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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 21

by Nicolette Andrews

  "Really, you need to stop reading my mind." Suzume stopped in place.

  The god turned around to face her. "I am sorry, Suzume, it is not often I meet a priestess of your caliber and one whose mind I can read as easily as an open book. You must forgive me for peeking at the pages."

  She wasn't sure if she should be flattered or offended, so she decided to move on. "At least tell me this, when I freed Kaito, I felt the power hit the holy object. But when I freed you, I wasn't even there. How is that possible?"

  He did not reply at first and they continued walking down the forest path. Suzume did her best to remain patient, but her patience was wearing thin. As they walked, the path changed and became more refined and gave way to a courtyard garden.

  "There is a piece of you that acts of its own accord. It moves in ways you cannot understand yet. When you unleashed the Dragon, it awoke, and from now on your powers will grow. Once you learn how to control it, you will see the signs. But I cannot say any more."

  The path led them into an empty palace. The style of the houses was different, more rustic than what she was used to. The garden was less refined but rivaled the emperor's in its opulence. It was full of exotic plants, and a large maple tree overlooked a koi pond. This is just like the garden from my spider dream when I saw Kaito dressed as a soldier. Suzume shuddered.

  "Are you sure you're not trying to steal my soul or anything?" Suzume walked over to the maple tree to inspect it. This was much more lifelike than the one from the dream. She reached out and grabbed a waxy leaf from the tree. She rubbed it between her fingers, marveling at the tactile sensation.

  The god shook his head. "I promise, I am not. Please have a seat." He motioned to a bench beneath the maple tree that overlooked the koi pond. Suzume sat down hesitantly and the god jumped up beside her. "You know this place?"

  "I dreamed of it, but I don't know where it is."

  "Think harder."

  Suzume gave him a puzzled look. "It's a palace, I don't know what else it could be."

  He patted her hand. "This place"—he motioned across the courtyard and towards a manor house—"is the original clan house of the Fujikawas, more specifically, Fujikawa Kazue, your past life."

  Suzume shot to her feet. "No. I don't believe you."

  "It's true," he said. "Priestess Fujikawa Kazue is a part of you."

  Suzume groaned. "Then all those sappy things Kaito has been saying, they're true? He really…" She couldn't finish the sentence. The feelings wrapped up in it were much too confusing for her to face, yet.

  The Kami smiled. "Yes and no. There is a battle raging within him."

  "Is that why he hasn't killed me yet?" Suzume's stomach sank.

  He nodded gravely. "The Dragon never loved a human until Kazue. She changed him and the way he thought about humans. Despite his anger, he still loves her. But when Kazue sealed the Dragon, it set in motion a great upheaval, one even she did not understand the gravity of."

  "Great. So he's looking for revenge and I am the reincarnation of the woman he hates." She sat back down and cradled her head in her hands.

  "Therein lies the problem. Before Kazue sealed him, Kaito ruled over this land. The Yokai and the humans were in balance, but the Dragon and I are not the only ones Kazue sealed away. There are more of us hidden away. You must break them free and return balance to the world."

  "What does that have to do with Kaito?" Suzume asked.

  "If he cannot forgive Kazue for her past sins and help you, you will never defeat the darkness."

  "What darkness?"

  "In each man's heart there are five elements: fire, water, earth, air and the void." He ticked each one off on his fingers. "When Kazue sealed us, she threw the world into discord and gave rise to the darkness—the void. The two of you, when in harmony, can defeat the void."

  Suzume threw her hands up. "What am I supposed to do? You don't know Kaito like I do. Anything that has to do with Kazue makes him mad. If he knew, he'd never forgive me. He'd kill me first. Sure, he's acting sweet now, but that's because he's under a spell."

  "And here we come to your wish."

  Suzume peered at the Kami. "What about my wish?

  "Your soul's desire is to protect Kaito—" Suzume snorted, but he held up his hand to stop any interruption. "You must choose how you will protect him."

  "Great, more riddles." How could she choose when she didn't know the options? "Why do these things happen to me!" Suzume huffed and ran her hands through her hair. It was tangled and dirty. I should have stayed at the temple, at least I wouldn't be in this mess.

