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A Flash In The Densest Shadow: From Forest To Flames #2

Page 6

by K. Lyn Hill

  “Why would I subject my brother to an evil hag like you?” He spat.

  A deep sigh spewed out of her mouth as she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward with her elbows on her knees. “If all would have gone according to plan, we would have already been married a few weeks ago. You do him no ill will by taking the deal. Seems to me like it a win win.”

  He processed her words and as much as he hated to admit it, she was right. She was the rightful bride to the crown prince. The alliance was through her kingdom. Damien couldn’t even tell the difference between the two girls. Would it really be so bad to keep Damien guessing? He showed no appreciation for Aerity so far, so did it really matter which girl he ended up with?

  As ready as Siel was to accept her deal, something nagged in the back of his mind. “Why do you want Damien now?” He asked as she leaned back in her chair, as if content that he was so easy to acquiesce.

  “I made a mistake when I ran. It was selfish. I didn’t realize I would be replaced and never able to make it right. I want to do my duty now and marry Damien like I should have before.

  He watched her eyes and warning bells flashed. Her pupils were dilated, incriminating her in her lie but the desire to see Aerity was so strong that he pushed his concerns down.

  This was his answer. He would get the girl he loved. Everything would be right in the world. Without a second thought to the mistake that he knew deep down he was making, he agreed to her terms. “Ok. I’ll do it. Now, where is she?”

  She examined her nails, trying hard to hide the wicked smile sprouting on her lips.

  Siel identified that expression. Victory.

  A dark dirty feeling unfurled in his gut. “She is safe in her own world.”

  He growled, knowing there had to be a loophole in their deal. “How is that supposed to help me get to her?!”

  “How do you think she got here in the first place? I know where the portal is and I also am able to retrieve her, any time I desire.”

  “How do you have such knowledge? Who did this?”

  The slight tightening of her jaw was her only give away. “That does not concern you. It will be revealed when the time is right.” Siel didn’t like the way she said that, nor the inflection in her words. But now he had no choice. She knew where Aerity was. The rest he would have to figure out later, once he had her in his arms. “So then retrieve her.”

  The calculated smile was back. “That was not part of our deal. For that, we need to make another.”

  “You will not blackmail me!” He screamed, losing all control. She didn’t even flinch as he continued, “I will not be a chess piece in your games! Retrieve Aerity now, or I will convince my brother that you are a fraud.”

  She released a humorless laugh. “A Fraud? If you didn’t realize before, let me educate you. I am the real princess. It was your precious Aerity that was the fraud and don’t make me laugh. Your brother is a joke. He will believe I am the same girl no matter what you say. He sees what he wants to see. You hold no cards here.” She stood up to meet him eye to eye. “I have all the power. I know where she is. She can either be brought to you unharmed after I get what I want, or I have other ways to deal with your insubordination. Regardless of how it happens, I will get my way.”

  He pinned his fuming gaze on that of her empty one. No soul resided in her body, he determined. This monster had control of the only women he ever truly cared about. “What do you want in return?” He ground out.

  She smiled and stepped back as if she didn’t just unleash a war. “You will continue to do as I wish until I have a crown atop my head, and they are calling me queen. Then and only then, will I return Aerity to you.”

  “We still have a king! That could be years!”

  “In this unstable world, one never knows how long a monarchy will last.”

  Siel couldn’t help but catch the threat hanging off her words. Was she planning an assassination attempt on his father? He had no choice but to play her game. In the meantime, he could be spying out any traitorous actions and search for this mysterious portal.

  He would destroy her, he vowed right then and there as he looked in her devilish eyes that looked nothing like the eyes of the woman he loved, although at first glance they may be identical.

  “I will do what you say.” He choked out the words.

  She clapped her hands together gleefully, while rising and sweeping her way out the door.

  Apparently, their conversation was over. He desired to ram his sword through her evil heart and end this, but he knew he wouldn’t follow through.

  As she reached the doorknob, she turned to glance over her shoulder. “Oh and Siel?” His hardened eyes met hers. “Make sure to have a visit with your brother today. I wish to get to wedding planning done as quickly as possible.”

  Then she was out the door as everything inside Siel seethed and shattered.



  The last few days, it was very apparent something had gone horribly wrong. The change in Aerity was almost blinding to someone who knew her well.

  Her first hint occurred when she walked in to get Aerity dressed and she had snapped at her. It didn’t take long to see the difference after that. In her daily routine and assignments, she heard whispered rumors of the Princess frequenting the dungeon. No one knew who she was going down there to see nor could anyone confirm Carly’s suspicions but something deep in her gut told her the truth. It was also said that certain guards were requesting herbs from the kitchen.

  Herbs that could only be used for one thing.

  A drugging agent.

  It was one that wore off quickly when not administered regularly but still one that could have damaging effects.

  It was almost humorous to think that herbs were the only way for someone to be able to control her friend. If Aerity had been coherent, she would fight them all off and prevail. But now, the dominos were stacked against her. She had been injured when she was tossed in there. Which meant she needed help.

