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Tainted Love

Page 9

by Jaimie Roberts

  “I want you,” I repeat, my loins getting more and more desperate as the seconds go by.

  Chris’s breathing becomes harsh, his eyes glassy with immediate lust. “Okay. Let’s go home.”

  He pulls away, but I yank him back. “No. Now. It has to be now.”

  His eyes search mine for a moment, noting the desire in them. He looks up towards Michael, his Adam’s apple bobbing with a swallow.

  “I’m going to the office for a moment. No one is to enter. Got it?”

  Michael smirks at both of us, giving us a finger salute. “Got it.”

  Taking my hand, Chris leads me to his office which is a small room with only a desk, a laptop, a filing cabinet—which is locked up at all times—and a small lamp that aids to light the dark room. I say dark, as it only has a small window at the very top of the room. A window which allows the street lamps to shine through and nothing else.

  The moment Chris closes the door, I’m on him like bees on pollen. My body presses against his, a thump echoing as he’s backed against the door. My lips press against his, desperation clawing at my insides. It’s been so long for both of us that we’re exploding with passion, my heart thumping against my chest, my hand gliding towards the bulge in his jeans, squeezing his hardness in my hand.

  “Fuck, Bri, it’s been so fucking long, I’m going to come in my boxers.”

  I trail kisses down his neck, nibbling him as I rub his stiffness. “You’re coming inside me.”

  With a growl, he hoists me up, making me straddle his waist. He carries me to the edge of his desk, sitting my bum down. Frantically, I unzip my jeans, yanking them past my hips. Chris takes my boots off, dropping them with a loud clank on the floor. Next goes my jeans, then my knickers before his zipper comes undone. Cold air meets my soaking wet pussy, but it’s not cold for long when the warmth of his hard cock presses against me. I moan, grabbing at his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. Our lips meet, our tongues dance, our breaths erratic. That familiar pain in the pit of my stomach surfaces—a pain so fierce I know only Chris can alleviate it.

  “Fuck me,” I command, growling it into his mouth. “Fuck me hard.”

  “Jesus fucked, Bri. You’re going to fucking kill me.”

  One hand still gripping my thigh, he moves his other hand to grab his cock, positioning it at my entrance. With one small push he’s inside me, my need for him so powerful that it takes a millisecond.

  He stills, a sharp moan pulling from his lips. “Are you okay?” he asks, breathlessly.

  Grabbing his head, I make his eyes meet mine. “Don’t think. Just fuck.”

  A low, deep rumble rattles throughout his whole body. It’s so intense that I feel it from my head to my toes. A whimper leaves my lips, the pain so intoxicating that it only heightens the pleasure.

  Is it wrong to want someone so much that it actually becomes a need? Chris is a necessity—an obsession brought on by fuck knows what. He’s the positive to my negative, constantly pulling us together, an addictive drug I can’t stop administering. Battle lines have been drawn, but no matter how much my mind rages war, my body… heart… soul always win out. In these precious, delirious moments with him, I’m on the best fucking high money can buy.

  Chris pulls out slightly, but only enough so that he can push back in with a violent thrust. Both our moans echo around the small office, only aiding to heighten our arousal. Chris’s eyes are shut tight, he’s savouring the feeling as much as I am. One hand falls flat at my back holding me up while the other slides up my leg until it reaches the top of my thigh. He squeezes, letting out a growl before using his hand as leverage to hold me still as he pounds his cock inside of me. The desk jolts, the contents jumping and then spilling on the floor, but neither of us care.

  His fingers dig deep into my skin, but there’s no pain. Only pleasure. I’m flying high on a cloud, his cock hitting that sweet spot he always manages to find. Our grunts are loud, but we don’t give a fuck. Right here, in this moment, it’s only him and me—our bodies coming together in a union that makes us one.

  “Don’t stop,” I scream. “Don’t fucking stop!”

  “Fuck, Bri. It’s been so long since I’ve been inside you. I’m going to come soon. You… Feel… Too… Fucking… Good!” he yells between each thrust.

  I throw my head back, allowing myself to capture every movement he makes inside of me. I’m close—so close that my insides want to burst.

