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Saving His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 12

by M. L. Briers

  “If I thought I was going to need you I would have told you to follow me in the damn truck. The same damn truck you nearly hit me with…”He took the last step and leaned down over her as she tipped her head back to look up at him.

  “Oh that’s what’s got you so wound up, the fact that you nearly ran under my tyres.”She accused and saw the anger flare within his eyes.

  “You drive like an idiot. But that’s not the point…”He growled down at her and she balked.

  “I do not. You walked out in the road like an idiot, don’t lay that blame on me sucker.”She shot back, turning away from him and stomping across the room away from him.

  “The point is you disobeyed me…”He growled out and she whirled around towards him. Wide eyed and staring at him in disbelief, she shrieked a small breath in.

  “Disobeyed you...? I am not someone that you can order around…”He stalked the space between them.

  “You are part of my pack and you will…”He growled out stopping abruptly when she snorted a laugh at him.

  “You think, alpha. Get over yourself…”She informed him going to turn away again, but his hand shot out and he held her firmly in place. “Let go…”She jerked her arm, trying to pull away as she ground her words out between clenched teeth. “Let-me-go…”


  “You are my mate and I will protect you with my life. I can’t do that if you disobey me…”

  Summer stared up at him. He had a point, but still, she didn’t need that point shoved at her with his glaring and his growling, not to mention his master’s voice type attitude that just got her damn back up.

  “I might be your mate, but I haven’t accepted you yet. I can still leave any time I damn well choose, and you need to remember one thing, alpha, I am Fae not Lycan, I get your damn sentiment, but you need to choose your words more carefully with me.”She glared back up at him. Her heart was pounding inside her and she felt a fire within her blood that had nothing to do with the anger that rolled inside of her.

  He let her arm go and took a step backwards away from her. She was right. He couldn’t expect her to follow his orders to the letter, she was Fae, and she was going to be stubborn. And her personality meant that she would fight him on issues all the way, even if she did give up in the end and accept his decisions. She had felt firsthand the kind of danger her friend was in and she had reacted. He had told her to stay at the cabin, but he hadn’t pressed the point…

  But he could have lost her tonight.

  “I’m going to shower.”He turned on his heels and disappeared into the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he rested his forehead against the hard wood and closed his eyes to that thought.

  He could have lost her.

  Yes, he was Alpha and he would expect her to follow his rules pertaining to the pack and her place within it, but she wasn’t Lycan. Without using his abilities to push his point home, she was still going to defer to her human side.

  Tina didn’t protest when Abe started to undress her. His words were soft and gently soothing as he explained that he needed to care for her, asked her to let him do his duty as her mate. He stripped himself naked before carrying her into the bathroom, where he lowered them into a hot bath and tenderly washed away the sweat and grime from her body.

  He felt the scars running across her back, unmistakably deep claw marks that must have cut almost to the bone, and he felt her body tense as he washed them.

  “I have you…”He whispered against her hair as his hands cleansed her skin, washed away the physical presence of what had happened to her in that basement with Porter. But he knew he couldn’t heal the memory of what had happened to her down there.

  He talked her through every stroke of his hand, every touch of his fingers over her skin, and when he was done he lifted her from the water and took her back into the bedroom, drying her body and covering her in one of his large T-shirts.

  He kept his touch on her the whole time, anchoring her to him, and when he put her into the bed, he slipped in next to her and wrapped her tightly within his arms.

  “I have you, you’re safe. Rest now, love.”He soothed her, over and over until he felt her body melt against his. Her muscles were still tight, even in sleep, but he carried on soothing her long after she had fallen asleep.

  Flynn walked out of the bathroom with a towel slung low over his hips and one in his hand that he was drying his hair with. His eyes caught hers as she did a double take of his body from her seat on the bed.

  “Tina’s asleep. She still hasn’t said anything…”Flynn offered and Summer frowned at him.

  “You spoke to Abe?”

  “Yeah, he checked in, he knew you’d be worried, but he wanted me to thank you for letting him take care of his mate.”Summer seemed both relieved and softened by what he told her. Her whole body seemed to relax back against the headboard, and she nodded her understanding.

  Summer dragged herself to her feet with a sigh and started towards the bathroom.

  “I’m going to take a shower…”She stopped at the door and turned back towards him. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, and I’m sorry I nearly hit you with the car.”She offered and saw some of the tension ease from his back. Damn, she wanted to run her hands down over the damp muscles and sooth them. Maybe she was more Lycan than she thought. “But your wolf still needs to learn how to cross a damn road.” She hissed out as she strolled into the bathroom and tossed the door closed behind her with a grin and a chuckle.

  Summer felt his hands on her hips and shrieked, jumping in place as the feel of his closeness rushed through her body. Her heart thumped its disapproval at her fear, and she palmed the tile in front of her as she heard his gentle laughter drift around her like the fine spray in the air.

  “Butthead.”She muttered, letting her hands slip down the wall as she leaned back into his body. The arousal that lay against her back between their bodies made her blood fire with the need to mate with him. Damn, it was getting worse.