  Going about her regular business each day, Carly kept an eye on the rotational of guards, waiting for when would be best to act. If she could just keep them busy, then maybe the drugs would wear off enough for Aerity to get some kind of baring on her surroundings. She needed to know who to distract when the time came but she didn’t think she could do it alone. Even if she distracted the guards, she would need someone to help get her out.

  Then came the whole problem of where she would hide Aerity once she helped her escape.

  New people and servants kept popping up around the castle. So much so, that Carly had a hard time knowing who she could trust. The castle dynamics were changing, and she could feel it with every bone in her body. Something was happening and it was much bigger than a girl in the dungeon.

  She tried to think of anyone she could go to with her information. Her first inclination had been Siel.

  Now she wasn’t so sure.

  She watched from around the corner as the princess left Siel’s room with a giant grin plastered to her face. Carly was surprised she wasn’t glued to Damien’s hip instead. She hadn’t left his side since switching places and Carly had a growing suspicion as to what the girl was up to. She just hoped that Aerity was all right.

  Waiting for a few minutes to make sure Siel didn’t follow her

  out of the room, Carly spun around and aborted her previous

  mission. She didn’t know what Siel’s involvement was in all this,

  but if he didn’t recognize the difference in the two girls, then she

  needed to find someone else that she could trust. Not the easiest feat to accomplish in a castle of hidden shadows.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It was impossible to get away from the princess. She felt the need to smother him to death and not leave his side. Siel had begun acting strange as well. Gone were all his brother’s suspicions. In place of them were puppy dog eyes when she would walk by. It would have irked Damie
n if he hadn’t seen the slight tick in his brother’s jaw when she approached. Damien wondered if he finally caught on and learned how to correctly play the game. All he knew was that he needed to get Carly alone. She was the only person that he knew he could trust. As much of a fool he was when it came to Aerity, he still knew what went on in his castle. It may have taken a lot of misconstruing but eventually he found out what he needed to. He had a feeling that Carly had recognized the switch almost instantly. She had eyes and ears in the servant’s quarters as well as the ability to hear conversations around the other nobles.

  She was the perfect person to spy for him considering he wasn’t able to do it himself.

  He had tried to play his cards right so far but now they were running out of time. Desperate times called for desperate measures. He had a nagging feeling in his gut that the clock was about to strike midnight.

  Earlier he had made a big scene in the kitchen about needing all hands-on deck at this dinner party. He knew Mrs. Clarel would drag Carly into duty and she didn’t disappoint. Carly was holding a tray of appetizers as he walked by, ‘accidently’ bumping into her. She let out a squeak and reached out for a better grip of the tray.

  Sliding his hand under the tray, he slipped the note into

  her fumbling hand. The note that simply said, “Where is she?” in bold print. He knew she would know what he was talking about.

  “Watch where you’re going! You could have gotten food all over me!” He barked as he felt the princess’ eyes burning into his back.

  Carly caught the meaning behind his heavy gaze and didn’t miss a beat. “I’m so sorry your highness! I’ll be more careful next time.” Making a haughty movement of shaking the invisible crumbs off his jacket, he shook his heads in disgust and walked away. Only a few seconds later, the princess was by his side.

  “The nerve of some people. Can the servants not even walk straight?” Her hand ran down his chest as if she was helping to clean off the mess he missed. He couldn’t wait for this to be over. He wanted to cut her hands off.

  Glancing up, she smiled sweetly at him before she reached up to run her hand through his hair. Pulling his face towards her, she nipped at his lip, tugging it away seductively. It gave him the image of a lion ripping the skin off a downed gazelle.

  She released his lip, lapping him with her tongue. “I don’t like other girls touching you.” She whispered.

  All he could think to himself was that he didn’t like her touching him but he kept that thought to himself. Playing along, he grabbed her waist and pulled her against his body. “I kind of like when your jealous though.”

  “It’s not nice to be a tease. Why do you insist on denying me what I want?” She mumbled against his lips.

  “Because it will taste even sweeter, the longer we wait.” He replied.

  She clearly wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “Either I go off somewhere with you alone, or I do it with Siel. Your choice.”

  He knew she was trying to get a reaction out of him. A fit of jealousy. That was exactly what he would give her. “You will not touch Siel. You are mine!” He growled.

  She smiled as if he just gave her everything she could have ever wanted. “Then prove it.”



  “Where is she?” Carly had reread those words over and over again. She was shocked last night when she felt Damien slip the piece of paper into her hand and even more so when she saw what it had said.

  Damien would help her.

  She clutched the note she had written back to him in her palm. As soon as she intercepted the kitchen and distracted the guard, she would slip the note under his office door. She just hoped he would be the one to get it and everything would go according to plan.

  Her plan was now set in motion. For better or for worse. There was no going back now.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Aerity thought she heard the signaling clicks on the wall, but then again, it could have been her imagination running wild. More times than she liked to admit, she had hallucinations of people in her cell poking and prodding at her wounds. She heard voices speaking in low tones but each time she came to, she was in the same old dingy cell, alone.

