway through her performance, by the time she was nearly naked, Hank realized that he knew her from high school. Her name was Amanda Wexler and he had once had an extreme crush on her in the ninth grade. She was a year older than he was and was a sophomore when he was a freshman. He couldn’t count the times that he had fantasized about her. He was glad to see that time had been kind to her body and she still had firm c-cup breasts and a round butt. As all that occurred to him he found himself staring into her eyes as she danced, even though he could have beheld any part of her that he wished.

  As she was finishing she turned his direction and mouthed the words, “I know you!” excitedly at him. As the next dancer took the stage she came out into the front of the house, got a drink at the bar and came right up to Hank, unabashedly still topless although she wore a thong and stiletto boots. “Hanky Ramsey, you look great!” she threw herself around his neck, hugging him in such a way that her bare breasts were right in his face as he sat there helplessly smothered. She laughed and then backed up from the waist and leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Damn, you smell good too!” she said as she laughed about the fact that he smelled like weed and everyone in the place probably knew he was holding.

  “Amanda, so good to see you! Meet my friend Lief, Lief Gutsell,” Hank felt awkward speaking to Amanda under such circumstances. Still he was sure happy to have a gorgeous woman showing him affection. He had even felt somewhat of a stir in his pants as she had rubbed her breasts on his face. He had always wondered what her nipples had been like and he was not disappointed. His cheek still tingled from their soft caress.

  “Nice to meet you sweetheart,” she extended her hand to Lief who took it loosely and shook it very gently. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. As she did so leaning across Hank, her left nipple brushing slightly against his face again. This time teasing his lips. As she lingered just a moment too long to kiss Lief Hank thought about just opening his mouth ever so slightly. He needed to taste her tit. He needed to taste all of her. He became aware that he had a rock solid erection in his pants.

  “I need to go get dressed. I’m off now, if you wanna catch up Hanky,” she said as she pouted her lips at him slightly. He could feel himself getting warm, his pulse quickening.

  “I would love to sweetheart. We’ll be right here. You just take your time and when you are done we can go burn one if you want to. You still smoke weed don’t you?” he felt unusually calm for such a situation. It had been fifteen years since he had been with anyone but Amy and he thought that nervousness was appropriate. Instead he felt confident and it was obvious that she was picking up on it. He was sure that he could take her home.

  Hank ordered another beer as he waited on Amanda to return from the dressing room. He watched the next two acts before she was back. Lief got a lap dance from a Mexican girl who looked like she might have been too young to have worked in such a place, at such a profession. Hank had to remind himself that Lief was only nineteen himself and that it wasn’t weird at all.

  When Amanda returned she was dressed normally, as Hank remembered. She was wearing blue jeans with ripped up knees and a Primus t-shirt. No longer wearing the stilettos she had on a pair of Nike running shoes. Even though her outward appearance had done a one hundred and eighty degree turn she came back as flirtatious as ever. She made Hank stand up so that she could give him a full body hug. When she felt the press of his erection against her own crotch she pressed him in closer to her, grinding on him hard. He squeezed her with both hands and she bit his ear lobe a bit. Teasing him.

  “Last I heard, you were married Hank. What brings you into a place like this?” she asked but he could tell that she really didn’t care either way what the answer was.

  “I’m not divorced…yet. Amy and I split up a while back. This is actually the first night that I have gone out since the break up,” he didn’t feel like holding anything back. For some reason Amanda made him feel really comfortable.

  They hung out in the club for another hour. Talking the entire time Amanda and Hank ignored Lief for the most part. The didn’t even seem to notice when he went in the back to the VIP area with the girl who had been giving him lap dances. They did seem to take notice though when he returned, looking exhausted and sweating profusely.

  When Lief got back to the table Hank informed him that Amanda would be coming back to Gravel Switch with them for the weekend. Lief had no problem with that and the three of them left the club together. The apprentice drove the Jeep and Hank and Amanda talked the entire time. Even though they had never been really close and Hank always had assumed that she looked at him like a social pariah in high school they still found plenty to talk about on the ride back to Gravel Switch. Lief found it hard to believe that they were’t extremely close old friends.

  Amanda had never married, never had kids. She had graduated from UK with a master’s in microbiology but found it a difficult field. Not because there was no work or because she couldn’t get hired, but because she was sick of seeing men who were less educated and less productive than her making more money to do the same job, simply because they were men. That is why she loved stripping. She found it empowering, fun and erotic. She could work less, make more and exploit the same men who she used to be treated as unequal to. It was the perfect job for her, but she knew that sooner or later it wouldn’t pay the bills anymore. Nobody wanted to look at a geriatric stripper, so Amanda had been squirreling away money for her retirement. She invested in stocks and had a pretty good savings in her account. She might have been a stripper, but Amanda Wexler was not stupid. She would take care of herself, even if the world would not.

