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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 12

by Nicolette Andrews

  His eyes darted around, looking anywhere but at her. "Well… I…"

  Suzume held up her hand. "I may have been dishonored, but I have not sunk that low, even for you, Daiki."

  "I meant no offense, that is to say…"

  She strode away from him and crossed her arms over her chest. "I think I would like to retire for the night. Do you have a suitable place where I may rest?"

  He jumped up and swayed on his feet as he did so. "Please, use my tent. I will use my lieutenant's."

  He did not move to leave but instead came closer to Suzume and took her hand in his chubby and sweaty one. A shiver of revulsion swept over her and she had to look away to avoid showing it on her face.

  "Princess… no. Suzume, I want you to be my bride. I will send you to my estate, and once I win this battle, I will go to your father and beg for him to allow us to marry."

  She looked up into his eyes. He squinted and his gaze, shadowed by his heavy eyelids, made him look like he struggled to see. His proposal was everything she had hoped for, it was what she had been plotting from the start, yet now that it was here… she didn't want it. But this was her last chance to return to the palace.

  "Yes, Daiki!" she said with all the fake sweetness she could manage without retching.


  He arrived at the camp to find it empty, the priestess' vacant sleeping roll the only clue that she had been there at all. The fire had died down to embers and a thin trail of smoke curled up from the ashes. He stretched out his spiritual energy, looking for the priestess. He felt her in the distance like a flickering flame. Whoever had taken her, they did not have the power to cloak spiritual energy the way the fake farmer had. He could only assume the stranger's intention had been to distract him while his accomplices took his priestess. Well, whoever had taken his pet would soon meet a gruesome end.

  He followed her spiritual energy like a dog following a scent; all around their campsite was evidence of humans. Hoofprints in the ground, and everywhere the stench of sweat and horseflesh. Broken branches and tamped down grass made an obvious enough path to follow. Still weak after the Aryūru, he was forced to walk on foot. As much as he hated to admit it, if he were to face this many humans in this form, he would not be in the best position to defend himself.

  He put the thought aside and followed the path they left behind and found their encampment down the road. Going on foot, it took him nearly a half hour and the sun was beginning to rise in earnest. The camp had started to stir, and from his vantage point on a hill overlooking the encampment, he could see the soldiers going about their business, carrying buckets and armor on their way to one task or another. The energy of hundreds of humans muddled his ability to track. He probed them all, searching for Suzume, but found it difficult to untangle the energy from one human to another; they were all so similar. After a few moments of this, he gave up and decided a more direct approach was in order.

  "Humans!" he bellowed, and the sound of his voice rolled over the encampment. Horses whinnied and humans shouted, dropping armor, and buckets of water splashed on their toes.

  Tent flaps opened as late risers stumbled out half dressed. Kaito waited, hands on hips, surveying the humans. The rising sun fell on his face, illuminating him, giving him an unearthly glow that would be sure to impress the humans.

  They gathered along the edge of the camp, speaking amongst themselves. None dared come closer. He kept his expression impassive, it had been too long since he had masses of humans at his command. He thought of his army of Yokai and wondered how hard it would be to recall his subjects to his side. That was a thought for another time.

  When a sizable crowd had gathered, he spoke. "You have taken what is mine! Bring me the priestess and I will spare you."

  The men looked to one another in confusion. And then at the back of the group, he saw a man pressing forward. Not young or handsome, with a round pink face and hair that was pulled too tight on top of his head. But when he strode through the crowd, the men parted, letting him through. It was their leader, he assumed.

  The man stopped at the foot of the hill. He wore a sword at his hip, but made no move to draw it. "We have no priestess," the man shouted up to Kaito.

  Kaito blew out an icy breath, which rolled down the hill and created icicles on the men's hair and mustaches. They shivered, pulling their arms around their bodies. He could turn them all into solid ice if the mood struck him. But he might freeze the priestess by accident and that would not be a satisfying way to fulfill his need for revenge.

