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Stronger Than the Rest

Page 21

by Shirleen Davies

  “Stuart and Duncan’s cousin? Hugh MacLaren.” Yes, she knew of Hugh. He’d written to Stuart for a while. The letters had ceased a few years before Stuart died. They’d never known what had happened to him or his children.


  She stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around each man in turn, then stepped back, wiping tears from her eyes. “I wish Stuart could’ve been here to meet you. He’d be so pleased.” She hadn’t noticed Niall, Will, and Jamie walk up behind her. Each bore a decidedly confused expression.

  Niall sized up the men before him. Drew had mentioned that the two were related, but there’d been no time for questions. Now he wanted answers.

  “I’m Niall MacLaren. These are my brothers, Jamie and Will. You’ve met Drew.”

  Aunt Alicia could feel the tension, the confusion. “This is Connor and Pierce MacLaren, boys. Their father is Hugh MacLaren, Stuart and Duncan’s cousin.” The men shook hands then continued to peruse each other, the way men seemed to do.

  “Was. He died several years ago, along with our mother,” Connor clarified.

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear about that. We suspected as much when he didn’t respond to Stuart’s letters.”

  When the house was quiet, they all settled around the table, learning about each other for the first time.

  Connor sipped his whiskey and began to answer the unspoken questions. “We came to this country twelve years ago. Our parents sent us as our prospects in Scotland were slim. They wanted a better life for us. The letters they received from Duncan and Stuart made it sound so grand. There were opportunities for everyone and work for all.” He sat back, remembering the trip over, and the rude realization when they landed that they knew no one and had little money. “We tried to find Duncan and his family in Ohio,” he nodded at the brothers, “but they were gone. Someone else was settled on their farm and no one knew how to contact anyone. We knew you and Stuart were in Arizona, but we had no funds, no way to get a message to you. So we returned to New York.”

  “And what have you done all these years?” Alicia asked.

  “Whatever we could to live,” Pierce replied. He’d stayed quiet most of the night, following his brother’s lead, absorbing what he could from the MacLaren cousins. It was obvious to him they were slow to warm to them. He hoped that would change.

  “I see.” Alicia studied the cold coffee in her cup. “I know that Connor is a Range Detective. What do you do, Pierce?”

  Connor laughed at the question. Pierce could do whatever he wanted. He had brains, motivation, and a desire for adventure. The combination often got him in trouble. Everyone glanced at Connor then turned their eyes back to Pierce.

  He narrowed his eyes at his brother before answering. “Right now I’m a decoder.”

  “And thief,” Connor interjected.

  Pierce ignored him and continued. “I figure out coded communications that don’t fit the normal patterns.” He paused a moment. “Yes, and sometimes it does involve borrowing a document or ledger in order to copy it for decoding.”

  “So you’re the one who deciphered Ira Walsh’s ledgers, found out about his illegal actions?” Drew asked. A message from Dunnigan had indicated he’d used a decoder to find out about Ira.

  “Yes. Connor worked for Louis, but brought me in when it was suspected that Ira had another set of ledgers. One that documented transactions that were important but that he didn’t want discovered.”

  “Did Dunnigan know you were related to us?” Jamie asked.

  “Yes. He knew all about our background.” The good and the bad, Connor recalled.

  “I’ll be damned. And he never said a word to you, Drew?” Niall asked.


  “He didn’t want you involved,” Connor said to his cousin. “You had enough to worry about, plus your work for him. It was better that way.” They all knew that Connor was referring to Drew’s efforts to walk.

  “What are your plans now?” Will asked. He wondered if they’d be traveling back to Fire Mountain, building a life with them.

  “We travel around, but would like to see the ranch, if that’s all right with you?” Connor asked Alicia, speaking for both Pierce and himself.

  They were grown men. Proud. They’d made a life for themselves. Why did she feel like she wanted to wrap her arms around them and insist they live in Fire Mountain?

  “You’re family. Of course you’ll come to the ranch. Whenever you want.” She looked at her four nephews. “And there will always be a place for you if you ever decide to settle down.”


