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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 58

by Nicolette Andrews

  Hisato held up a finger and as if by some spell of his she was frozen in place, unable to move. "Makato is Hikaru. All that he needs is to remember. Help me and I can return him to you."

  "At what price?" she snarled.

  "Straight to the point. I like that." He grinned.

  Rin, still frozen in place, could not look away. She glared at him, willing him to answer.

  "Kill the dragon for me and I will return your husband to you."

  She laughed, mockingly. "I wouldn't betray Kaito, no matter the price."

  "Is that so? Are you certain that the dragon feels the same?"

  Rin bared her teeth at him in response.

  Hisato laughed, his maniacal smile off kilter on his face. "Consider it. When you are ready, I will be there for you."

  He bowed before stepping through a portal and leaving Rin who, once free from his spell, fell to her knees staring at the place he had been.


  "Where are we going exactly?" Kaito asked for what may have been the third time in the past fifteen minutes.

  Suzume tried her best to ignore his question and pushed a branch out of her way, which whipped backwards toward the annoying dragon behind her.

  Kaito combated her cold shoulder by complaining in a whining voice, "Why aren't you telling me anything? I deserve to know where we're going."

  Holding her head up in the most regal pose she knew, Suzume forged forward ignoring him. As new leader of the group, Suzume had decided they'd wasted enough time at the dilapidated shrine. She was anxious to start the hunt for the missing eight gods and the other pieces of Kazue's soul. If she could find anything related to Kazue it would prove to Kaito that she was not only a good leader, but a better leader than him. She could just imagine the look on his face when she presented him with an artifact, or better yet, if she freed one of the missing Kami.

  The only problem was Suzume was not sure where to go next. They had no leads, and what resulted was hours of aimless forest wandering. Almost immediately Kaito had questioned and challenged her leadership. Suzume had deflected each of his questions with placeholder answers: the ones he was characteristic of using against her.

  Things like: that's for me to worry about. Or a more childish, I don't have to tell you.

  Kaito had taken to the role of group dissenter and was complaining as often and loudly as he could.

  "I'm tired. When are we taking a break?" he said in a high-pitched whine that she was certain was meant to be an impression of her.

  Suzume grit her teeth together as she said, "We just stopped five minutes ago."

  "But I'm injured, don't you even care about me?" he said in a screeching voice that sent chills up Suzume's spine.

  Don't let him get into your head. This is just a test.

  But after two days of wandering and Kaito's complaining and overall frustration at their complete lack of progress, Suzume's patience was wearing thin. She had sent Noaki out to look for leads. That had been two days ago, and he had not returned yet. Perhaps he's not as bound to me as we thought.

  "You look angry," Tsuki said as he walked backwards in front of Suzume, his arms folded behind his head.

  "Brother, really," Akira scolded.

  Suzume turned her head and ignored his question instead pretending the identical trees they were passing by were of extreme interest. Oh, is that a tree and look another tree, just like the million other trees in this never-ending forest. Why did none of this seem familiar? Shouldn't having a piece of Kazue's soul somehow guide her? Kazue only seemed to manifest when Suzume's life was in danger it seemed.

  Tsuki exhaled in overexaggerated defeat. "I don't know why you two can't seem to get along."

  Suzume, her tone dripping with fake sweetness, replied, "I get along with everyone. Some people just aren't very trusting." The last word was cast out loud enough that it echoed back at her from the treetops.

  Tsuki raised a single brow in response. "Honestly, you two should kiss and get it over with."

  Kaito scoffed loudly and then said, "I'd rather face a blood thirsty yokai than kiss her. She's yucky!"

  Unable to resist any more of his taunts, Suzume spun around and narrowed her eyes at him. "No one said you had to follow me."

  Kaito crossed his arms over his chest. "You're right, I'd probably be safer on my own than under your leadership." He drawled the last word to indicate exactly how he felt about her being in control of the group.