  "You lie to me, human, I know she is among you. Bring her to me and you shall be spared."

  The round pink man puffed out his chest. "I will never give her to you."

  Kaito shrugged. Humans were too easy to manipulate; he should never have admitted to having her. Not that he wouldn't have razed their camp anyway. "Wrong answer."

  While he spoke with them, he had felt his energy start to return, enough that he could access his innermost well of energy. He jumped up into the sky, using his superior strength to propel him. Had they been closer to a body of water, he could have used its energy to rejuvenate himself, but seeing as he only had the clouds in the sky, that would have to be enough. He pulled from the precipitation in the sky, gathering the water he needed to destroy them all. When he had enough absorbed, he transformed into a dragon and floated in the sky, circling around clouds, gathering them to him. Sucking in their energy, like fresh clean breath.

  He turned his sights down on the humans, like a number of ants on the ground, and he expelled dark clouds, which were the by-product of his use of their energy, leaving them crackling with lightning. He descended on the humans, but before he could get very far, an arrow flew towards him. He dodged at the last moment, but more followed. He did not care if they struck him, no human weapon could harm him. Or so he thought, until an arrow lodged itself in his shoulder. He lost altitude, mostly from shock, but recovered quickly. No human arrow should even pierce his skin. But this embedded in his flesh and burned, and the pain spread as if it were laced with poison.

  He peered down at the ground, looking for the person who had shot the arrow. Does the priestess know how to use a bow and arrow? He did not imagine she would have had time to learn in between being pampered. But he could not see who had shot the arrow. All the humans looked the same, arrows notched and waiting to let them fly. He had barely enough energy to maintain the transformation to stay in the sky; he could not waste it on finding the one with spiritual energy.

  No matter. I can defeat them even if there is someone who can wield spiritual energy among them.

  He roared, anger clouding his judgment, and he unleashed raining shards of ice down upon their heads. The men did not flee and a new bevy of arrows were shot towards him. This time three different arrows lodged into his torso. The pain was immense; these were no mere arrows, they were imbued with spiritual power. The pain spread through him like fingers pressing into his wounds. He forced back the pain with a stubbornness only he could manage.

  He shot more ice spears at them as he drew moisture from everything around him, trying to keep himself up. The wind picked up as the sky reflected his mood and turned a slate gray. He would find the archer and rip his head from his spine.

  "Run, humans, or lose your lives," he snarled. Thunder roared behind him.

  Then when he was not looking, another arrow came shooting towards him. He had no time to dodge or move as it came careening towards him and shot him in the chest. He lost altitude quickly and went flying for the ground in an out-of-control spiral. He made contact with the ground and his long serpentine body flopped about. Before the spiritual power could further corrupt him, he transformed into a man. The arrows jutted out of his chest and his thighs and his arm. He yanked at the one on his chest first, but his hands burned to touch it. It glowed faintly green as the energy in it pulsed.

  He looked about, his vision swimming. Damn these humans for tricking him, and damn that creature who had
lured him out. With another yank, he pulled the arrow from his chest, but the energy had done its job. Already weak from the Aryūru, he was further weakened by the arrows. He staggered as he pulled free another arrow from his thigh, then his arm. When the arrows all lay scattered on the ground, that was when the humans found him, bearing weapons and determined expressions. They would not leave him be until they had killed him. Which was fine with him. He was not done with them yet.

  He stood up to his full height, drawing from his last well of energy. He may not be able to transform and was weak, but he was still more than a match for a few measly humans. Masked men stared at him through hollowed eyes, caricatures of the real Yokai they emulated.

  "You wish to fight me?" Kaito asked. Blood ran in rivulets from his wounds, and he wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

  They did not respond, but he didn't need one. He rushed them, prepared to fight, hoping a surprise attack would scatter them. They came at him with swords swinging and a shout in their throats. He dodged them, but just barely, their blades nicked him and tore his robe to shreds. He managed to get behind one soldier, whose neck he twisted, and killed him in one swift move. He plucked the sword from his hand as he fell to his knees and then turned on the others. They took a collective step back, surrounding him. He spun in a circle, waiting for an all-out attack. Even with a dull human blade in his hand, he would be able to defeat them.

