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Fake Marriage with the CEO (A Billionaire Romance)

Page 5

by Amanda Horton

  The elevator doors opened, revealing a carpeted hallway leading to a massive oak door at the end. No one sat at the highly polished reception area before it. Miranda made her way to the door and knocked lightly.

  She heard Wolfe’s voice within. “Come in.”

  Okay, girl. It’s now or never. Miranda squared her shoulders, raised her jaw, and tightened her grip on the briefcase containing her plans for the soup kitchen, and walked into Wolfe’s office.


  Wolfe sat at his desk. He was thinking over the report Simms had brought him. The man had done a good job with his investigation, but he hadn’t been able to supply the information that Wolfe most wanted — how to win Miranda Okafor’s heart.

  He glanced up, and his eyes widened. For a moment, he thought he was hallucinating. In the flesh, she seemed more captivating than in his reverie. Her mahogany skin glowed against the business suit. Her coal black eyes were round like saucers, unsure about her reception, and her moist lips parted slightly, as she caught her breath. He blinked, but Miranda stayed where she was. No hallucination. She’s here. She’s really here.

  Like a drowning man spotting flotsam, a desperate idea took shape. The plan leapt inside his brain in its entirety, a plan so risky it took his breath away. It was insane. It would never work. But if it did it would solve two of his biggest problems. Diane Simpson’s share of the company would be safe from Bruce. And Wolfe would be able to free his mind from the spell Miranda had cast on it, concentrating on saving Hawkins Pharmaceuticals from the threat within.

  Wolfe smiled as he stood to greet Miranda. Everything depended on Miranda’s reaction—and how badly she desired that soup kitchen.


  Miranda breathed out as Wolfe stared at her. She’d been convinced she was ready to meet him. She had put on her best suit. Her spiel was clear in her head. But seeing him again, so cool and in command, brought back strange emotions. She was giddy and exhilarated, confused and vulnerable, but mostly she was aware that she was spinning out of control. This was terrible. She wasn’t ready to make a good presentation.

  Just as she’d been about to stammer out an apology and leave, Wolfe greeted her with a smile. It was like the sun coming out from behind the clouds, and Miranda responded with answering warmth.

  Wolfe seemed genuinely pleased to see her. She was intensely aware of his hand on her elbow as he led her to a couch. Her tension eased, then spiked again as he sat next to her. His proximity was unsettling and reminded her of the fresh smell of his cologne, a memory that had stayed with her since yesterday,

  He smiled as he sat. “I’m really happy to see you again. Thanks for bailing me out yesterday at the Center.”

  Miranda reminded herself she was there to talk business. “It’s nothing. You came up with the idea and your people helped. I’m just glad we did something about it.”

  Wolfe’s eyes lingered on her face. “You mentioned an old building yesterday… and I assume you have plans about doing something with it?” At her nod, he leaned forward. “Tell me, Miranda. I’m interested.”

  Miranda was elated. This is all going so well! “Yes, there’s a building I want to lease. I plan on building my own catering service. But that’s not all. You see, I’ve always wanted to put up a soup kitchen, and it occurred to me how easy it would be to combine the two…” The words poured out of her mouth easily.

  Wolfe listened with rapt attention. He asked questions but never interrupting her as she laid out plans for the business. He studied the plans carefully, agreeing with Miranda the building needed extensive repairs. He sympathized with her dilemma, quickly understanding the conditions the bank had placed on her loan.

  Miranda took a deep breath. She was a proud woman. Asking anyone for help was difficult, but Wolfe was different. She couldn’t explain how. “And that’s why I’m here tonight. To ask if you’re willing to be my guarantor.” Miranda pressed her hands together. “I know this is business, so I don’t expect you to help me for nothing. I’m willing to share a percentage of my profits with you.” She looked at Wolfe. Her dream was now in his hands.

  Wolfe studied her in silence. It was a while before he spoke, giving Miranda the impression that he weighed his next words carefully. “A truly commendable venture—and parallel to the Hawkins Pharmaceutical’s vision and outreach program. I don’t see how I can refuse.”

  “You’ll do it?” Miranda felt her face break into a wildly unprofessional smile, but she couldn’t contain it.

  “Of course. And now that you have my word, I wonder if you will help me out.”

  “Help you out?” Miranda looked at Wolfe, baffled. What could she possibly do to help the CEO of a massive cooperation?

  “I have a situation where I could lose the controlling share in Hawkins Pharmaceuticals. It’s a complicated situation, but I can’t bear the idea of seeing my father’s company go down the drain.”

  Miranda nodded, still unsure what Wolfe expected of her. It wasn’t like she could afford to buy shares, after all...Is this some sort of a trick? Something illegal? “This isn’t against the law, is it?”

  Wolfe’s expression was startled. “No, of course not! It’s—well. I’ll just say it.” He took a deep breath. “I need a wife.”

  “A ... wife?” She stared at him.

  He nodded. “Will you help me out and marry me? I promise to help you with everything else you need.”

  Miranda put her hands to her ears. They were ringing, like she’d experienced a blow to the head, but she didn’t feel any pain.