  One thrust, two thrust, three, and then I’m there, my body quivering with an impending orgasm that I know is going to rip me apart. Colours start to dance between my eyes, my climax dancing on a precipice.

  “You’re going to come, I can feel it,” he pants in my ear. “Come around my cock, Bri. Show me how good my cock feels inside your soaking wet pussy.”

  My mouth parts, letting out a scream, and with it my orgasm robs me of all my senses. I grab at Chris, holding onto him as tightly as I can for fear I will collapse. An uncontrollable quiver overcomes me, my body rigid with a climax that doesn’t seem to want to let go. It’s so powerful that I swear for a moment I have an out of body experience. Tears spring to my eyes, the pleasure so potent that it’s pulling this reaction from me.

  “Fuck, Bri, I’m going to come! I’m going to come. So. Fucking. Hard.”

  A violent roar leaves his lips as he thrusts two more times then stills inside of me. We don’t move. Neither of us can.

  “Fuck… Bri… I should kill people in front of you more often.”

  A laugh escapes me as I snuggle my head into his chest. We stay like that for a couple of minutes, allowing us time to calm down from our highs. I wait for the disgust to wash over me, but this time it doesn’t come. I’m still too fucking doped up on the orgasm I’ve just had to give a shit.

  I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his musky, metallic scent. I’m guessing it’s blood, but I don’t care to look and see.

  “I love you,” I whisper, his hand now stroking my hair.

  “I love you too, Bri. Too fucking much.” He pulls his head away, kissing me lightly on the lips. “I need to get you home so we can shower and do that again. I need to taste your sweet pussy on my tongue, feel your walls closing in on my fingers before I fuck you senseless.” His cock slightly jerks inside of me, causing me to jump. “See what you fucking do to me?” he growls, his hand fisting my hair. He pulls out of me, allowing the cold air to hit my body. It’s so sharp that it makes me inhale a breath. Chris grabs my knickers and jeans, handing them to me. “Get these on quick. I can’t have my baby cold.”

  I take them from him but don’t dress yet, allowing myself to watch him take the time to pull his jeans up properly. Once he’s dressed, he walks around the table, picking up the items that fell.

  “We were a little loud, weren’t we?” I chuckle, getting off the desk and slipping my knickers up my legs. Chris pulls out a couple of tissues from a box, handing them to me. “Thanks.”

  “We’re loud because we have the best fucking sex in the world. No one can beat us, baby.”

  I smile like an idiot because for now, euphoria consumes me. The adrenaline of seeing those arseholes die is still coursing through my veins.

  Chris takes my hand, leading us out into the warehouse again where Michael, Larry, and Andrew are throwing the bodies in the back of the van like they’re pieces of meat.

  “You two are like a modern-day fucking Bonnie and Clyde, all sexing each other up after killing shit.” Larry tilts his head, winking in my direction.

  “Fuck you,” Chris snaps back, causing Larry to laugh loudly.

  “Let’s get these wankers buried,” Larry says, his head nudging towards the van. “I’m feeling horny after listening to those two fuck. If I don’t get my dick wet soon, Michael will start looking like a good proposition.”

  “You fucking wanker!” both Chris and Michael say together, causing an eruption of laughter from me. Larry’s only saying all this shit because he knows it’ll wind them u
p. They fall for it every time.

  Without warning, Larry suddenly lifts an arm up from one of the bodies and says, “Does anyone need a hand?” He waves the fucking thing, making the hand wave back and forth. It looks gross just hanging there, blood dripping from the bottom, bits of muscle and tissue hanging out.

  “For fuck’s sake, Larry,” Michael groans on a laugh. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I shake my head and groan. “I’ve entered The Twilight Zone.”

  Chris tugs me to him, causing me to tilt my chin up to meet his eyes. “Now it’s my turn to take you out of it.” I affirm this with a swift nod, and he focuses back on the guys. “Deal with this shit. We’re out of here.”

  “Yes, boss,” Michael confirms as we make our way out.

  “Hey,” Larry shouts, causing both of us to turn our heads at the exit. He’s holding Brandon’s lifeless head in his hands, his eyes glazed in death, his mouth parted from the shocking blow that ended him. “Sure you don’t fancy a game of footie before you leave?”