  "Do you fear me?" he asked, looking at them one by one. "You should, I am the Dragon, ruler of this land, and you should be praying to your gods, because you will be reborn soon."

  They shouted as one and attacked as one, like numerous arms of one beast. His speed gave him the advantage, and he missed most of their thrusts, but the edge of a blade would nick him and then heal over. Then another would slash at his robe, tearing it. But he did not care about the clothes. He cut them down by the dozens, and they kept on coming.

  Then he felt it, the burning energy. Someone in the crowd had spiritual energy. But in the press of bodies with the constant distraction, he could not say who among them it was. It had only just occurred to him that this had been their plan from the beginning and he had played into their trap. As he fought, a blade filled with spiritual energy made cuts that would not heal, not straightaway like the others. Each time the blade bit into his flesh, he would turn to find the culprit only to find another inferior blade swinging at his face. They were playing with him.

  He growled, swinging haphazardly in his haste to get to this priest who could fill a blade with his energy. But while the men fell, so was his energy flagging. The tiny nicks, at seemingly random places on his body, were taking their toll, draining his energy. He stumbled, and a regular soldier caught him on the shoulder. He snarled, but he moved as if through mud. What is happening? His blade fell from his hand as he fell to his knees. Then the men stepped back, and from the crowd, a man stepped forward. He wore a mask over his face, so he did not know who he was, but his blade glowed green with spiritual energy. He brought it down towards Kaito's neck.

  Is this how it ends for me? I did not even get to see her face one more time.


  Things were moving too fast. The next morning, Suzume was taken to General Tsubaki's home. To her great dissatisfaction, she was personally escorted by the lieutenant. He had yet to take off his mask, and he rode ahead of her without speaking. His shoulders were stiff, and from time to time she saw him glance around him, waiting for an attacker, perhaps. The lack of conversation and the steady rocking of her mount made her sleepy. Mostly, she was bored. She watched the swishing of his horse's tail as they road down the dusty track.

  "Where is General Tsubaki headed?" she asked to quell the stretched silences. She could not stand it any longer. The lieutenant was colder than the peaks of the highest mountain and just as dull.

  "To war," was his blithe reply.

  Suzume scowled at his back. "I'm not a complete idiot."

  He scoffed under his breath, but Suzume heard him.

  She ignored him. He was the general's second in command and she didn't want her intended to think less of her. She had spent a long time building her reputation and she didn't want it ruined by this prickly warrior. Her mother had done enough of that already. "Who are we at war with?" Suzume elaborated.

  The island that her father's kingdom encompassed was massive and hundreds of leagues from the continent. At times there was internal strife within the kingdom, but that was infrequent and limited to small rebellions. Attacks from the continental countries were a concern, but those battles would be fought at sea or at least along the coast. The general's army was headed inland away from the ocean. Are they going to challenge that shape-shifting monster the salamander mentioned? Do the people at the White Palace know Yokai even exist?

  "With our enemies," the lieutenant replied.

  It was Suzume's turn to scoff. "That is obvious. Is a clan lord trying to rebel?"

  The lieutenant glanced over his shoulder at her. It was the first time since they had left the camp that he had done so. His dark eyes stared out at her from behind his blue mask. The horns adorning the mask glinted in the sun. The effect was meant to be intimidating, but Suzume thought he looked foolish. Having met real Yokai, these caricatures were laughable. The grimacing expression carved into the mask were unrealistic and nothing compared to Kaito in a fury.

  "What does it matter to you? You're no longer part of this world," he said without inflection.

  He turned back around and kicked his heels into the ribs of his horse, cantering away before Suzume could snap back a response.