  “You didn’t lock the door. In my mind that says your subconscious wanted me to come take care of my mates needs.”He breathed out on a low growl of desire against her neck, and she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.

  “Do you really think I’m in any mood to play with you tonight?”She offered, knowing full well that her body was already running a mile ahead of her.

  “This night and every night. Even when we fight, even when we’re old and grey, and even when we are at deaths door…”He moved one hand upwards over her stomach and cupped one breast, and the other hand downwards over the curls of her mound and causing her to open her legs to him as he sought entry to her sex.

  “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll leave…”He teased against her neck a moment before his lips brushed over his mark in her neck, and she hissed in a breath as the jolt registered deep within her.

  “I don’t want to get called on a blatant lie…”She ran her hand down his arm to meet his fingers as they slipped through her folds.

  “Then tell me how you want me to take you tonight sweetheart, because I have a need to take you, and it’s only fair as you took me earlier.”He slipped two fingers into the wet warmth of her channel and she pressed back against his erection.

  “You want to show me who the alpha is?”She asked as she turned within his arms as she gazed up at him. He saw her bite down on her lower lip and he growled long and hard.

  “I really, really do.”He growled reaching out and capturing her nipples in between his finger and thumb, and her rolled them until she bit down harder.

  “Then show me, Alpha.”Her eyes dropped to his erection and she licked over her bottom lip, an invite.

  Flynn put his hand on her shoulder and eased her down onto her knees. He gazed down at her as he fisted the thick hardness of his shaft within his hand and stroked down. Her eyes feasted on him and she licked her lips again. Flynn fisted her hair and eased her mouth towards his offering, and her eyes flicked up to
his as her tongue came out and she licked around the ridge. When her tongue traced upwards to find the slit and she teased inside it, it caused him to growl just the way she liked to hear it.

  “Suck me…”He demanded and she pushed her head backwards against his hand, playing her role, taking him at his word that he wanted to be Alpha, and she saw the hesitation on his face as he stared into her eyes and caught the wicked glint that she offered him.

  Flynn tightened his hold in her hair and held her in place as he moved his hips forwards, running the tip of his arousal over her lips, back and forth, before he pushed inside. His eyes nearly rolled within his head as she allowed him to push deep inside her mouth.

  “Suck…”He growled down at her, as he started a long slow slide back and forth. The feel of her suckling him made him want to thrust inside her, but he held with his actions. The feeling was just too damn good to rush. “Harder, suck harder.”He growled down as he fisted his other hand into her hair and held her mouth in place for his slide deep within her. When he felt the back of her throat he pulled back, but she moaned along his shaft and he eased back deep. The feel of her throat as it constricted around him made me want to howl his appreciation as she swallowed him down.

  Dark curses spilled from his lips as he gave himself up to what she was doing to him. He may have been the Alpha here, but she had all the power. He was half crazed with the feel of her mouth around him, and he couldn’t hold back his desire any longer. His hips moved faster, and he pulled back from her throat as he thrust into her. She was suckling him hard, and he could feel the tension in his spine, he was close, too damn close.

  He issued her a warning as he buried himself inside her. His penis swelled a moment before his seed spilled down her throat. He felt her hands on the backs of his thighs as he pulled back and she urged him on, letting him take his relief again and again, deep in her throat, until he was spent.

  He pulled out of her with a wet pop as he dropped to one knee in front of her. His hand slipped to her neck and he rested his forehead against hers. His eyes were closed and he was panting like his damn wolf after a long run.

  “Thank you.”He growled against her lips before kissing her with a passion that was still running through his veins, tasting his own juices on her tongue as he pulled her between his legs and against his body.

  When he broke the kiss he heard her soft chuckle. “You’re welcome.”She teased as he rolled his forehead against hers. “Do you still have a need to be Alpha?”The desire in her voice was evident, and he pulled back and looked at her. That wicked glint was still in her eyes.

  “More than you know sweetheart.”He growled gently as he dipped his head and rolled his tongue over his mark.

  “How Alpha do you want to get?”

  “What did you have in mind?”He sucked hard against his mark and heard her moan, felt her fingers curl against his shoulders.


  Flynn’s head snapped up and he cupped her face in his hands. His eyes intent on hers, he was searching for her emotions, searching for her fears, her hesitancy, but he came up empty.

  “You’re ready to accept me, to bond for life?”He watched to corners of her lips arch upwards, saw the confirmation in her eyes before she even spoke.

  “My Mate. My Alpha…”She brushed her lips against his and his wolf tried to push forwards within him.

  “Summer, there’s no going back from the bond, you know that…”

  “I know. Look, Flynn I can procrastinate about this for as long as the mating pull allows me too. I could find a million different reasons for and against bonding with you, but you know what…?”He shook his head and watched her take a long slow breath in. “Sometimes you’ve just got to take a leap of faith and trust that the Fate knows what the hell she’s doing.”

  He growled long and hard. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her with him towards the wall, pinning her with his hips as he rested his forehead back against hers. The smile on his face was worth a million words. His dark eyes glowed with happiness as he gazed at her. His hand was tender against her cheek.