  Suzume's face flushed and sparks leapt along the ends of her hair as her temper rose. It wasn't that she expected him to welcome her leadership, not at first. She had just thought that after a while he would just go along with it. He was weak and in no position to lead. It had been naive of her to think that Kaito would be cooperative in any way.

  Tsuki covered his mouth with his hand as he looked between Suzume and Kaito. Even then it could not disguise the pure glee in his expression. Kaito stood with hands crossed over his chest and a smug look on his face.

  Everyone had stopped walking to stop and stare at the two of them. None of them took her role as leader seriously. Akira and Tsuki had orchestrated this to get what they wanted. But she knew she could be a good leader. With her frustration, the fire built up inside her, rising with her temper. It sparked along her finger tips, like popping embers in a fire. She would like nothing better than to burn that damn dragon to a crisp.

  "And we were better under your leadership how? It was your idea to go into Daiki's camp and look where that left you." Suzume nodded towards Kaito.

  Tsuki whistled, his gaze swiveling in Kaito's direction, waiting for his rebuttal.

  "I think this is enough," Makato said, sheepishly inserting himself into their argument.

  "The sexual tension is thick enough to run a knife through. Don't ruin this," Tsuki said as he slung an arm over Makato's shoulder.

  "You've been in charge for less than forty-eight hours and we've walked several leagues in a circle. This is the tenth time we've passed that same tree." Kaito nodded toward a nearby tree with a distinctive crook that resembled a seat.

  Suzume stared at the offending tree, realizing now why the trees all seemed so familiar. because it was the same trees. She wouldn't let this be a triumph for Kaito; she had to grab a hold of this situation.

  "That was intentional. I was trying to be considerate of your condition. I know how sensitive you are about being weak, and I didn't want you to think we were waiting around for you. Should I not have?" She raised an eyebrow, mocking his weakness.

  Anger flashed in Kaito's eyes. She braced herself for the pressure of his spiritual power which he would normally use against her. Sparks would fly between them and then someone like Rin would intervene before they killed one another. But this time his spiritual power didn't weigh down her chest, and his ice didn't clash with her fire.

  "You think so?" he asked, his voice strangled, as if he was struggling to breathe.

  It wasn't until Makato placed his hand on her shoulder that Suzume realized she had been unfurling her spiritual power and weighing it upon Kaito, who with his own spiritual power sealed was finding it difficult to breathe under the weight of her power.

  With some difficulty, she suppressed her power once more and Kaito gasped for breath. Suzume's eyes grew large, realizing their reversed position. She was more powerful than him right now.

  "You rest here and let me worry about where we go next." She tossed her hair over her shoulder, not waiting to give him the satisfaction of a retort and instead spun on her heel and marched away. She could just imagine the scowl that was following her. As much as she wanted to look back and see it, she didn't want to ruin this powerful image as she walked away, leaving Kaito gasping on his knees while she took control.

  It didn't take long before her confident stride slowed into an ambling slow walk, and the reality of their situation came crashing down around her shoulders. Kaito was right. She had been unintentionally walking in circles. She continued down the animal trai
l she'd been following through the forest, and found the familiar landmarks again, an odd shaped boulder, a burnt decaying tree. A creek she had just passed that morning. Suzume slump down into a squat. How do I recover from this? There was no easy way to admit this sort of mistake, not on her second day of being leader of the group.

  Makato followed her and she stood up again as he approached, not wanting to be seen squatting in the forest like some sort of peasant. She turned towards the forest, pretending she hadn't seen his approach. She raised her hand to shield her eyes as if she were surveying the trees, looking for their path.

  "Something the matter?" he asked.

  "Nothing is wrong," Suzume snarled. Why couldn't she have her moment? All she wanted to do was prove to Kaito that she was his equal. Now all she had done was make an even bigger fool of herself.

  Makato blinked at her a few moments, then said, "I think you'd feel better if you confessed your feelings."