  When they got back to the house Lief was opening the front door when he noticed that Hank and Amanda were already making out. Lief figured that they would go immediately to Hank’s room, but to his surprise they followed him into the living room. Amanda was quite impressed with Hank’s place. He could tell by the way she took in the high doors and vaulted ceilings, how she oohed and ahed at the sight of the vintage fixtures and the chandelier in the foyer. But more so than with the house she was impressed with Hank’s cannabis.

  As he rolled up a couple of joints for them to smoke he packed her a bowl just for herself. “So you can catch up to us,” Hank said. She smiled from ear to ear after hitting the pipe. Lief just sat there, quietly, smiling as well as he remembered the fun he had just had with the stripper Cinnamon. It had only cost him seventy five bucks. That was his favorite part.

  As they got good and stoned Lief decided to give the two of them some room and he retired for the evening. As soon as he left Amanda and Hank started making out again, sprawling on the couch. He had dreamed of the moment since high school and was still a little confused as to why a woman as hot as Amanda would have any interest in him. He decided to just go with it and keep up the air of confidence he was feeling, despite how unnatural it seemed.

  They took their time with foreplay, as they both seemed to be in no hurry and were enjoying themselves. When Hank felt that she was sufficiently teased he unbuttoned her pants and laid her back onto the couch. He pulled off each of her shoes, taking a moment to massage her feet in turn. He slid her pants off and stood back for a moment, soaking in the beauty of her body, the curve of her legs and hips. He spread her legs
apart and buried his face right in her crotch, pushing her thong aside with his tongue. He licked her and sucked her until she came more times than he had ever made a woman come; at least in his mind. She didn’t let out much noise, which he was thankful for as he didn’t want to wake his young roommate. Still he was sure that she was satisfied and he pulled off his own pants and climbed on top of her. She reached down to grab his penis and was surprised that it was both limp, even after the hot action he had just given her, and quite small. Hank could tell by her reaction that she was a bit disappointed by his size. Still, he prided himself on his cunnilingus skills, he knew she was satisfied. If she couldn’t get off on his manhood then he wouldn’t feel bad for her. He had gotten used to the feeling of rejection he had gotten from girls in high school when they noticed how small he really was, but it had been many years since then and Amy had always seemed to enjoy him despite his size. He wondered if she had just been lying to him. He wondered if he had been lying to himself.

  Hank realized that he had drifted off into a daze, half from the opiates he was on and half just from his wandering thoughts. He looked down and saw that Amanda had him in her mouth, trying in vain to make his soldier salute. After a solid five minutes of sucking, stroking and tonguing his flaccid cock she gave up.

  He spent the next half hour explaining how he had gotten to such a place physically. How his seizure medication would mess with his ability to perform sexually, sometimes leaving him completely impotent. He could see that she was not really that upset by the situation and had more pity for him than anger, but he kept talking and talking, making excuse after excuse. As he talking in circles she chimed in, interrupting the flow of his thoughts. “We can get you some Viagra or something. It might help. I’d love to try again sweetie.”

  He remembered then that he had a Viagra in his pocket. He didn’t even speak to her, he jumped up, grabbed his pants and pulled the pill out. When he had it in hand he brandished it like a magician finishing a trick and gave a whispered (so as not to wake Lief), “Ta da!”

  She smiled at him with excitement. He popped the pill and went to the kitchen to get some water. As he was drinking he felt his hands tremble. Hank felt the icy chill of the grave set over him and his eyes rolled back in his head. He was afraid that he was about to have a seizure but soon realized that Quan had once again taken up residence in his body. Hank looked down at his hands in horror, realizing that Quan was now in control and he had a beautiful woman ready to make love to him in the other room.

  Amanda had taken a vibrating dildo out of her purse while Hank was in the kitchen and began masturbating with it, trying to keep herself turned on while Hank’s Viagra was kicking in. She was shocked to see that when he came back into the room he was a completely changed man. He stared at her as a predator stares down its prey. She felt immediately turned on and motioned for him to come to her as she spread her legs far apart, showing him the vibrator sliding in and out of her as she groaned slightly, playfully for him.

  He wasted no time and when he got to her he was as stiff as a board. He plunged right into her and she purred. She spent the next hour and a half being ravaged by him in ways that she never thought possible. Amanda lost count of her orgasms after they hit double digits. Hank didn’t say a word to her, her just grunted animalistically and smacked her backside. He took her in every position that she could even fathom existed.

  When he finally finished she was almost relieved, she felt absolutely worn out. He sat there on the couch next to her for a moment, rubbing her legs. He lit a cigarette, took a few drags and handed it to her. As she finished the smoke he rolled another joint up. Once he lit it he turned to look at Amanda and spoke in a voice that she was unsure of. It seemed to be a bit deeper than his voice and she thought that he was joking around.