  “Oh, jeez,” I reply, burying my head in Chris’s shoulder. Chris tugs me to him, and I catch him shaking his head before we walk away. He doesn’t respond to Larry’s childish antics. However, I can’t help but chuckle when I hear nothing but laughter fill the warehouse as we walk away.

  “Why do you have to get up for work today? Take a sickie, and spend the morning fucking me.”

  Chris’s arm is draped over my waist, effectively trapping my back against his chest. I wiggle against his erection causing him to moan. “I know exactly what will happen if I take that sickie.”

  His head nuzzles the base of my neck, his hot breath causing shivers to race over me. “Oh, yeah?” he asks, playfully nibbling my neck. If he carries on doing that, I will most certainly be late for work. “And what’s that?”

  Turning over, I face him, my eyes wandering over the boyish glint in his light blue eyes, his face illuminated with the megawatt smile I have always loved. “We will get into it, that’s for sure, but then a few minutes, or an hour later, Michael or Larry or someone will call, and you’ll have to deal with some shit.” He opens his mouth to protest, but I don’t let him say a word. “And no matter how much you may try to convince me that you would let them deal with it, we both know that’s a lie.”

  Chris clamps his mouth shut in theatrical fashion, causing a bubble of laughter to escape me. He grabs me, pulling me to him, his arms snaking around my waist to tickle me. I squeal, attempting to get away, but his strength holds me in place. I’m about to tell him I can’t breathe when he suddenly stops, his body laying between my legs, holding me captive. Everything stops as he presses his lips to mine, his hard length digging into my pelvis. I moan as his kisses trail from my lips to the curve of my neck.

  Sod work, I can afford to be a few minutes late.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful, Bri. Beautiful and all fucking mine.”

  My hands trail up his back, causing him to shudder under my touch. Fire like no other dances in my belly, lust coursing through me as he takes one nipple into his mouth and sucks it at the perfect intensity that he knows will make my toes curl.

  I hiss, threading my fingers through his hair, arching my back to allow him more access. I’m gone… in my perfect, little bubble where only he and I exist, and the rest of the world can go fuck themselves.

  That is… until Chris’s phone rings.

  We both groan, our bodies sagging back onto the bed, the moment lost. “I knew it!” I shout, half pissed but kind of half relieved because… well, I really do hate being late.

  “I won’t answer it,” Chris protests, his mouth back on me when the phone stops. But just as we’re getting started, the phone starts again.

  “Fuck!” Chris curses, admitting defeat. I knew he would eventually. Sometimes I think I know Chris better than he knows himself.

  A cool breeze graces my skin as he rolls off me and answers the phone.

  “What?!” he barks, making me jolt. He’s silent for a moment, letting whomever it is answer. “You’re fucking kidding me.” Chris places his head in his hand, and immediately I’m up, my hand sliding over his back with unease. “No, just hang tight. I’ll be there in twenty.”

  He sighs, dropping his phone on the bedside table, his shoulders rigid with anxiety. “What’s happened?” Whatever it is can’t be good.

  Chris stares off into space, his eyes holding uncertainty. “My main supplier had a heart attack and died this morning.”

  I close my eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry. What does this mean?”

  He shakes his head, getting up and grabbing his jeans, quickly sliding them on. “I have no idea. But I need to see my guys and makes some calls. See what the fuck can be done to solve this.” He does his jeans up, bending down and kissing me on the head. “Shit, I thought we were close, Bri. Close to me getting you out of this shithole.”

  I get up from the bed, snaking my arms around him and tugging him to me. “Hey, it’s not the end of the world. Sometimes when one door closes, a window opens. Maybe you just have to find your window today.”

  He pulls away, a soft smile tilts his lips as his hands wander to my face. He strokes my hair behind my ears. “You always know exactly what to say, you know that?”

  I pop up one shoulder, a cheeky glint in my eye. “I guess I’m just naturally gifted that way. But seriously. Something else will come, resolving the issue. In life it always does.”

  He kisses my forehead. “You’re right.” He glances down at my nakedness, like he’s just realised something. “Shit, I have to take you to work.”

