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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 23

by Nicolette Andrews

  Kaito may be handsome, but he has also sworn to kill me if he ever finds out who I was in a past life. Not the ideal start to a relationship. I am better off sealing him before this gets out of hand.

  Eventually, Suzume fell asleep. She woke early the next morning on top of the futon, wearing the robe from the night before. She had a crick in her neck and her hair was a tangled mess since she hadn't brushed it out after the bath. Suzume groaned and climbed to her feet. The temple air vibrated with energy. She heard distant chanting. The words were too low to decipher, but they caught Suzume's attention despite her sleep-addled mind. What is that? Please tell me it's not something trying to kill us all. I'd like to eat something before having my life threatened today.

  She closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but the chanting kept weaving in and out of her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she climbed off the futon, ran her fingers through her hair, and tied it back hastily. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand as she opened the chamber door.

  When she opened her door, she could hear the chanting better. The words, though incomprehensible, still took on a defined shape and they seemed to be coaxing her, drawing her to them. Suzume slipped out of the chamber and followed the sound down the hall. The chanting seemed to be coming from a building that adjoined the sleeping quarters. A covered walkway separated the two buildings. Suzume crossed it and glanced about the grounds that surrounded the buildings. Gingko leaves covered the large square courtyard ringed by gingko trees beyond.

  The buildings were large and square as well. The entire temple seemed to be made of squares within squares, even the hallways and rooms followed the same geometric pattern. The red roofs of the buildings met at a sharp incline. On the other side, the torii arches framed a narrow walkway. At the end of the path was a small shrine building. I am not going anywhere near that shrine. Shrines and I do not have a good history.

  Suzume faced a large building with open doors on all sides. Inside, the priests sat on the floor in rows, their legs crossed and eyes closed. Suzume stepped up to the threshold and listened to the haunting sounds of the chanting.

  The head priest sat at the front of the group, wearing ceremonial white and black. What are they doing?

  "You came just in time for their morning prayers."

  Suzume spun around to see Rin leaning against a beam that supported the covered walkway. Suzume glowered at her and turned back to the priests, pretending the chanting was of deep interest to her. But even the soothing sound of the priests' chanting could not calm the anger that festered in her chest. She hoped Rin would get the hint and leave her alone. Suzume feared speaking, in case she said something incriminating and added fuel to the fire. She hung about for another moment, waiting for Rin to leave. She didn't. Instead, Rin came closer. She stood close enough to Suzume to brush against her sleeve. Suzume withdrew her hand and scowled at Rin from the corner of her eye.

  "This order is known for their ability to transcend into the spirit world. They also have the best mastery of spiritual power manipulation," Rin explained.

  Despite Suzume's interest in learning more about spiritual powers, she feigned disinterest.

  "They draw on water; that's their element of choice, you could say," Rin continued, heedless of Suzume's lack of engagement. "It's Kaito's element as well."

  Suzume had to stop herself from questioning Rin further. She didn't want to give the Kitsune the benefit.

  Rin stepped in front of Suzume and tried to force her to meet her gaze. Suzume turned to walk away.

  Suzume heard Rin sigh behind her. "Suzume, we need to talk."

  "I have nothing to say to you," Suzume said without stopping to look at the other woman. Suzume headed at an angle away from Rin and toward the courtyard where the priests had met them the day prior. Suzume tried to put distance between herself and Rin before she figured out how to use her powers and turn Rin into dust. Suzume took a deep breath. I don't care who he wants to be with. It does not matter to me.

  Suzume had almost reached the courtyard penned in by large ginko trees when Rin grabbed her by the shoulder.

  Suzume spun around and wrenched herself out of Rin's grasp. "I would appreciate it if you would keep your filthy hands off of me." She tried to walk again but found she could not move. Suzume glared at Rin. "What did you do to me?"

  "Just a simple charm. It's time you stop being so pigheaded and listen up." Rin tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder and gave Suzume a firm look.

  Suzume prepared an angry retort, but before she could, Rin placed her hand over Suzume's mouth. She tried to dodge, but the Kitsune was too quick. When Rin removed her hand, there was a leaf covering Suzume's mouth. Suzume tried to shout at her, but her entire body was frozen.