  "Whether you will it or not, it is your duty as Kazue's reincarnation to correct the imbalance. You must return the world to its proper order or it will destroy you both."

  "I don't want to. I don't want any of this, I never asked for this destiny. I just want to have my normal life back."

  "You cannot say that. This is your fate." The god looked frazzled for the first time during their encounter.

  "I refuse it! You said I have a choice, well, here it is: I wish Kaito never realized that I was Kazue's reincarnation."

  The god's face grew pale. "Do you understand what this means? He may never heal. And there is no guarantee that he won't learn the truth eventually. This could mean dire consequences for both of you."

  "I don't care." Suzume glared. The god said it himself. I'm a powerful priestess, and if Kazue could seal him away, so can I. I'll just find a way to lock him up again and be done with it.

  The god lowered his head. "Then I have no choice. Your wish shall be granted."


  A blinding white light surrounded Suzume and she threw her arms up to shield her eyes. It faded just as quickly as it had appeared. She lowered her arm and glanced about. The garden had disappeared, and so had the Kami. She blinked, letting her eyes readjust, and her gaze fell on a simple wooden structure. Is this the shrine? She went inside. The idol sat on his pedestal, face serene and hands folded in his lap. How did I get back here?

  "Don't take all day," Kaito called from outside the shrine.

  Suzume peeked outside the shrine door. Kaito leaned against a nearby tree, waiting for her.

  He glanced up at her as she peeked around the door. "You've been taking forever; I never figured you for a pious woman." He grinned and her stomach constricted. Does he know, does he suspect the truth about me, or did the god's wish come true? "Why are you staring at me like that?"

  He strolled over to her and she took a step back. Her powers did not flare up to protect her. They had stopped trying to defend her when he acted sappy. She studied his face, looking for a hint of change.

  Kaito frowned in return and then snapped his fingers in her face. "Don't tell me you've fallen for me. Oh, little Priestess, I'm sorry if I've led you to believe—"

  "Shut up," she snarled and pushed past him. He's back to normal, I think. At least he's not caressing my face any more.

  "A bit testy today, aren't we?"

  She could just imagine the expression he wore while he spoke. There was probably an ironic twist to his mouth and an eyebrow cocked. His dark eyes most likely were dancing with laughter.

  I didn't think it was possible, but I miss the gentle way he looked at me. Suzume blushed; then, mortified by her maidenly actions, she shook her head and smacked her cheeks with her palms. Now her face was red and her cheeks stung. Get it together. Everything is back to normal, just like you wanted. Now I just need to learn how to control my powers and seal him away once more, and then all my problems will be over. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes to gather her thoughts.

  While she tried to regain her composure, Kaito sneaked up behind her. He rested his hand on her shoulder. His touch sent electricity shooting down her arm, but not like before. This wasn't a defensive action, more like reactive. She stiffened and twirled around to face him. He loomed over her and she had to tilt her head up to meet his dark gaze.

  "You're acting strange, are you feeling all right?"
He searched her face and the softening of his features reminded her of the Kaito under the spell. He really loved Kazue. That's why he acted that way. He can never love me because I am not her. Even if we share a soul. She shook her head again. No. Now is not the time to go soft. If he knew, he would kill me for sure. It's me or him, and I am not going down. She shoved him away and with it her own guilt over wiping his memories.

  "I'm fine. What's wrong with you? You're acting awfully sentimental. Are you falling for me maybe? Because I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, Dragon, because I have no interest." She gave him a cocky grin.

  He smiled back at her and she bit her lip to distract herself from the butterflies in her stomach.

  "Do you two need a moment alone? I think I'm going to puke," Rin drawled.

  Suzume sighed in irritation. Great, maybe I should have modified my wish to get rid of Rin too. Suzume rolled her eyes towards the sound of Rin's voice. The Kitsune sat on the roof of the shrine, her robe hitched up to her hip, displaying her pale thigh.

  "Rin, what are you doing here?" Kaito called out.

