Untamed Shifter Love
Page 9
A shock, akin to electricity, pulsed painfully through Joslyn’s chest at the thought of Kane facing a killer. She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Barbara still held her hand.
“I hate this,” Joslyn whispered. “I hate the idea of some mysterious, faceless threat looming over the people I love.” When she opened her eyes, Barbara was looking at her with tenderness, but also curiosity.
Barbara’s eyes narrowed. “Do you? Do you love us?”
Joslyn frowned. “How can you even ask me that?”
“Because I see a ring on your left hand. Why didn’t you tell us you were getting married?”
Chapter 3
Joslyn opened her mouth to speak but shut it again. She took a drink of her coffee and studied her hand. The pink nail polish was starting to chip. “Of course I love you. I didn’t tell you because I haven’t said yes yet. He wanted me to wear the ring, to get a feel for it.”
Barbara gave her a knowing smile. “Jossy—” she started, but a male’s agonized howl interrupted her. She scowled. “Michael has to do what he must to protect us. You understand that, right?”
“What did the wolf do?”
“That doesn’t concern you.” Barbara rubbed her temples.
Joslyn rolled her eyes. “It never does.” She started to stand.
Reaching out, Barbara grabbed Joslyn’s wrist. “I’ve worked very hard to protect you as much as I can. If you hadn’t saved my life, all those years ago, your family would be alive. You were the bravest little girl I’d ever met. I loved you like my own the moment you went to sleep under this roof as part of our pack, and I owe you the most ‘human’ life I can give you.”
“I never asked to be protected.”
Barbara chuckled. She hadn’t let go of Joslyn. “You’ve always been too fearless for your own good. I love you as much as I would have if you were my biological daughter. You are part of this world, even if we try to shield you from what Michael has to do in order to retain his place as alpha. The dark things we do are never easy, but they’re necessary.”
Joslyn pulled her arm away from her foster mother. “I know you mean well, but that’s why I need to make a choice. I can’t straddle this world and the human one forever. I’m tired.” She exhaled sharply and closed her eyes, shaking her head. “So tired.”
“Get some rest. It’s early supper tonight because of the moon. See you in the dining room at five, and please dress for the meal. We’re having guests.”
Nodding, Joslyn went upstairs. A maid had already unpacked her things, and a cocktail dress was laid out on the bed. She walked around the room touching her possessions, feeling like a ghost.
She glanced down at her ring with a grimace. I must say yes. There wasn’t another choice, not if she wanted to have a normal life. She hadn’t died with her parents, but who she’d been before the attack had been murdered, and she was the phantom roaming about in a world that didn’t belong to her.
She jumped as a knock on the door startled her. Joslyn opened the door and looked up at Kane. His face was taut, and she noticed bags under his eyes.
“Hey,” she said, opening the door wider as an invitation to enter. “I never got the chance to tell you how much I missed you.”
Kane’s eyes darkened. He took a step toward her so that they stood in the doorway together, and she backed up at his unexpected proximity. He ran his hand through his disheveled brown hair. She noticed blood on his shirt and looked away.
Kane reached out and cupped her jaw in his large hand, forcing her to make eye contact. “I want you to stay up here tonight and keep the door locked.”
He gently pushed her farther into the room and checked the hall before shutting the door. He pulled something out of his waistband and pressed it into her hands. For a moment, the fact that the cold steel was a gun didn’t register.
Joslyn gasped. “Why are you giving me a weapon? I don’t even know how to use this.”
“You will.” He pulled her free hand forward and positioned the gun so that she was holding it. “It’s not loaded right now. Click this, that takes the safety off. Cock it like this, and...” He pressed down on her finger and forced her to pull the trigger. There was a click. “You aim for the head or the chest. Anything else will just slow down a wolf.”
He took the gun from her, and she watched him place bullets in the chamber.
“These are silver bullets. If you hit a wolf in the right spot, they’ll die. When you pull the trigger, exhale at the same time. Stay calm, take the shot. Stay alive. Do you understand?”