  Suzume groaned at Rin, who smiled. "If you don't like it, then just use your powers and break the charm."

  Suzume groaned again and struggled, trying to break free of the charm to no avail. Her powers did not even rise up to defend her. After a few minutes of fruitless struggle, she sighed—or as close as she could get to a sigh without use of her mouth.

  "Are you ready to listen?" Rin asked.

  Suzume rolled her eyes and looked away from Rin. At least she had control over that.

  "Too bad, you're going to have to," Rin replied. "First of all, what you saw last night wasn't what you thought it was."

  I know exactly what I saw! At least that's what she wanted to say, but couldn't. The response that came out was more like a grunt.

  Rin held up her hand. "We were talking, nothing more."

  Suzume rolled her eyes in response. Like I'm going to believe that, when you were half dressed and alone with him.

  "I know you think we're lovers, but we're not." Rin crossed her arms and it pushed up her breasts.

  Suzume tried to scoff, but it came out more like a groan.

  "We were at one time." Rin smiled to herself and looked out into the distance as if she looked into the past. "But that was before Kazue. We had our time and we parted ways, the way most immortals do. We don't often stay with one person for long."

  Is that why Kazue sealed him away? Because she was afraid of being left alone, and her pregnant with his child, once he was done with her?

  "I told you before that I would keep your secret if you trusted me, well, here's your chance," Rin continued, once more back on topic.

  Suzume regarded the fox woman intently for the first time. Rin twitched her tail back and forth for a while, not meeting Suzume's gaze.

  "Kaito doesn't know this, but I witnessed Kaito and Kazue's courting—briefly." She smiled faintly. "Not long after we parted ways, Kaito left his palace. He often took on the guise of a human and seduced human women. That's how he met Kazue. She was the daughter of a clan elder and betrothed to marry the heir of another clan lord. She resisted his seduction because of her betrothal. Well, Kaito never backs down from a challenge and he pursued her even more, to the point where it stopped being a game and it turned into real affection."

  Rin gave Suzume a pointed look. She had been so enthralled by her story, she had forgotten to pretend she was not interested. She looked away, but waited for Rin to continue.

  "What Kaito wasn't expecting was that this woman had spiritual powers. She was not even aware of them herself. But being an immortal, he felt it and he knew it would put her in danger. He brought her to this very temple to train. Here is the place that she learned how to control her abilities and here they fell in love."

  Suzume glanced about the clearing. She tried to imagine Kaito training with Kazue, walking beneath the gingko trees together. Did they embrace beneath the falling leaves, or did he caress her face with careless affection? She imagined all the things the bespelled Kaito had done and tried to picture him doing something like that for her in earnest. I can see how she could fall in love with that Kaito. Jealousy twisted knots in her stomach.

  "Much of what I know is from what I have heard from others. But what I want to know from you
is how you made him forget you're Kazue's reincarnation. You must realize he is going to find out again. Can you not see it? He's brought you back to the same temple. Everything is repeating over again. I can't let the Dragon go through that again, I will not see him sealed for another five hundred years or more because of some human. I know deep down you care for him, don't make Kazue's mistake."

  Suzume grunted, trying to reply.

  "I guess I can't get answers out of you if you don't behave. Do you promise to be a good girl?" Rin asked.

  Suzume nodded.

  Rin yanked the leaf off Suzume, almost taking her lips along with it. Suzume's lips tingled and she rolled her jaw as she massaged it. "That hurt," Suzume said.

  The Kitsune waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "You'll live."

  It's easy for her to say I should forgive him, trust that he won't kill me. But she wasn't there when he woke. She hasn't seen the way he reacts each time Kazue's name comes up. If I am her reincarnation, when Kaito finds out, I am dead. The only way I can make it out alive is if he is sealed. Period. Out loud, Suzume said, "Well, I don't care what you want. Once I learn how to use my powers, I am going to seal Kaito."

  "Is that so?" Kaito asked.

  Suzume's stomach dropped and the air crackled with energy around her. She spun around. Kaito stood at the edge of the courtyard and storm clouds gathered in the sky overhead.