  “Of course, the arrangement wouldn’t be permanent. Just long enough to secure the future of the company.” Wolfe continued to speak, using the same calm tones with which he’d asked about her plans for the soup kitchen.

  It was that which jarred Miranda out of her shock. He’s talking like this is all perfectly reasonable—like he hadn’t just played me for a fool! She stood up, barely able to contain her shaking body.

  Wolfe stood with her. “I can see you’re surprised,” he said. “That’s understandable. You’ll want time to consider your answer—”

  Miranda’s head jerked up. “I’ve got your answer right here, you…you…” Miranda bit back the colorful phrase that jumped to her lips. Wolfe thought she was street trash he could play with? She’d show him just how classy she could be. “How dare you insult me like this? You think that just because I lived on the streets I’m desperate enough to—” Her voice trembled, unable to contain the rage she felt. “To take this bad joke seriously?”

  Wolfe’s eyes widened. “Miranda, listen, this is no joke. My stepdad is planning something and I’m afraid it concerns Mom’s share of the company. She will only hand it over to me if I present a girl to marry. Please, that’s all there is to it. I didn’t mean to insult you. Please, let me explain—”

  “There’s nothing to explain you arrogant, obnoxious fuck.” Miranda stormed out of the room.

  Behind her, she heard Wolfe’s protest die away. She fled for the stairs, unwilling to wait for the elevator. If Wolfe was having a laugh at her expense, she didn’t want to hear it. I believed he really wanted to help—that he really cared! Miranda shook her head. I should have known better.

  Chapter Five

  Miranda’s legs wobbled as she entered her office at the back of the restaurant. She wanted nothing more than to scream in frustration but knew she had to keep it together for the sake of her staff .One glance at her and they’d know something was up.

  Miranda’s cheeks burned at the memory of the meeting. Her humiliation was absolute. She’d fallen hook, line, and sinker for Wolfe’s pretense of help. His encouraging words made her optimistic…like there was something she had to offer that was worth his time. And honestly, she wanted him interested in her. Tears pricked her eyes, as she pictured Wolfe in his office, bent over in laughter at how easily he’d duped her. How could he be so heartless? And why did she even care? She was used to life being unkind. But Wolfe’s callousness cut like
a knife.

  Miranda’s thoughts returned to their meeting at the center. But he seemed so sincere... She shook her head, angry at the part of her that still clung to the hope she would see him again. He asked me to marry him—there’s no way to misunderstand that! “Listening to all my plans and then delivering the punch line by asking me to marry him—he must think I’m a fool!”

  She opened her briefcase. The sight of her plans for the soup kitchen did nothing to ease her dejection. She looked down at the papers. There would be no kitchen now. I should’ve known better. It was all too good to be true.

  The disappointment was even worse than the humiliation. I really believed he was truly interested in my plans. She’d been so taken in by his act that she opened part of herself to him. Miranda flushed. She’d come really close to opening up about her experiences on the street. Some part of her had hoped that it wasn’t the kitchen he was interested in but her... Miranda shook her head. I’m so stupid!

  Miranda snapped open her laptop. She wasn’t letting a rich asshole ruin her dreams. She’d find someone else to act as guarantor—and show Wolfe Hawkins that she wasn’t a joke. That was all that mattered now.

  A knock on the door grabbed her attention. Miranda felt immediately guilty. The staff must be worried. She never closed her office door. Gathering all her composure, she looked to the door. “Come in.”

  The door opened. Wolfe stood on the threshold, both arms raised in a gesture of surrender.

  For a moment, Miranda was speechless at the sheer nerve of the man. Then fury set in. “How dare you come here!” Miranda got to her feet, pointing at the door. “Get out! Now!”

  “Please, Miranda.” Wolfe stayed where he was. “If you truly want me to leave, I will. But please, hear me out.”

  Miranda snatched up a crystal globe, a gift from Noelle from her many travels, ready to hurl it at the bastard. “There’s nothing you have to say that interests me! Save your breath. You’re not duping me a second time!”

  “Stop!” Wolfe commanded.

  Miranda lowered the globe automatically. Too late she realized she’d obeyed his order. Something in his voice short-circuited her brain, speaking directly to her body. And my body obeys. She gripped the globe, determined not to let him get to her a second time. “What do you want?”

  Wolfe took a tentative step toward her. “You left before I could explain. I’m here to do just that.”

  Miranda took a deep breath. “How did you even know where to find me?”

  “I followed you.”

  Miranda glared. “So you’ve added stalker to your awesome resume.”

  Wolfe counted off on his fingers. “And what a resume. Let’s see—first I nearly run you over. Then I nearly cause a riot at your center. I play bad jokes on innocent women, and am... How did you so eloquently put it?” Wolfe snapped his fingers. “An arrogant, obnoxious fuck. Did I get it right?”

  Did I really say that? Miranda nodded, feeling mortified. What is he playing at? “That still doesn’t explain what you’re doing in my office.” She crossed her arms. “I should have my staff chop you into little pieces and feed to their dogs. No! Wait — even dogs deserve better than someone like you.”

