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Outlaw MC Bear

Page 11

by Bella Love-Wins

  “That little princess is a part of all of this mess, Silas. Do you understand me? She’s not some cute, helpless girl off the street, baby. She’s not Sabrina Temple like her fake driver’s license says. She is Sabrina Rizzo. The Italian mafia. It took me a while to figure it out, but this girl is the padrino’s daughter. The daughter of Romano Rizzo, our MC’s most important client. Do you know what that could mean for our club? We’re neck deep in alligators because you couldn’t keep your hero hair off for a damn day. But wait, there’s more she forgot to tell you!”

  Sabrina winced and curled on her side, blocking out the emotional damage her lies and omissions were about to inflict. She silently willed Silas’s mother to get it over with, to spill everything so her secrets could be out in the open and they could all be on the other side of the vast chasm. Rip off the huge Band-Aid.

  Silas didn’t move an inch on the floor. Sabrina shut her eyes, no longer able to look at him as his mother got ready to unveil Sabrina’s betrayal.



  “This little mafia princess happens to be engaged to Lorenzo Giovanni, Silas. Our new client. She didn’t tell you that when she asked for your help, did she? This whole deal has gone to shit. I don’t know who wants her so badly that they’re willing to throw this much manpower into the operation, but whatever their motive, we don’t need any part in it. You brought her into our world, you can get her out of our lives. My vote is we leave her right here for these guys to wake up, and her daddy can save her next time. Or Giovanni. Whatever you decide, she’s your responsibility now. I’m done. I’m out. Just make sure you keep her ass far away from our club.”

  Silas groaned, low and long, but there was no way to tell if it was an agreement. It propped itself up to all fours again and started shuffling, letting out a few other noises that sounded very close to pain. She shut her eyes and covered her face in fear, not wanting to engage the beast.

  When she found the courage to open her eyes again, Silas was human again, sitting with his back against the bathtub, and spattered with drying blood. He’d conveniently grabbed one of her fuchsia pink towels hanging on a bar, and it was now wrapped around his waist. The absurdity of the scene made Sabrina want to giggle out loud, but she wouldn’t dare laugh at the big, bad biker-slash-bear swathed in pink, surrounded by a bunch of passed out would-be abductors—not when that bear could show up again.

  He lifted up his head and locked eyes with her in her spot on the floor. “My mother’s right. You’re not our problem.” Those blue eyes got icy cold all the way to their depths now, and his throat worked around a harsh swallow. “If there’s one thing I don’t tolerate, it’s lying. I gave you enough opportunity to tell me the truth. You practically lured my mother here to face what? Four mafia enforcers who roughed her up and pistol whipped her, and you’ve put me and my club in the crossfire of your domestic dispute? This has to be some kind of game for you, but your old man and your husband to be are people I depend on for my club’s livelihood and for our protection.”

  She couldn’t even argue with him. He was right.

  “I should have let these thugs have you. Do you even realize what your old man will do to me when he finds out I messed with his daughter? You can’t imagine what kind of turf war that can create for my club, do you? It’s because you’re too damn secretive and fucking selfish…”

  “Don’t put it all on me, Silas. I begged you to bring me back here. All I’ve been asking is for you to get me home. Why did you think that was? Instead, you kept up your crusade to lock me up like a prisoner at your beck and call! I’ve been a captive my whole life, under my father’s thumb. I won’t do it anymore.”

  “Just stop right there. If you’d told me who the fuck you were, I’d never have gotten involved, okay?” The way Silas spit out the words, it was as if they were nails to puncture her flesh. “And your fiancé? What about that little tidbit?”

  “Oh, you think that was my choice too? That I would sleep with you, despite the fact that I’m supposed to be engaged to one of the most powerful men in Nevada, Arizona and Utah, whether I want to or not? Maybe you think I planned on jumping into bed with you too, right? Get the hell over yourself. I didn’t believe that it was possible for a biker outlaw to be so damn naive.” She took a shaking breath and gripped her knees to stop them and the rest of her body from trembling out of sheer rage. “None of this was my choice, from start to finish. I didn’t agree to this engagement. I didn’t seek you out. I didn’t plan on sleeping with you. So yes, you really have yourself to blame…And who are you to preach about keeping secrets? Last time I checked, being able to turn into a bear was not even possible, let alone something a guy just randomly left out before sleeping together.”

  “You’re not to say another word about that.”

  “You think I’m one of the wildcats who hang around your club, don’t you? You can’t shut me up about that, just like you can’t make me forget you just did an illegal arms deal with Lorenzo.”

  “So you know about my business with Giovanni? You’ve known all along?” Silas’s voice was numb.