“What’s going on? I’ve never seen you scared, but you’re scared.”
Kane visibly paled. “I’m not afraid for myself. When I’m in the wolf, I’m not me. I can’t guarantee I’ll be here to protect you, and I don’t trust just anyone to watch over you. Father will be busy. Mother is aging. I want the strongest wolf I know to protect you—me.”
“Ego much?” Joslyn tried to lighten the mood because she was terrified.
“I’m not joking. Damn it, Jossy, tonight is dangerous.” When Kane put the gun back in her hands, she tried to pull away, but he didn’t let her. “It’s loaded, and the safety is on. You stay up here after moonrise and keep the lights off.” His voice shook. The intensity he gazed at her with stole her breath. Kane leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
Joslyn stiffened. Something had always hung between them, unspoken desire, but she hadn’t prepared for the moment he crossed the line. Then her brain stopped, and she melted against him. His big, broad chest and muscular arms made her feel safe.
Kane cupped the back of her head and deepened the kiss. He moaned, and this close to the sacred night there was something more primal about him. His scruffy face prickled against her skin. She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth. When his tongue slipped inside, hers responded, and the automatic perfection of this first kiss between them marveled her.
He held her closer, and she felt his erection pressing against her stomach through their clothing. His nails raked over her back, and she heard the fabric rip, but she didn’t care. His woodsy, masculine scent filled her, and their loud breathing and the smack of lips connecting roared in her ears as she ran her hands over his shoulders.
I want him so much. If he took me right here and now, I’d be ready for him.
Kane growled low in his throat as he pulled away. “Sorry,” he muttered, and there was a demonic inflection to the way his voice distorted as the beginning of the transformation affected him. His eyes glowed.
They took a step away from each other at the same time. He was breathing hard.
Joslyn cleared her throat. She couldn’t look into his eyes. “It’s just the moon messing with you.”
“You know it’s more than that,” he said gruffly. “We’ve pretended our attraction wasn’t there for years. I’ve been waiting for you to grow up. Don’t punish me for waiting too long by marrying Archer.”
“I’m never going to be more than I am. I’m not good enough for you.” Joslyn put her hands over her face. “I owe your parents too much to pollute the bloodline.”
Kane’s growl rumbled long and deep. “Bullshit! You’re everything I want and more than I’d ever imagined I could have.”
He stepped forward and grabbed her wrists. She gasped as he pulled her hands away from her eyes. When she looked up at him his face was caught between wolf and man.
“With the full moon rising, I think any further conversation needs to stay on hold,” she said.
Kane’s face returned to normal. “Yes. That’s probably best. I— This isn’t just the moon. I give you my protection.”
Joslyn’s mouth fell open. Did he just say… “You do not!”
When a male offered a female his protection, it was the antiquated equivalent of marriage. This primal mating stuff was forever for him. Only the woman’s refusal of his offer ended his commitment, but it didn’t change the fact he’d given her a bond that connected them for the
rest of his life.
Kane cupped her cheek. He ran the pad of his thumb over her skin. “I do. I give you my protection tonight and all the nights of my life. Do you accept?”
She took a step back. “You’re just letting the instincts of your wolf have free rein. You just don’t want anything bad to happen to me. I’m not saying yes to anything.”
Kane’s brows drew together over his glowing eyes. His lips twisted. “My wolf thinks clearer than I do about what’s important. I’m in love with you.”
Heat burned in her cheeks. And I love you too. But she didn’t tell him. They stood in an awkward silence for a moment.
“I think I’m going to stay here in this room with you. I won’t go on the run.” Kane fiddled with his goatee. “I don’t like the idea of you remaining here alone.”
“This is the safest place in town. You—your wolf needs to run. I’ll be fine.” She hoped he couldn’t hear how hard her heart was pounding. I can’t let him see my fear.
“I will protect you however I see fit. You’re mine,” he growled.
“I do not accept your protection!”