  “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you’re going to see him, talk to him. That boy hardly left your side. Wouldn’t let anyone else help you,” Eleanor said as she helped Tess into her dress the next evening. “You’ve made excuses all day, but tonight you will come to supper with the rest of us.” Eleanor didn’t know everything that had transpired. She was woefully ignorant of the effects of opium, and cursed Ira Walsh over and over for his part in her step-daughter’s misery.

  Tess sat on the bed and placed her hands over her face. A face red with embarrassment. She wanted to hide in her room and never come out each time she recalled what she’d done while under the effects of the drug. She’d made a complete fool of herself. In front of everyone. In front of Drew. How could she ever look at him again and not feel embarrassed?

  “Is Eloise still here?” Tess asked.

  “Yes, and so is Frank. He’ll take her back after supper. Now there’s a man who’s smitten.” Eleanor folded Tess’s night dress and closed the chifferobe. “It wasn’t your fault, Tess. There’s no reason to feel bad about anything that happened.”

  An hour later, Tess sat at the supper table between Amanda and Eloise, across from Drew. She hadn’t looked at him or even acknowledged his presence, but Tess knew he continued to stare at her, trying to get her attention.

  She’d fought the effects as long as she could, but her body and mind had failed her. It had been as if she were floating above, watching the scenes unfold beneath her, powerless to stop herself from wanting to play along. Ira was repulsive, a murderer, but the opium made her crave his touch, just as she’d craved Drew’s later that same night. Ira had been eager for her. Drew had pushed her away, tried to stop her advances. She knew Ira’s responses were vile, meant to destroy her, as she knew Drew’s were meant to protect her. Thinking about it, she couldn’t help but believe her actions disgusted him.

  “Tess?” Drew’s voice penetrated her thoughts. She looked up to see his beautiful hazel eyes trained on hers. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Um, yes. Tired, but much better. Thank you.” She looked away and pretended to concentrate on the food before her.

  Drew continued to watch her. She’d refused to see him since he’d left her room early this morning. He thought he knew what was bothering her, but until she’d agree to talk, there wasn’t much he could do. He loved her. There was no other woman he wanted. They would work through this, he was certain of it.

  He’d spent his day with Grant, preparing an agreement concerning the Bierdan ranch. Drew had been somewhat surprised at the complexities of the transaction, and the people involved, but he thought the plan was brilliant. They expected the other party to the transaction to arrive the following day. He doubted the final negotiations would take long—it was too beneficial to each party involved.

  “You’re welcome to stay here another night, Eloise. You too, Frank. You don’t have to go back to the ranch tonight.” Eleanor didn’t like the thought of the young woman staying at the house alone.

  “Thank you, but it’s best to get back. Jeff and the men planned to take care of the house today, clean it up, and fix what was broken. Now it’s my turn to help. I can’t leave it all for them.” Eloise glanced at Frank. His eyes caught hers and held.

  “I plan to stay over one night, Eleanor, make sure she’s all right. Her foreman is real protective. After what happened, I’m sure he’ll keep ext
ra men posted.” Frank definitely planned to stay with Eloise tonight, and maybe the next. Talk some things through.

  Niall pushed back from the table and wrapped his arm around Kate’s chair. “We need to start back, too. Not tomorrow, but the next. Jamie’s anxious to see Torie, and we all need to get back to business. Can’t leave Gus and Pete to have all the fun.” He reached over and kissed his wife on the cheek.

  Grant stood and pulled out Eleanor’s chair. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but tomorrow’s a busy day. I’m having one drink before I turn in. Anyone care to join me?”

  All the men but Frank and Drew followed Grant into his office. Frank helped Eloise up and walked her down the hall to grab her things.

  Drew sat patiently, waiting for Tess to acknowledge him, and accept that he wouldn’t go away. She hadn’t moved since everyone had left. “You realize, of course, that I’m not leaving here without you,” Drew said.