  Sabrina took a breath. This behavior wasn’t like her at all, and they were getting nowhere. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. All I can say to explain myself is that I had no idea who you were when we met on that elevator. When I woke up on your bike, that put my guard up. My father and his men have kept me so far under lock and key that they didn’t think twice about sticking me here to live next door to Lorenzo. Everyone wants me for something. Some of my father’s enemies see me as bait or a bargaining chip. To Lorenzo, I’m leverage. Marrying me is just a stepping stone. It solidifies his place as one of my father’s key allies so he can extend his power and reach. Nothing more. Anything he feels for me or thinks he feels for me or declares to the world is because to him, I’m a possession. And trust me, I’ve done my fair share of trying to escape it all. I’ve been on the run many times, and I’ve fought off guys worse than the ones who showed up today and the ones who darted me last night. These guys were child’s play. They just happened to catch me off guard, but if they didn’t have my…” Sabrina paused.

  At this point, Silas knew about eighty percent of the whole story. The part he didn’t know was that Lorenzo was holding her best childhood friend, Addison Riley, to make sure Sabrina didn’t run again. He had threatened—no promised, because he could back up his threats—that if Sabrina didn’t go through with the wedding, he’d make sure Addison would never be seen again. Sabrina couldn’t let that happen to him. They had been childhood playmates, best friends in high school, and had even gone off to college together. Addison was her rock, and up to the point of his kidnapping, had been the most predictable, dependable person in her life. She couldn’t let them wipe him off the face of the earth and make it like he never existed. Which was the reason she was going through with the marriage to Lorenzo. There was nothing Silas could do about Addison, so what was the point of telling him?

  She kept it to herself and continued. “Look. Lorenzo’s dealings are no secret to me…I’ve known long before I met you. The truth is I overheard your deal through my wall last night and knew it was time to get out of the way. I’m sure you know now he can be an arrogant, condescending, domineering human being. And ruthless too. I had a feeling things would go badly, so I left. Then I got shot with that stupid tranquilizer dart. We know how the rest of the story goes from there. Fill in the blanks. Better yet, just forget it, Silas.”

  “We’re done talking,” he shouted, pounding his fist against the tub.

  They were both silent for what seemed like forever. Only their breathing sawed through the room. Sabrina couldn’t think straight past all the dots she was connecting together.

  Silas made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat. “As soon as I can move I need to get these men out of your place. After that, we’re going back to the MC.”

  Did this man have a death wish? Was he not listening to everything she’d j
ust told him?


  “I don’t want to hear it.” He got up and roughly pulled the still-unconscious man in the tub out of the bathroom and into the hallway, then returned. “Give me time to figure out a plan so it doesn’t look like I kidnapped my client’s future wife. And keep your mouth shut until I say you can open it.” Silas wrapped up his order with a menacing growl.

  Sabrina pursed her lips, fighting down her temper with every bit of willpower she could find. “Fine. No, you know what? That’s not fine. None of this is even close to fine. You do know there are other things you can do for money which aren’t illegal, right? You don’t have to run guns for my father or for Lorenzo. Don’t give me that bullshit, don’t use me as an excuse to keep making bad choices, and don’t tell me to shut up!”

  She heard her voice reach a high-pitched, shrill volume of the last half of the statement, and Silas was across the room with his hand over her mouth an instant later.

  “Stop talking,” he demanded in a whisper. His muscular, near-naked body covered her, and she became vividly aware from his radiating body heat, that only the towel and her clothes separated them. “None of this is your business, Sabrina. None of it.” He breathed the words like a threat, so close to her mouth his breath played across her tear-streaked cheek, so close they could have been kissing.

  She couldn’t look away from him, only raising her chin a fraction higher. The small gesture made his jaw harden, and he pressed himself closer to her until they fit together like two missing parts of a puzzle when his towel slipped a little lower.



  Silas couldn’t keep his cool. His beast wasn’t ready to accept the fact that Sabrina—his woman, the blood-spattered, panic-stricken woman in front of him—belonged to someone else. His human side could get over it, but that part of him fell by the wayside in the wake of his bear’s primal urges. At the moment, when his beast should have been dormant, it was screaming at Silas to mount her and make her cry out his name, to claim, mark, and make her know in no uncertain terms that she belonged to him and him alone.

  So when her little screaming match was followed up by that confession about her arranged soon-to-be marriage, he stopped fighting his urges. There was too much they had in common. For a second he forgot about consequences and repercussions. It was banished from his mind, and now he was acting on instinct. He stood up and pulled her to her feet, dragging her over to the fully encased all glass walk-in shower, which magically hadn’t shattered into a million pieces. Despite her small protests, he shucked her shirt and started in on her pants, and a moment later she submitted to him and the moment by gripping his towel and letting it drop to the floor.

  The fire that burned in her eyes was only for him. The passion lit her up from within like a candle only he could ignite.

  “Get in,” his clipped words echoed back to him.

  Sabrina stumbled into the large space, and before he could get inside she had the instantly hot water cascading down from the ceiling nozzles. Hell, the woman dropped to her knees, taking his hard cock in her mouth. Silas all but lost his mind.

  “Oh, Christ,” he groaned.

  In seconds his hands were tangled in her hair, guiding her small, wet mouth around him as his head rested against the wall. Fuck, the contrast of his overly heated skin in between her sexy mouth made every muscle in his body go taut, and his cock twitched in the slick cavern of her throat. Neither of them was soft or exploring. Both were rough and rushed and rabid, both exerting a level of dominance. God, it had been too long since he had angry sex, but Sabrina needed to know exactly who was the boss.