  Rin stood up on the roof with hands on hips and regarded them. "I came looking for you, master. I heard that you had been released from the seal and I came to avow myself to your service once more."

  I feel like we've had this conversation before. Suzume frowned.

  "You were always faithful, Rin." Kaito chuckled. He threw his arms open to receive Rin in an embrace. She jumped down and landed neatly on her feet. Then she picked up the edge of her robe and ran over to Kaito, flinging herself into his arms. The speed at which they collided was a blur to Suzume's human eyes. The two Yokai laughed as Kaito spun Rin around, and Rin's tail flung about in the wind. After an overlong embrace, in Suzume's opinion, Kaito set Rin on her feet.

  Rin giggled as he did so. She turned her back to Suzume and tossed her auburn hair behind her shoulder. Her long red tail twitched behind her, mocking Suzume as she brushed Kaito's hair back onto his head.

  Suzume scowled at the pair of them. My wish turned the clock backwards. Meeting Rin, everything that happened in the village, it all went back to normal. She sighed. I'm beginning to feel like this journey will never end.

  Rin brushed against Kaito, fussing over his topknot, which had come loose while they were playing around. He only laughed and playfully asked her to leave it be.

  "Master, I cannot believe you've gone without someone to style your hair and your clothes." Rin tutted as she brushed her long-fingered hand along Kaito's sleeve.

  Suzume bit her lip and kept herself from a scathing retort. What does it matter to me if that harlot is all over him? Suzume couldn't stand to watch any further and turned her back to the pair of them, only to continue to watch them over her shoulder. After a few moments, Kaito remembered Suzume standing there.

  "Oh, Rin, where are my manners? This is my pet priestess," he said while motioning with a loose wrist in Suzume's direction.

  She scowled at the pair of them.

  Rin looked over at her. She gave Suzume a once-over before turning back to Kaito. "You're keeping a pet human again? Are you sure that's wise, after last time?"

  Kaito pushed Rin back and held her by the shoulders. Her fox ears flattened to her skull and her posture shrank. Suzume could see why; Kaito's eyes had clouded over like thunderclouds. "You forget your place, Rin."

  Rin fell to her knees and placed her forehead against the ground. "I'm so sorry, master. It's been so long since you've been gone and there's been no one here to correct my impertinence. Can you forgive me?" She glanced up at him and smiled, revealing her white teeth and a pair of canines. Her ears were pointed towards the back of her skull. If Suzume had really been meeting her for the first time, she might have thought Rin chastised, but Suzume knew enough about the Kitsune to know this was an act.

  Kaito patted her head and she sat back on her haunches to regard him with a sly grin.

  "I never could stay mad at you, Rin. I'm glad you came back to me. But as I'm sure you've realized, my kingdom has fallen and the world has changed while I slept. I have no need of your particular services…"

  "What do you mean by services?" Suzume interrupted. This had been the last straw. What other service could this promiscuous-looking woman provide a male like Kaito?

  Kaito glanced at Suzume. "I was wondering when you would butt in. Rin here is one of my former vassals. As for her services, that I'll leave up to your imagination."

  Suzume glanced up and down Rin. From what she'd witnessed of the fox-woman thus far, she did not think she was his maid.

  "Well, what is she doing here?" Suzume had been hoping Rin would go away now that the Kami matter was settled—not that anyone remembered other than Suzume.

  "Like I said, I've been looking for my master—"

  "Kaito," Suzume corrected. If she calls him master once more, I am going to puke.

  Rin looked at her and gave her a toothy grin. Suzume gave her a questioning look in return.

  Rin's smile only grew. "Right. Kaito. I planned on returning to his service, but now I'm not sure what I'll do since he's rejected my vows." Her bottom lip quivered and she looked to Kaito, who stood with hands on his hips.

  "That's too bad. We really should be going," Suzume said.

  She strolled past the pair of them and down the path a few steps before Kaito's next words stopped her. "I think Rin should join us."

  Suzume whipped around. "Absolutely not!"

  "Do you let the human tell you what to do?" Rin asked Kaito innocently while giving Suzume a narrow-eyed look.