  “You know that just gives credence to my point about the Fae being slightly unhinged.”

  “Because Lycan’s are so…”He cut her off with a kiss that made her toes curl against the water at her feet. Cupping her backside with his large hands, he lifted her against his body and nestled his hard length against her sex, and she squirmed, wanting the feel of him deep inside her.

  “You want me…”He growled against her lips before devouring her with his tongue again, blunt teeth nipping her lower lip when he pulled back to allow her to breathe.

  “I want you…”She wrapped her body tightly around his as proof of ownership. He was hers, and she wasn’t about to let this chance at happiness slip through her fingers.

  Flynn nipped and sucked his way down to his mark in her shoulder. ‘Mine.’ His beast was more than eager to take their make, create the bond that would bind them together for life.

  “Mine.” Flynn growled against her skin. Whirling her around and stalking through the bathroom with her. Each movement sent a thrill through her body as his shaft pressed and rubbed over her sex, and by the time he laid her down on the edge of the bed and uncurled her legs from around his hips, she was more than ready to take everything he had to give her.

  The way he was devouring her body, his teeth nipping against her skin, his tongue lapping and tasting, let her know that his wolf was closer to the surface now. When he dropped to his knees on the floor and his large hands took hold of her thighs, pushing her legs up the bed and out, opening her to his him, his eyes flicked to hers and she caught her breath.

  Deep pools of ebony stared up her body at her, and when he yanked her forwards so her backside was barely on the bed, her heart jolted with the excitement that raced through her.

  “Mine.”His feral growl of possession echoed within her mind, and a heartbeat later he dipped his head and ran his tongue, slow and flat, over the length of her sex, tasting her and savouring the feel of her on his tongue.

  With every long stroke he made against her his growl became deeper, more feral, his hands tightened against her thighs until he held her in place, completely immobile beneath him. Not that she wanted to go anywhere, but still she tried to squirm beneath that clever tongue.

  Flynn was barely containing his wolf within him, if it was up to the beast he would have stood and thrust into his mate, hard and deep, over and over until he spilled his seed, biting hard and fast, and claiming her. But Flynn wanted her to have more of him than that. More for herself.

  He thrust his tongue inside her eager channel. The muscles tried to hold him, but he was curling up and pulling out to thrust back inside her again, over and over. He buried his face against her sex and devoured her, working back and forth between the folds, taking the tiny nub into his mouth and suckling her hard, until he heard her breath hitching, and he felt her body reaching for the release that tore through her the moment he buried his fingers deep inside her and stroked hard and fast against that sweet spot.

  He was holding onto the power of the beast so tightly as he lapped at her juices. Her sweet nectar sending the man almost as feral as the beast, and he raised up onto his feet, looking down on the passion and desire that was still evident on his mates face as he held her open to him and thrust inside her.

  The sound of her moan and the way her muscles tightened around his shaft drove him on. He pulled back his hips and thrust to the hilt. The feral growl of his beast sounded off the walls as he felt her womb and ground his hips to hers, the instinct to breed with her almost as potent for his beast as the instinct to bond.

  “Summer…” Her name rolled over his tongue, bringing her eyes open to stare up at him. Just the sight of him standing over her, his hard muscled body between her legs, muscles tensing and releasing, as his hips pulled back to thrust against her again, over and over, sent her mind and body wild with the need that was already building inside

  Her eyes flicked down to the sight of his hard shaft emerging between her thighs, glistening with her juices, before he buried himself to the hilt within her body. The sight and feel of his powerful thrusts made her own body respond in such a carnal way, heightening the intensity of his movements, and she called out his name as her hands fisted into the covers either side of her hips. She gripped and released him with her inner muscles, searching for the release that he was expertly drawing from her body.

  “Let go Flynn, bond…”The deep feral growl that rolled through him as his beast was unleashed drew her eyes to him. His fangs pushed down and he moved down low over her body. His tongue ran over her abdomen, over her breast and up over her collarbone to her neck, as his hips moved faster, took her harder. He scented her and growled long and hard against her ear, staking his claim as his hands found her wrists and he pushed her arms upwards, pinning her hands against the bed.

  “Mine.” He growled, nipping against her skin with the bluntness of his teeth, but she could feel his fangs and shivered with the eroticism of his show of dominance.

  Summer turned her head to allow him access, his beast growled long and hard, taking it as a sign of surrender, a sign that she recognised him as her mate, and that she was submitting to his will.

  Flynn moved his hips up and pinned her beneath the power of his thrusts, taking her deeper with every powerful stroke of his hips, as her body opened to him in way it never had before. She was stretched so tightly around the steel of his shaft, swollen to its limit, every inch of the sleek satin running back and forwards over the sweet spot inside her until her orgasm burst, like the bud of a flower springing open and the blossom stretching it’s petals throughout her body to every nerve ending, every inch of her, as she cried out with the intensity of the rush.

  Flynn sunk his fags deep into the tender skin of her shoulder and heard his mate’s mate diluted cry of pain, the pleasure too intense within her for her body to recognise the pain alone.


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