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Saving His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 2

by M. L. Briers

  “You have a fear of commitment?”He demanded and Abe couldn’t help the small chuckle that shook his shoulders like a Hyena.

  Summer took a slight step back from him and frowned at the sudden scrutiny of his gaze that she found herself under. She scoffed at his words and dismissed them with a wave of her hand.

  “No.” She lied.

  Flynn could scent the deceit coming from her, and he took a step forward and leaned in over the top of her body as she leaned back away from him, as if just his sheer presence alone would burn her to her very soul, and it would, just not quite yet.

  “Liar.”He offered the word like a token in a slot machine. He put it in and waited to see what would come out the other end.

  When his mate raised her brows and her mouth opened into a wordless circle of disbelief, he wanted to snatch the offending word back.

  Summer couldn’t believe he had called her on it. A gentleman would have stored the information and said nothing, but then her mate was no gentleman, he was a Lycan and she should expect his uncivilised behaviour.

  “Butthead.”It was the first real thought that came into her mind and she didn’t really have a filter system, which was what made managing her anger so much of a challenge.

  There was a snort from the Beta on the ground and Flynn dismissed it. Narrowing his eyes on his mate before painfully slowly raising just one dark brow at her, and she bit down on her jaw as those hands went back onto her curvy hips and she tilted her chin up in defiance. She certainly wasn’t taking it back. He was, if nothing else, a butthead.

  “You’re rude and undisciplined…”Flynn accused and she curled her top lip up in disbelief.

  “Undisciplined? What am I a naughty child that needs a spank…?”Summer bit the last word off and snapped her lips shut as the fire of desire swept through his eyes. She swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat as the image collided with the pure unadulterated look of lust from her mate, and she had the sudden urge to plant her face in her hands and whine like a pup.

  She heard him open his mouth to answer and that one finger from his mate flew up in the air in front of him again. “Don’t say it. Don’t even think it…”

  “You invited that image into my mind, which I thank you for by the way, but it was not of my doing.”That deep growl that rumbled through his chest and seemed to have arms that wrapped around her was on every word, and she shivered with the mental caress that it offered her.

  “Well chalk it up to a place we’re never going to go and move on.” Summer bit out. The deep chuckle of the Beta having the opposite effect on her body as it danced over her last nerve.

  “I wouldn’t rush to judgement on that, Summer.”Flynn offered her the absolutely wickedest look she had ever had the pleasure to encounter, and she felt her heart chest bump her ribs. The heat flooded her cheeks and she felt as if she were a warning beacon for low flying aircraft. This was not a good day to be her.

  “I need to…”She narrowed her eyes and took a long breath in. Her brain wasn’t working on full power either, but she did manage to move her finger back towards her car and come up with one more word. “Go.” She took a step away from him and wanted to throw herself two steps forwards at the same time.

  “But you don’t want too, do you?”Flynn cocked an eyebrow and his eyes smiled at her knowingly. Damn it, but she hated all things mate related.

  “I’m pretty sure I do.”Summer replied, forcing that next step back out of her traitorous body, and then he went and spoilt her efforts by taking a step towards her. Damn it. Now that was one extra step she needed to take. Practically a marathon in the grand scheme of things.

  “I’m pretty sure you’re body wants to curl around mine and succumb to the wicked temptations that I can offer you…”Flynn’s growl wasn’t just sexy, it was downright obscene.

  “Now who’s planting images that one of us doesn’t want in their brains…”She took a deep breath and her chest expanded outwards, drawing his eyes down to her breasts and making him lick his lips in anticipation, and she balked. “Gotta go.” She announced as she put every last bit of effort into turning away from him and putting one foot in front of the other foot towards the car.

  “You want a lift?”Flynn growled the words right into her brain and she shook her head and then mentally kicked herself when she realised that it was his car and not hers she was walking towards.