  She shouted after him anyway. "I will be soon. I am going to marry the general and then I'll have him bring me your head on a platter." She scowled after him. How dare he say that, doesn't he know who I am? Who I will be…

  The lieutenant did not respond and continued on ahead. She urged her mount to follow him. The mare tossed her head in protest as she followed Suzume's commands. After a few more silent moments, Suzume reassessed her previous declarations. In truth, I don't know if I want to marry Daiki. He's a good man, to be certain, and powerful, which is very appealing, and yet… She shook her thoughts away. She was being foolish. This was a golden opportunity to return to the palace and get her revenge—without the fear of being eaten by a mercurial dragon. She was still furious at him for abandoning her, but that was of no matter now. She was on her way back up in the world.

  Suddenly, Suzume felt a ping, like a lightning bolt shooting through her skull. She looked around; she had felt that same feeling right before she had unleashed Kaito. She looked around and saw nothing to be worried about, but she could not shake the feeling that something was off. After a couple more steps, the horses stopped. She dug her heels in, trying to get it to move, but it would not budge.

  The lieutenant turned back to her. His own mount obeyed, but its ears were pressed flat against its head. "We don't have much more time, hurry along," he said.

  What's the rush? Are they afraid my father will find out? Out loud she said, "This stupid horse won't move." She pulled and tugged on the reins to no effect. The animal swiveled its ears back and forth. Suzume huffed and crossed her arms. The lieutenant rode over to her and pulled on the reins, but the animal would not budge, and then the lieutenant's horse started to shift beneath him, dancing in place, making it difficult for him to maintain his seat. She felt it again, that spark of energy, and it was more powerful this time. Her skin prickled and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

  She scanned the forest beside them, but nothing seemed out of order. I know something is wrong. Then without warning, her horse shot off like a rocket. The lieutenant called out to her, but Suzume put all her energy into holding onto the neck of her mount. Their flight was interrupted by a large black mass with glowing red eyes. She was so panicked she could not even see clearly what it was that filled the roadway or seemed to block out all the light. Her horse reared and she fell off the back of it an
d landed hard on the ground. She hit her head and her vision swam.

  The lieutenant had caught up at last and he shouted as his sword was drawn from the scabbard. He ran towards the black thing. Suzume saw hairy legs, lots of them, and turned and ran in the opposite direction. She did not get too far before she found the horse tangled up in something, screaming and rolling its eyes. She felt bad for the animal, but she could not delay to save it. She tried to go around only to get tangled up in something sticky. The more she fought it, the more entwined she became. She heard the screams of some unearthly monster and screamed in reply, hoping the Dragon would come and save her. There was no such help coming and she struggled in vain.

  Then she felt the spark again, but her energy burning along her skin could do nothing against what she was wrapped up in. It numbed her skin and she lost feeling in her fingers and toes. Then the energy under her skin started to throb as something, a shadow, leaned over her. She saw glowing red eyes before a sharp pain poked her in the neck and she lost consciousness.

  The old priestess knelt in front of the shrine, hands pressed together as the incense rose in a spiral towards the sky. She felt his spiritual energy, knew it as well as her own, though she pretended not to. He came here often, but never spoke, just sat back and watched. Long ago, she would have tried to coax a few words out of him, just to hear his voice again, but he never responded, and if she did look at him, he would turn and flee—running from the past. Nevertheless, his visits had increased in recent years. Sooner or later he would give up this stubborn act; they could not remain silent forever. Now that she was alone in the world, she needed his companionship more than ever.

  She did not need to see him to know he had taken the form of a white wolf, larger than an average wolf, with golden eyes. They stayed like that for a time. An old woman in her priestess garb and a strange wolf who watched from a distance but never approached, too afraid to bridge the space between them. The masks they wore protected them from the truth, from the hurts they had endured; neither of them were as they appeared, not that they would admit that out loud. After a few moments, she got up on wobbling knees. Acting infirmed had become so natural to her, she forgot what it was to have a young body. She turned to face him, expecting him to flee, but he just stared at her with unblinking golden eyes.


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