  The next time she bobbed up with her head, Silas used his leverage to pull her off of him. He swore at the lack of contact as cool air stroked his cock, but he had more satisfying ideas on his mind. He pulled her over to the marble bench in the shower enclosure and turned her away from him, anchoring her hands against the bench so he could ride her at just the angle he wanted.

  Doubled over with her ass in the air and the spray hitting her back, Silas did what he’d been meaning to do since they woke up early that morning. Without hesitation, he gripped her hips and plunged into her tight pussy. Sabrina threw back her head, hissing and calling his name. He grasped a thick handful of her long, light brown locks and rode her relentlessly. Her hips jerked backward, meeting him stroke for stroke. She arched into him, matching their energies as her slick inner walls pulsed along his erection. Quick, hard, and dirty, they used each other, fought each other for their own pleasure.

  They battled, scrapped, and clawed their way toward devilish heights. Silas wrenched her back under his control, reaching around to circle his finger around the nub of her clit in quick, sharp circles as he pounded her harder. She bucked backward with a loud cry that made him smile. She was lost to his hand and his cock, and he maneuvered to make her completely fall apart beneath his skilled hands. She was so close. He knew they were both there, and mercilessly thrust deeper.

  When he raised his other hand from her hip and brought it down in four loud slaps on her ass, she cried out his name. Her legs all but gave way, her body shook through her climax, and Silas followed his deepest instinct. His muscles jerked and he let a wicked growl leak from his lips, sinking his teeth into the flesh of her shoulder. Sabrina screamed from the mix of intense pleasure as well as his mark now embedded on her skin. That took him over the edge, making his lower back twist and tingle with the first coming sign of his orgasm.

  “Shit,” he muttered, breathless through gritted teeth as he fought to pull out, wanting nothing more than to bury himself to the hilt until his seed coated her inner walls entirely.

  His cock jerked as his eyes went half-lidded and his cum pumped out all over her ass and lower back in thick ropes. Each time he thought he might pass the hell out. Luckily, he stayed on his feet, male pride intact, but when Sabrina looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with him, his knees grew weak.

  He groaned at her small, seductive smile, noticing that her eyes half closed as her fingers began to play in the mix of fluids and hot water dripping down her back. Almost humming with pride, he reached down and kissed the spot where he’d just bitten her. Sabrina turned to face him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest, saying nothing more under the hot stream of the showerhead.

  Silas started to plan his next move. He needed Tate and Axe here now. Sabrina may not have known it yet, but she was his property now. All he had to do was get himself ready for the fight of his life.



  Axe, Cole and Tate arrived at the condo a couple of hours later. Sabrina was relaxing in her bedroom by then. She’d had taken the time to cook up a pasta and meatballs dish for him from scratch—which he appreciated more than he cared to let on. Silas put Tate’s tech skills to work, making him sweep the apartment and her phone for bugs. In the meantime, Axe and Cole helped get the four men out of her place via a service elevator that Godfrey from the front desk arranged. By the time they got through three of the eight rooms, Tate had come up with a handful and crushed every device under his boot. It was no surprise, given who her father was, but Silas hated the idea that someone was watching her and listening to her every move in her own private space.

  He also discovered a few more things about her during their inspection. The guys he fought off left her place in a disastrous state, but it was obvious Sabrina liked things neat and orderly. At least if he went by the two rooms that hadn’t been touched. She was also a voracious reader, from the stacks and stacks of romance novels and nonfiction biographies he saw in her study. And he couldn’t help getting a little thrilled to see that the DVD collection in her family room was mostly made up of action and adventure movies. Hopefully she didn’t keep the rom-coms in her bedroom.

  “Is everything else okay?” Sabrina called from the back room. She came out into the living room looking classy and chill in her black leggings and a blue striped bu
tton down shirt. Still, her fashion sense and movie tastes were not enough to make him forget she’d lied to him about her family connections. She was right that if she had come clean about that back when he met her on the elevator, he would have gladly walked away. His recent intervention in the latest plot to snatch her, along with the fact that her condo was so heavily monitored, meant that whoever was after her would know his club was giving her protection. Giovanni or her father had to have something to do with it. Had she put two and two together yet?

  “We’re good here. The place is clean now, but those bastards were listening in on all your phone calls. Tate found a GPS tracker in the lining of your purse too.”

  “Good God.”

  “There’s also no way to tell if they’ll replace all the hardware after we leave tonight.”

  “True…So, are you okay?” She took a hesitant step forward.

  “Never better. You’ve got some serious shit going on in your life, and now it’s on the MC’s doorstep, but I can handle it. Let’s go.”

  He let that be the end of the discussion and announced they were all returning to the clubhouse. He headed into the hallway with Sabrina in tow. She came along willingly this time. The alternative probably didn’t sit well with her.

  This time out, they all took the stairs.

  Silas toyed with an unlit cigarette in the clubhouse meeting room while all his brothers’ eyes were trained on him like a hawk. He had just finished his debrief of the full story, and everyone seemed to have an opinion.


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