  “I want saving from myself…”She mumbled as she dropped her head and changed direction, but he was there before her. She saw the boots on the ground in front of her and slowly raised her eyes up his body, and she couldn’t help cataloguing everything as she went.

  The well defined muscles of his lower legs leading to the thick muscled thighs that made his jeans hug him in all the right places, especially at his groin, and boy were his jeans hugging his woody, nobody needed to draw her a picture, it might as well have been wrapped in cellophane.

  Summer swallowed her tongue, mentally slapped her forehead and moved on up past the low hugging jeans that rode his hips, and where he had crossed his arms over his broad muscled chest, his top had ridden up just a crack to reveal the dark sprinkle of hair that disappeared into the waistband of his jeans and lead the way back down to his woody.

  Summer almost rolled her eyes in her head, why the hell was she so centred on his damn woody? It wasn’t as if she’d never seen one before, she’d seen plenty… well two, but two was plenty for a comparison, only she already knew that those other two would fail in comparison, him being a Lycan and all.

  By the time she’d managed to drag her eyes up to his folded arms and the muscles that strained against the sleeves of his jacket, she was already licking her lips at the thought of running her tongue inside the gap between where the top and the waistband of his jeans didn’t meet, and just tasting his hot skin, and she was certain the moment her eyes met his that she was projecting pure unadulterated lust at him, because the way he dropped his arms to his sides and growled low and deeply in his chest, left her in no doubt that he wanted to pounce on her.

  “Now hold on just one minute there, alpha…”The words were cut short by the sudden intake of a gasp as he stalked towards her. Her eyes widened in shock, her lips wouldn’t snap back together, and she couldn’t make her feet move through fear that he would consider it a hunt and bring her down like a damn gazelle.

  Flynn didn’t say a word, he couldn’t think of any, not when the word- mine- was rocking around his brainpan, and she was looking at him with eyes that said- take me I’m yours- or words to that effect, and the effect they had on him was like a flash fire that roared through his body and sent him in for the kill.

  It was akin to bloodlust, only he thought the end result of his actions here would be far more satisfying.

  He reached for her and ran one hand around her waist, flattening his palm against her lower back, and he yanked her up against the heat of his body. His other hand palmed her cheek, wrapped around her neck, and eased her in for his kiss. And kiss her he did.

  The heat of his lips covered the coldness of hers and he could feel her lips tremble as she tried to press them shut, but failed. He was already tasting and teasing her lips with his tongue, demanding that she open wider for him, and she didn’t disappoint him.

  Flynn pressed against her soft body and his tongue into her mouth at the same time. His tongue swirled over hers and he tasted just how damn sweet she was, and gently growled his pleasure against her lips. When her hands ran up over his chest, he nearly threw his head back and howled in pleasure, but he didn’t want to relinquish her lips.

  Summer couldn’t hold a rational thought longer than a nanosecond. It was like having the word you craved on the tip of your tongue, a fleeting glimpse of the promise that you were going to get there, before it was snatched away again. But the only thing on her tongue was his and the taste of him was like chocolate mixed with more chocolate, one of life’s guilty little pleasures that once you had your first taste, damn, but
you never wanted it to end.

  When he moved his hips against her, and she felt his erection pressed firmer against her stomach she wanted to drop to her knees and beg him for more as she pulled him down with her, but that would be wrong… very, very, very… wrong… Maybe?

  When she felt the hard metal of the car against her back it was like someone hit her over the head with a wet sponge, and she was more than grateful for it. She peeled her lips from his, and instead of her fingers curling into the muscles of his chest, she managed to flatten them out and push against him as he dipped his head and nuzzled into her neck, taking in her scent and growling again.

  “Really, really, really, back the hell off.”Summer managed to breathe out and then in again, as she tried to force her shields up, but failed miserably. His hot breath against her neck was just too distracting, too delectable to ignore.

  But Flynn raised his head and his black eyes looked more than glazed as he stared down at her.