  “What?” Tess’s confused eyes pulled at Drew’s heart. This might be worse than he’d thought.

  “Leaving here, the Big G, without you. We’re getting married. Either here or in Fire Mountain, makes no difference to me. But when I leave, you’re going with me, Tess.”

  “You still want to marry me?” Her question stunned him.

  He stood, walked around the table, and sat on the chair next to her. He grabbed her shoulders, gently turned her towards him, then took her hands in his.

  “I love you. Of course I still want to marry you.”

  She stared at their joined hands. His thumbs drew small circles on her hands as he spoke. It distracted her, aroused her. Tears came unbidden. She tried to make them stop, without success. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

  “I tried hard to stop what was happening, but couldn’t. The drug kept seizing my body, controlling my mind.” She pulled a hand from his and swiped at a tear. “I’m sorry, Drew. It must have been humiliating for you to see me like that. I guess I’m not as strong as I thought I was. Not as strong as you. I tried to be, but I’m not.”

  The tears in her eyes almost broke him. It wasn’t her fault. He had to make her understand. He wouldn’t lose her to the actions of a murderous lecher or the effects of an illicit drug.

  He reached out to her but she pulled away. Drew took a deep breath and tried again. “You’re the strongest woman I know. Many women would’ve broken down, given up. But you did everything you could. You went against Ira even though he made you suffer for it.” He looked at the small laceration at the edge of her mouth and traced the bruise on her cheek with his thumb, both the outcome of her efforts to defy Walsh. “You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and passionate.”

  At the use of that word she placed her hands over her face and tried to turn from him. He grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face him.

  “Yes, passionate. You were before what happened. The opium did nothing to change your response to me, our love making.” He pulled her close, not letting her pull back. “I love you, Tess, and I’m not losing you. Ever.”

  He lifted her from the chair and settled her on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. “Where?” he asked.

  His question confused her. “Where?” she whispered.

  “Are we getting married here or in Fire Mountain?”

  Her heart pounded so loud she almost couldn’t make out what he’d said. Almost.


  Drew let out a breath, then tightened his hold. He never planned to let go.


  Eleanor, Alicia, Amanda, and Kate pulled off a beautiful wedding three days later. Since most everyone was already at the Big G, Drew and Tess decided not to wait. Besides, Drew didn’t want Tess focusing on the past. He wanted her firmly in the present, with him.

  How the women got a small band, decorations, food, and the minister together in that short amount of time astonished the men.

  Tess was stunning. Eleanor brought her wedding gown down from the attic. It took very little to adjust it. The women added pearls and small amounts of lace. It was perfect.

  Grant surprised Drew with the gift of a beautiful chestnut stallion with a wide white blaze. “To help your breeding program,” Grant said. Drew named him Freedom.

  Tess danced with Drew as well as the other five MacLaren men. She saved a dance for Jake, Frank, Jericho, and Louis Dunnigan. The best one, however, was with her father.

  “I’ll miss you, Tess,” he said as they danced slowly on the small floor. “But I’m glad you’ll be with Amanda. It’ll give Eleanor a place to go when she wants to get away from me.” He smiled down at her.

  “And you. You’ll come to visit also, right?”

  “Of course.”

  Grant handed Tess to her new husband and stepped back.

  Drew took her in his arms and spun her around the floor, then pulled her away from the crowd. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her face, nuzzling her neck. “It won’t be long before we can disappear upstairs,” he whispered.

  Tess pulled back and ran a finger up his arm, over his chest, and behind his neck to pull him down for a beautiful smile. “Don’t keep me waiting,” she whispered back, then started to laugh.

  Drew laughed with her as he took her hand to return to the party. “Vixen,” he murmured.


  It was dark and the guests had gone home. The women helped Tess change her clothes and pack her things. The MacLarens would be leaving tomorrow for Fire Mountain.

  Afterwards, everyone gathered in Grant’s office as Drew explained the complicated transaction that had brought Louis to Cold Creek.