Kane’s mouth fell open. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“I know exactly what I’m doing. I can protect myself. You go be a wolf, and I’ll stay here and be a human.”
“Stubborn.” His eyes narrowed. “Rethink your decision. You’d never have to be afraid as my mate.”
She bit her lip. How many times had she dreamed about him claiming her as his? It didn’t sound as good now. A wolf mated for life. One night of worry shouldn’t destroy his family’s bloodline.
“Thanks, but no thanks, I’m not into barbarians. You’ll thank me when the full moon has worn off.” Jossy fought the urge to rush into his arms. A human isn’t right for you, even if she loves you back.
Kane’s features tightened. His lip curled into a sneer. “Change your mind.” He backed out of her room and shut the door.
She caught a whiff of his cologne as he left. Her throat tightened. She squared her shoulders and straightened her back. Turning, she looked at the dress on the bed and strengthened her resolve to leave Wild Rose Valley—she could protect him too. Protect him from making a mistake he’d regret. I can never run beside him.
Chapter 4
Michael stood up and held out Joslyn’s chair as she entered the dining room. The meal smelled wonderful.
Joslyn sat down and nodded to the Franklins. Margret, Samuel, and their daughters Rosa and Emily smiled back at her. The fine clothing they wore stretched her imagination to picture them running through the woods when the moon rose.
Where was Kane? Joslyn glanced at the door. It wasn’t like him to be late to a meal on the full moon.
Reaching across the table to take Joslyn’s hand, Rosa grinned. “It’s been dull around here without you, Jossy. Mary said she’d throw a party when you got back.”
“I didn’t tell her I was coming home early. I wanted to surprise her, but I didn’t get the chance to see her today. When you’re running with the pack, keep my homecoming a secret. I want to see the look on her face when I knock on her door.”
Rosa chuckled. “You should come down to Milly’s Malts tomorrow night. Make sure you drag Mary with you. Emily has a crush on one of the cooks. My little sister is growing up into a rebel.” Emily moved her arm under the table. Rosa jerked. “Ouch.”
Emily’s face grew bright red. “Of course I don’t have a crush on a bitten.” She rolled her eyes and gave her father a wary glance. Samuel was engrossed in conversation with Michael, so he didn’t seem to notice. “My parents would die.”
“At least he’s not human.” Rosa chuckled, but then her eyes widened, and she glanced at Joslyn. “Present company excluded from the general human populace, of course.”
Shrugging, Joslyn pretended she wasn’t bothered by the comment. It wasn’t the first time she’d been reminded of her place in this society. Sissy sat a beautiful bowl of beef soup in front of her, but she’d lost her appetite.
A bang reverberated in the room. Joslyn jumped and turned as Kane entered. His suit and hair appeared disheveled. Everyone’s attention fixed on him. He went over to his father and whispered in Michael’s ear.
The alpha’s face began to change, and he stood up so fast he knocked over his chair. “Joslyn, get up to your room and lock the door until morning. Ladies, we’ll be leaving now. We have an escort outside to take us someplace safe for the night. You won’t be able to run with the pack.”
Both Rosa and Emily moaned, but the dark glare their father gave them silenced further protest. Margret paled.
Barbara glared at her son. “What in the world is going on?”
Anxiety was almost a physical thing stalking the room as the families sat in silence.
Kane glanced at Joslyn before turning his attention to his mother. “The pack trying to take our territory is already in the woods. Tobias is leading them against us. They’re getting ready for something more than the sacred night and a good run. They have us surrounded. Monte is preparing the militia to secure the town. They haven’t killed again, yet, but we’re being proactive this time.”
I might not have been born into this crazy world, but I know that look. Joslyn shivered. Kane’s eyes blazed with pure male fury. He wasn’t alpha yet, but like his father, he had all the dominating character traits of a man born to lead.
“Again?” Joslyn asked. Her head tilted to the side as she studied Kane’s expression.