  “So, when’re ya movin’ in doll?” Quan spoke the words with Hank’s mouth, but Hank didn’t care. He wanted Amanda to stay around more than anything he could imagine. She was comforting for him in every possible way. Hank didn’t mind Quan being in charge when it came to sex if he was going to perform like that! It really didn’t matter who was in control of the body, the brain still felt the pleasure either way.

  “How about right now then?” Amanda answered without hesitation. “I see that you have a boner again Hanky. Why don’t you come here and see if I can’t help you with that.” And then Hank got the best blow job he had ever had in his entire life.

  Everything was coming together sweet for him. The only obstacle would be to see if she would deal with his heroin use, but hell, for her he would quit the drug in a heartbeat. He decided to sleep on whether or not to tell her about his addiction or to simply kick heroin and supplement his use with the Vicodin and Oxycontin that he had in abundance.

  They fell asleep naked on the couch in each other’s arms, much to the annoyance of Lief who in the morning couldn’t help but wonder what fluids had gotten all over the couch. He woke them up by brewing a pot of coffee and letting the smell waft through the house.


  The Writer and the Thief

  Amanda awoke naked the next morning to the smell of coffee. She was still in Hank’s arms and found that to be comfortable. She hoped that he was joking about moving in with him, although she did love the house and the land. It would be too far from her work at Pure Gold to make the commute, but it wasn’t out of the question to date Hank. After all he had pleasured her in ways that she was sure she had never been pleasured before. It was shocking to her when she looked back on it as she sat up and wiped the sleep out of her eyes. Hank started to stir as she got her clothes on.

  When they were both awake and had lit up the first cigarette of the day and poured their coffee they heard the sound of the shower turning on in the bathroom and were immediately reminded that Lief was there. Hank was all smiles and beamed from ear to ear. With his coffee he took all of his medications for the morning and doubled up on his painkillers so that he could begin to ween himself off of heroin. They had a perfectly normal morning and enjoyed a breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs. They made extra for Lief who was happy that he didn’t have to cook for himself. Hank made it clear that he would give Amanda a ride back to Lexington any time that she needed but that she was welcome to hang out for the day, or even the weekend. She was a little disappointed to find out that he had a lot to do in his grow room and in the glass shop in the garage, though she thought that it might be interesting to just have time to relax out in the country and it would only be for the day. They could have the night to themselves again, which excited Amanda quite a bit.

  It was noon before Hank and Lief came down from upstairs. They had spent all morning trying to get the pH and the parts per million of total dissolved solids both just right in his hydroponic solution tank. If the pH was off all of his plants would essentially not take up nutrients properly and if there was too much nutrient in the water then they would over fertilize the plants. Hank explained it all to Amanda during lunch as they smoked a joint before he took Lief out to the glass shop. Amanda listened intently and then embarrassed Hank a little when after five minutes of Hank rambling about his grow operation she reminded him that she was a microbiologist and basic hydroponics was elementary to her. He had been excited to share his knowledge base but the tables had turned on him and her felt a bit silly to have assumed that she was uneducated because she was a stripper. He could tell that he lost a few points with her over that, but wasn’t too concerned as he figured that she got that a lot.

  Amanda had spent the morning walking around the farm. She checked out the barn and the creek, the slave quarters and the garage. Otherwise there were only the fields and the surrounding hills. She got bored a little quicker than she thought she would and went back to the house to see what she could find to do.

  She was shocked to see how few books Hank actually owned. Amanda was an avid reader and Hank obviously was not. He had some of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books and The Lord of the Rings trilogy but otherwise m
ost of his books were about growing cannabis or the Haight Ashbury in the nineteen sixties. She looked through the living room bookshelf and eventually on the bottom shelf, under all the other books she found a horror novel to read. She had never heard of it but Amanda was looking forward to devouring How Dear the Dawn by Marc Elliot.

  Amanda found it to be a surprisingly good read, nothing like the other vampire novels that she had read. No flowery romances or victorian settings, just pure terror. Reading it allowed her to spend the better part of the morning entertained. Hank came downstairs around eleven and asked her to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Perryville and get lunch. She was more than happy to do it as she didn’t really know the area and wanted to get out and stretch her legs. Driving had always helped Amanda think and she had a lot to process. What were the odds that a boy she had a crush on in high school would just fall into her lap like Hank did. She chalked it up to kismet.

  After lunch Amanda got extremely bored. One novel a day was enough. She decided to go upstairs to see Hank’s plants since he was outside in the garage blowing glass. The thought crossed her mind of having him make her a dildo. Handblown glass dildos were extremely expensive and were all the rage among her friends. Hell, she knew she could help Hank sell a ton of them.

  As she got to the top of the steps that wound up to the second floor like a tightly coiled snake, she noticed that she was in a large room and the grow room was off to the left. But it was the room that was off to the right that called her. Amanda didn’t know why but she just felt compelled to go into the room. Her spine tingled a bit and she wondered if it were a place she was not supposed to go.


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