  Eloise had agreed to sell her land to a new entity called Taylor-Dunnigan Cattle & Timber. That got the attention of all in the room. Louis had agreed to buy the land with his cash, including purchase of a home for Eloise in Cold Creek.

  Grant had agreed to merge his ownership of the Langdon ranch into Taylor-Dunnigan. Most surprising was that Grant accepted Dunnigan’s offer to purchase half of the Big G. The three ranches sat side by side, creating the largest cattle and timber property west of Denver. Taylor-Dunnigan Cattle & Timber would do just what the name implied. Raise cattle, provide timber to the mills, and within a year, build the largest lumber mill in this side of the state with distribution throughout the country.

  Grant would be in charge of the cattle business, Louis in charge of the timber and lumber mill operations. Dunnigan had an idea about selecting and cutting timber in a planned method, with re-planting following soon after the trees were removed. It was something he had heard about while back east, and he was anxious to try it. He called it the never-ending-supply-of-timber concept.

  The best news to all was that no jobs were lost. There was be a place for everyone who wanted to stay, and that included Connor and Pierce. Both Grant and Louis saw a place for both men in their business. It was up to them to decide.

  One surprising offer was to Drew, after everyone else had left the office. “I know you’ve given me your resignation,” Dunnigan said, “but let Grant and I make you a counter offer. One I think you’ll like.”

  “All right.” Drew was willing to listen to them. He respected them both. Hell, one was his father-in-law.

  “We need a lawyer for Taylor-Dunnigan. This will be a big operation. We’ll need someone who knows cattle and understands business. You can do it from Fire Mountain and it shouldn’t detract from the horse breeding business you and Tess have planned. In fact, we may even find a way to combine the breeding program here with yours. What do you say?” Dunnigan sat back and waited for Drew to digest the offer before adding, “And you’ll make the same pay as at Dunnigan Enterprises.”

  Drew’s eyes widened. He was a good negotiator, used to keeping a straight face. The first offer was a coup, the second...Well, he’d have to be a fool to pass it up.

  “I’ll accept, but under one condition.”

  The two older men looked at him, waiting.

“You pay me as part of the MacLaren Ranch business, not to me personally. You do that, and we’ve got a deal, gentlemen.”

  Louis and Grant looked at each other then burst out laughing.

  “Best damn deal I ever made,” Louis said and held out his hand.

  Louis spotted Connor as the three left the office. “Excuse me, there’s one more person I need to speak with.”

  Louis walked outside and down the front steps.

  Connor stood by the barn, holding a piece of rope, tying and retying knots, killing time. He was glad to have met the other MacLarens. They were a good group—one he’d be proud to be associated with if he were a different man. But he wasn’t. He’d understood years ago that the demon that haunted him could only be extricated in one way—by finding Meggie. Except that dream had died a little more with each passing year. He looked up to see Dunnigan walking toward him.

  “Connor,” Louis greeted him. He hoped the man would consider the offer from Grant and him to work for Taylor-Dunnigan. He was a good man, even if he wouldn’t acknowledge it.

  “Mr. Dunnigan.”

  “You and I discussed a deal if you helped me with Ira. You did and I’m here to make right that deal.”

  Connor’s eyes lit up.

  Louis pulled out a slip of paper and held it out. “It’s as of two days ago.”

  Connor took the telegram and read it through. “They’ve tracked her to Salt Lake.” He looked at Dunnigan. “That’s only a couple days ride from here.” He took a couple of steps away, then turned back. “It’s sounds like they’re sure.”

  “Yes, it does,” Louis answered.

  “I need to let Pierce know.”

  “You’ll stay in touch?” Dunnigan asked. He knew Connor would be gone now that he had news. And Pierce might go with him.

  “Yes. And thank you, Mr. Dunnigan.” Connor shook the man’s hand then left to find his brother. Pierce was in the back, talking with Jamie and Will. He’d told Connor that he planned to go back to Fire Mountain with their cousins, maybe work at the ranch. He wanted to give it a try. Connor didn’t know if the latest news would change his plans or not.


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