“Again.” Kane nodded. “The bastards have been slaughtering as many males as possible during the full moon. They’re even targeting kids. Those cowards have killed pups as young as nine.”
“What evil bastards!” Joslyn tried to control her anger, but the idea of killing such innocents made her sick. “Why were children running with the pack?”
Kane sighed. He suddenly looked older than twenty-five. “Thank God most of the children have been safe in town, like usual, but a few foolish fathers think they have a son who should run with the pack before puberty. Those idiots paid the ultimate price.” He walked over to Joslyn and held out his hand. “Come on, let’s get you up to your room. I want to see to your pro—safety.”
Barbara’s quick gasp cut off and she followed the sound with a camouflaging cough. She glanced at them, and her brows drew together. Joslyn turned away from the devastated look on Barbara’s face. Michael ushered his mate out behind the Franklin family. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice Kane’s word choice.
The delicious food sat on the table going to waste. That level of urgency sent butterflies fluttering through Joslyn. The room was warm, but the icy fear made gooseflesh rise on her arms. She didn’t protest as Kane drew her against him and held her. He was tall, and his solid muscle was like being wrapped in security. It was a false security, because letting herself fall into him was opening up her heart to danger. Forgetting who she was wouldn’t be good for Kane. She couldn’t let him sacrifice his legacy for her. Travis is respectable and human. I can be right for him.
“You’re shaking.” Kane’s voice resonated with distortion. “Damn it. I feel the wolf coming. I can’t hold it back forever, but I will hold back as long as I can tonight. I won’t let anything happen to you. You might not accept it, but I give you my protection. I would die for you.”
That’s what scares me. “You can’t,” she whispered. “Your family needs you, and they need you to give them an alpha male son. Your pack would never accept a bitten for an alpha.”
Kane chuckled darkly. “So I’m supposed to walk away from my true mate because in the future some alpha who’s not a Wolfe might lead the pack?” He walked with her out of the dining room and up the stairs. He kept his arm around her, and she hated how right and comfortable his touch felt.
They stopped halfway up the staircase. Kane turned to her and kissed the top of her head before drawing in a deep breath as if he were smelling her hair. He sighed. “I don’t care if yo
u give me a million sons and every damn one of them stays human. I don’t care if we never have any children. I want you, not some legacy that won’t keep my bed warm. Tell me you accept my protection.”
“Your enemies will come after me. Right now taking a mate, especially a human, would be the worst thing for this conflict. I’m already a detriment to Michael, but as your mate, I’m much more of a target. More kids will die, and neither of us want that to be the way our life together begins. If you really love me, when this is all over I’ll consider accepting, but right now I do not accept your protection.”
He held her tighter. “You’re stubborn but fucking beautiful. I’ll just ignore the stubborn parts, because there is much more about you I’d rather focus on. I’m not waiting until this is over. Get some rest, because when the sun rises I’m coming to you and I’m going to let every primal instinct inside of me loose on you.”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
“There’s nothing funny about how much I hate my wolf right now.” His eyes glowed. He put his hand on her neck and rubbed the skin over her hammering pulse with his thumb. Her whole body heated under his gentle touch. “I need to be me. I need to protect you. I want to stay in bed with you all night, leaving my mark on your flesh—your soul.”
She stepped down one stair, finding any inch of distance she could acquire necessary. I just want to let him have me. “Anyone could see us. Tonight Michael and Barbara don’t need to be distracted by us. They’d never accept...this—it isn’t right. You have to take care of the people in town.” Her voice was so husky she had to clear her throat. “I’m just one of them. This place is a fortress, and I’m on the third floor. I’ll leave the lights off and go to sleep behind a locked door. When you’re you again, we’ll have breakfast and a good laugh over how much time you wasted tonight being worried. I’ll use the gun you gave me if I have to, but I won’t have to. It’ll be okay.”
They walked up the rest of the stairs to the third floor. This level felt the most like home. This was where only family and the servants came. He opened her bedroom door and stepped inside, looking around before he turned and motioned for her to come in the room.