  “So now I am also dog food that didn't quite make the cut?” he asked solemnly. His expression was crestfallen.

  Miranda suppressed a smile. If he thinks that hamming it up for me will make me forget his antics at his office, he’s got a shock coming. “What do you really want from me?”

  Wolfe’s face took on a serious expression, mirroring her own. “I know you think I’m playing some kind of game with you. I’m not. I said I’ll be the guarantor and I meant it.”

  She frowned. “If you were really serious, what was that marrying you crap all about?”

  He walked over to her office window, looking out at the city. Even though his back was turned, she could see the tension in his shoulders. “Have you ever had something important that you would do anything to save it — you’ll try anything, even if the only solution you can think of is an idea that won’t work? You know that ... but you still try because it's worth everything you’ve got.”

  Miranda stared at his back noting the wide shoulders that narrowed down to his waist and butt. She snapped her mouth struggling to understand his words instead of admiring his physique. “Y—yes!”

  Wolfe turned to face her. His eyes shone with barely suppressed emotion. “Then you’ll understand me when I say I’m desperate for help. My mom holds a substantial share in the company, but I completely distrust my stepfather. I fear that he’s trying to manipulate Mom into turning over her shares to him.”

  She considered his words carefully. “He’s her husband. I don't think there’s anything you can do if she did that.”

  Wolfe nodded, his jaw tightening. “That’s just it. I know my mom doesn’t want to. She said she’d turn it over to me on one condition. I have to get married.”

  Miranda’s mouth opened silently. Was it possible—his mad proposal hadn’t been a joke?

  “I love my mom,” Wolfe said. “I want to protect her—and the company. It’s my father’s legacy, his life work. I was at my wit’s end this evening, and when you walked into my office — well, let’s just say I had a brainwave.”

  “Brainfart, you mean.” Miranda sat on her desk, not taking her eyes off Wolfe. “Why me? I’m sure you don’t lack for women who’d want to marry you.” She bit her lip. Somehow, she had no interest in hearing about his romantic dalliances.

  Wolfe coughed. His cheeks were red. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Besides... that’s not what the marriage will be about.”

  No girlfriend? Miranda felt a surge of elation that faded after Wolfe’s next words.

  “It’s more of a business deal. I present a bride to my mom. She hands over her shares to me. Once I have them safely in my possession, the marriage can come to an end.”

  Miranda was silent. So cut and dried! A business deal. No emotional involvement, no expectations, no commitment. She looked up and saw Wolfe watching her closely. “That’s it?”

  “Well, we would have to live together and act like we were in love. My mom is no fool.”

  That bit of information made her body hum. Goddamn traitor. “You still haven’t answered my question though. Why me?”

  Wolfe looked her straight in the eye. “Because I see that you’re an astute businesswoman. You came to me with a need and I have a need too. And we have common goals. You want to help the people of New York, and so do I. We can help each other get what we both want.”

  Miranda hesitated. Her anger had gone, leaving behind a riot of emotions. She didn’t believe in love, and he wasn’t offering any. Instead, he was giving her a chance to turn her own dream into reality but at a cost. That spelled exploitation. It was such a stark contrast to the kindness he displayed at the Center.

  Miranda grieved for the man she’d thought he was. His proposition sounds so cold, so sterile... but if I’m totally honest, aren’t I that way, too? Kyle had often complained about how distant she was, how she never opened up or accepted his help.

  Thinking of her ex-boyfriend brought a stab of pain. I don’t want to get hurt again... And marriage to Wolfe would protect her from hurt. He clearly wasn’t interested in getting to know her, meaning her heart would be safe... Miranda hesitated. Even in the short time she’d known him, she felt powerfully drawn to Wolfe. Can I really protect my heart from wanting more?

  “Look, Miranda,” Wolfe’s voice brought her back to the present. “I know this is something you need to think about. You don’t have to give me your answer now. If you decide and say yes, come see me at my office tomorrow night. If you don’t show up, I’ll understand. You won’t ever see me again, I promise.”

  A sharp pain stabbed through Miranda at his words. ‘You won’t ever see me again’ was brutal. But he was right. It was too much to take in at once. “Alright.”

  “Truce then?” Wolfe extended his hand. He eyed the crys
tal ball meaningfully.

  Miranda blushed. She hadn’t even realized she was still holding the ball. She released the orb and extended her own hand to him. “Truce.”

  His palm felt warm and soft to the touch. She didn’t know if she held onto him longer than necessary, but disappointment beset her when he let go. She followed his retreating figure with her eyes as he opened the door and disappeared.


  Outside on the street, Wolfe took a deep breath. He felt exhausted and uplifted as if he’d just run the New York marathon. He’d admitted fears to Miranda that he’d never shared with anyone... and she hadn’t rejected him.

  Wolfe’s eyes narrowed, as he was brought suddenly back to earth. Of course, she hadn’t agreed either. And after that conversation, he knew it was vital that she agreed. I need her in my life.

  The unpredictable side to her personality captivated him. She would not have hesitated to crack his skull with that crystal globe. That rawness excited him. She would not be pliant — but if he unlocked the key to her personality…


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