  As a rule, she would not be cowed by Kaito, but her body wasn't willing to listen to her stubborn brain. It felt like the spell Rin had placed on her but much more terrifying. Suzume's skin tingled with the untamed spiritual energy rippling off her. Flames danced over her skin and burning coals were stoked in her gut. Her power did not go on the offensive as it had before, but she could feel it clinging to her like a protective second skin. This would be a really good time to be able to control these damn powers.

  "You think you can seal me away?" Kaito asked. His voice rumbled over her.

  When he finally spoke, the spell broke and Suzume found her tongue once more. "Yes. Once I master my powers, I am going to seal you like Kazue did." Suzume met his stormy gaze and the darkness in his eyes should have been enough to make her guard her tongue, but her reckless side had a hold of the reins and there was no turning back now.

  "Quiet, you idiot," Rin hissed and attempted to grab Suzume. The crackling energy running over Suzume's skin burned Rin. She cursed and pulled her hand back while examining the charred flesh.

  Suzume ignored her and continued to gaze at Kaito. "Try to stop me. I'm sure you can already sense my powers flaring to protect me from you. You cannot—" Before she had an opportunity to finish uttering her sentence, Kaito darted forward.

  Suzume took a step back to dodge him. She was too slow and he grabbed her by the shoulders. Kaito slammed her against a nearby tree. Suzume gasped as pain shot up her spine. Kaito's hands bit into her shoulders hard, pinning her against the rough bark of the tree. A few gingko leaves broke free and floated down. Suzume glanced at the parasol-shaped leaves as they fluttered and then back at Kaito. He actually attacked me. I cannot believe it. She was too shocked to even move. She was paralyzed both by his anger and her inability to stop him.

  "Master, stop this! She didn't mean it!" Rin shouted at Kaito and pulled at his arm, trying to separate Kaito and Suzume.

  Why is she coming to my defense? Shouldn't she be on his side? He knocked Rin aside as if she were an insect buzzing about, without moving his blazing blue eyes from Suzume. She tried to meet his gaze. She didn't want to show any fear, but she couldn't—she was terrified of him. She had seen the storm clouds gather in his eyes before; this was nothing like those other times. His eyes reminded her of a thunderstorm that was gathering overhead. Fat gray clouds blocked out the sun and cast everything in darkness. She was afraid where the lightning was going to strike. Her powers had gone dormant, numbed by shock, leaving her helpless.

  "You," he growled, "are not Kazue. Do not presume to have her level of power." He dug his nails into her shoulder and Suzume gasped. "Do you understand? You are not her, nor will you ever be anything like her."

  "I understand," Suzume snapped back at him. She bit back a retort with much more venom. From the way Rin frowned behind Kaito, Suzume figured it was best not to anger him further. She was lucky he hadn't killed her outright.

  He pushed off the tree and stomped away. Suzume slumped to the ground as her knees gave out beneath her and she watched him stalk away. Rin watched Kaito go, hand pressed against her chest.

  "Go after him," Suzume said. "You know you want to."

  "You fool! What are you trying to do? Get yourself killed?" Rin shouted.

  Suzume lifted a shaking hand. She was too shocked to respond. The power was there in my hands; I felt it protecting me. Why didn't it stop him when he attacked me?

  Rin knelt down in front of Suzume and peered into her face. Suzume looked past her to where Kaito had disappeared back into the building. Rin touched Suzume's shoulder. Suzume winced with pain. Where Kaito had touched her it burned. Not like fire, it was not warm but more of a cold burn. Suzume brushed Rin's hand away and the cloth of Suzume's sleeve and shoulder were ice cold. Crystals of ice had formed on the fabric. She had been so distracted by the pain she had not noticed before.

  "Don't touch that, it hurts," Suzume snarled at Rin. I cannot believe she saw him humiliate me like this.

  Rin sat back on her haunches. "Well, at least you're not in shock."

  Suzume ignored Rin's seeming concern. If it wasn't for her, I might be dead right now. She glanced at the Kitsune from the corner of her eye. Not that she would be admitting that to Rin. She would much rather focus on Kaito's reaction and, more importantly, the fact that he had not killed her as she expected. "Why did you defend me?" Suzume asked.