  Suzume growled and threw her hands up in the air. "There's nothing for me to confess. I don't care what Kaito thinks. I am descended from the gods. Leadership is in my blood. I am more than equipped to be our leader. He just thinks I can't do it because I am human." The force of her anger seemed to shake the ground beneath her and her voice carried farther than she had intended it to.

  Kaito was nowhere in sight, but she was certain he had heard her anyway and was mocking her for her failure.

  Makato stared at her wide-eyed. "Ah. I see."

  Suzume growled in frustration and returned to marching but this time instead of following the same animal trail, she changed directions, pushing through the underbrush. Makato hovered at her shoulder, perhaps waiting to force another embarrassing confession out of her.

  When she realized she couldn't shake the priest she said, "I don't need your help. I know where I am going."

  "I do not doubt your leadership abilities. There was something else I needed to discuss with you."

  Suzume's steps fumbled, and distracted by the priest's topic, she tripped over some brush under foot. She was tumbling forward before she realized it, but before she could land on the ground Makato caught her around the waist.

  The trajectory of Suzume's fall was too much for him it seemed because instead of saving her from a fall, they both went tumbling to the ground. Makato managed to maneuver himself to land on the ground first and Suzume ended up on his chest. Their noses almost pressed together.

  Suzume leapt up and off of him within a few seconds, brushing her clothes off. Makato climbed to his feet with a sheepish smile.

  "Sorry about that," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. His face was turning a bright red.

  "Be careful next time." Hostility came as a natural defense in this sort of situation. She hated herself for it but she looked behind her to make sure Kaito had not seen. I don't care if he sees. Let him see. He doesn't own me.

  Makato cleared his throat. "There's something I wanted to talk about." He glanced around, perhaps fearful they'd be overheard, and once he was certain there was no one listening he said, "Perhaps it's time to leave the dragon behind."

  She blinked at him for a few minutes, not sure she understood his suggestion. "Like we go ahead and look while he waits behind?"

  Makato shook his head. "No, I mean, we go on our own. Without him."

  "I'm not leaving the others."

  "Akira, Tsuki and Noaki have all agreed to join us," he said.

  "What about Rin and Kaito?"

  "I think it's best if we part ways."

  "Why?" Maybe she'd been too quick to trust Makato.

  "The dragon is dangerous, can't you see that?" Makato asked with a frown. "He has had control of you all this time."

  "He didn't control me. I chose to stay with him."

  "Do you have feelings for him then?"

  "Of course not!" Suzume shouted, and this time her voice echoed back at her from the treetops.

  She was saved from any more discussion by the arrival of Rin and the others who had found where they were standing in the middle of the forest. There was an odd expression on Rin's face as she looked between Suzume and Makato. Before Suzume could think too much of it, she saw Noaki trailing the group. Finally, now I can figure out where to go from here.

  "Noaki, you're back. Have you found anything?"

  He nodded and Kaito snickered.

  Suzume ignored the dragon and said to the swordsman, "Don't leave me in suspense." Suzume gestured for him to continue. The others fanned out, creating a half circle with all eyes trained on him.

  "There are rumors of a creature guarding an island to the north of here."

  Suzume stared at him, waiting for the rest. But after a few seconds of silence it was apparent he had nothing else to say.

  "That's it?" Suzume asked.

  Noaki nodded again.

  Kaito cackled in delight. "I'm impressed. Is this why we've been wandering in circles for two days? So you can have Noaki hunt for rumors?" He shook his head, wiping away pretend tears. "You've really impressed me, princess. I don't know what we'd do without your guidance."

  Her head was pounding so loud it sounded like drum beats in her head. This couldn't be the end of it. She wasn't going to let this chance pass her by this quickly.

  "Two days and that's all you heard?" Suzume asked, imploring Noaki with her eyes. There had to be something, some yokai who saw Kazue in this area five hundred years ago and knew where she'd hidden the missing gods.

  "There is nothing else."