  “You’re coming home with me.”He growled possessively and that was the catalyst she needed to regain her composure, slam up her shields, and push him backwards away from her.

  “The hell I am.”She spat out in disbelief. “What am I a piece of meat? You think I’m going to throw myself beneath your body and let you…”Summer was on a roll, but his eyes filled with amusement, and the sudden low chuckle that rolled through him was enough to silence her with the need to punch him right in the gut.

  “Yes…”He growled, more than assured in his assertion. “But that’s not why you’re coming home with me. If someone is hurting Fae…”

  “I can take care of myself, ask your Beta how his nuts are hanging.”She ground out and heard the muttered lack of a sense of humour from the other Lycan. Even if she couldn’t see him, because Flynn’s broad chest was blocking out everything but the damn sky, she could still imagine his sour expression.

  “That is not the point.”Flynn wasn’t about to take no for an answer. If he had to take her home by force he would.

  “That is sooo the point.”Summer shot back and saw the determination in his whole stance, from the one raised brow, to the way his body sort of caged her in.

  “This isn’t a debate.”Flynn countered and she scoffed.

  “Because it’s not happening.”Summer assured him.

  In a heartbeat he had her tossed over one broad shoulder and had turned, his long legs, eating up the ground back towards his pickup truck. “Put me down, you Neanderthal.” She shrieked out as her nails found the heated flesh under his top and she dug them into his skin with gusto, and then regretted it a moment later.


  Flynn felt her claws enter his back and roared his shock, grabbing her ankles he shrugged her body down his back until she was hanging there. Her head was swinging by the backs of his knees and she wrapped her arms around his legs and broke his stride.

  Abe was almost in pieces as he watched the spectacle in front of him. His alpha going caveman and carrying his mate off. The pain that registered on his face when she skewered him with her nails, and he had howled like a pup, and now she was hanging down his back, gripping his legs and making him walk like he had dysentery and needed to make it to the toilet before he soiled his jeans.

  “Let go.”Flynn growled over his shoulder at her, but she just gripped harder, and when his foot caught on a rock protruding from the frozen ground he found himself going down face first, and he knew that he didn’t have time to turn and roll her against his chest, because she was still gripping his damn legs.

  Summer felt the change of angle almost immediately and relinquished her hold around his legs a moment before he hit the ground. She felt the force of his impact through her whole body, but it didn’t slow her down. She was up on her hands and dragging herself forwards down his body, pushing away with her feet. Her foot kicked him in the backside and she heard him growl from behind her.

  Her sudden freedom was short lived when he rolled over and reached for her, grabbing her ankle and trying to yank her back towards him. She felt like she was playing some messed up game of wheelbarrow and back kicked him with her other foot, connecting with his groin and making him gasp in a breath as he let go of her ankle and reached for his nuts. Hovering in place for one long moment before he rolled back onto the floor and groaned.

  “Hurts like hell don’t it?”Abe spat out before collapsing down onto his knees on the floor in fits of laughter, real happy tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks as he pointed and gasped in a breath before chortling again.

  Summer pulled herself up on her feet and scowled from one Lycan to the other.

  “You people are certifiable.” She hissed in disbelief before she set her stance and stalked passed him on the floor towards her car. He tried to reach out one hand to her, but his nuts were hurting so badly that his mind wouldn’t tell his hand to let go of them.

  The sound of the car door slamming and the engine roaring to life made him roll from side to side as he tried to get up. Tried and failed. Damn it, she was getting away.

  The loud thumping on the door of her room told her that he had found out where she was staying. It was inevitable in a town the size of a postage stamp, and yet she had hoped that it would take him longer. Maybe long enough to calm the hell down, but the way he was thumping against the wood, like a demented six foot odd Thumper the rabbit, left her in little doubt that calm wasn’t a word he could relate too.

  Summer stomped across the room and yanked open the door. The look on his face was akin to relief mixed with a psychopath finding the next victim, and she rested her arm up against the frame to bar his way, and placed her other hand on her hip to show she wasn’t in the least bit impressed with him.