  Rin stood up and brushed off her robe. "I honestly can't say. I can't decide if I sympathize with you or hate you. The real question is why didn't he kill you?"

  "Maybe because he knows I am stronger than him." Her voice trembled as she said this. He had her beat and she knew it. No one believed her false bravado.

  Rin laughed. "I bet whatever spell you put on him took away the memories but not the feelings. Deep down he knows you're Kazue's reincarnation, and his feelings for your past life are holding him back from killing you. The Dragon would never have let you live otherwise."

  "That wasn't my fault!" Suzume jumped to her own defense. "The Kami, or whatever he was, didn't give me a choice; I had to take away his memories. You weren't there when he first woke up. He wants revenge, and if he knows…" Suzume trailed off. Her excuses sounded lame even to her own ears.

  Rin rolled her eyes. "If it was a Kami that put him under a spell, then it must be a powerful one and old." Rin frowned in thought.

  Suzume scoffed. "He couldn't have been too powerful if Kazue sealed him away. She was only a human." She huffed; they were getting off topic. "Besides, it doesn't matter now. What's important is figuring out how we're going to fix this. He knows who I am!"

  "Not my problem," Rin said with a twitch of her tail and a smirk.

  "You said you were going to help me!" Suzume jabbed a finger at Rin's chest.

  Rin easily dodged and alighted on a nearby tree branch. Suzume spun around.

  "I said I would not tell him, and I didn't. If you are a threat to the Dragon, then I will not help you. Now you have to figure out how to get out of this mess," Rin said.

  Suzume stamped her foot. "You cannot do this to me!"

  Rin, crouched on the bough of the tree, said, "Sure I can. I'm free to do as I please, and you're now in a very serious position."

  Suzume narrowed her eyes at the Kitsune. I really hate her.

  "What will it take to get you to help me?"

  "Hmm." Rin hummed and rubbed her chin as she thought. She sat down on the tree branch and swung her legs.

  Suzume's neck hurt from watching Rin.

  "I want your firstborn son."

!" Suzume squawked.

  Rin laughed. "I'm joking. Human children are too fattening. I need to keep my figure." She winked.

  Suzume growled in frustration. Rin laughed harder. I don't need her. I'll figure out a way to fix this on my own. Suzume turned to walk away when Rin shouted out to her.

  "Wait, I'm kidding. Come back."

  Suzume turned around and glared at Rin. "What do you want, then?"

  "I don't want you to seal Kaito," Rin said. Her face was somber and the usual mischievous twinkle in her eye was somewhat diminished.

  "What does it matter to you?" she asked with an arched brow. I am not going to fall for this Kitsune's tricks. She may seem concerned for my well-being, but I'm not convinced she's not trying to use me somehow.

  Rin folded her hands in her lap and twisted them together. "Because I know he can forgive Kazue, given the chance. We need him, the island has been in chaos since he left." She frowned. "And because I care about Kaito. He's more than a master to me, he is my friend. I'm afraid if he is betrayed again, he will not be able to recover."

  Suzume snorted, but it was only halfhearted. Is she serious? How can she consider him a friend when he treats everyone around him like they're nothing? "What does it matter if I seal him? It wouldn't be a betrayal if there's no trust. He treats me like an animal. He should be expecting this."

  Rin shook her head. "You don't know him like I do. He wouldn't keep a human around for amusement. He cares about you. He may not realize it yet, but he trusts you. I'm sure his soul is calling to yours. You're destined to be together."

  Suzume forced a laugh while her heart skipped a beat. That's ridiculous. There's no way he feels anything for me other than sick amusement from torturing me. "I'm sorry, you must be confused. I am not destined to be with him. I am betrothed to General Tsubaki."

  "Not anymore," Rin said. Suzume was not sure if she was referring to Suzume's banishment or the deluded idea that Kaito and Suzume were meant to be together.

  "Right," Suzume replied, slowly drawing out the I.

  Rin's eyes were shadowed. She kept staring at Suzume, perhaps waiting for Suzume to agree to the bargain. She's giving me the creeps. There's no way I am going to promise not to seal him. It's him or me, and I like myself much more than him. What does that Kitsune know about my destiny? If you ask me, she is just a know-it-all trying to insert herself in my business.


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