  The flames were licking up her arms, her spiritual power was fueled by her anger and frustration. Knowing Kaito was watching her every move, Suzume could not let this defeat her. She may be in over her head but she wasn't going to let anyone see that. She would make this work.

  "Then we'll investigate it," she said.

  "How exactly do you plan to get to the north from here?" Kaito asked. Arms crossed over his chest, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

  "We'll head north, of course."

  "If we head directly north, we go right into Namahage territory. They're fierce and territorial warriors."

  "Then we'll go around their territory."

  "That will take weeks. Do you have that sort of time to waste?"

  Suzume balled her hands into fists it was the only thing keeping her from slapping him hard across the face. "I thought I was the leader here?"

  "Are you? I can't tell."

  This was her challenge. Make a decision, waste weeks going around on what might be a false lead. Or head straight into yokai territory. I've fought plenty of yokai. How bad can it be? "We're going north, through their territory."

  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Makato asked.

  "Are you challenging me now?" Suzume spun on him.

  Makato took a step back to avoid being burned. The fire had escaped her entirely now. "No."

  "Anyone else have any complaints?" She looked at the assembled group, all but Kaito was watching her uneasily. The Dragon glared back at her in defiance.

  "Be my guest, I'm eager to see where this goes."

  "You'll be eating your words when I have the artifact in my hand." She turned and started marching in the direction that she thought was north.

  "That's not north," Kaito shouted.

  She blushed and adjusted.

  "Not that either."

  Suzume growled. "Makato, can you navigate?"

  He nodded. "You lead the way north then."

  "This is going to work out great," Kaito said as Makato took the lead, ushering them towards a mountain peak. Suzume kept her eyes glued forward, that was the only way she was going to be able to get through this without making a complete idiot out of herself.


  Each time a twig snapped underfoot, Suzume reached for her staff. The tension in the group was palpable. It had been her decision that had led them into these mist covered hills. Each way she looked she saw shadows looming in the fog. A fanged creature with rows of dagger-like teeth
turned out to be nothing but a group of gnarled trees. A massive figure brandishing a club was only a group of boulders.

  She was jumping at shadows, quite literally. Kaito's warnings had spooked her despite her decision to go her own way. The rest of the group seemed on edge as well. Rin remained in kitsune form, her head swiveling this way and that. Noaki's hands rested on the hilt of his sword, and Kaito's eyes continued to scan the fog, searching for a yokai attack. Only Tsuki wasn't taking this seriously.

  "I've heard the Namahage kidnap virgins from villages to force them to serve them." He waggled his eyebrows at Suzume.

  She rolled her eyes in response.

  "Good thing we don't have any virgins with us," Kaito said.

  "What are you insinuating?" Her power tingled just beneath the surface of her skin in response to his insult.

  "Well, according to the general, you have a reputation." He gestured towards Suzume as if that reputation was obvious.

  Suzume sputtered, unable to find the right words to respond to his insult. Makato placed his hand on her shoulder with a shake of his head that was meant to say 'don't let him get to you.'

  Kaito was always trying to get a rise out of her. And it was true Suzume had many suitors when she lived at the palace and she enjoyed flirting. But she had never gone any further than that. And even if she had, that was none of his damn business. His comment crossed the line.

  "Do you have something you want to say?" Suzume snarled.

  "Me?" Kaito said in a falsetto. "Not at all. Weren't you leading us through the mountain?"

  "Well, you see, I was just worried about you. The Namahage might mistake you for a maiden," she said in sickly sweet voice.

  Kaito barred his teeth at her. "What was that?"

  "Should I have Rin watch over you to make sure they can't kidnap you?"

  She did not wait for his response and instead spun around, stomping ahead of the group, reclaiming her place at the front.

  Tsuki gave a low whistle. "She's out for blood today. We should all watch out."

  "Shut up," Suzume said, her voice was like a whip crack across the group. Fire crackled along her skin, giving weight to her outburst.


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