  "Rin has skills that we could use on our journey. I can't watch you all the time, and since you seem apt to get into trouble…" He motioned vaguely in the direction from which they had come.

  She couldn't argue with that logic, but she tried anyway. "Well, if I had a better mastery of my powers, then I wouldn't need you to babysit me."

  "You should be honored to be under Master Kaito's protection," Rin interjected. Her ears were back flat again and the hairs on her tail bristled.

  Suzume ignored her and continued. "What can this concubine do for us? What can she do that I can't? I was handling the spider just fine before you showed up. Plus I killed that monster thing in the forest all by myself."

  "I will not be insulted by a mere mortal woman." Rin raised her voice.

  "Enough." Kaito's voice cracked across the squabbling women.

  They both twirled to face him and his expression was foreboding. He seemed taller than Suzume remembered and his shoulders broader. The clouds behind him were gathering and looked gray and ominous. Suzume glowered back at him, even if she knew better than to challenge Kaito when he was in a foul mood. I just fixed everything too.

  "You would be dead if I hadn't saved you from the spider, and if you're so sure you'd be better on your own, then I'd be happy to find another spider for you to battle. As for this imaginary monster in the forest, you haven't been out of my sight long enough to find a Yokai to kill, and besides, if you had killed anything within a mile of here, I would have sensed it. Your lies might work on humans, but they will not work on me, Priestess. Rin is coming with us and there will be no further arguments." Kaito gave Suzume a pointed look and for once she clamped her mouth shut. Then to Rin he said, "You will treat my pet with respect and not eat her."

  Rin looked at Suzume with a toothy grin. "She looks like she would be stringy and flavorless anyhow."

  "Fine." Suzume huffed.

  "Good, now let's head out." He turned and stormed down the pathway.

  He seems more on edge than usual. When Kaito was out of earshot, Rin fell in beside Suzume. Suzume turned her head away and hurried her pace, but Rin kept up with little effort. Damn Yokai. Rin cleared her throat and Suzume pretended the rice paddy fields were of intense interest. Rin ran in front of Suzume and waved her hands back and forth. Suzume stopped to adjust the strap on her sandal and Rin squatted in front of her.

  Suzume sighed in defeat. "Ca
n I help you?"

  "It's more what I can do for you," Rin replied.

  "I doubt you can do anything for me." Suzume stood back up and continued walking, thinking the conversation was over before it began. She was wrong.

  Rin laughed. "I know what you wished for, and if you hope to make it out of this alive, you'll need to trust me."

  Suzume stopped in her tracks, truly shocked for the first time. Rin looked at her, with her foxtail twitching back and forth. I was right. The spell only worked on Kaito. She knows.

  "Why would I trust you?"

  "Because if you don't, I'll tell the Dragon what you did."


  What is she getting at? Why not tell on me? What does she stand to gain from blackmail? Suzume wondered.

  Rin walked ahead of Suzume, her long red tail swishing back and forth. Kaito had disappeared shortly after they left the roadside shrine, without an explanation other than to tell Rin to watch over Suzume. As if I am a child that needs babysitting. I may not have complete control over my powers, but I'm getting better… sort of. Rin glanced at Suzume over her shoulder and grinned at her.

  Suzume scowled back at her. "What is wrong with you Yokai? Do you live to make my life miserable?" Suzume growled in frustration and threw her hands up. "Speaking of annoying Yokai, where is Kaito? We've been walking for days and we haven't seen any sign of him. He said he wouldn't be gone long." Suzume's voice had reached a high-pitched tone.

  Rin flattened her ears against her head as she shrugged. "I don't question the master's motives. He told me to lead you east and that's what I am doing."

  "Where are we going? There's nothing out here but farms and villages. I thought he wanted to go to the White Palace and seek his revenge."

  Rin's tail twitched from side to side. "Why would he want to go to a place full of humans? Personally I cannot stand their stink."

  "I resent that."

  Rin ignored her and continued. "If the Eight hadn't been sealed by Kazue, then your people would never have been allowed to flourish like this." She motioned towards the fields that surrounded them. "It's disgusting. You're inferior in every way possible, yet you continue to breed like vermin."


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