  Ten minutes must have passed as thought began slowly seeping back to her mind. She reveled in the fact that she still heard no hint of footsteps sounding on the defiled floor. Her body started slowly yawning awake as the rush of needles and pin pricks settled all over her skin. As quickly as the uncomfortable sensation came, it left just as abruptly, leaving in its wake the excruciating pain in her ribs that she knew was there all along. Where were her guards? She wasn’t about to jinx her good fortune.

  Something dug into the back of her head and she remembered the weighted pin Carly insisted in putting in her hair the day she was taken.


  Had her friend known she would be captured? Did she know she was missing now?

  As much as she wanted to celebrate and hop up and down, she couldn’t quite yet. For one thing, she was still gaining all the feeling back in her body and another was that she was still behind thick, locked bars. She needed to get out of much more than just the drugged coma she was in.

  The manacles at her wrists still rubbed her raw and once she escaped them, the bars looming in front of her, presented a major problem. “Look at the pickle you’ve gotten yourself into this time.” She mumbled to herself, while happily shaking her head now that she had movement in it. The little things in being able to move.

  Oh, what a joy.

  Bending her head behind her back she willed her hands to reach the pin in her hair. She knew she should have taken gymnastic lessons instead of self-defense classes. A lot of good that’s doing inside a giant cage. Leaning her head against the grotesque wall, she tried to rub the pin out.

  No luck.

  Carly really shoved that thing in there good. Thankfully she managed to shift it further down her hair. Maybe she could reach it now.

  Just a little bit further. Aha! Gotchya.

  Then remembering she still had the task of unlocking her hand cuffs, her celebration was short lived. Good thing she wasn’t very bright when she was younger. She managed to get a hold of her father’s handcuffs and locked her ankles together.

  Fun times. Those were the days.

  At first, he was furious and then he used it to teach her a lesson by telling her to get out of them herself.

  Then he left the room.

  After about thirty minutes of balling her eyes out, she figured she would just have to get herself out. She was always shoving tacky ugly barrettes in her hair, arguing that they looked cute. That was all she had to work with. Lesson learned, thanks to her father.

  This was child’s play compared to that.

  Just instead of her feet it was her hands behind her back.

  No biggie.

  Maneuvering her fingers around the pin, she scraped it against the cuffs to find the keyhole. Voices down the hall made her curse as she dropped the pin. “Smooth move exlax.” She whispered to herself as she tried to dig her ragged nails on the ground, in her attempt to relocate the pin.

  The voices grew even louder.

  She knew she was running out of time.

  Scraping the pin back, she tried not to cringe at the scratching sound echoing in her cell as she dug around in the lock. Twisting it around, she finally heard the magical click. With one hand free, she hastily undid the other cuff. Voices bounced off the wall, causing Aerity to still.

  “She’s going to be pissed when she finds out you were so late getting to your shift.”

  The other manly voice snorted. “I got tied up. I’m sure twenty minutes later the prisoner is still going to be knocked out. That stuff she’s giving her is potent.”

  Lying against the ground, she pretended to be passed out. The sound of their disturbing spitting gave her enough of a picture to who she was dealing with.

  Hearing them approa
ch the cell, she wracked her brain for a way to get them to the bars. She could bash one of them with the rungs but there were too many risk factors. The other guard could have the keys and go get help.


  She had to bide her time.

  Wait for it. Wait for it.

  “Did you happened to get tied up with a certain little handmaiden?” Aerity resisted smiling to herself. It was Carly. She wasn’t positive if it was by accident or on purpose but she could kiss the girl right now for it.

  “I can’t help it if the ladies can’t keep their hands off me. I’m sure the Princess will understand.” The haughtiness in his voice made it all the more appealing to do what she was about to do.

  One more minute.

  Wait for it.


  The keys clicked in the lock as the prison gate creaked open. “I don’t know why she makes us come in twos to feed her. How much trouble can one unconscious girl be?”

  Aaaand now!

  Jumping up, adrenaline helped Aerity ignore the tearing pain in her ribs. Grabbing the first guard, she heard a crack as his head connected with the bars.

  She cringed at the hard-thumping sound his body made as he crashed to the ground. Without analyzing the bewildered look on the other guard’s face, she did a 360-twist kick, hitting him flush in the gut. He scrambled backwards, hitting his back against the desk under the grinding gear clock. “You little bitch!” He snarled and lunged.

  Tisk tisk, don’t these boys every learn? Defense is the best offense.

  Crouching low, she spun out at the way at the last minute. He went barreling through the prison door and caught himself on the wall. Grabbing the door, she sent it flying to the wall with a bang as the lock of the prison cell slipped into place. The cell keys landed just outside the gate. She causally reached down to pick them up, twirling them around her fingers. The smoke coming from his ears was quite the picturesque scene.

  Too bad she didn’t have her camera with her and if she wasn’t running for her life. That put a big damper on her photographical moment. Was that even the proper way to use that word? Well it was now.


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