  I shake my head in protest. “No, you don’t. Brandon is a thing of the past now. The threat is gone. I can drive myself to work.” His deep frown is a sure sign of his uncertainty, so I wave for him to go. “Seriously, Chris. I’ll be fine. Go… sort this out, and I’ll see you later tonight.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I roll my eyes, smiling. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  He grabs a t-shirt, pulling it over his head before grabbing his phone and keys. He quickly runs back and kisses me deeply, a growl leaving both our lips before he rushes out of the door, leaving me breathless.

  When the door slams, I release a breath then remember I have to get ready for work. I check my watch. “Shit!” It’s already well after eight, and I haven’t had a shower yet.

  Grumbling, I rush to the bathroom and have the quickest shower on earth. I don’t wash my hair, instead piling my wavy blonde locks into a messy bun before applying only enough makeup which will accentuate my light blue eyes. I make do with some tight jeans and a red tank before grabbing my keys and a first-aid kit for the shop, before heading out of the door. If traffic is good enough, I may just actually make it.

  I do, with about one minute to spare. I open the front door with my keys, switching the CLOSED sign to OPEN, and when I turn around, I jump.

  “Oh, my God, you scared me,” I complain, my heart only just climbing down from my throat.

  “I just fancied sitting in your seat this morning. I must admit, it’s quite cathartic sitting here with a cup of tea, watching the world go by outside.”

  I frown at Charlie’s sudden change of personality lately. It’s almost like my attack woke him up and made him realise I’m an actual human being after all.

  I close the distance between us, setting my kit and bag on the floor for now. I place both my arms on the counter and lean forward, his gaze watching my every move. It’s so surreal having his stare upon me when it’s all I’ve ever dreamed off. It sets my jolly mood this morning even higher—if that’s possible. I’ve been riding on this buzz ever since the warehouse last night, and I don’t ever want to come back down.

  “It’s one of the highlights of my day,” I admit, truthfully. Although from his slight frown, he seems hesitant as to whether I’m teasing him or not. I laugh. “It’s true. People watching. It… calms me.”

  Charlie raises one eyebrow, causing butterflies to ta
ke flight in my stomach. It makes me fidget a little, my feet naturally scooting closer. When I kick my bag, his eyes trail down towards it.

  “What’s that?”

  I take the bag, bringing it around him and towards my trusty box that always sits next to me. I sense him watching as I pull the lid open revealing what’s inside. I bend down, opening my bag then pulling out its contents. New plasters, gauze, and saline solution. All the medical supplies I need that Chris obtains for me. How he gets them, I don’t ask. Maybe he knows a dodgy doctor who manages to supply him with all the kit and medicines—some of which you most certainly cannot buy over the counter. He gets whatever I require to keep him and his crew alive, and that’s the main concern of mine.

  “Plaster and gauze don’t have a sell-by-date, but it just gives me peace of mind replacing it every so often.”

  “Don’t you think you’re going a little OTT? This is a furniture shop, not an indoor sports arena.”

  I stop for a moment to stare up at him, an unamused look on my face. “You can never be too careful, Charlie. Accidents happen… wherever you are. I just feel safer knowing that it’s there and within reach whenever I need it.”

  He glances down at what’s in my hand. “Saline solution. Seriously?”

  I take the old saline out of the bag, dumping it into the bin on a sigh. I turn to face him, realising all too quickly how close we now are. I gaze into his caramel eyes, my heart accelerating with every millisecond that passes. He’s so close, I can breathe in his cologne. He smells of sandalwood and citrus, all earthy… manly. I swallow hard, an attempt to be able to speak again without my voice breaking.

  “Better to be safe than sorry,” I reply, my voice a husky whisper.

  Am I seriously making saline solution sexy?

  Without a word, Charlie gazes into my eyes for a while, causing my heart to skip and my top teeth to graze my bottom lip. Fire dances in my belly when his gaze drops down to my lips, his pupils ever so slightly widening as he catches my bite.

  Surely to fuck, no! This can’t be happening… can it? I’ve studied a lot about the human body in my lifetime, and believe me, one of my favourite modules was sexual attraction. I read more than enough to recognise when a man or woman finds the other attractive. The gaze towards my lips was one thing, but the pupils widening… that was a slam dunk.


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