  “Maybe you could knock louder so my future grandchildren could feel the vibrations…”He took a large step towards her, placed his hands on her hips, lifted her in the air, turned her, and deposited her back onto the carpet as he back heeled the door closed behind him.

  Summer took a moment to get her bearings as he reluctantly took his hands from her hips and glared down at her.

  “Could you be any more caveman in your actions?”She demanded and berated him at the same time, but when his eyes flicked towards the bed and then back to her she bit down on her lower lip and scowled at him.

  “Let’s find out.”He growled and moved at the same time, multitasking for Lycan’s 101. She shrieked when he snatched her against his body and deposited her on her back on the bed. He came down over the top of her in one swift movement that left her head spinning and her thighs trying to clamp together around his knee.

  “What are you doing?”Summer hissed out, panic raking through her mind and body, but it wasn’t the fact that she feared what came next, it was the fact that she was gleefully looking forward to it that caused her heart to race and her palms to sweat, and that doe eyed look as she stared up at him.

  He was all predator as he caged her in with his body and stared down at her with a sexy wanton look of a man that had the urge to devour her from head to toe, and the inclination to carry it through running through his veins like a firestorm.

  “You will come home with me now, willingly, or I will stay right here, and when I say here, I mean right here, for as long as it takes to get you to agree.”Summer swallowed down her tongue and a good portion of her pride as she blinked up at him. Lord, but what she imagined that man doing to her right in that moment of time was so sinful that her blushes-blushed.

  “And sweetheart, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to control my urge to strip you naked, lick you from head to toe, and bury my penis so deep inside your very willing body that I never want to leave…”He dipped his head and nuzzled against her neck, scenting her and growling with the promise of his words coming to life- quickly, but not damn quickly enough if the way her body was reacting to them was the deciding vote.

  “I’ll… come…”She pushed out, cutting off that little voice inside her that wanted her to reach out, hooke
d her nails into him and reel him in towards her.

  “Yes you will, many, many times.”Flynn promised her and she opened her mouth to give him a sarcastic come back, but her wicked evil self reached out and mentally slapped her around the face with a smelly kipper.

  Flynn watched her contemplating her options, of which she had none. For him it was a win-win situation. If she refused to leave, he’d refuse to move, until her body couldn’t take the frustration of having him above her like this, and she would break before he would.

  If she submitted to his will and left with him, he had her all to himself in the comfort of his home. She’d be off balance and out of her comfort zone. Either way, he had her exactly where he wanted her.

  “And woody says hi by the way.”He growled down, dropping his eyes to the bulge in his jeans as he watched her eyes make a quick, smooth run down to the bulge, and she swallowed again.

  “I could retaliate…”The soft, breathless sound of her voice let him know that she wasn’t planning on that retaliation anytime soon. Half of her brain was on his body and the other half was on what she wanted him to do with his body to her body. How he loved the mating pull.

  “Sweetheart, you know that’s going to end badly for one of us, and by one of us, I mean you.”He grinned down at her, or was it more a self satisfied smirk, she wasn’t at all sure. She wasn’t sure of anything at that moment, even her last name…

  “Can we leave now?”Her fingers were itching to walk down his chest and flick open the button of his jeans, and explore just where that dark trail of hair on his stomach led…

  Flynn was carrying her suitcase as they exited onto the street. Night was coming in fast, and with the frosty winter chill in the air Summer felt the long hard shiver wrack through her body as the wind blew six ways from Sunday.

  “Where are you going?”Flynn asked as Summer turned towards her car, his fingers curled over the padded jacket that covered her arm, and yet she could swear she felt the heat of him warm her skin beneath all those duck feathers. Who needed ducks when you had a big old wolf to keep you warm, Summer’s brain told her, and boy did she want to sneer back at the very thought, she didn’t even like the guy.


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